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About DarkWolf

  • Birthday 05/13/1988

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    A novice artist. He still needs to learn new skills
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  1. Finaly made it to the village. He stumbles in out of breath. sudenly he looks up to call for help. But there are flames. had he been in so much fear that he did not see the fire? "Ahhh uh uh uhhh." he said falling to the the ground unconsios. He has been running as fast as he could all night and did not sleep the night before. A man saw him and yelled "Sombody help! Get a doctor!" Then another said. "He is burnt, but not bad. He should heal fast. Man his clothes a filthy."
  2. (ooc sry to ooc agian but where are the others on this? ooc) Vox walks around. He does this because he is lost of course. Strange huh. Just the wrong side and a night and he gets lost. Any ways he finds a hut and decides he should at least use the tree and hut as wind breaks. He falls asleep and just hopes he wakes up before somone wakes up and comes out this time.
  3. Fang ran. Ran as fast as he could. Where did he hear about things like that? Where? All that mattered is that he made it to town. Maybe people know how to heal them. Fang Was almost in town and looked back. He could still see the fire. He shivered. Why? Why was he so afraid of it? All he knew about people was that he was one of thier "urban legends". Fang turned back and relised that the town was burnt too. He walked on. causiosly now.
  4. (ooc daigo. not trying to be a pain but people will hate you if you spell like that. I uhh know... Um first hand ooc) Fang Charged throuh the woods. There they are but. But they where turned to stone. "How? What?" Fang said barly adioble. (as if anyone could hear him anyway) Fang was tired frightened and now very uneasy. Sudenly 3 demons poped out of the trees. Fang Charged and slashed wildly with his two brocken katanas. One of the demons atacks but misses. It hit a tree which turns to stone. Fang jumps back after only taking 1 down. "Me no like. Pack gone. Grrrr" He said in his almost not understandable, uncivalised, and overall uncultured tongue. He charged back and got the other two before they got him. Shivering Fang then ran out of the woods after checking on the pack. Clumsily Fang colasped to the ground. Fire.............
  5. Koroma charged across the field. He charged with his spear's shaft on his back and holding the head with his left hand. He was close. He could almost see them. Maybe they where close. Or maybe the fact he had not eaten in a week was finaly efecting him. Maybe Both. He didn't care. He jumped over a rock. There it was White Lily. He landed softly and says "I promised you revenge. They will pay."
  6. Shakoya for last I guess. I thought only the rich had last names.
  7. name: Koroma age:23 eye color:Blue Hair Color: Black Gender:Male Weapons:Spear style:His Own Brief:He learned his style from a rich family. The family dies right before his eyes by assassins. Then he goes to get revenge. He can be very stubborn and lets say "reliant and stubborn about his fighting skills." So can I still jion?
  8. The crowd cheered. Vox evades a atack, rollouts (a move that rolls you closer to a foe for higher power) and finishes the Blood Rain combo. His oponet falls to the ground and there is a loud mermer in the crowd. Vox limps out the steel ring he was fighting in, away from the monstrous fighter who nearly took his head off. Vox walked to the concetion stand to claim his prize. Vox growled at the money. Only worth about 10 ounces of gold. Vox heaved a sing and limped out of the place. Gangsters never give up money. Even when it is a fight between a huge guy with a gun and a light footed little guy who has only his fists. Vox looked around. Typical slums. Vox sighed. He came out the wrong end and is now lost.
  9. Patiance. It will begin soon enough. probly as soon as shippo sees all hes got. I just hope my chara makes it. I realy want to use him becuase it would be fun playing as a iliterit little wild animal person.
  10. name: Fang (is only known as that because he is a orphan) Age: apears uhh 16 Weapon: he uses two old brocken katanas Bio: He is yet another chara who is a orphan raised by wolves. he managed to learn to speak before being orphaned so he knows japanese. Though not much or well. he is a deep thinker and very loyal. he fights to protect his pack. He doesn't even know he is nick named Fang. That actualy comes from a urban legend about a kid who's parents died in a fire and disapeared. Funny enough he is afraid of fire and does not know anything before the pack (serius amnesai. His parents actualy died 15 years ago acording to the legend.) The one thing he is sure about is strange things are hapening and the pack wont last like this. aperance: Blue eyes. White hair. He starts the story with old frayed clothes. He has long black hair down past his shoulders and slouches alittle when fighting.
  11. name:John C. Wolfwood age:29 gender:male apearance: axactly like his father except he has Milli's (dono how to spell it) face. He still has wolfwoods hair though. Weapon: Wolfwood's old cross Bio: He is the son of Mille and Wolfwood. He has tried to take after his dead father. He is cheerful like Milli but down to earth like Wolfwood. He has been trying to become a gunslinger like Wolfwood (refuses to believe Wolfwood was a bad priest that only admited his "sins" ounce) but he had to become a insurance man like his mother was.
  12. name:Vox (last name is unkown age: apears about 19 Weapon: None unless he steals some claws somtime. style: Ender (my own style. good for 1 on 1 and quik to take down but left side and back are left nearly undefended and is weak agianst large numbers. good for blocking headon atacks) side: good for most part (hates goverment) apearance: A old torn Leather jacket and old torn jeans. he hasn't got the money for a shirt but he has some leather shoes. His hair is down past hisshoulders. he also has light blue eyes Bio: He was just a regular kid in a village when his parents where killed. They where killed in a war by there own side. This was as a little kid. Since then he has been a thief. He survives by his wit and speed. He usauly runs from large groups of fighters but he has been known to fight for money.
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