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Everything posted by kyonen

  1. Come on now, DON't piss off a mod... please
  2. The best episode, because Mimiru slaps Tsukasa! And how he complains to her, it's just so cute! ^w^ "I just... want to be alone." And that ticked her off! Great! And for that guy about the BT-killing part, why? 2nd ep, maybe, but it's the FRIGGIN' FIRST EPISODE!!!!!! So 10/10
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Will you all stop being 4 year old little girls arguing over who's barbie has bigger breast and realize this is music and not anything nearly as important as lets say.... your lack of intelligence.... [/B][/QUOTE] Sure... just glad this isn't [b]locked[/b]!!! ;)
  4. kyonen


    Become a Psychiatrist, but NOT a Psychologist. The latter is all about knowing how to push ppl's buttonz >_< But my fave is Mimiru. I'll give reason's differently than 'shes like me personality-wise' but she's hot! ^^; yeah, she may not have that much of a rack, but I love her outfit! And I know someone IRL that looks JUST LIKE HER @_@ (at least IN TEH FACE)
  5. It's not out yet, is it??? [size=1][b][color=darkblue]kyonen: Please work on the length and quality of your posts. This is your first warning. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
  6. I loved Cap's [b]TOXIC[/b] colored hair!!!!! Hahaha
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lava lamp [/i] [B]If you're a J-POP/J-ROCK fan and do these things, I hate you.[/B][/QUOTE] I also hate you, you elitist, you! ;) I don't know you personally, but I can't stand elitists. There's no reason to have that attitude. You're cooled down, but I just don't want this topic locked. Heh, yeah, Sweet Pie, but August [I]was[/I] a comparatively long time back. And, I took a look at that, but I couldn't really tell about them (it was too small to read). I don't know if were allowed to talk about file-sharing programs and mp3s or not, but WinMX users seem to have D-SHADE. Hey, does anyone here like Kuroyume??? They were a cool band, too. I don't know when they disbanded, though.
  8. I don't know if I'd be in a band, I might just start off as a soloist.
  9. I can sing. [i]really[/i] well. I'm not in a band though, or anything in the biz... yet. >.> In fact if I did anything, it wouldn't be soon, because I haven't trained my voice yet Anyways, if that doesn't count, I don't have one. Though I'm learning guitar. :D
  10. Hi, sweet pie! I'm kyonen, and I'm not new here. I came here up to August last year. This is the first time I've come back @_@ But anyways it's nice to meet you! ^_- My favorite J-rock band is D+SHADE. I know there are those like wrist cutter who think they're just a run-of-the-mill band, but they're not. They disbanded in 2000, but I still like their music. Their last song, ZERO, is the best in my opinion. It's weird. I like them even more then I liked Diru @_@ But SadClown would find it interesting to know, I got to know them thru KKJ as well (and the OTHER 3 bands!) xD
  11. kyonen


    I liked Lu:Na. That's one of my favorite songs of him. And yeah, lava, I did like him more in Malice Mizer. Like the Merveilles era, especially in Le Ciel. And for his acting career, who's seen Moonchild? What did you think of it? I'm thinking of seeing it, but that DVD's expensive!
  12. kyonen


    I have a question on a few names of the PCs and a statement. Tsukasa. Not really any questions, but the name can be either male or female. So him being a girl IRL while a boy ITW, is like a play on names. I also heard here that it means "to govern". Is that right? Mimiru. Is this a verb of some sort, or is it just a word made up by project .hack?
  13. That'd be all you wanted to visit Japan for? :p I actually heard about .hack from Game Informer in early 2K2.
  14. kyonen

    50 vs. Shady

    Heheh. I like Shady more now, once he got serious he was much more likeable. Back in his early days, he was soooooo stupid. I'd have to say I like him better than $.50, but only on his more serious albums.
  15. Wow...really? :excited: Yeah, sounds like Naruto, doesn't it? At the beginning, he had fantastic powers as a 9-tailed fox demon. And later it was sealed! That's not why I thought of it, though.
  16. That's mysterious. Not to mention sort of depressing, because that may have been what his job was and is now back to that. At least he might have made quite some money...
  17. Actually, there could be another reason Tsukasa doesn't have any powers. He doesn't have any powers [I]when we get to see him.[/I] He could have had powers beyond compare when he first started playing, and they were sealed up for some reason or another. Why he needs a guardian and he can't log out, is the same reason, but he never recovers his powers. It's tempting to think of it that way, since he is the main character. But that's probably not it :p
  18. In some cases no one knows the artist of anime songs. I.E. Through the Night: Who the Hell sings that?? I'd love to know! And I usually don't listen to Anime songs, because I'm really starting to hate J-pop. Only a few songs lately stand out in my mind, like Wind (because it's sang in English mainly but also other reasons) and Betterman's ED (k-lite didn't even help me there!) I mostly listen to DeG and Gackt.
  19. Akeboshi's awesome (has anyone ese heard any of his songs? I haven't). But none of you guys have likely heard D+Shade (shorthand for Dearest Cross Shade) you haven't heard Endless Love unless you've seen KKJ. Even with Kazaa, I had to search VERY VERY VERY many times for it, and I'm glad! because i had finally found it. I may upload it to my audio site, though, so others can get it. I'd say my favorite song would HAVE to be "Dive into Shine" by Lastier. If anyone's heard it, they know what I'm talkin' about. It's amazing. It can lift your spirits so much! (one of the lyrics: "Fukai yami o hikari ni kawaru" = "Even the Deepest Darkness can be overcome and changed into light" It's an excellent song for depressed ppl :D And yeah, the Pillows and the seatbelts be kickin *** too!
  20. Oh, well I'll ask one, since no one else will. In the Anime Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne the second season, what chess piece does Myst/Mist get sealed as?
  21. yalborap, you know what'd be really cool? If she were reading this right now or is actually a memeber of OB :laugh: But do you think it's alright if not too much longer a mod locks it? Maybe have it stick around so others also who hadn't seen it could.
  22. ohh...HILARIUM! :D ...and, let's all stop this now. It's over. I don't see any point to continuing this thus further. :cool:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Yes, it's called [b]ADULT SWIM.[/B] How old are the majority of you? Between ages 11-14, I'd say. Of course, they are the exceptions, but this is my point. I agree with the woman in a few ways. Number 1, I think it's stupid for CN to even have an AS. When I was a kid, I used to stay up all night and watch TV. It doesn't matter if it puts up the disclaimer...people will still watch it if they want to. No one can stop them. Why do you think all of YOU are watching it? And the things they do show on AS are VERY suggestive. I think that if CN wanted to show violent/sexual oriented stuff, they shouldn't have aimed at creating the channel for children in the first place. You all compare AS to shows that are aired on Fox. Well, primetime TV such as the stuff that comes on Fox is not aimed for kids. The Cartoon Network is. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I just don't think that CN has enough resourses to make AS a channel, or maybe they they do. There's a lot that could be said babout that.
  24. Has anyone heard that phrase that goes something like "you could sue a bologna sandwich in today's courts" or something else like that? I always thought that that sounded funny.
  25. Sounds to me like some one better write there opinoin on her on the exact same site = nutjob!! But seriously. If you have kids < 10, you SERIOUSly have mental probs if you let your kids watch stuff and actually care what they watch. I mean, if I had a child < 10, I could let him watch wat he wanted. I wouldn't care then if I had, because doing so is like going back on your word, breaking a promise. But I don't think normally I'd let him see stuff he's still not mature enuff for :p
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