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Everything posted by tetsuo
my favorite plaything is...ummmm...probably my guitar. or my mini disk player, no wait it's my kitten.or is it my computer. i don't know.
ok kid buu. hey i think i posted my fight in here like two pages earlier. before all the mudslinging started. hey kid weren't you there? i think you saw the fight between me and the big guy. and i had to take ashley home after she fell.
[QUOTE]Yes I do remember the Big Bang Theory, and it is just that, a theory. It has never been proven. [/QUOTE] how about the theory of relativity. we have been conversing about it for a while, you seem to agree with that theory, why does the big bang sound unreasonable. we have proven that the big bang actually occured. there are satellites and telescopes that show proof. when we listen to our radios, those stations that have nothing but static is produced by the energy that passed all those billions of years ago. im looking into my old physics book right now.
ok so i see that a few of you don't approve of my behavior. oh well, there are a lot of people out in the real world just like me so get used to it. but if you really want me to get banned, it's not going to be because i was fighting with a moderator, i'll go down for something more spectacular. and its those little perfect people like DBZChikaGhan, that dont realize that not everyone in here is immaculet like you or navi and not everyone has the same views. well im sorry for pissing you all off, maybe i'll just take a day off or maybe two months like i did last time. well im gonna split for a while. and navi my spelling is very good, im am pretty articulate and i know how to spell what you need to start picking at is those people who use those stupid, little, retarded spellings like you did in your last post. bye.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Will you guys just think of what's going on here for a sec....Your arguments...however justified you think they maybe are getting you nowhere.... Why can't you all just swallow your pride and settle this....by that I mean apologise or something...even if you both don't feel you should. If you think I should butt out, well then I honestly do apologise for suggesting you should take the high road, which is stated above....Gees, don't stress yourselves over something that's not very important. Oh..and there is no sarcasm here, just some advice. [/B][/QUOTE] ok navi look im sorry for being so hard headed and i appologize for twisted although he should appologize for himself i doubt he will. i really likethis place and i dont want to dread coming here just because we are having some stupid arguements. Delian you are right it is really stupid, me being a newbie and navi being a mod and all i should respect her authority, well sort of.
[QUOTE]Well look at Jupiter, it's not the size of a pea but it has the same weight since this is what you compared it to. Jupiter moves and had to be moving at some point in time or else it wouldn't be orbiting the Sun. It would rather just be sitting still. Though it was moving at some point and along the lines it got caught in the Sun's gravitational pull causing it to orbit. And Jupiter still continues to move forward. It doesn't matter how big something is, if you put that forementioned pea in outspace, we could move it, because its weight (or at least a lot of it) would be gone because of the zero gravity. [/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: Remember thebig bang theory? well thats how jupiter and all the other thing in the universe came about. jupiter wasnt just there floating around and got caught in the sun's gravitational pull. it was made at the same time as the sun. and it rotates because thats the way our galaxy is. we are in an eliptical galaxy. [QUOTE]BTW radio waves travel at the speed of light also.[/QUOTE] radio waves are sound waves right? well i know that to break the sound barrier we have to get something to reach 400 mph. but i'm not sure that radio waves really are just normal sound waves. its just a guess.
[QUOTE]hhmmmmmm.....nope,thanx for clearing that up,I'll stick to my flute 4 now though,after all,I'm 2nd flute in the band! [/QUOTE] so when you say second flute do you mean second chair flute or second flute part?
star wars of course. i want to be a dark sith lord, to bring about desruction and doom to all those rebels who rebel against our alliance. and dont you just love darth maul and his lack of speech, well except for the six words he says in the whole movie and now i feel like a star wars junkie.
well i have been up since december 31st. i want to thank whoever invented the idea of coffee and coca cola. well i think i need some sleep i dont want to be a zombie but i think ill hang out here a little longer.
i have a few pics of me i showed one already. but i dont think anyone will mind if i show more
[QUOTE]Yes, I deserve to be put in my place because I try to be honest and real. What a loser I am.[/QUOTE] honest and real does that mean that you can just go and attack whom ever you dont like that day. do you pick who youre going to be a ***** to when you get on the boads. [QUOTE]He's the only one whos posted a thread containing a demeaning, useless, chat transcript. [/QUOTE] yeah so what you can not tell me that you have never in your entire participation with these forums say that you never posted any sort of spam. In fact, what youre doing now is spamming, this doesnt apply to the topic of the thread. im not saying im perfect either. [QUOTE]Im sorry that neither of you can understand coherant thought or produce correct grammar and punctuation. You're one big 455, 455. First for standing up for your friend...when he should stand up for himself. Second for threatening someone online. (Im scareeeddddd, really) And lastly because you present yourself as a failed abortion. Congratulations, and Im in one of my good moods today.[/QUOTE] oh i can understand what you are saying and i am very sensible but who gies a rats *** about grammar and punctuation. im sorry ms. i boned my english professor, but i dont think you go around to everyone that has misspellings or puncutates their post the wrong way. youre just a regular old, ***** possibly more nothing less. and im so sorry that my posts aren't grammatially or politically correct, but i dont give a flying fvck. i dont care what you or anone else thinks about me or twisted. no one can do anything to offend me that badly espescially not over the internet.
whoa that mindless drone thing will not work for me maybe u should wish for a few people to be mindless drones not the whole entire world.
how the hell did you become a MOD when youre such a *****? i thought you were supposed to help make this a better place for everone not turn people away from this.
im not fighting with anyone im trying to be civilzed but i can sometimes be a hot head and well it happens.
:flaming: :devil: :demon: you ruined the cycle oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *breathes deeply* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. i just have to wink for you i guess;) ;) third times the charm;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Well, maybe "grinded" wasn't the proper terminology, I meant that perhaps the unstoppable force could push its way through the immovable object. Or, if that isn't possible, then maybe the unstoppable force would work its way off of the immovable object over a period of time. Thus, the immovable object hasn't been moved, and the unstoppable force, hasn't been stopped. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: im begining to like your reasoning like many others in here. i like having these intelligent conversations with people.
[QUOTE]Sometimes people need to be put in their place. [/QUOTE] yes people like you. [QUOTE]I have a habit of nitpicking. Why shouldn't I be honest and point out what he did that I thought was wrong? He did the same...only by using swear words most of the time, and letting his anger talk for him.[/QUOTE] but it seems to me that you are only doing it to him. [QUOTE]Heh...simple. Don't post spam and I won't say not to. [/QUOTE] you are just as bad as we are. [QUOTE]Actually...it's quite entertaining. [/QUOTE] i am going to do the very same thing you have done to him because i can be a really big as5h0le when i want to and messing with my friends is one of the few ways to make me an as5h0le. youre not going to know when its going to happen or what i will say so watch what you say cuz im going to tear you apart.
i wish that my grandfather could still be alive to see how his family has grown and so he wouldnt have to endure such pain as he did :( :bawl: i luv you grand pa *hides himself in the corner of his room to cry for a while*
:flaming: :devil: :demon: you look like your at peace. mostly cuz of the scenery. ;) damn an eyelash got in my eye. but heres the real wink;) :flaming: :devil: :demon:
ok navi how about we come to an agreement? im not into fighting with other people i do tend to get mad sometimes and i speak my mind. so i dont feel like fighting words. and yeah twisted just tone down the swearing to pg rating. and dont direct any of your obcenities to him either. i can calm twisted down or at least ill try. but dont give him a hard time putting someone down isn't fun. i know i have done it to someone i just dont know who, but ill take it back and ask for forgiveness. but everytime he says something its like you are trying to shoot him out of the sky. and i dont like that. if you dont agree with what he says tell him but not in the way you were, and he takes things a little too seriously sometimes. and i appologize for him. but if you can refrain from putting him down like that i dont think he will cause you any problems. oh yeah and arent we all here to enjoy ourselves. then if some people have a certain way they enjoy themselves don't make them look bad , knowy you are entitled to your opinion but you can give your oppinion withou making someone look like a fool.
since i am the musically inclined person that i am. (did that make any sense?) i play a variety of instrumentsbut now i dont have much time for all of them i made it as drum major for my school marching band. my first instrument and my love is the saxophne, all of them soprano, alto, tenor, bari, contrabass, i like the whole jazz thing. ilove them all, i also play trumpet for a mariachi group, and viola/ violin again for the mariachi's, i have played trombone and baritone in drastic measures. i picked up clarinet easily and flute. ugghhhh....flute....shhh dont tell anyone. i play keyboard and bass. i like to play with mixers and audio systems and equipment. i love it. but i dont get all the time to do all the practicing i need.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]So what I'm saying here is the if something is Immovable by it's basic nature it's going to remain immovable. And same with Unstoppable. If and when the Force and Object would meet, the Force could transfer it's momentum, but the Object may not accept it, it'll just repel it. And that's when this supposed chemical reaction would occur. Where -2 + 2 = 0 And you get that void as forementioned.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil::demon: actually i dont think it would be like that but simmilar the forces would then become neutralized. like mixing and acid with a base of similar strength. it can be dangerous if using the wrong chemicals. but when done properly the reaction between the two will neutralize the potency of the other. making it harmless. say we have the equivilent of lemon juice (acid), if we combine the two they become neutral equally combined the acid and the base cancel each others potency. now someone was saying earlier about if we got an object to move beyond the speed of light. well that is impossible because then it would begin traveling against time or back in time. and that would take it back to when it was created. but that is impossible because as something increases speed it also increases in density. and it would be compact but it's weight would increase inversely and squared to its density. its like saying an object the size of a pea with the weight of the planet jupiter. now how will something of that weight move?
i know
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Neither would win. If such things did exist and this event did happen where one met the other it would either: (1) go on forever since one can't defeat the other, or (2) they would cancel each other out on impact. That's my thought anyways.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] i agree with you Piro. it makes a lot of sense. but i still like my physics point of view
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Whoa...Cera, let me pop a few of those Tylenol too, please. Well, there is no answer to that question because, it couldn't happen. I suppose if those two forces clashed that the unstoppable force would win though. It would eventually grind its way through the immovable object without moving it. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] you pretty much just reitterated what twisted said.