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Haruhara Haruko

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About Haruhara Haruko

  • Birthday 05/15/1991

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  1. The most painful thing that has ever happened to me (and still is) is a "disease" I have on my left leg. I was at soccer training over the summer. The first day we were running laps and I got at long cut on my left leg. It didn't hurt or anything so I just put on my shin gards and we practiced for about two hours in pouring rain and mud. The cut got infected form the sweat and mud. I didn't really pay much attention to it because it didn't hurt or look that bad, I just kept washing it and all that. Well about a month later in early September my leg looked like it had blisters all over it and it was starting to hurt when I was running on it. Then the pain got so bad I couldn't even have the leg of my pants touch it. I went to the doctors about 6 times and all of them had differing oppinions on what excatly it was/is.Anymore my leg is so bad I can't even move it to get out of bed. The only way I can describe the pain is something like the worst brush burn you have ever gotten, the feeling you get when push down on a black and blue mark, getting punched really really hard in the face and to top it all of it is the equivalent of having your leg set on fire. Now I've never had my leg set a blaze (that one time the fire was really tiny so it didn't really count) but I feel this is probally a simalar pain.
  2. I would have to say my favorite song as of now would be Ame by The Black Horn. I really like the guitar parts in this songs. And the lead singer Yamada Masashi gets so emotional you can really just get into it.
  3. I hate Valentines Day. I mean if you truly love some one you should show how much you care for them everydday, not just one day out of the year. You never know when something might happen. It's not even original, you celabrate it with billions of other people. I think it is pointless.
  4. I am a big Senses Fail fan. Everything they do is so original. Unlike most of the bands today that sound the same. My favorite song is Bloody Romance, I really like the guitar parts and the lyrics. I have the EP and I can't wait for the ablum.
  5. Here is the trailer from the official site. [url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/newline/returnoftheking/[/url] Hope that helps
  6. Well, I got my name from the anime show FLCL. I eventually got some of my friends to watch it and they said I was exactly like Haruko. So when I was creating a user name I just picked Haruko. I will probally change it if I can think of somehting better.
  7. I am sort of in a band now. We only have three songs and we don't have a name. I play guitar and drums. I only play drums when the real drumer can't make it to practice though.
  8. Most of the time the music I am listening to will inspire me to do something amazing. I sometimes get inspiration from a person, or object I just see laying around. Some days I will just be walking down the halls in school, or sitting in study hall, when I get this sudden burst of creativity. My best artwork are the ones that I had absolutely no intention of making.
  9. The was a scene in one of The Alidian movies like that. I don't remember which one though. I am pretty sure it is return of Jafair. In the begining of the movie Aladian and the princess get in a fight. If you listen closlely you can here the genie say "all pretty women take off your clothes"
  10. Well two of my favorite bands are Rammstein, and The Ramones. I like Rammstein because they are very uniuqe. Most of their songs are a mix of metal and techno. You might not like them because they sing in Greman. I also like The Ramones. I don't really know why. They have a very cool sound. I really like how almost all the songs are made of only three chords. They were also one of the first punk rock bands. By the way if you get a chance you should check out HIM. [url]http://www.heartagram.com[/url]
  11. I think thats really good.Add a few heavy guitar solos and you could have a number one song. Can't wait to see more lyrics.
  12. I think the worst thing was when my mom's pharmacy was almost robbed. I was about ten.It was about 5 o'clock and my mom's asistant pharmacisit Marie was leaving. So now it was only me, Alisson(clerk), and my mom. I was in the backroom watching t.v. When heard some guy yelling that he wanted oxy-contin a powerful pain killer. I was going to see what was going on, I took my baseball bat just incase. He kept on yelling then my mom started yelling back that she didn't have any. He was covered in black with expensive leather gloves but I could see on his wrist a tatto that looked like a navay seal emblem. Then my mom had enough and started calling the police he yelled at her not to and put his hand in his pocket. I raised the bat and stood in front of my mom when i notciced the handgun. He quiclky ran out of the store and I ran after him to try and see were he was going but it was too dark. The entire police force arived but they weren't any help. The stood around the store talking about football and eating all the penny candy we had (didn't pay either). The next night the pharmacy 3 blocks away had all there windows broken. The thing is this is a very small town were everyone knowes each other and there isn't even crime. Alisson drew the tatto that he had but they said that it wouldn't help. Two nights later the same guy broke into an 80 year old lady's house and stole all her checks and money. The cops have arrested him over 10 times and everyone says it is the same guy but they always let him go.
  13. I really don't know what to tell you.I mean she does have a boyfriend,but it is not like you can just stop caring about her untill she doesn't. Bloodsin has a point. Love is our strengh and weakness.I think the only thing you can really do is wait. There isn't much more you could do besides being her friend for now. Hoped that helped.
  14. What do you think of this game? I personally love it. It is fun. The art is stylish, the charecters are great.The gameplay is pretty good too.I think what makes this game awesome is the soundtrack.I have never heard anything like it.
  15. I have been listening ot them for a little under a year now. I really like right here in my arms for some reason. I can't wait for the new cd to come out.
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