i also flat out love inuyasha.the anime is good but i think manga is better.My favorite characters are inuyasha,Kagome,Miruku,and inuyasha's brother.does anyone else like characters off inuyasha.
:smirk: :angel: ;) :naughty: :therock: :D Saying that was so cool how they posted theotaku.com on Cartoonnetwork.I agree that was tight.
And Aquila they did when Trigun had a commercial.
i think blue seed is okay but i think they need to work on it.
Does anyone know how many episodes and seasons there are and will Momiji ever kiss someone.
isn't it about a girl who searches for a alien on earth with the help of a boy with stuff coming out of his head.
i think flcl had to much funny and strange things in the first episode.
can i join anyones buddy list