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Hacker Kite

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Everything posted by Hacker Kite

  1. Thanks you guys!!! Ill add them both if i have the room.
  2. You only hope that i like it. YOu have little faith in the fact that i love :love: it!!!! Thanks for all your work ill add it on asap!!
  3. I might have them here in my pc, let me see how many i can load up! So far the only pics that i have that can work are for Rikku and Paine!!! I will have to go llok of another couple of pics of Yuna!!
  4. Im looking for some one that can make excellent FF banners. Im looking to have Yuna as the main theme, in her Songstress Dressphere!! Rikku should be in her Theif Dressphere; off to the left side of Yuna Paine in her Warrior Dressphere; on the right!! I want the top of the banner to say, "Gullwings, Ready!" and the bottom of the banner to read: "Y, R, P, in position. It's showtime girls!" If possible this would be a very appreciative banner!!! James aka Hacker Kite
  5. Who here knows how to hack... and s willing to teach?
  6. Rating: 10/10 Does anyone here understand what is said between Tsukasa and the audience???? He says, "I am not me anymore!" I don't fully understand it!! And it was more than a filler episode **spoiler** [*spoiler]because when they mention in .hack//Outbreak at the very end Kite says, " I finally understand the rules of this game, the game that Harold created!" We'll not to spoil the entire thing and the fact that i don't remember what was said in the episode but the mentioned and answered your question if you didn't understand what Kite ment by that phrase!!!! If some one has the DVD's or recorded VHS's and could look it up for all of us here that would make my post a little bit simplier!!!!! [*/spoiler] Thanks, Hacker Kite EDIT: I am sorry about the spoiler thing i even went to the posting rules thing and copied that and i still get it to work so sorry and Please don't look if you don't want to see it but i was a little curious!!!!
  7. Thanks for the update!!!! Hacker Kite
  8. Does any one know when it will come out though!!!!!! Hacker Kite
  9. Ok the name of the rumured sequel of Pirates is: Pirates of the Carribbean 2: Treasure of the Lost Abyss! That is all i found out!!! If anybody has a way to get more info about it from just a name please by all means take it and tell us here what you can get!!!!! Hacker Ki te
  10. You all have very funny insites on the movie that is exactly what i was looking for when i created this thread!!! I love the fact the Jack has a plan for everything as someone mentioned earlier!!!! And i have heard a rumor on another boards site that the name of the sequel of the second one!!! That is the only info they have on that topic!!!! Ill go look for it and tell you guys later!! Hacker Kite
  11. Nice touch adding that quote form the movie that is a funny part in the enitre thing!!!! Hacker Kite
  12. I'm with you exactly and thanks for coming subscribe and talk to certain people with me about their thoughts on this show please!!!! HackeR Kite
  13. What kinda people would not post a thread about the greatest movie ever made!!!! Captain Jack Sparrow is the best character on that movie!!! If you have not seen it yet you don't have a clue what your missing!!!! Write in this thread about what you think of the movie!!!!! Hacker Kite
  14. Not what ever site that is your myotaku site????!!!!!!!! Hk
  15. I signed it but i was wondering if anyone knew that their was an old site that did the same thing!!! Ask dark_dragongirl she was one of the last ones that posted on the site any way!!! Hk
  16. If one had already signed a petition that is the same as this one you might have mentioned then would they have to resign it!!! I believe a while ago someone else had the same kinda thread????? Just curious just to decide to wether i am to sign it again!!!!! Hk
  17. I know about it too!!! I was number 200 something to sign the stupid thing!!!! I don't know how many the have now!!!! People interesting in .hack and are viewing this post go to the site and sign it! Hk
  18. I would like to help you with your site if you don't mind Azure Wolf! I will be doing it from my myotaku site!!! Click the link to the left for those you want my help or opinion on the matter! Hacker Kite
  19. Its very ironic!!!!! You watch these shows, play the games, and then get left to hang out to dry they sould do anything within their power to always keep a series going!!! The need to make the game on the pc!! And the stupid genious that is to invent the visual helmet thingie needs to hurry the heck up!! This is all the things that will keep the game alive for a while!!! Also i for one understand almost everything there is to know about the show except for the exception of Harold Heowick(?) and Morganna!!! That is about it!! Any way got to run! Hacker Kite
  20. Rate: 10/10 Anyone here undersand what it is that the Twlight's eye really does in the episode or does that come in the next episode because i never watched Twlights eye in the first go around??? Hacker Kite
  21. This past Saturday was the 11/29/03. I was watching the reapeated episode of Twilight's Eye and realized that i missed this episode the first time through!! well i started thinking what does the eye have to do with anything??? Or is no one willing to tell me, and just say watch next Saturdays episode??? Because that is what they ALL say. Got to run if you don;t really what to tell me then don't worry about it!!! Ok Bye Hacker Kite
  22. Spoilers Post If you watched yesterday's (11/22/03) episode, Entanglement, [*spoiler]some signs that point to it is that of all the flash backs that they kept showing of the father in the hospital talking to the doctor! And then Bear and BT talking about wether or not Bear is going to support the player of Tsukasa! Because Bear thought that he found the player. Tsukasa gave Mimiru a rod of some sort and she had mentioned that she wanted to buy a real bag at this store and Tsukasa knew exactly the store she was talking about! Then she told Bear and Bear found a comatose person in the area that they were talking about! But in all that the flash backs showed a girl in the hospital bed If you were to look closely i think that you might see it too! [*/spoiler] Thanks See ya! Hacker Kite EDIT: Why didn't the tags work?????
  23. You are most surely allowed to use hyperlinks if seen them everywhere else and they never get yelled at!!! I promise so saveeverybody the trouble and quite worrying about it and post the link ok it will all be fine and if they tell you other wise than just blame me! Ok. Hacker Kite
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