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Everything posted by tetsuo
[IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/demonwoman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/censored.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/faerie.jpg[/IMG] here are a few more of my drawings and sketches i have some more coming so just wait a while and i will put them up, if i ever find them that is.
Girls are just as bad as we guys are. They like to play mind games. Girls like to take advantage of my generosity, and so do thier friends they say stupid little things like "if you really love(or care) about me then you will do this or that, and take me here and there and pick up my friends and i and drops us off somewhere." i hate it its all an act. WHY CANT GIRLS BE LESS DIFFICULT. Maybe it is just me getting with the wrong girls. And about getting drunk or i think thats what i read. Girls get really loose and all over the place and then there are some that are really wild. and then there are some that are all blubbery and start crying for no reason at all. i usually have to take one of each group home on saturdays
that is great. i have never tried to draw in ink i only go over my pencil work in ink. also i dont color. so in my eyes your artwork is incredible. you are very talented. i think i am going to draw something in a few minutes. you gave me a little of your inspiration.
what kind of red is it? is it like strawberry red or crayola red. im looking some of my pics of my hair when it was red, blue, green, and platinum. but im sure either way it look great on you. take a pic of yourself so we can see it. im sure you look beautiful like everyone else here.
as soon as i scan some of my old sketches i will post them. i have many. although some are not of dbz. if you want to see some of my work. i have a post in GD.
:flaming: :devil: :demon: well there is some partial nudity in some of DB. there are some scenes well one where gokou takes off Buruma's panties to reveal that she doesnt have the same private parts that he does. but they dont show any nudity. its just sexual conotation
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][b]1. John Leguizamo[/b] [size=1]Jeff Foxworthy, [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] also very funny comedians i almost pissed..i mean peed my pants when i saw john leguizamo's FREAK. it was hillarious. and i loved him in too wong foo, and The Pest and Spawn. hes hillarious
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DrunkenMaster88 [/i] [B]eh i don't see the problem with coloring ur hair i made mine blue then green then red then silver then demonic black [/B][/QUOTE] i like dying my hair unnatural colors . i had mine the same as yours just not in that same order. also i havent trieed the silver. but i have done white or platinum (call it what you want) which was too freaky even for me.
:flaming: :devil: :demon: awwwwww how sweet. group hug? ....*holds arms wide open*....*feels the cold stares of everyone in the room*..maybe ill just go over here.
Your Harbinger of Fire Has Deemed You Worthy...
tetsuo replied to PiroMunkie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]THA'TS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG!!!!!!! Lol, I always said that I basically looks like Trunks with brown hair. But did anyone believe me? Noooooooooooo, lol. Stupid people... :p (just kidding, I don't really think you people are stupid, just refuse to beleive the truth :p)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] if you had a sword and some mad super saiyan fighting skills. then you would be trunks oh yeah, you would need to bleach your hair and dye it purple. whats wierd is that in some of the manga of DBZ that i have seen bulma has the purple hair and trunks has the blue-greenish hair, well anyway. oh yeah and you would have to be big and buff and you would have to fly. then you could be trunks' splitting image, sorta. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why is life so complicated and guys so JERKISH? I just want to know what you think. I've had the worst luck with guys lately. And the guys that I like never like me back...they always like my friends who are a million times better than me...Maybe I should give up. I think humans should be like plants. We should just reproduce asexually by spores or just pollinate. Why be attracted to one another? We could just spew pollen and make babies that way. It'd be a whole lot easier. Oh maybe after high school life picks up. Maybe when I get out of this hell hole I'll meet someone worthwhile. So what do you guys think?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Asuka im in the same boat you are in. except the roles are reversed. im a guy for all of you who dont know me and most of you don't but anyway. Every time i meet a girl that i like it always ends up blowing up in my face. Things just dont work out for me for some reason. I'm not a bad guy, i treat girls/women with the respect they deserve. think about it they have the babies, its the least we could do you know. well anyway, i haven't had a girlfriend in a year and two months. I am one of those people that can't stand to be alone and i have been alone for way too long. i have met a few girls that i like but none of them like me in return. :bawl: but the one girl i still care about im still friends with and my friends think I'm obsessed with her but I'm not, i understand the fact that were only friends. i feel so inadequate, i feel like i just don't fit in sometimes because all of my friend tell me about thier girlfriends or a girl they met over the weekend. it makes me feel :mad: and :(. so asuka i know exactly how you feel.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Send more to me! With no feathers across the chest:D [/B][/QUOTE] so you want the [COLOR=crimson]X rated version[/COLOR] huh? well sorry man i dont have one but i will send you some thing with out the feathers if you know what i mean. but i try not to draw like that. ok well thats a lie but i try to keep away from drawing that sort of stuff, so i told another fib. yeah i pretty much like drawing women and the like. but i draw all sorts of things. well i'll look around for my other work.
well if you dont want to give it to Cera you can spend it on her. or just buy yourself something you really need or think you need.
i buy those all the time with no luck the most i have won was the ten dollars i spent on buying the damn things.
what are your most prized possessions?
tetsuo replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
first of all i would go grab my baby sister because my parents have other crap to worry about. then i would empty my back pack of anything to do with school, except for my sketches i do when im bored out of my ***. then i would grab my pictures i have collected of my friends and family. i will grab anything that was given to my by my granparents. and then i would grab my art work. and jump out the window with my sister. (i live in a singel story house, not much of a jump) -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Where the hell did you hear that N*SYNC gets blown up in Episode 2?!?!?:excited: [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: MTV its probably just a rumor. hopefully it isnt. sorry about my punctuation Navi. im just too damn lazy, no wait im motivationally deprived.
:flaming: :devil: :demon: we had a few flakes of snow donw her in San Antonio.but as soon as the hit the ground they're gone.it was so awesome. i havent seen snow in 17 years, when i was 1 was the last time it snowed here. you know what sux it that here in san antonio its no where as hot as it is in el paso, yet they get snow and we dont. i wish i lived up north although i doubt that i could stand the cold weather. its hard to bear under 60* F.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B][size=1][b]Your upset your mom died your hair black when thousands of people have Black Hair and paid you fifty dollars for no reason. You are very scary. Note :Navi don't doubie post. :D[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] i dont think she double posted she posted once and then posted something different right after. oh yeah goths are awesome. i kinda strayed away from that path last year. it was scaring the people at school and at home away. but i dont pull it off that well you know me with the well tanned skin. just doesnt work out.
:flaming: :devil: :demon: i colored my own hair red two summers ago. and i dont mean that mahogany color i mean RED. i liked it, but then i had to get rid of it for school. i go to a private school, nothing but guys, and its against school policy to have "multi-colored hair" when i went in the first day the dean of discipline had a word with me well a few words. he was telling me that i a m not following the rules in the student handbook so i told him that i was because my hair is only one color not more than that. but he made me change it anyway. so thats the end of that story. bye
[QUOTE]Star Wars: Episode 1 was lame. George Lucas made that movie specially for kids. That's why I didn't like it. It was just too goody-goody. But when Episode 2: Attack of the Clones comes out, that'll be awesome! I saw some scenes on the net, and it's action-packed, and Anikin is finally grown up, and there is a love story in it also, between Queen Amadilla and Anikin.[/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: when i went to see Fellowship of the Ring, i saw some awesome previews but i must say that the one that kept me on the edge of my seat was the trailer for Episode 2. i also heard that n*sync gets blown up in the movie so i have to see it now. but i dont know f thats just a rumor to get a bunch of boy band haters to see it. I'm so happy it comes out graduation day!!! yippee!!!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] If you're talking about the japanese name for the nimbus, I don't remember, but if you mean Gohan's dragon, his name was Ickaris(sp?) I have no clue how to spell that.....But you get the picture, right? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah his name was Icarus. youre awesome. i cant believe i couldn't remember that. i dont even know if i spelled it right but yeah thats his name. thanx i would love to have wings like the girl in my drawing does. ill add the pic here[IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/2.jpg[/IMG]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B]I havn't seen that many different animes o all I can say that was bad was DB. After seeing DBZ this show is like Barney to me. Just........Annoying. [/B][/QUOTE] you gotta keep in mid it was toriyama who made it he made dbz. it was like a "warm up" to dbz . and if you notice. in teh begining of dbz the animation isn't too great but then as the stor progresses so does the quality of the animation. but anyway, i think the worst anme i ever saw was battle angel. the one where her name was still Gally before we americans changed it to alita. yeah well that movie was pretty damn boring
i was...ummmm...just kidding...yeah i was kidding around...who would really do something like that. come on my neiborhood is filled with kids and girls i dont want to get the girls excited.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Well, I live in VA, and they say on their report "Well, if ur gonna get any snow, it's not gonna be enough to close schools" So I get up at 6:30(after staying up till midnight playin FFX), and get ready and all, and I don't watch TV or anything, and I come out, open the door, and WTFH! Theres snow all over the place, and my Neighbor is out, and he says "There's no School Today!" I say "For Real?" he says "Yep" I'm like, "God, this is the very last time i listen to the weather guys!" [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: they just predict the weather so dont pay attention to them anyway. i just usually stroll around the front yard naked every morning to get an idea of how the weather will be for that day.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by backspace [/i] [B]:wow: ---- self explanitory! *sighs* wish i could draw that... i can only draw dragons..... [/B][/QUOTE] i wish i could draw dragons! all i can draw are wings. [QUOTE]Dude, those are some wicked drawings. You're *really* talented! Have you ever studied anatomy or anything, or ever had any lessons? It looks like you have, so if you haven't, more power to ya. [/QUOTE] i never took any lessons, i have bee drawing or trying to since i was 6. and as i got older i got better. kinda like wine:D but i really take my time too look around. all my drawings well most of them are derived from people i know except for the preadator. no wait that one is my ex girlfriend:p [QUOTE]Hey man, some of those pics shouldn't be on the boards, u know we got some young ones on! But man, great pics, luv to meet the angel chick! By the way, luv it how u covered ur chest with only one feather![/QUOTE] i will be more care ful next time. thats one of my favorite drawings i have it hanging above the head board of my bed. so it can help me have good dreams :laugh: well forte and Voodoo, girl five and 4 are all the same girl with different hair styles. They are the same girl as my ashley sketch, i made a few changes here and there but yeah its all the same girl. She is never satisfied with the way her hair looks so its like every week she has a new hair style. Ashley is a girl that i will probably never get over. but its all good, i'll live.