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Everything posted by tetsuo

  1. i watched that movie like a million times with my baby sis. i love it. i love the way the animators for disney draw. icould never be that good. but i can try.
  2. [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/angel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/ashley%20sketch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/demon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/grl4a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/grl5a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/prd1_lg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/saya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://satxpunk.focusindia.com/wing_elf.jpg[/IMG] :flaming: :devil: :demon: those are some of my drawings and sketches i have more just haven't had much time to scan them and post them up anywhere. hey Voodoo if you ever read this, i want to know where you put up all of your artwork? i need a place t put it all i have a bunch of my anime work and some of my own concepts for mobile suits, characters and a few eva suit sketches.
  3. i have a few of the original japanese episodes and i have a few of the buu series. and its not too hard to find information or to learn by WATCHING and taking in that information.
  4. a hero is someone you look up to it doesnt have to be a super hero, but a hero is someone that you can turn to if you were ever to come across a problem. my hero used to be my moms dad because he was in world war 2 but the thing is i never met him. he died when my mom was 10. :( i dont know who my hero is now, my dad was never my hero cuz he never did anything with me.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ss2Serren [/i] [B]The best movie of all time to me would have to be Howard The Duck. I can watch that movie over and over. i think that is one of the best movies made that and Star War's,X-Men well that was cool. and that new Spiderman movie bout to come out even thow i haven't seen it. It looks like it's going to be hot.But one of my old fav would have to be Imitation Of life. [/B][/QUOTE] i love howard the duck and that one guy in it the one from beetlejuice is pretty wicked.
  6. [url]http://www.20megsfree.com/[/url] [url]http://www.freesitesforall.com/[/url] [url]http://www.50megs.com/[/url] [url]http://www.focusindia.com/[/url] [url]http://communities.northsky.com/[/url] i just found these using my search engine.
  7. ok everyone here that i have seen looks increadible. no one should ever be ashamed of how they look. Voodoo gets the girls, as well as Piro. They are the Anime Pimps. well no one in here is bad looking and everyone seems to have a great personality as well. and woody WOW. youre great. well thats all i have to say for now.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i remember this one movie i saw as a kid called rockadoodle. i was throwing stuff at the screen. made in america was pretty horrible, too. & i can't stand any war movies. i mean movies that are mostly about war. a few war scenes are okay, but not a whole movie about one, for godssakes. that's just depressing. full metal jacket was the only exception, that movie rules. but it wasn't totally about war. they had stuff in there like screwing prostitutes. [/B][/QUOTE] that movie is awesome get on your knee's scum bag. now choke yourself. with my hand numb nuts. dont grab my fvcking hand. bend over and choke yourself. from now on your name is private snowball. do you like that name private. sir. yes, sir. well ill tell you something you won't like private. they dont serve fried chicken and water mellon on a daily basis in my mess hall.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B] 1. Kaneda's Bike(Akira) :wow::wow::wow: [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: i also love the flying nimbus and gohans dragon. damn im trying to remember his name. ill just have to go back and see the videos again.
  10. what do you mean by bad? do you mean like jesus christ that movie sucked. or wow shes got some big hooters.
  11. [QUOTE]As of lately I would have to say it is a draw between Jurassic Park III and Dude Where is My Car...These were both horrible movies[/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: i totally agree with you
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I would say that Castaway is one of the worst movies ever. It would be more fun watching a roll of toilet paper roll down the street, than watch an aging man talk to a volley ball for nearly two hours. [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: that volleyball had a name. it was wilson. i didnt like dr dolittle 2 it was boring. the first one had a lot more humor in it.
  13. i was thinking about the Navy for a while but then i decided that i dont want to sign my life away. so ill just stick to going to college
  14. i think ther are a bunch of movies that should be locked up and completely forgotten about. like for instance. power rangers ninja turtles 3 dr dolittle 2 all the kid and play movies
  15. this is the one girl i can actually say i have had strong feelings for. the one girl i cared so much about and would do anything for. i can still remember the way she smells and her voice and damn now im just going to end up screwing my life up again. well this is the pic i posted it up somewhere else.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Yeah, I would have added fellowship of the rings to my list but I haven't seen it yet. I'm waiting for the cinemas to be less crowded. But i'll definitely see it soon. Nothing compares to the book though [/B][/QUOTE] i saw the movie and i loved it it was one of the best movies i have ever seen except for the little part at the end that leaves you hanging for the next two movies in the series
  17. it didnt really work for me im 18 and i got 719 my number was 7. hmmmm maybe im just wrong
  18. drew barrymore is so fantastic in that movie so is anjelica houston. but drew oh man i think i need to take a cold shower.
  19. i have never found love. so i'm very happy for you. i think ill just go crawl into a corner over there and cry out of self pity.
  20. :flaming: :devil: :demon: well i have my favorite war movies - they are all of the same war which is pretty nice. Full Metal Jacket - doesnt show much Platoon - an movie of the war simmilar to actual events Hamburger Hill - is so real my uncle started to cry, the best depiction of Vietnam war. It is like you're really there.
  21. [QUOTE]Now I'm confused. If the unstoppable force reached the speed of light, and became so dense it couldn't move, then it no longer could move at the speed of light. It'd be stationary. Which means it's density'd go down again and the cycle'd just go on. [/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: no it just means that it cannot achieve the speed of light it would take too much energy to push that object at that velocity. it wouldnt stop moving because of newton's law of conservation of energy. ill explain that later but first i have to eat and i will get back to this later.
  22. :flaming: :devil: :demon: george carlin - complaints and grievances chris rock - bigger and blacker j.d. hughley
  23. i love the classic movies. humphrey bogart is a god. but lets see i think the whole Godfather series is prime stuff.
  24. i dont really knw the best movie but i have a few top pics. one of them has got to be Blade. the matrix is good it just has too much hype. and lets see American History X. and my altime favorite A Nightmare Before Christmas.
  25. its the divx codec right? i downloaded a divx player
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