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Everything posted by honeychan03

  1. I got my first tattoo when I was 19. My mom was really mad at me when I did but she eventually got over it. I have 3 now. 2 are roses and the Japanese symbol of dream on my ankle. My daughter said that mother's are not supposed to have tattoes....but that she loves me anyway.
  2. I live in Puerto Rico...A tiny island in the Caribbean. It's nice here. My only complaint is that there is too many traffic jams when I go to work.
  3. Well I'm a Duran Duran fan. They're still around. I think that the 80's had cool music...but the clothes were terrible.Believe me the fashion police should have "arrested" me back then....
  4. I think maybe it because they thought that Gf (Guardian Force) gave them memory loss. [size=1][color=CC0000]A little more substance to your posts wouldn't go amiss. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  5. I'm not sure if in Disc 3 Squall has a flashback when he arrives at Edea's house. All of them were orphans there because of the war.
  6. My favorite character is Lulu from FFX. She's dark and moody. Torn between duty and the pursuit of happiness. It's sad that she lost her [spoiler]love and that watching Wakka is a painful reminder of her past...Chappu, her boyfriend[/spoiler], was Wakka's brother. [size=1][color=CC0000]Spoiler tags, man, spoiler tags!!! *adds them* -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
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