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Die Kr

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Everything posted by Die Kr

  1. Die Kr


    I love the U.S. I guess I'm not racist, I'm just prejudice. Against loud, irritating people. I dislike the french because they dislike us, and our Military could pound them into the ground, so I don't see why the keep on ranting about how bad we are.
  2. I'd definitely want to be alot stronger. If I was stronger, I could start a fight club, then go around and have tons of fun. Also, I'd be able to stand alot more drugs, which is sort of good, sort of bad, since I still want to be effected, just not permanently demented. Tch, I don't personally care about money, just girls and having fun. Actually, I wouldn't mind being a god, but that would make God angry, so I wouldn't do it. Why does everyone care about money? I'm going to be poorer than hell when I'm grown. Screw working. I'll probably spend most of it on drugs, then the rest on whatever...I'm going to live in an abandoned house (I'll move constantly), steal my food and find water or drinks for cheap/free. I'm likely going to work as a Drill Sergeant in the Army until I get bored of that, then I'll just go through mismatched jobs across the US. I'll be your local bum in the fight club. Hope to see you at the club ;) .
  3. Die Kr


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by THx11 [/i] [B]Racism is [u]stupid[/u]. It shouldn't even be called "racism" because we are all human beings and we are the same RACE. Racist people are the lowest form of life. They belong in hell. [/B][/QUOTE] Let's see...by saying this, you are being prejudice. I mean, not only are you saying that we are totally wrong which is our OPINION, therefore it cannot be wrong, but you are also saying that we should be treated differently just because of what we believe. Thank you Mr. Racist, I think I've made my point, but I will go on to clarify just how stupid you are. In your second Paragraph, you go on to say that "Racist People are the lowest form of life", while in your first paragraph you said that we are all the same race. Therefore...how much sense do you expect us to make from that? And thanks anyways bud, but I am a Christian. It's those that do something about their racism that belong in hell. I've never touched a black person, nor have I touched a white, an asian, a latino, etc, etc. I don't plan on hurting anybody ever. I just prefer not to be friends with people who aren't into the same stuff that I am. Moving along, it's not the White Supremacists themselves who cause racism. It's how the race acts. Me and one of my racist friends just had a conversation at lunch. We both agree that the only blacks that we dislike are the ones that act like the N word. They severely irritate me. They're loud, obnoxious and treat girls like trash. I agree with slavery, but that is not what the Confederate States of America stood for. The CSA stood for freedom and states rights. The US were being a bunch of jerks, so S. Carolina seceded from the Union, which it had a RIGHT to do. Back to slavery, I don't see anything wrong with enslaving someone. I mean, the conditions here were much better than in Africa (and they still are). You get housing, clothing, and food here, while there you get AIDS, Malaria, and many other diseases, in addition to little food. Here's what I believe. The first generation of an immigrant family that moves there should be forced into slavery. Then, since their children are born into the US, they are born free. That is a very fair price to pay in order to live free. God Bless America, where people can't be punished for their beliefs.
  4. Die Kr


    Oh, and go Drix! You have great points, and don't seem to be anti-racist or supporting racism. Both sides should congratulate him for his superior intellect and all sit down and get stoned together. I'm up for hanging around the anti-racists if they'll hang around me without bringing up the stupid topic. I do pills. Anyone want to dislike me for doing pills? And I love the military too. Anyone hate the military? or goths? Then are you going to hate me for no reason? Everyone's prejudice, and racism isn't any worse or any better than all the other prejudices. So why do you guys want to continue to argue with me and the other racists?
  5. Die Kr


    Okay...I'm not going to bother reading everyone's post. Red. I don't like most blacks because of how they act. I already told you that. I don't like chinese because they seperate themselves (same with the blacks). Jews killed my Christ. Communism would work if people were perfect, but people AREN'T perfect. So, therefore, it doesn't work. You, Red, are truly the less intelligent of the 2 in this argument because while I'll give a reason as to why I dislike blacks, chinese, communists, jews, YOU will not give a good reason as to why you hate ALL racists no matter how nice they are. I'm rather nice. And I don't hate ALL blacks, chinese, communists, and jews. I already told you that.
  6. Die Kr


    Errr...James, trying to see where you're coming from. You can't contradict yourself when you hate a nationality when you have friends from it too...plus, he never said he hated Africans. He just said he hated how the typical black acts. Which I totally agree with him on. I hate gangsters, whether chinese, or white, or black, or mexican. So there, my other half of the cents. 1 cent per post. Therefore you all have my 2 cents. Go ahead, start arguing. I'm ready. Anti-racists contradict themselves. :demon:
  7. Die Kr


    Why...why are you all anti-racist? Is it perhaps you don't understand where some of them are coming from? I can understand how you hate racists like some of the ones you've been talking about. But are you saying you're automatically hate me just because I dislike people's religions? And *gasp* I don't like criminals. hmm...let's think about that. what's NOT to dislike about criminals and gangsters? I mean, they're rude, crude, poor disgraces to the face of the United States. I don't look at it because of how they look, I look at it as how they act. In fact, I have at least 2 mexican friends (trust me, that's alot considering how many friends total I have...10 at the most) because unlike most of the other mexicans and black people, they don't act racist. Chinese people are just strange in my opinion, and I hate communists. Communism doesn't work, get it in your head. Bloody hell. Then some athiests I'm okay with, but satanists, jews (not the race, the religion), and muslims piss me off. Go ahead, yell at me. as if I truly care. Sure, I don't get many girls being racist like this, but hey, I say if she doesn't like it she can go **** herself. I mean, if I ever get a girl, it would be because she truly cares about me no matter what I do, so long as I stay myself and stay true to her and my own self. I think all of you are shallow people who are also prejudice in that you look at all racists the same. I'm a very nice person if you get to know me, but likely none of you will because I'm RACIST. Yes, that's right, I'm RACIST, but that shouldn't matter, because none of you are PREJUDICE, right? That's what I thought. You just promote prejudice when you say that you hate racists, rather than stopping it, which is what you should be doing if you're that worried about it. And why does it always happen that whenever I'm talking to an anti-racist chick, the conversation of racism always comes up? I mean, bloody hell, I don't want to argue, but then you guys are the ones that start arguing usually. I mean, geez. And I'm not even truly racist, just mildly. So just think about it, and think before you start to argue with one of the smarter racists out there.
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