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Everything posted by kyonen

  1. The plot is very original and great, almost as much as Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne's!:box: I didn't like the music as much as the plot, but a little less than the art. I thought it was very good, but I've heard better. For the time though, it's some of the best.
  2. Yes. Unless somehow you are superhuman and have the strength of twenty humans. Oh well, you could always band together a big group to do so!
  3. It's hard to say, but I'm kind of slated to have a negative view of my past self. I always think that he was stupid as hell, and should not have wasted his time so vainly. On the flipside, I sometimes never regret anything I do ^_^
  4. Well, the first one you can't think of is the Masked Rider. Which I thought was sort of cool, because he fought alone and didn't need no stinkin team. The last one you mentioned is actually an update of the aged Ultraman. By theway I think the worst of all would have to be VR Troopers. *ugh*
  5. I think PR more anoying than Pokémon somehow..Yes. I'd even go that far.
  6. I like Dir en Grey the best. Could I say anything else after I heard Ain't Afraid to Die, Cube, and Cage? Nope. :D Then you've got the psycho songs Pink Killer and Deity (which was done in Russian). TMR and Pierrot are pretty cool too. There's anoter band...D-Shade. They were SOOOOOOO cool Now they are broken up :bawl: their music was awesome. Especially Owaranai Ai Wo!
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