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About Mystfyre

  • Birthday 06/02/1988

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  1. I actually was interested in it after watching it, but it could have been better. I could swear alexander had short hair... I also could swear that they didn't wear that crap. If it was re-drawn or something and not so still-like I'm sure it would have been more popular.
  2. Mystfyre


    My chemistry teacher is from india. She can't spell very well, and has a temendous accent, then wonders why we have no friggin clue whats going on. On the plus side, she doesn't understand half of what we say. That can be a good thing... My geometry teacher hated me (and I her) so I always asked the evil "Why?" question for everything. Hehehe... O o o o My english teacher. She is always asking opinionated questions then saying their wrong. So I argue. And argue. And argue. She doesn't appriciate it too much, and its not like I odn't like her...she's just really off sometimes.
  3. We are limited by ourselvers and others. Just thought I'd add that. And also, while it is amzing when you think about the human body, its also slightly depressing when you know how weak we can be.
  4. I usually cry from keeping my eyes open too long in staring contests. I refuse to lose. And I havn't yet :D. But... hmm... the only thing that really makes me cry is pain. Sadness doesn't make me *sad* more *pissed off* then anything.
  5. hm. I have lots of friends, but the thing is, I'm not interested in any of them. You can usually see me helping some guy out with his girl, or some girl out with her guy (and sometimes guy/guy and girl/girl), but I really don't like anyone more then a friend. Eh. I guess I don't count yet.
  6. I live in Louisiana. I have that southern thing going on with the yalls and djetyet? thingie. But I also live in an....ebonics...society. Mix it a bit, and thats how I sometimes talk *if I don't catch myself*.
  7. All anime has done is draw me away from full-time online gaming to full-time dling and watching... My grades are still at the B level (don't get the computer unless it is). It really hasn't had a positive effect either, as I don't do that much more. Ah well.
  8. I cant see a reason for you getting suspended for getting the crap beaten outta you without throwing a punch. Here, you get 5 days suspension whether you throw one punch or beat the other guy to a pulp. Doesn't really help too much, all it does is encourage the rage (as they won't get in more trouble, no matter how much they fight after that one swing). Since our school is so laid-back, I think a side effect is practicality. We don't get too many stupid rules (unless enforced by the school board, i.e. no cell phones) and I for one am QUITE thankful for that.
  9. Hell we got a lot of kids with big poofy-aphro-like hair.. I have seen them take out knives from their hair and cut cords, strings, sticks etc. (practical, no?) so our school doesn't do that good of a job keeping the weapons out. But thats ok. Everyone loves each other at my school.
  10. My school allows bookpacks, but we do wear IDs. It doesn't require any specific laniard (sp??) and they pass out yarn to hold it up (LOL we're poor), and it has one picture on one side. Its usually strictly enforced for a couple weeks, or a month or two, but then nobody wears em.
  11. I hate em. They are stupid. They get the most freakishly weird and angry/depressed people and put them together... If they had a normal crew I doubt a lot of crap that happens there WOULD happen.
  12. heh I wake up at 4:30.... But what you should do is wake yourself up every three hours or so, get up, walk around for like 30 seconds, and go back to sleep. You will wake up soooo refreshed life will be good. Thats what dogs do. *I saw my dog doing it, I tried it, it worked..... I know I'm weird :-P*
  13. They should know of both and should be forced to believe in neither. It should all be up to the individual person to go and think or believe in what that one person chooses to believe in. Or he/she can believe in nothing, and simply not know.
  14. I've always wondered, if some1 knew lots of languages, which one would they think in? Probably the original. But hey.
  15. I watched the show a lot. I could care less for the plots and storylines, I only liked the humor.
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