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About HunkyCorn

  • Birthday 03/31/1988

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  • Biography
    Im 15. 5'5", slim, red hair, dk. brown eyes. I have 15 piercings
  • Occupation
    I goto high school

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  1. yeah, DBZ is hilarious! u know, with all the killing and crying when someone is getting the **** kicked outta them! Im laughing just thinking about it!! But when a pure blooded sayian gets his/her hair cut, it IS supose to grow back!! Goku get is hair cut all the friggin time and it NEVER changes!! Ever! Cuz it keeps growing back to what it origonally was!! ur wrong.
  2. Yeah, goku gets his hair cut off by swords or ki all the friggin time!! im not sayin he doesn't! but i grows back!! goku always has the same hair cuz he is a PURE BLOODED sayian!! so is vegita.... "suposbly"
  3. Yeah! Everyman for themself! LoL! But I bet a long the way, they did watch eachother's back in battle and such! :) They are a race built for fighting and violence. That's is their purpose. They have HUGE powerlevels and everytime they have a near death expirience, their powerlevels shoot through the roof! My kind of race! lol
  4. Oh no... Vegeta gets possessed again? Great..... not really. But sayins can't cut their hair cuz it will always grow back. It's supose to never change, unless they turn into another transformation. I can't wait to see the super 17 sega, it looks awesome!
  5. OK, sayins are ruthless! If they weren't shipped off to another planet to one day destroy it, then they where feezia's warriors that went to planets to kill everything there for it to be sold! They weren't spending time with families! Did you see lil kids and their mommys and daddys walking in the park?!?!?! No, you saw fighting and blood and when someone needed help, they would drink beer, yay!!
  6. Ok, I am a LONG time fan of DragonBall Z. And Ive resently started watching DragonBall and DragonBall GT. But I soooo confused in GT for some reason... why can Vegeta cut his hair? I know why Trunks, Pan, and Goku are travalling the ends of the universe, but when does the good stuff happen?? Like Brolli, Cooler, and what happened to Buu? No effence for people who love GT, but I do find it a "lil" boring compared to Z... and by lil, I mean a lot. I should like it but I dont. Is there something wrong with me???:drunk:
  7. GoTo my comic site! Awsome stuff!! Very funny! Updated MWF! [url]www.geocities.com/purpleeggchild/sunshineinabag.html[/url] Have fun!!!:D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Soki-Dan= is literally "Spirit Bomb" This is Yamucha's primary attack. Funimation doesn't know what to call it because: Genkidama, or "spirit bomb" in the US is actually a miss-translation. Kiousama's infamous attack actually translates to : "Energy Ball". I guess funimation didn't know what to do. They miss-named Goku's "energy ball" as "spirit bomb" and when they had to translate Yamucha's attack.. well.. there you have it. They are entirely different techniques though. [/B][/QUOTE] Omg thank you! u made it make sence! I new it had something to do with FUNimation.. I hate them. I guess they're too lazy to acctually to things right eh?
  9. I just cant figure out why he called it that! I have a feeling you all think Im crazy but he said it! It was Episode 17:Showdown in the Past. He did his screwed up spirit bomb after Krillin died. It was only Yamcha and Tien left... untill they died shortly after. He did this attack 2 times in this episode. The first time he didn't call it ne thing. He just did it with the whole finger movement and crap. But the second time took him longer and he said "spirit bomb". WHY did he say that! I bet he just said it to drive me insane! Stupid Yamcha and his stupid messed up attack!:flaming:
  10. Yes! I know! he did that attack before he did the attack that he called the "spirit bomb"! I know it isn't the spirit bomb but thats what he called it. I dont understand why. It could just be the fu
  11. OK, in the Vegita Saga, when Tien, Yamcha, Krillen and all the are training in Kame's tower, they all go in the room where they go back in time 100 years to train. While the warriors are training with the past saiyans, Yamcha does the Spirit Bomb! I dont understand how he can do this when Im pretty sure he's never been to King Kia's plant!! Did I miss something here?:worried: :nervous: :( :eek: :drunk:
  12. How do I say something in the blooper part in the DB/Z/GT Shrine?
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