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    im lazy
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  1. i think kefka is the best villain because he is pure evil.chaos from ff1 was not realy evil and zeromus came close. sepheroth realy isnt all that great .sepheroth is all everyone always talks about but he realy doesnt scare me. but on the other hand kefka scares me because hes so evil.
  2. me to it took me all night to finally get it but the main reason here is that we all like flcl and if you dont you shouldnt say anything.
  3. dude shonen jumps cool i have every issue exept #4 cause they didnt send it to me caues my mom forgot the payment. oh sorry naturo's awsome hes realy funny especailly when he stabs himself in the hand crying hes not gonna run away. anyway narutos cool and so is the freaky eye master kakashi has.
  4. theres quite a few of anime lovers where i live but i get picked on some times so i just hide my manga. most of the people are just little kids that live around my street.some of my friends like it too.
  5. why did they even creat totaly spies its horrible.
  6. i played this game 4 years ago i almost finished it i got all the mana balls but there was no mana power in them at the time. i had made it to the valcano island but my guys would die in 1 hit exept for the first guy. my brothers are very bad at rpgs they couldnt even get the first mana ball. this game is awsome though i think that this is one of my favrite rpgs off all time. [size=1][color=CC0000]If this quality of posting continues in my forum, I'll have to warn you. Please try posting with proper grammar. -[b]Break[/b][/color][/size]
  7. ive seen 3 episodes of gt its cool pan does alot of stuff to get her in trouble. she can get realy strong if she gets mad. she gets into a fight with some robots and uses a ki blast that was preety big. goku is turned into a kid and trunks is a teenager because obviously its ten years later.
  8. i dont mined if they mix the two as long as its good or eaven if its just ok i think that teen titans is a good show eventhough they use the anime expressions. totaly spies is bad though. they should of cancelled it the first week.
  9. blue genders cool the bugs are kinda stupid but im not complanin. why do theyhave to make that sleeper guy always mad. lastnight he got killed i thought cool the main carecter died but watever i thought that the whole "whats gonna happen to me on second earth" thing was gettin old.
  10. i first saw flcl 2 days ago i thought it was weird i finially got it at the end of the episode.
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