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Hacker Kite

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Everything posted by Hacker Kite

  1. amarao i love youre style of thinking you thought that through very well and it made sense!!!! Nice one Hacker Kite
  2. What is it that you are trying to say in your post????? Hacker Kite
  3. I trying to help you out midnightwolf i signed the petition along time ago and i was just telling them that so it save you an extra twenty minutes on something like just telling people .... sorry got to go but the idea is helping!!!!! Hacker Kite
  4. Thanks again to all how have come to see this picture that i made the first one in a while but it still makes me happy!!! Thanks again Bye Hacker Kite
  5. it was drawn on normal paper but since i have no access to a scanner ever then i took a really close-up view digital picture of it so it gave it those extra effects!!!! SO should have mentioned that thanks for the comment on it though!!!! Bye Hacker Kite
  6. Thanks for the support i'm in the makings of a better .hack picture so look on this page for more to come!! Thanks again! Bye Hacker Kite
  7. I haven't drawn anything for a while but this is what i did last night during ruruoni kenshin!! I took two hours to complete and i still need some work on it!! You know hoe hard it is to draw a face on a small head as like Orca's????? OH well please tell me what you think! Bye Hacker Kite
  8. I haven't drawn anything for a while but this is what i did last night during ruruoni kenshin!! I took two hours to complete and i still need some work on it!! You know hoe hard it is to draw a face on a small head as like Orca's????? OH well please tell me what you think! Bye Hacker Kite
  9. first off just to warn you since i know your a newbie and all but you aren't allowed to double post they don't like that click the edit button on the bottom of your post!! Ok? Second what the heck did you mean in the second post!????! Third the game isn't online we are talking about the game going online and if they would do that because we are signing the petition!!! Got it ????? If not PM me!!!
  10. MidnightWolf would you please enlighten everybody with the web address so that they can read this thread post and then go sign. Everybody keeps saying "Where do we go and i tell them to pm you and it is rather annoying to keep hearing that over and over again!!!! Please THANKS!!!! Hk
  11. I just watched the Matrix: Reloaded and all i got to say is i love it when Link says "He's doing the superman thing again" Ilove it when Neo starts the superman thing or flying he bends down, places one hand in front of himself and then bursts off into the sky!!!!!! How amazing!!
  12. Inuyashagurl_15 that is exactly what i said but thinks for clearing that up so that the can understand what i just said!!!!
  13. I think that we all requested then from the people in the Banner/Avatar section of the boards!!!!
  14. i heard that also but didn't know wether to believe it!!
  15. i knew that but it is tooooo late and ive very tired sorrrrrrry ill fix it!
  16. To sign the petition you need to contact Midnight Wolf for the address!!! I signed it by asking him for it but fogot the name of the site. Sorry, HK
  17. I with all of you i signed the petition but i know it has no hope what so ever!!! But if the do know how we feel about it then they could cosider it. The only option that would work is to tell people to boycot all things related to .hack and then they would probably. (only as a last resort)
  18. Thanks for the episode thing. But the LOTR quote i know that one but hadn't had time to put it on yet thanks though!!!!
  19. Can any of you tell me what episode it was that they found out that he was a girl?????
  20. I might not be a site monitor or anything like that but there already is a scary movie 3 thread you should post a comments there!!!! Sorry just warning you!
  21. I beat Mutations in three days it was a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Is there any website out there that can help explain any of this to me and read about the manga?????
  23. i'm with them it is a really nice banner and Wondershot's glowing effect would look rather nice. But i would give it a 10/10 Nice one!!!!!
  24. Three things huh... That's a tough one....might be crossing the line toooo much...? 1.) Vash's gun/attire(coat and glasses)(Trigun) 2.)All forms of magical powers(YYH) 3.)Kite's Hacking Bracelet(.hack//Infections,Mutations,Outbreak, Quarentine) (And if we are including outsider shows then i would include Charmed on TNT.)
  25. Ok ive heard the name before and i swear ive watched it but i can't seem to remember what it was about worth flies on horse poop. Can some one out there help me???
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