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Everything posted by tetsuo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Here's a question which always made my head hurt. Which would win, a unstoppable force, or a immovable object? Don't take it TOO seriously though, because I know niether can exist... [/B][/QUOTE] im taking physics AP (advanced placement for all you losers that don't know) and there is no such thing for either the only unstoppable force is the speed of light and nothing can ever achieve the speed of lght because its density would drasticly increase which would make it immoveable. so that would make it all the same thing. the immovable object is the unstoppable force. this is the theory of Tetsuo
  2. :flaming: :devil: :demon: you know i looked through the pages of this post and i dont think i saw any girls posting thier pics. come on if a horrid beast like me can post his picture i think that any girl can post hers.
  3. tetsuo


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B] **** you, did you think about a single word you just posted. god your a ****ing ***. your so ****ing stubborn, you are the one picking fights. your the only one here making fun of people.**** you man, why dont you judge yourself first.your the one traking things way too seriously.you are the ****ing baby, the one getting their feelings hurt and trying to get back at me because you think that just because im cussing that im trying to be mean. [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: :devil: :demon: calm down man just take a deep *** breath and calm down. its just your habit to cuss i know and navi back off a little don't get so defensive. its all good fun constructive critiscism. well it should be good and fun so just enjoy it dont get at eachothers throats every 5 seconds.
  4. tetsuo


    :devil: :flaming: :demon: when i was in junior high there was this one guy who wouldnt leave my friend alone. he would pick on her and call her names. and it started to piss me off so i told him to stop or else. and you know how it goes. he says "Or else what?" cuz he was bigger than me in height and size but that never bothered me because i have always been strong for a little guy. ask twisted face he knows. well after school when i was walking my friend home because it was on the way to my house the big *** monkey comes and pushes me and her from behind. she fell and hurt her self and that pissed me off because i liked her too she wasnt just my friend. i stood my ground and we strapped it on for a little while. at the time i was taking tai kwan do. so i lit him up pretty good the only thing that happened to me was getting a punch in the stomache and i hit my head on his when i punched him. he left us alone after that and everyone that saw the fight was laughing at him cuz "the little kid whupped his ***." and i got a little popularity from it but mostly i got respect from him and from evryone else. and my friend was just hurt a little so i helped her home afterwards. dont you hate crybabies i do. thomas the big loser started crying after i took him down. well thats what happens when you underestimate a person.
  5. :devil: :flaming: :demon: i think im a four possibly a five. i know imnot great looking but im not BUTT UGLY. like twisted face is. i am attatching my pic so you can see. i dont care what you rate me im happy with how i look
  6. ok lets see i have a few SlipKnot - Iowa NiN- pretth hate machine; the downward spiral; further down the spiral; the fragile; things fallling apart the offspring - Ixnay ... M.X.P.X. - slowly going the way of the buffalo NFG - nothing gold can stay Blink 182 - the mark tom and travis show; dude ranch Rob Zombie - hellbilly deluxe, american made music to strip to gorillaz - gorillaz no doubt- the return of saturn and many many more
  7. :flaming: :devil: :demon: when i was fifteen i gota box of tampons too, and im a guy. where am i supposed to stick one of those things. nevermind, don't answer that. but it was a mistake my grandma put the tag on the wrong box cuz me and my cousin were born a day apart. and she forgot which one was whos. but the whole damn family was there
  8. :flaming::devil: :demon: at the pool, who mat nick and that other guy
  9. yeah and one was empty and the other was chewed on
  10. oh well did they have holes in them and smell like rotten cheese?
  11. QUOTE]hehe, no halo for you you uhh...[/QUOTE] spawn of satan would work.[
  12. :flaming: :devil: you have a halo? you bastard im a hell bound spawn of satan.
  13. :flaming: :devil: i got a couple of gluesticks and a green pocket tee shirt that is way too big for me
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