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Everything posted by DragonBlood

  1. The following RPG has been rated R for Extream Violance and gore, Mature Content, Mature Language. It is requested that you only join if you are serious about playing the game and will stick to it to the end. THE STORY: Blood of the Inocent:The Demon Hunt... For thirty-four years the kingdom of Halis has fought a loseing war against the demon Zan-Gurdar. His massive amies grow with every one of Halis' fallen. His quest is for no less then the extiction of human kind. It is said that the only way to stop Zan-Gurdar's armies is to kill him, but no moartal creature has ever seen the Demon. His victory is growing close, the doom of man kind is creaping up to them, and a group of power full wariors has risen to fight the demon. Name: Age(15-50): please not all young people, but not many will have been born befor the war started. Gender: Class: Weapon: (Three max) Power: (PM me first) Appearance: (Pic is good) Bio:Brief bio explaning your involvement in the war. [b]powers:[/b] Fire/Piro:Power to create and control fire. Also makes person resistant to fire. Water/Hydro:Power to create and control Water. Imune to Fire ,vulnerable to electricity Electric/Thunder:Power to create and to some extent control Electricity and Lightning, resistant to electricity, vulnerable to water Ice/Chill:Power to create and control Ice and Snow, and create cold. Imune to water, vulnerable to fire. Storm:Power to summon and control storms, call down lightning, hail, rain, sleat, snow. Power to control wind. resistant to lightning/ice/water/fire Wind:Power to summon and control the wind. [b]Class[/b] Samuri:Elite gaurd of the Emperor of Halis, and the generals of his armies. (Max two) Ninja:Powerfull assasins and secret protectors of the Emperor (Max not set) Warrior:Honorable soldiers of Halis' armies (Max not set) Warrior Monk:Specialy trained in hand to hand and staff combat, the Monks and the greatest warriors of Halis' armies next to the Samuri. (Max not set) Dragoon:Elite city gaurd, the Dragoon are heavely armoured and armed. A Dragoon can carry up to four weapons. but can not have Shuikens or Throwing knifes. (Max not set) [b]Weapons[/b] Weapons will be Eastern Oriental weapons, no gunns. only real weapons aloud. Throwing weapons like Shuikens and Knifes count as extra weapons and do not count toward the three, you must state how many you have. (Shuikens, or throwing stars=5-30 held in pouches of five, Throwing knifes=6 to 12, placed in slots, three on the out side of each leg, three on the out side of each arm.) Bows count as one weapon, max of 35 arrows allowed at any time. Arrows: Poison tiped arrows Ranged arrows: (fly further than normal arrows) Armor peircing (heavier, shorter range than normal arrows can pearce most armor) Fire arrows: (Used only if you have the power of fire, do more damage, but less accurate than regular arrows) All other weapons count as one weapon. Name:Azra Age:50 Gender:Male Class:Samuri Weapon:quarter staff steal tiped, Bow with 35 regular arrows. Ten Shruikens. Power:Storm Appearance:Azra is 5ft 6in, strong but not big. he weares the garb of a samuri. he has gray hair, a big mustach and a beard. Bio:Azra was 23 and an accomplished samuri when the demon armies attacked Halis, He trained led many warriors in the war, He is now charged with leading the secret mission to kill Zan-Gurdar --------- This game brought to you by DragonBlood
  2. Hum, This looks good... Name:Azra Role:One of Humility Age:50 Gender:Male Weapons:Staff Abilities: Azra has been granted the power of limited forsight, which means he knows what his opponint is going to do a moment be for he or she dose it, he has also been granted great speed and reflex, which add to his martial arts training making him deadly in battle. Apperance:Azra is an older man, he wares a traditional oriental kamono, it is white. He is strong, but not large. He is only 5ft 6in. Personality:Azra is very rarely proud of himself, he is proud of God, and proud of others who serve God, but not himself, he is like the teacher who is only greater so he can teach others to be great. He is paitient also. Bio:Azra has been a servent of the Lord all his life, he was given the title One of Humility by God himself at the age of 23. Azra teaches others the ways of God as well as the Martial arts, which God has told him he will use to humiliate Lucifer.
  3. IC: Raven nodded. "A sizable force. We my yet stop this army...This one." After a moment he nodded again. "My warriors will stay behind, my highest wizards will be acompianing me when we fly. Skyclad, I leave control of this assault to you. I will not be around much. I will know if you need help." Raven called a hawk from the sky, wisperd in its ear, and then sent it flying off again. "I will return when I can." He said, then flew out the window and headed east... Tag:Inti
  4. IC: Raven wonderd for a moment, he understood Skyclad's plan perfictly, but he was worried... "Your plan will work, for a time. But there is more to this attack then your or eye can see." Raven thought for a moment, tapping into his wizard side rather than his warior side, "We must be carefull if we use this plan, for even the best warior can not stand agains a massive army alone. We must procced with hast, but not recklessnes..." TAG:Inti
  5. Raven hadn't been waiting with the others, indeed, he had just gone through the window enterance of the High Lords chamber, "High Lord, I have come with grave news, the humans from Morixia have not only gone to war on the orcs, but they also attack us, they have found some way to tame the dragons of the north, or force them into submistion, one or the other..." The High Lord looked at him, "Morixia has always held honor high in they minds, why would they asault us, or the orcs with such little warning?" Raven pondered this for a moment, "I, I do not know. Perhaps lies have spread-" "No, That is not it, for all the countries are at ends with each other, and for no aparent reason at that. There is some evil at work here, some power behind this. But I fear it will not show it self untill our doom is near." Raven looked out into the sky, "Do you think it's the gods? Maby one of the dark gods has laid out a plan for our distruction?" "Perhaps, But it is to soon to tell, and even if we knew that was true, far to early to know which. The dark gods do not work well together, they all have there own plans. That is what caused there down fall at the end of the reign of Dark lord Talanas. " Just then Skyclad walked into the chamber, followed by two generals and three of the High Lords advisors... Tag:inti
  6. IC:Raven "No, not yet." Raven looked out over the horizon, "But there will be." Suddenly he saw three avens fling fast towards the city. "Raven! The humans have begun there assault on Dunora! They march quickly, but the orcs will put up a stuborn deffence." "As they always do." Raven said, "Sir, there is also another force moving around Dunoral, humans and Centuars, they come to attack Our nation!" Raven's eyes widened, "They dare attack two fronts at once!?" The aven nodded, "The force is large, larger that the one they attacked Dunoral with. Sir, they march with dragons." Raven's eyes doubled again, "Dragons!!??" Send word to every city and town in Calamar to ready themselves. By my order, empty the towns and garison them in the cities and fortresses! You." Raven pointed at the third aven, "Send word to the troops in the south to fly to the northern front with all hast, we must fortifiy that boarder befor the humans can lay seige!" Raven then jumped off the wall and flew strait for the HighLords tower.... TAG: ALL. BOUNCE
  7. "Manthalis has spoken of war, yes, but I know only little. If it comes to war, you know every one is to fight for the mother land." Raven looked to the north east, the land of Morixia. "The humans are forgeting there place. Morixia is starting to throw wait it dose not have. And the orcs have built up quite an army since there last war." Raven looked back to Skyclad, "The whispers you hear are true. The world is on the brink of war Skyclad, a war that will change this land." Tag:inti
  8. Raven looked out over the gait of Calamar, Skyclad had just landed out side the wall, since there was no gait. Calamar was the strongest city on Madrin because of the fact that it's people didn't need to use a gait. Skyclad had landed out side the main city, protected by a small wall itself, the outer city had but one gait, for any land travalers who wished to speak with the Grand Lord Manthalis. "Skyclad, how are you today?"
  9. OK, the RPG has started, hopfully more will join.
  10. Welcom to the land of Madrin, a vast contenant of Deserts and Forests, Swamps and plains, mountains, and vallies. A land of Love, and hate, of life, and death. A land, ingulfed in war. The land of Madrin is on the brink of war, one thought, one word could send the contries of the land spiraling into a mass war. You are the ones who will determine the outcome of the future, wether it be war, or peace, you must deside... NOTE: Want to play? Sign up any time in the recrutment forum.
  11. did this ever start? Could we start? IS any one even here?
  12. Yea, well, I know there are a ton out there, but I don't care, It dose hase a meaning, but You'll find that out soon enough, look for my FanFic, I don't know when it will be started, since its kinda long. But It will come, the poem has to do with one of the chars.
  13. Consumed by the darkness I wander the land. The ones I love, Have gone And now I am alone. To wander the plains of life, And the memories of the past. To comfort the weak, And bring fear to the fearless. I am a prisoner, In my own mind. My soul, Is free. Yet chained to eternity. What do you think?
  14. Ok, well, I think just a few more people and we could start up. Hopfully someone likes one of the other races...... We still need leaders for all nations other than Calamar and Dorland, Kyotoruler7 has taken that spot.
  15. Ok, I changed my miss spelling. Sailor Star, Avens don't realy have hair. They are coverd with feathers. And there faces are like hawk heads, large beaks... Name:Raven The White Race:Aven Age:139 Allegiance:Calamar Trade:Wizard/Solder Wepons:Sword, "Nadria" and Halbrid Sheild: Medium Other Armor:Chain Mail Ok, Since there is (Hopfully) the potential for a LOT of people and chars in this RPG, then I would like one person to take a leader ship type roal in each country. I will be the Comander of the Calamar army. PM me if you wish to take on a learder ship role within your nation.
  16. Welcom to the land known as Madrin, a vast contenant of deserts and forests, swamps and plains, mountain and vally. A land of love, and hate, of life, and death. A land, ingulfed by war. [COLOR=crimson]-Land Of Swords, Crule Horizons-[/COLOR] This in an RPG that is very much what the players make it. What you do determens the events that happen, there is a basic story, but you diside what happens... ROSTER: Name: Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Aven, Centuar.) [b]Human:[/b] Your basic Lord of the rings stile humans. [b]Elf:[/b] Think, lord of the rings, just not imortal, the life span is around three hundred years. [b]Dwarf:[/b] Again, Lord of the rings stile. [b]Orc:[/b] NOT LORD OF THE RINGS STILE!! These are more like Warcraft orcs, They have there own country, army, and every thing that gos with it. [b]Aven:[/b] Think, elf, with with hawk wings, and head, feathers covering whole body, claws on hands and feet.and bird tail. They live to around Three hundried, three hundrid and fifty. They live by a strict code of honor. [b]Centuar:[/b] Well, these aren't to hard, half horse, half man. great wariors, powerfull at short and long range fighting. honor is like there midle name, just like the Avens. [b]PS:[/b]If you would like a special race, say, a dragon or somthing, ask me first, then I will consider it. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Aligance:[/b]Your starting aligance Morixia:Human Vexera:Human Corandal:Elf Dorland:Elf Kalridia:Dwarf Dunora:Orc Calamar:Aven Borin:Centuer None [b]Morixia[/b] is a great nation with a large, powerfull army. They hold much of the land to the north of Corandal. It is known for its honor and valintry. [b]Vexera[/b] is a smaller nation to the east of Morixia. A great sea seperates the two nations, who have signed a peace treaty together. Though no alliance is seen for the near future. [b]Corandal[/b] the great elf country is as large as it is old. it is the southern boarder land or both Morixia and Vexera. Though it dose not flount it, Corandal has great power. [b]Dorland[/b] is quite small comared to Corandal, but there alliance with Calamar is strong, and together, the two nations are very powerfull. Dorland is south west of Dunora. [b]Kalridia[/b] is the most well defended nation of Madrin. It is mostly under the mountain range that seperates Dunora from Corandal. It is also nearly as old as Corandal, it has a very large army dispit its small size. [b]Dunora[/b] was formed by the orcs long ago, when the scatered tribes came to gether in an efort to hold off the humans who were wipeing out there race. [b]Calamar[/b] is the powerfull and old nation of the Avens, there alliance with Dorland makes them even more powerfull than the human nation of Morixia. [b]Borin[/b] is the small and stedfast land of Centuars. It is to the west of Morixia, and the Centuars hold a lose alliance with the human nation. [b]trade[/b] What you do int he RPG Fighter:mostly an adventure or bountyhunter. some are allied with certan countres. Ranger:men of honor who have formed there own 'army' in the forest called BlackWood in Calamar. They help the avens in times of war, but mostly keep to themselfs. allied with Calamar, or Dorland. Solder: a solder is an race, the fighting men of the army on a certain country, must be allied with some countrie, and must be of that race. Wizard:Most of them are allied to some countre, and they don't need to be of that race. They are highly respected. (Wizards are very powerfull, and there will only be a few, PM me for permitsion to be a Wizard.) [b]Wepons:[/b] the wepons you start the RPG with. you may have one of these combos Two swords Sword and two daggers Sword and bow Sword and Pole wepon(see note) Sword and Ax Ax and Bow Two Ax's Ax and two daggers Bow and two daggers Two daggers (Or one of any of the above.) NOTE: Please state the pole wepon if you chose that Halberd, Spear, Lance, Quarter Staff, or other (all other must be aproved) [b]Sheild:[/b] The sheild you start the RPG with you don not need to start with a sheild. Small: You can use any wepon with a small sheild Medium: You can't use a bow with a medium sheld Large: You can't use a bow or pole wepon with a large sheild. NOTE:Dwarfs can only use small and medium sheilds. [b]Other Armor[/b] The armor you start with. Chain mail Steel armor Leather armor Mithril armor (only elves and dwarf may start with mithril armor.) Thats all you realy need, if there are any changes, or add on's, they will be up soon....
  17. Ok, It has bin a LONG time since I last saw anything having to do with the Escaflowne anime, so I will play, right after I get some info... Name: Dorolin Randtar Age:20 Planet:Earth Discription: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=1] My Char [/url] Bio: Dorolin is the leader of the Zaibach Rebels of earth. He is forever loyal to the ways of Zaibach, and his seven elite Dragon Hunters are forever loyal to him. Guymelef: the seven Dragon Hunters use dark blue and blood red painted Alseides. Dorolin uses his personal Guymelef called Dragon Blood. Dragon Blood looks alot like a smaller, faster version of the Chafaris, mixed with the Alseides, it maintans the Alseides flight and cloaking capabilaties, but trades the Chlima Claw and Flame Throwers for a long sword and bow. It also has a Blood Read cape aswell as the Bloodred and Dark blue colour sceem. There are three differint arrows, flaming, exploding, and customary. The bow itself looks much smoother and better crafted than that of Chafaris it much resembles Dorolins personal hunting bow, which was hand crafted. (I hope the name is ok. if there are any problems, just tell me.) Wepon: Dorolin uses a personaly hand crafted hunting bow, and a perficly balanced long sword. Hope all is in good order. most of the stuff should be ok, but tell me if you want any thing changed.
  18. hum....what happened to the rescue party and such?
  19. hum, I guess...Yea, that seems ok... Oh, by the way, Dorolin is more the silint type most of the time, (And he dosn't realy tell people he is a bounty hunter, he just happins to be one, [b]some times[/b], and thats what people think)But its all good... Dorolin wasn't at all used to riding with two people on one horse, but he delt for most of the ride after the badints, untill he heared the galloping of hoves from up the path. At this point, he siply scrabled up, (skilfuly balinced on the back of the horse) and leaped onto a low hanging tree branch, he was off through the trees befor the others had noticed, but he was moveing just with in sight of the group, so no one said anything. In the trees Dorolin moved surpisingly fast, fast enough to keep pace with the swiftly galloping horses, but then again, he was half elf, so, speed and agilaty were two of his strong points. The group slowed as they approched the fleeing badint, Dorolin shot an arrow across the horse's nose, causing the creature to rear slitly, and stop suddinly, then Dorolin disapered into the trees...
  20. Dorolin sat and watched from a tree branch, he had followed the bandits from town, and had bin practicly right next to them for an hour. The badit had picked up the pace, and Dorolin knew it was time to act. He silintly pulled his bow from his back, and an arrow. It wasn't his place to kill the badits, but he couldn't allow them to have there way. He shot the arrow through the arm of the badint. The horse bucked up, and the badint couldn't hold on. He screemed in pain. Dorolin jumped from the tree and walked up to the horse. It wasn't long befor the creature was calmed down, and Dorolin could move to the bandit. "You know, you realy should pay more attention to the forest around you." Dorolin said, the bandit spit in his face. "Youz got a big ******* problem mesin with me!" THe man pulled his sword with his good arm. "I'm sorry, but I'm not here to kill you." he said as he slapped the horse with his sword, sending it back down the path it had come. Then he swiftly moved to Renie, He cut her bonds. "STOP IT! Whoz you think you are!?" THe bandit yelled. Dorolin wirled around and counter swung his blade skillfully. Then he kicked the man firmly in the gut, nocking the wind out of him. "Are you ok?" He asked Renie. Renie:"I was kidnapped for protecting my home, dragged out in to the middle of a forest, and now a guy in a black cloak saves my life, well, other then my arm, Im as well as can be expected." Dorolin laughed, then walked back into the forest, waveing his hand for her to follow...
  21. YEA! MY FIRST POST... Dorolin stepped into the tavern, looked around, he was almost sad he missed the fight that must have happened, though it would have bin small, it was already cleaned up, with the exeption of a nicely bloodied dagger. He went to the bar, "Golden Ale." he said, and waited for his drink...He hadn't bin in toen for a wile, weeks acually, he had more...pressing masters to atend to that keep his tab at the tavern high. He liked this tavern alot, no one asked him any thing more than the usual, [i]'how's your day'[/i] or [i]'any fresh bounties'[/i] Kell:"Here ya go." Dorolin:"Thanks, here." He tossed a gold peice to her, more than enough to pay for the drink he had ordered, but he always payed like that, he might as well have an account here for all the money that passed hands from him to the tavern. Dorolin:"Is that armor merchant still opporaiting out of town?" He asked. Tag:Raiha...
  22. Name: Dorolin Maquin Age:32 Race:Elf/Human Gender:Male Occupation:!!? He has an occupation!? He is a bounty hunter and sword for hire as far as the people in the town are conserned. House Type: Dosn't live in the town, lives in the nearby forest. Looks: Aragorn in Bree, befor he takes his hood off. (Dorolin dosn't take his hood off much) Wears his bow and quiver over his shoulder, and his sword hangs, partialy hidden by his cloak, at his side. Small Bio: Dorolin may seem like a dark and evil person at first, but he's not, he just keeps to him self. He visits the tavern frequintly, and walks the walls at night. His life out side the town is rather unknown to the citizins. Just a few wall gaurds have any hint off hist past and out side life... (AuroraDragon, would you mind being one of those special wall gaurds? Since right now, your the only one.)
  23. Ow, This looks FUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!! I am going to do a special guy... Gaurdian Name:Kakira Shumoto Age:32 Wepons:Assault Rifle and sword, with an elabret hilt gold hilt, it is perfictly balinced. Discription:Human:He weares a large black trench coat with a belt rapped arround his mid, his sword hooks to the belt in the back, and he carrys his assault rifle on a strap across his shoulder, He weares black assault boots, and sometimes a standard amry helmet. Discription:Gaurdian: When he becomes a gaurdian, Kakira dosen't grow that much larger, only about three feet taller. His trench coat is removed, and replaced by a pearl suit of armor, with gold trim. His sword dubles in sise, and the blade is ingulfed in white flame. His helmet is pearl, with a gold face peace, two gold wings dominat its sides. Out of his back sprout pure white angel wings, the tops armored with the same perl armor. On his brest plate is stamped a gold angel, and he gains a sheld, with the same gold angle in the center... Bio:Kakira was drawn to the battle becaus he loved the fight. He was glad to take on the smaller gaurdian form of the angel of death, this way he could stay close to his men, the FirstWhiteLegion, A large ground suport force, felding a full arangment of tanks and artilary. When he changes, he seems small, but he can cut down his fows with ease...When the time comes, he will lead his legion into battle, for the sake of all mankind... Special Ability:Angel Blast: Sends a powerfull blast out of Kakiras hand, it can esaly punch through six or seven aliens. AngelOfDeath:For a time, Kakira is invinsable, and his power is ten fold. He has the power to rain soulfer, fire, ice...or just death. He can slauter hundrends, but afterwards is saverly weak and tired, and must rest for a peried of time. Which means it is very important to get away from the fight befor he is cut down. NOTE: The FIRST WHITE LEGION wears white armor, all ingraved with angels, the majoraty of there colour sceem is white or gold. They are equiped with a full arrangment of tanks, artilary, and other support. I hope this is good, Can't wait to kick some alien ***!
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