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Everything posted by asuka

  1. Sora dosen't get along with any 1.Especaly Crim
  2. True >________< Its gomeing on in 30 min! *jumps up & down*
  3. But...mmmm...then...im confused...I guess i'll hve to watch tonights epesode...
  4. Mmmm...your right.The end will tell us^.^BTW I think the real Tsukasa is dead.I know it was in the 5th or 6th epesode...
  5. Crim would todaly beat Tsukasa's butt!
  6. [COLOR=deepblue]I think Tsukasa's a girl but...im not sure...I missed 4 epesodes...:bawl:
  7. Pretty much.But it relly makes me wounder.Where dose he live?Who dose he live with?
  8. I noticed they almost never talk about parents....
  9. Probly to have fun.Hes bored all the time so he has fun killing.
  10. That could be true.He/She can't log out.[yet]
  11. That sounds about right.Or he likes killing the gamers 4 the fun of it.[4th or 5th epesode gives the awncer.]
  12. My most embarassing moment was when my top flew off at a water park...
  13. asuka

    Blue Seed!!

    [size=1][color=blue]Blue seed is cool.I finaly understand it>.
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