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Everything posted by tetsuo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1] And Asuka hon, let's see.. so we have Chester, Dexter, and Orli????? Oh my.. that's three.. :wow: *faints*[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] now all you need is a kid named Gunther or maybe a daughter named rosabelle, and a dog named Vegas. yup. i can see it now. Anna its time for another one of your dialogues.
  2. well brolli is the legendary SSJ that comes round every 10,00 years, but you have to keep in mind not every planet has the same year. like planet nameks year consisted of 88 days. so think about that for a while. ok brolli has a a hate for gokou that is so intense that he can not control it. his father had to required the services of a scientist to create a device to control his "tantrums", if you see on many brolli pics you will find that he has a head band on, that is the device i am talking about. the way Gohan described Movie 8 is pretty ok. except for the fact that Brolli kills Paragus intentionally. brolli sees that his father wanted to be rid of him as well so he rid himself of his father by crushing the escape pod. he is also in movie 10 when he gets frozen under a mountainside lake. he gets frozen for a few years. then when he awakens the hole in his chest caused by goku is healed.and so goes the onslaught. until goten and trunks try to fight him off and then they need gohans help and to defeat him they need the help of their dead father. and movie 11 has got to be the flop of all DBZ movies. i dont even want to describe it
  3. yes goku does absorb the dragonballs and he leaves on shenron and evreyone is soooooooooo sad. boo hoo. then he tells shenron that he wants to say bye to a few people, krillen and piccolo. krillen's on roshi's island, and piccolo is in hell. then he leaves on shen ron and falls asleep thats when he absorbs the dragonballs.
  4. if youre into horror then i wold suggest a few ooks by clive barker. Hellbound Heart or Cabal. i loved both. sci-fi anything by Arthur C Clarke. wow he can write. i think i enjoyed the book Cradle above all of his other books. 2001- a space odysee is an amazing read. as well but all of his books are. no romace for me either. bleagh. i mostly like horror books. annete cutis clause wrote a book that i liked but i dont rememebr the name. i think it was either blood and choclate or silver kiss. i dont remember which.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Guardian_Tidus [/i] [B]school i hate it who else hates school.... *silence for 10 hours* [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: who doesn't? i despise school but i have to go in order to graduate. so ill bear it for as long as i have to.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Videl~ [/i] [B] Roflmao :rotflmao: give it up man, she's a lost cause......for now:devil: They have to come to us of their own free will for the transition to the dark side to be complete muhahahaha!!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Um..you could do something on kenetic energy or...centrifical and (the other one forget name lol) forces... [/B][/QUOTE] cetrifugal (but its a false force)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] It's the club of evil ppl! Wanna join? [/B][/QUOTE] i do!!!!! im evil.MWAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] No letter, if it's a letter, then it's the letter of death! [/B][/QUOTE] does any one like the word ANTHRAX.
  10. i agree with whomever has been saying that legolas is the best in th movie. he looks great (no im not gay). but hes awesome. he so quick and agile, and he has my sort of weapon.
  11. i just started cracking up when i heard the sound. i lwas laughing maniacally for at least ten minutes. then i went and told my parents that i am insane. they agreed
  12. that pic is badA55 so i dont mind if its overposted, i like it. and i can give very detailed descriptions and many times they arent pretty ones.:flaming: :devil: :demon:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B]1. Who's in those pic? 2. What's with YES and NO on their forehead for? [/B][/QUOTE] i know the one with no oh her fore head is Julia Roberts or at least i think it is
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Of course they are, u really can't toture someone with a gun and have alot of fun, but u can with a sword!:demon: :devil: :angel: :D [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: yeah like first you can cut the sections of someones fingers off until ther are no fingers there. from that you can start cutting of the hand. then you can do that thing like on T2 when AHHHHNOLD, cuts open his forearm to reveal his machiery. well you can do that on a persons arm and have a little anatomy lesson. and work your way down. if your enemy is male then you can have more fun, although i couldnt do that because just getting hit hurt imagine getting it sliced off. OWWW.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] My brother isn't in for anime girl, he likes the real one. I know you're evil already. [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: whats so wrong about being evil. the evil ones get to do all the fun stuff while the does are out doing good and that is so boring. take a little walk on the wild side, be EVIL.:flaming: :devil: :demon:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]oh, yeah, margaret cho is one comedienne that's actually really funny, esp. when she's making fun of her mom. [/B][/QUOTE] i saw her stand up on HBO the other day and its hillarious when she makes fun of her mother. i like the part about when her mother looks through her room and finds her dild....maybe i sholud leave that part out there are young ones here aren't there.
  17. [SIZE=1]personally since im kind of vengeous, i would walk up to the girl aske her what her problem is, then b1tch slap her a few times to let her know whos her daddy. or in this case mabe her she-pimp. and then after that i would aske her again for a few answers i would think by now shes telling you the truth or at least part of it then i would proceed to another round of b1tch slapping. around this time she should be a little disoriented, and will answer you more honestly. and if you dont like her answers or if you just feel like it give her one of those great, toothshattering B1tch slaps that can be heard around the globe. [/SIZE]
  18. hey jam whats up. well the longest i have ever stayed was 2 whole days and a few hours. it was this past summer. It was a grueling act of sheer stupidity. after that i think i slept for almost a whole day. then again i didnt wake up till about two in the afternoon anyway.
  19. swords and i am also a big archery buff. so i would also say the bow and arrow. but then the best weapon are the ones you are given at birth, your limbs. fighting without weapons seems more noble to me.
  20. there is a little controversy we had a couple years ago, anybody remember when the scientists cloned molly the sheep, and then they got polly. well they realized there were some minor faluts that later could become big problems. so they decided that cloning man would be illegal, so they set up a sixth day clause. (any one a bible reader, well thats where they got the idea.)
  21. Baby girl is so HOT! Oh my GOD! i fell off my chair when i saw your pic. i think you would look fabulous with red hair.:eek: :excited: WOW. oh ok now im getting a little too excited over here. *takes a deep breath, takes another look at baby girls pic* DAMN, ok maybe i should just shut up now.
  22. :flaming: :devil: :demon: i live near six flags fiesta texas. and i only get on the rides and sometimes i go to the other attractions there but mostly the rides. i want to get on all the rollercoasters in the world.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]those are sweet, esp. the demon woman & the vegeta pic. please draw some more of veggie-chan, just for me! [/B][/QUOTE] last time i made a sketch of vegita and my friend standing back to back. he is in love with vegita, but i dont know where it is. i dont hthink i gave it to him but if i did i can get it back. i will show you what am capable of. its very detailed. if i had a pic of you, i could do the same with a few changes. i myself am a fan of Gotenks. I also like little Goku SSJ3. I have a few trunks drawings. and i have a few Gundam sketches. and just my own mechs. i draw a lot but i cant find the sketch book that all of those are in.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]that's devon sawa... he's also casper as a real boy & in the movie final destination... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah that guy what ever his name is. devon.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]WOOHOO! Chester! All right!!! Like the Chee-to's mascot thing!!! :p Wow, that's crazy... anyway! Hehe, here's a pic of my looking kinda stoned.. even though I'm not :p[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] you remind me of that guy on the movie with jessica alba. oh yeah that movie Idle Hands. yeah jessica alba :love: :excited: yeah...uhh...well...yeah you look like that guy what ever his name is. espescially cuz that guys a stoner in that movie.
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