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Everything posted by DragonBlood

  1. Poem: Comeing home from the bar after drinking Frodo found himself thinking about Gandalf who had told him to hide the ring when suddenly out of nowere and every were Gandalf pops up asking "is it safe" and sending him on a jurney to distroy it and fight evil and other such things a hobbit should not be doing and Im starting to go crazy and righting to fast and I can understand it and WAOW!!! _______ Wow, I have no Cuckin Flue....My fingers got away from me. Word:Gollum
  2. Dunlas watched as this dragon prepared to fight the knights, these dragon haters. [i]Hu, what fools.[/i] he said to himself, [i]perhaps if I'm lucky it will be a good show.[/i] Then he let out a loud, throaty roar, just to announce his presance...
  3. Poem: Even if the night be cold, they drink and sing of day now old and when the sun doth come again they sing there songs beside a friend Word:Sun
  4. Ah! That is by far one of the greatest short stories I have ever heard. EVER. *Clap clap clap clap clap* It realy was good. *Clap clap clap clap clap*
  5. Poem: I fear my melon has tricked me! Though soft and tender yet, the seed is stuck now in me! And hence I come to death. Ok, now we REALY nead a new poem (though that one was quite good) Word: Knight
  6. Hum, looks fun. Name: Dunlas Morgen Age: Older Dragon Gender: Male Class: Black Dragon Weapons: You know the dragon stuff Alliance: Dragons Partner: None Personality: Dunlas is a hard harted dragon with a short temper and a powerfull aura of athority Appearance: [url]http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/061.jpg[/url] (head) [url]http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/070.jpg[/url] (body) History: Dunlas was raised in the moutains, and has a deep bond with the powers that the mountains hold, his fire is extreamly hot, and his scalles are strong. He is massive and old. When he was young, his intire cluch was distroyed with the exception of himself and one other dragon. Dunlas grew in power as he slaughterd humans and burned there cities. He mastered the art of flight using magic as well as regular dragon flight. Dunlas is a master of fire magic aswell, an art that is very fluxuated. Many times Dunlas has caused fortresses to explode inflame just by focusing his mind on the task, though this take a lot of energy and practace, and he can usually only do it when he is enraged.
  7. Name: Lt.Col.Charles Theodore Hendrix II (Chuck) Age:36 Gender:Male Specialty:Security Bio: In school Lt.Col.Hendrix, then Charles or Chuck, was an above average student, he was quick to take to Drama and History. After Highschool he attended a tech school and a collage, completing four years at the age of 21. He then joined the military. He was quick to climb the ranks and by the age of 28 was already a Lt. in the Rangers. He was In the Rangers for 6 years, serving in various missions involving terrorist organizations and joint rescue missions with Delta Force. At the age of 31 he was transfered to Delta force for a secret mission into Cambodia. He made Lt.Col. two years latter. The now 34 year old Lt.Col. was in perfict condistion when he lead a jump team into Columbia, in a highly classified mission. He has been to Antarctica and Austrailia and every climate inbetween, including space four times. Besides a habit of sticking it to his supiriors, he has a strong will and a quick mind. He is a hard *** and will never back out of a fight, and he refuses to leave any man behind. The Lt.Col. has requested his own squad to accompaney him with security. Appearance:5 foot 9, average build. Blonde hair blue/green eyes depending. Military uniform. I'll need an approval/disapproval on that team. By the way looks fun
  8. I haven't read everything, so this might have already come up, but the way I see it, You ban weapons, black market sells more weapons, you ban certain music, black market sells more of that music, you ban Cartoons and anime, black market starts selling cartoons and anime. Thats how the world works, if you can't have it legaly, some one will sell it to you against the law. Plus with the internet it is ten times as easy to get contraband things. You will always be able to get the stuff, so there is no point in banning it, besides, cartoons and anime don't cause people to go crazy and kill people, (most of the time).
  9. In the year 2025 the world is controled by rulthless corporations. The people live under strict rules, and all personality has been swept aside. The people except the rules and regulations because they have no other choice, the government desides what happens, all they have to do is stay in line. The people go about there day under the watchfull eye of the Enigma Guard, a very powerfull and very deadly group of men who see to it that any and all public forms of resistance and personal feelings are surpressed, permently. The people secretly hope for freedom, some remember what it was like before the oppression, and they have formed a secret resistance known only as The Order. A coalition of spys and informants, deepcover agents and computer hackers. For ten years they have worked there way into the government. But the most deadly to the government are the Knights Imporium, an elite group of fighters, many of whom have infultrated the Enigma Guard. The time has come, The Order is ready, and the people are silently crying for freedom! You play as a member of the Order as one of the following: Knights Imporium:Elite unit of fighters, use martal arts along with gun fighting. Order Guard:The majority of the Order's forces is made up of the Order Guard, they are the standard rebelion army, black market uniforms and weapons Information/Spy: The more active side of the Order as it stands now is the Information and Deepcover agency, based in the old subways. They work to give the Order information of were and when the Gonvernment is going to do somthing. Hackers:A small yet important group, Hackers work out of the Information Agency, as an offencive in the virtual world, they brodcast any and all materials contraband inclueding but not limited to:Free public radio, Presidential campains from years passed, various veiwing of the Decleration of Independance, Movies. They will also be involved in the shuting down of the Governments security systems when the time comes. Note:it is set in the near future, so the weapons will be reletively the same as they are now. Rules: 1.Have fun 2.No Godmoding (Prepare for your character to die) 3.No flaming bashing or unnessisary language (some is alowed) 4.You may not post the effect of an attack, you may only post the attack itself and then you must wait for the player to respond unless otherwise given aproval by the player. 5.Be relistic when posting results to an attack against ones self, if your not the GM/s will step in. 6.If you are giving control of your character to another player for any amount of time, please run it by the GM(s) 7.Any and all major plot chages must be approved by the GM(s) 8.As I can't stress this enough HAVE FUN NOTE:GM wanted: I would like to have one other GM if you are interested PM me. Name: Age:15-55 (Knights are atlest 20 no older than 35) Gender: Position:Knights Imporiun, Order Guard? Hight: Eye: Hair: Build type:under average, average, strong, above average Other: (Can post pic here, otherwize, cloths and scars) Main Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Other Weapon: Bio:Brief history about youself, how did you get into the Order? Note:You may wish to be head of a department, the departments open for leadership are: Order Guard, Information and Deepcover Agency, Hackers, The Order itself. If you wish to be head of a department PM me with your request.
  10. Sorry terra Ok, this was approved. Name:Linduin Age:16 Gender:Male InYourOwnWords:Hum, this will probably end up being the longest I talk. Im 5 foot 9, blonde hair, blue eye and a green eye reletively strong, I don't own much, a black jacket and a white shirt, black pants and a large silver pendant that hangs on a chain around my neck. Its strange for me to be going to this school, even though I don't think its accuall name has young ladies in it, I think it was kind of given that name after most of the students became girls. I still remember the first thing they tested me on, they put me in a room with a drill sargent type guy, and said they weren't going to let me out untill I was crying. Unfortunetly for them, it never happened. My life befor the school was harsh, and I had always been able to block out people, I didn't even flinch. They said I was a darn good sport and that I was also one of the toughest minded people they had seen yet, now they wanted to see what else I could do...After a lot of testing they told me that I had potential to enhance muscle control with my mind, and there by make myself stronger for periods of time. They enrolled me in there school to try and develop my uncovered skill, one problem is they haven't found out how to trigger a reaction... StudentFile#14256: Linduin is an interesting case, We know he has the power to enhance muscle control, but have not yet been able to bring the ablility out. We think perhaps at its infant stage a strong emotional efect is needed, but we are not yet possitive as to how we will go about getting such a situation without endangering the life of others. Perhapes fate will alow us to harvest this ability with out our involvment in the triggering prosses. #14256 has shown little interest in the tests and results. He seems to know more about this power then he tells us.
  11. Atached is Ithil and the dragon [url]http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/034.jpg[/url] , the dragon is black, with blue/white flame and three fingered claws on each wing. He has four pearl eyes, no pupils. He is also at least twice the size And just out of curiosity, Dmitri dragoon did you draw that yourself?
  12. Pic of Ithil Atached...And just out of curiosity, Dmitri_Dragoon did you draw that character?
  13. Oh yay! Name:Azra Stardust Age:17 Gender:Male Appearance: (Pic Comeing soon) Skills:Besides an uncany sence of balance, Azra is also very good as sword fighting and archery. He can also blend with his invironment, a bit of magic he lerned from Salis. Personality:Azra is usually upbeat, and outgoing, he usually finds fun in something but can be very serius at times...and if you push tomany buttons, he could go off like a friggen atom bomb! Bio:When he was three Azra was left with a man he calles "Master" (Out of respect mind you) and never saw his parents again. "Master" had told him the truth about his parents when he was ten, along with his true name of Ilin Dorma. Ilin trained Azra in the art of the Rangers, and Azra became a very good woodsman. On his 14th birthday Azra came across a rare sight. A silver pigmy dragon. who stood about the size of the wolf that lived with him. The dragon, who was quick to avoid fighting (at the time Azra through it was from fear) soon befriended Azra. They have been best friends ever since, in which time Azra lerned that the dragons name was Salis, and [i]she[/i] was nearly 2000 years old. young for her kind. ARGO: the wolf is named Argo, and showed up at "Masters" door a day after Azra did, the two grew up together and have a strong bond. Argo is white with some grey on the top of his head, around his snout, and on his legs.
  14. OOC:Sniff, man, and I was looking foward to joining to...darn. Oh well I have played Female Characters before...but I don't feel like it. Good luck every one, chow!
  15. Oh the glory of EVIL Name: Ithil Lord of the Damned, "Bane of the living" Age:Unknown, exsited since the first evils Gender:None Male mindset Species: god subgroup imortal sub-subgroup demon lord Dragon:The Dark Scurge True name: Ithingoth (Pic comeing soon) Ithingoth as only Ithil knows him, is a demon dragon, he is fastest and feircest of all the dragons and only Ithil can approch him. Ithingoth is slim despite his emense size, his weight consists of Bone brain skin and mussle (SP?) It is said that no dragon can best him in magic nor power... Weapon: Demonic Long sword, various demonic chains and mace's Personality: Ithil is a cold harted cold fisted cold tunged creature who controls his undead minnions with unrelenting furry and little patients for failer. There are very very few who ever gain his respect, he can fit every creature he ever respected with in an arms length radius of himself, not including Ithingoth. He also is only ever honorable if an oponent is a good fight for him, to date one has gained honor from Ithil...in all his countless years, one. BIO:Ithil dose not respect or honor Danyal Targonne any more than he respects a tick on his undead minnions. He dose not take orders from him, he takes suggestions. Ithil detests Danyal's always honorable aproch, because Ithil is the seed of Evil. There is one who was more evil than Ithil, and the Lord of the Damned distroyed him long long ago. It was when the first "evil"(note lower case) or damned creature, was cast into the void that Garduna created Ithil, to control all who would be cast into the void. for countless years Ithil sat massing his forces. For there was one thing above all he hated and that was a masster. Soon he attached Garduna's fortress and killed the Demon god. Ithil then set his eye on the mortal world, for the second thing above all that he hated was the thought that he was not in total control. He has assaulted the world twice. Now he assaults it again. Appearance: (Pic comeing soon) Hope this is good...HEHEHE...run puny mortal...run
  16. I knew that...I was stateing that he [i]also[/i] forged signitures...sorry to cause confusion... Attached are ruff sketches of what my two chars look like, male and female respectevly. Shenzy has green eyes, the guy has blue
  17. Character name: Akata Unomi Anime Stereotype:Young Heroish guy Age:19 Gender:Male Year:Staff Apperance: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=8]here[/url] Alignment:Neutral/Good Accomodation:Appartment in town Bio: Akata is the heir of a long and prestege line of dragon trainers and riders. He lives in town with Shenzy Otokami in a small appartment. Few people realy know what he dose at the school during hours. He is on the Baseball team, plays poker, and sits in on the Mettle work and Forgery class, (On occation he forges signeturs for students) and after school he holds a class on "Training and riding Dragons and other such dangerous creatures. He was given a special power at the age of 15, the power to create and control the elements fire and ice. He always cares his Bo staff and ussually has a saber somewhere close. Akata is always accompanied by a small silver dragon, who looks younger and weaker than he is. Hiniken is a very wise creature, nearly 5000 years old. He is strong in body and magic, but some times can be a wize ***. Special Powers/Abilities: Power to create and control Fire and Ice Ability to summon dragons (Seven different dragons pics of which may or may not be posted.) Ability to ride thoughs dragons Uber good sword fighter. Sworn Enemy: The evil Demon Warlord [b]Tac Ob Ell[/b] who wishes to take over the world And a random student on the thrid of each month. [i][b]next[/b][/i] Name:Shenzy Otokami Anime Stereotype:Cute Cat Girl Age:17 Gender:Female Year:Junior Appearance: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=35[/url] (add cat ears and tail, orangish, with yellowish tiger stripes) Alignment:Neutral Extra subjects: Creative righting Mettlework and forgery magic casting Akata's Dragon class Football(real) Baseball Accommodation:Lives with Akata Unomi Bio:Shenzy was lost when she stumbled upon Akata in the mountains, Akata brought her to Tokyo and let her stay with him untill she could "Move out on her own" Needless to say, that never happened (Does it ever?) and she has been living with Akata ever since. She has a kind of Sister brother love for him. Shenzy can be very gitty at times, ussually when she has enough money to go shoping, or when she swipes Akata's credit cards. Other than that she is a normal girl who likes to flirt. Special Powers/Abilities: Limited magic casting Limited mettle work and forgery Limited Dragon Riding Very good Climber Very good Hider Very good Jumper Sworn Enemy: Mice, Rats and other such rodents Most jocks an empty piggy bank, (Which she has alot!) PS:Can some one tell me why the links aren't working right??they are suposed to go to pics, not the main site
  18. This looks fun. Name:Xan Hiniken. Age:19 Appearance:See atachment Team:Solar Winds Weapon: Dragon Spear Magic:Fire, Ice, Hast, Cure Abilities:Threaten, Girl Protector Special Attacks:Fire Arch. 1000 spears. Bio:Xan is a fighter, a good fighter. He is one of the greatest spearfighters in the world. He was young when he started training, only 4. His family was killed by monsters when he was 12. He has lived alone, wandering about, slaiging any creatures of the evil veriety.
  19. Just for the fun of it, the record for most people on OB at one time is like, 191 back in march of this year. I think we should break the record!! 200 people on at one time! If your intrested, help spread the word, and we can set a date on which we can break the record for most people on OB at one time!!
  20. If you are good at drawing dragons(ie:You like what you produce when you draw a dragon) Then I would like to get together and talk about/show off our Dragon artwork. Just post it here, and then we can talk about it, who knows, maby you get a good pointer on how to draw thoughs annoying legs, or maby you'll see a good way to draw a not so dull eye. Any way, Post your Dragon pictures here! If you have a dragon pic that is realy cool, then post that to, I know that one of the best ways to lern your perfict stile, is to look at other people and see what they do! I also thought this would be a good way to meet any other people who draw dragons. I will have some pics up, I promise at lest three. (Wow, I beter get to work finding/drawing my stuff!) ANy way, Post thoughs dragons!!
  21. Wow, the first one is good, realy good, all three of the first ones are good, I would like to thank you now, since the third one, has given me a great Idea for a Pic, They are really good.
  22. Well, I don't know much about making Banners, accually I know nothing about making banners, But I do draw freehand and know what looks good. Personaly I think it looks good like that, I don't think it would look as cool if he were blended like the OB banner girl. It looks like it could uses somthing, but at the moment I don't know what that would be. That is just my personal opinion.
  23. Hum, that my friend, is very good...Me being a new member I realy have NO IDEA what is going on but I like to be on some ones side, I seem to see DW around more than Piro (Accually I've never seen him I think.) Besides, thats Black Mage danceing is great....(Pluse his name has Dragon in it...) Any way, Since I don't see what Piro has to offer, and since Evil is ALWAYS cooler than good...Down with Piro! Up with DW! Any way, That was a very good (And very brainwashy) movie. (Though it is not better than AVP, in which Alien better kick *** since they are the best, and predetor was killed by Arnold...)
  24. THE STORY: The Raner Games, a bloody sport of in which the only rules are kill or be killed. the year, is 3553, human kind has spread to much of the galixy, and now coexists peacfully with a small number of alien races. The Raner Games were created one hundrid years earlier by a man named Adilus Raner, a trillionare. The sport is much like the Roman Gladiator games of history, but on a larger scale. The primary contestants are called Gladiators in honor of there predisesors, the rest are the Nameless. The Nameless are more than just cannon fauder for the greater intertanment of the veiwers, they are simply, slaves prisoners, or unlucky solders. The Nameless have there own teams, much like the Gladiators, and many thousands of people flock to watch them fight. The Raner Games Head Ludwick Raner, holds a massive team free for all nearly monthly, with twenty four teams from the Nameless, all fighting on a small planet called Hlus. The winners are then given the rank of Gladiators, and freed of whatever debt they owe. The Ultimate prize for a fighter in the Raner Games is freedom from the games. --------------------------------------- You are part of a team of Nameless, who have been entered into the Free for all, the chance to start your climb to freedom has come. The team name will be disided on after we get the members. What is needed: Name: Age:18-25 Sex: Race: (Human, Ferin, Thiss, Murine, Rathen) Prefered Weapon: Appearance: Bio:Why are you in the Games? How did you join the team Races: Ferin: A cat like humanoid race, a Ferin Female stands about the hight of the average Human, a Ferin Male can be up to three 8 feet 6 inches tall. They have blue fur over there intire body and tails, the males have larger paws but the females are known to have sharper claws. Ferin do not often wear more than a leathery arour and a high durability chain mail. Ferin fight with a high power, and a strange kind of fenes. Thiss: A Tall and strong race, the Thiss have ruff almost scally skin, and short tails, there legs bend in two places. They where there own style of armour, which seems to flow with there body shape, the Armour only covers there chest, and shouders, along with a seperate peace for the waste and uper leg, and bit on the tail. They were metle covers on there dog like feet, and some are known to were masks. The Average Thiss is about the size of its respective human counter part, though slightly taller, and much taller when extended to there full length, which is not often. Thiss fight with a combonation of Power and fenise, though Power seems to be slightly more than fenise Murine: The Murine are the most human like of the creatures in the Games with the exception of the Rathen, the males are bald, but the females grown rather beutifull hair. There ears are slightly pointed and they are a bit taller than humans. They also have an advansed nerves system, meaning there reaction time is much quicker than the other races. Murine's have been known to have realations with Humans. Murine fight with more fenise then power. Rathen: The result of a Human/Murine relation, the Rathen are often short haired with pointed ears, they have quicker reflexes than most races, but not as quick as the Murine, they mix the fenise of Murine fighting with the power of Human fighting and therefore are the ideal fighters in the Games. Weapons: Automatic Shot gun: Your average pump action shot gun, with the above average calabur. Heavy Battle Rifle: Take the Battle rifle from Halo2, and give it a granade lancher attachment. Rocket launcher: Take the Rocket lancher from Halo, and...well don't do anything to it. Flak Cannon: Yes, the one from Unreal. If you don't know, a realy big, short version of a shot gun, with less noise, less recoil, and bullets that bounce off stuff. Lightning gun: Roasty toasty, burn your enemies like over cooked hotdogs. Shockstick: A superpowered Cattle prod. Sword:Your average, super sharp katana Combat knife: Yea yea, its plane but it works. Sniper Rifle: Average High powered sniper that fires electricly charged bullets. Mini gun: Take the gun on the side of the choper in The Matrix, and carry it around with an arm strap. Flame thrower: The realy big ones from Aliens. Other Items: Motion Tracker: tracks motion five hundrid yards in any direction. Heat sencer: Gives heat readings up to sixty yards. Night vision/Hud screen: automatic night vision, also tells you where your team mates are. Med pack:If your the guy with this, you beter start moven faster, equipt to quickly get a wound under control, theres only one per team. OK, thats it, come one people, join up!!
  25. hum, yes yes, looks fun. Name:Hanon "Point-Man" Age:21 Race:Human Class:Spartan Personality:When in battle he has been clasified as nearly suicidal Bio: though he imploys gung-ho tactics and seems like he has no tactical training, he is very smart and quick minded, he has abnormally fast reflexes. All this makes him the perfict match for point, Hanon is sent in when things need to be killed, fast. Many have taken to calling him Point-Man the brute slayer, after his encounter with three of the massive creatures. He used a dead Hunters Heatrod gun and attacked at point blank range...this was the excersize in which he was classified "Near Suicidal" and reaserch was started on his training program. As it turned out, Hanon's modifacation and a certain nurral pattern that occured from it when he was introdused to his suit switched on a inpulse in the brain, a strong animalistic instinct, that when combined with the rigorus training made for a powerfull killing cyborg. Hanon and the mannor of which he was trained has been placed under Code name "Shock" In the reserch for upgrades that will be inherint in the Secret Spartan III project. FavoritWeapon:Shotgun and Rocket Launcher Specialty:Point-man is atomaticly placed in point or rear guard when attacking or retreating. Hope this is ok. (Expect PM soon)
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