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- Birthday 06/24/1988
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Otaku (3/6)
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Sutekia, Very nice work, the colors blend well together, also, the text. I noticed that you used some type of brush, or brushes. It looks very clean, although, I agree with 'hEvN about the border. It looks like you was going to make it a "Splash," like image. Anyway, good job, I like it.
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Likalron, That is a very nice Sign-Up, although, the RP actually Died. I was hoping it would last much more than a couple of pages, again, thank you for signing up. Please, forgive me for not telling you sooner.[/size][/color]
[color="#999999"][font="Arial"] [size="1"] [B]Location: Pallet Town Hotel. Time: 10:00 P.M.[/B] Lightning struck the ground near the Hotel. Leon was getting anxious, he wanted to be out there, Right now, catching Pokemon. Instead the Storm brewed heavily during the Spring. "Bulbasaur, I wish the storm would hurry up and leave. I want to go out there, out there, to catch Pokemon. Pokemon that can be your partners, friends." Leon shrugged as he slid into his covers. Bulbasaur was right beside him, under the covers also. The Pokemon, being Grass type, was actually pretty warm. "Bulba! Bulbasaur!" It's mouth moved, than stopped slowly, [b]he[/b] had fallen alseep. "Good night Bulbasaur, have good dreams! Tomorrow, we will catch a Pokemon to be your pal. Well, I better get some sleep." Leon yawned, stretching out. All around him, people layed down, Charizard had retired, in the room was around three Charmander's, their small tails shining light around the room. He smiled as he noticed all three was alseep, each laying ontop of the other. His eyes drooped down, as Lightning once again struck outside, the rain was pouring heavily against the thick metal roof above him. Finally, his eyes gave in, he had fallen alseep. [/size][/font][/color]
[Size=1][Color=SlateGray][B]Pallet Town[/B]: Walking down the street, Bulbasaur close beside him. He liked the pokemon, it was very agile and quick, it would help in battles, alot. "Bulbasaur, I suppose we should go to Viridian City, it is a way's off of course." Leon looked down, seeing Bulbasaur's eye's staring back into his. Leon felt the wind blow slightly, adjusting his hat, he could tell a storm was brewing. "We will have to wait untill tomorrow, that storm looks pretty bad, thank goodness I did not turn in my keys." Leon laughed, catching a drop of rain in his mouth. Both trainer and Pokemon hurried to the hotel, the light's were out, a large Charizard stood in the middle of the room, it's tail was in flame, making light in the room. Many Trainers, one's that Leon did not see their before, had taken shelter in the Hotel, all sort's of Pokemon crowded the room. Pushing through, he noticed a rather large Tauros scrapping the floor. "Hello, there Tauros!" Leon was in shock as the Pokemon charged. Leon clearly stepped to the side, his rope slid into his hands, some how, the rope was lassowed around on the Pokemon's horn. "Hey, you tried to hurt me! Calm Down! There is other people in here!" Leon carefully and silently talked to the Pokemon, it calmed down. Walking over he slipped the rope off, patting the Pokemon, seemingly out of no where, a small boy appeared. "Sorry Mister, that is my Tauros, it has a rather bad temper, he charges at anything, including you." In his hand, the boy held a Pokeball, in a flash of red light, the Tauros returned. "It is okay, I love Pokemon, even if they have bad tempers." Laughing Leon stepped to the side of the room, still in the light of the Charizard's flame, there he rolled out a blanket, and slept.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray][B] Pallet Town: 8:00 A.M. Ring! Ring! Ring![/B] A small clock rang loudly, it's sound carrying through the small hotel room. Glancing over, Leon Makuto saw that it was 8:00 A.M. "Hmmm....What? 8:00 A.m? I hope I am not late." Launcing out of bed, his clothes on, he grabbed his red hat, along with his coat. Running down the stairs, people where screaming at him, he smiled and bowed. Perhaps, he may be able get a [I]Bulbasaur[/I]! The thought re-assured him, he raced even faster. His rope on his side, always, was he prepared. Dust, settled behind him as he turned a sharp corner. Now, he was running full out, people lined the street as he came racing into veiw. "Is that a Pokemon?" One young Boy asked, his Mother quited him. Slowing down, he looked at the people. All were smiling at him, he smiled back also. Bowing as he entered the large Labortory. Pokemon was out, Scientists studying them. "Excuse me, is this the place where I get my first Pokemon?" Leon politely asked a Scientist, not much older than himself. "Yes, there is Professer Oak." He pointed towards a well known man, Professor Oak. Stepping over he looked into the Professor Oak's eyes, they stared back, than a smile appeared on the man's face. "I believe these is yours?" Professor reached him multiple objects. Quickly he rummaged through all the items. There he stared at his Pokedex, the small red computer opened under his gentle hands. In it's Computer Like voice it said who it's Owner was. Also, with information about that owner. Next he found six Pokeball's, red and white color to make them stand out more against other objects. Although, one was filled with a Pokemon. Throwing it into the air, the Pokemon stood infront of Leon, it's small flower on it's back. [I]Bulbasaur![/I]. The Pokeball landed neatly in Leon's right hand, while the other, held all his equipment. "A Bulbasaur, Thank you very kindly sir." Leon bowed and petted his Pokemon. "You are very welcome, now go fill your dream!" Professor Oak changed his expression and pushed Leon hurriedly out of the Labatory. Leon stood there laughing as his Pokemon chanted it's name, almost, if laughing. "Bulbasaur!" Vine's came from the Pokemon's body, pushing it into the air, it landed solidly back on the ground. ------------ Appearance: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/rstrainer49.png[/IMG] Pokemon Team: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs203.gif[/IMG][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Everyone, Okay, we need around Two more people. One person to play as Earth / Africa, remember! This is not a First come First Serve Rp. Please if You want to try to be in this RP, Please post.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray] Title: Spirit of Dragon?s Three Hundred Years ago, a great Dark Dragon had come to destroy the Earth, people, life?s existence. Ancient Warrior?s rose to defend against it, their power, lied with-in themselves. The Ancient Warriors, used Magic, Weaponry, and Dragons. These Dragon?s was sealed with-in the Weapons of the Ancient Warriors. Each was powerful, each had their own Elemental advantage. Although, this Dragon was powerful, it still was defeated. Now it has returned, more powerful than before. The Ancient Warrior?s sealed the Dragon?s inside small Gems, spreading them across the world. Landing in different locations, these Gem?s was and still are, part of the Ancient Warriors. Each Gem has chosen one person to find them. Each had it?s own Element, each had grown in strength in 300 years. [B]Note: Unborn, made a wonderful point, here is the reason:[/B] Although, the Dark Dragon done the same, he created Elemental Dragon's also.. The Dark Dragon, summoned most of his magic, turning the worlds time back. It is the the Dark Dragon attacks, only this time, he has his fellow Dragon's from the Future. The Ancient Warrior's are now you, although, time has changed. --- We need [B]Serious[/B] Rp-er?s only. Credit for making the Rp: Assassin and Imi. Also, no, ?First Come, First Serve.? Sign-Up Name: Age: Country : We have only Six Countries available. I will edit to tell who got that Country. Also, you need to Describe where you live in Japan, your house, etc. Around one paragraph would work.: Countrie: [list] [*]Japan - Crystal Color - [B]Unborn Lord Xion[/B] [*]China - Red Color - [B]Imi[/B] [*]Africa - Green Color [*]Europe - Blue Color - [B]Kittychanann[B] [*]America - Diamond Color - [B]Assassin[/B] [*]England - Gray Color - [B]DaisukeAngel[/B] [/list] Element: [List] [*]Wind - Controls anything related to Wind, Storms, Etc. - Reserved for [B]Imi[/B] [*]Fire - Controls anything related to Fire, Lava, Etc. - Reserved for [B]Unbord Lord Xion[/B] [*]Earth - Controls anything related to Earth, Trees, Rock, Etc. [*]Water - Controls anything related to Water, Ice, Etc. - Reserved for [B]Assassin[/B] [*]Energy - Controls anything related to Electric, Pure Energy, Etc. - Reserved for [B]Kittychanann[/B] [*]Sound - Controls anything related to Sound, Sound Waves, Etc. - Reserved for [B]DaisukeAngel[/B] [/List] Appearance : Image would work, if not, around two Paragraphs, need?s two be more Medieval. Weapons : Weapons that you will get when you find the Gems, the Ancient Warriors Weapons, only may have two. Weapons Element: When you receive your weapons, they have special powers capable of controlling Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Etc. Dragon?s Appearance : Image would work, if not, around two Paragraphs. Dragon?s Element: Self-Explanatory, Must be same as the Weapons Element. Personality : Need around two Paragraphs. Biography: Need Around three Paragraphs. --- There you go, there is the Sign-Up, I hopefully got everything right. I am not able to post my Sign-Up at this moment, So I will edit it later. Name: Ronan Callaghan Age: 21 Country: America Element: Water, one of the World's greatest Element. Ronan walked through the clearing of a large Forest, there in one of the Clearest lake's was a Stone Column. On that Column, a beautiful Gem shown gracefully in the crystal clear air. Quickly, Ronan swam to the middle of the Lake. Pulling the Gem from it's long Sleeping, it seemed to come alive. There infront of him, was a Crystal Dragon,it's body clear, in his hand's two Large Weapons, One Axe, One Sword, neither seemed to weigh much. Appearance : [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/1551-20040622165114.jpg]Here[/URL] Note: Please, imagine the Character having shorter Hair, more Medieval armor. Also, credit to the Artist. Weapons : Broad Axe: Swinging the beautifly crafted Axe. It's blade slicing through the wood, as if it was bread. The smooth metal handle, easly maneuvers with his hand. a small Diamond at the bottom of the Handle. Broad Sword: It's Diamond blade, sliceing swiftly through the air. It's small clear Gem at the bottom of the handle, gleam's in the Sunlight. Turning around, the 20 inch width blade weighs, almost, nothing. Weapons Element: Water Dragon?s Appearance : [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/13660-20040705215312.jpg]Here[/URL] Note: Imagine the Dragon?s body being clear. Also, credit to the Artist. Dragon?s Element: Water Personality : Edit this later.. Biography: Edit this later. Note: I will fix mine later.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray] OOC :Note: I am still in the Hall, Room, etc. Ic: Leaning himself against the wall, Takuto gasped as pain went through his body. Greeting his teeth, he stared at Gizamon. It?s spike?s located on it?s back, were covered with blood, Takuto?s blood. Gizamon seemed not to be worried about the Human, it was interested in the Orb. ?You? will not get that, Gizamon!? Takuto lunged straight forward, how, he did not know. His Axe flying held firmly in his hands, the blade slicing through the air, itself. Gizamon looked up, it?s eyes glittering in the dancing light. It?s back blades quickly countered the attack. Although, one of the spikes was sliced in two. ?Why you!? Gizamon jumped onto Takuto?s shoulder. Its small, lethal fangs piercing through the Shirt, than through the skin. Takuto was in rage, he reached up grabbing the Digimon?s tail. Trying his best, he could not pull the Creature off, every time he pulled, sharp pains surged through his shoulder. [I]The wall! I could use the wall![/I]. Charging straight forward, he tackled the wall, the Digimon?s spike?s digging themselves into the Rock. There it tried to free itself, Takuto was on his knees, breathing heavily. All his wounds was opened, he was losing blood and fast. ?Let me out of this, Human!? Gizamon?s teeth was still covered with Takuto?s blood. ?You just stay there?? Pushing himself up, using his axe, he looked over his right shoulder. There in the middle of the large room, was the Orb. It was glowing yellow, the crest of ?Hope? shown through it?s surface.. Instinct?s finally hit him, walking over he knelt over, only feeling a sharp pain in his Lungs. Quickly he grabbed the Orb, it?s smooth surface was warm to the touch. [I]Download! Use the Orb to defeat it![/I] It was that voice again, Takuto had learned to trust that voice. ?Crest Weapon, Download!? Holding the Orb to the blade of his Axe. Data filled the room as the Orb soaked into the Axe. A bright yellow Aura, filled the room, trying to see through the light, Takuto protected his eye?s using his right hand. When the light had faded, their his Axe was floating in the air. On it?s blade was the crest of ?Hope? Energy surged through his body, for one last attack. Pushing himself up, he reached out, grabbing the handle of the Axe. Looking over, he saw as Gizamon loosened itself from the wall. ?I will not do anything special for you, you do not deserve it.? Rushing forward, Takuto lept into the air. His Axe?s blade was covered by that same bright yellow Aura. As he came down to the Digimon, it?s blade cut through the air, heading towards the Creature. As the blade hit the Creauture was furious. ?This is defiantly not the last time, Human, I will?? That was all it said, all it could have said. The blade of his Axe, sliced through the body of the Digimon. Both pieces of the Creature started turning into small blue blocks. [I]Data![/I] All the small pieces of Data soaked into the Axe. The Axe itself seem to glow, and appreciate all the newly found power. As soon as the downloading process was over, a small door opened. Fresh air filled the room, also, his lungs. Walking to the door, the Digivice had turned back to normal, for that moment all he could recall, was slipping the Digivice into his Jean?s pocket. Lying on the floor, his body had collapsed.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Kitty, Great Drawing, the shading and techniques you used are very promising in the image. The slough seem's to go with the Character's personality's. The snowboard attached to his back, instead of being layed on the ground, looks very well, aslo. Both character's, Kororo's and Horohoro's, seems to be down and out. You drew the Image great, I like it.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]The man fired his pistol at the golden Eagle. Bringing up his right hand, Leon made a small shield right in front of the main. The bullet hit the shield, the peices of metal flying in opposite directions. "There you go." Leon smirked. David flew around the man. Soaring right over the man, he transformed back into human. Kicking straight out, his foot hitting the man's hand hard. Flying through the air, the gun hit the floor, as it hit, it fired. Screams from all over the mall erupted. Some was of the mutant's as member's of the FoH rushed at them. Storm's eye's were growing white, the wind picked up all around them. Lightning struck out at another FoH's pistol. Yelling in pain, the man jumped back into the crowd. Leon smirked and ran straight forward.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Takuto still held his chest as he dodged one of Gizamon's attack. Everytime he moved, pained surged through his body. His breathing was long and harsh, leaping forward Takuto slashed out at the Digimon, it easily dodged. [I]"Is that all you can do?"[/I] Gizamon mocked in his hard like voice. [I]Am I hurt bad? If I take the time to check the wound, Gizamon will again attack.[/I] Jumping into the air, Takuto released his hold on his chest, grabbing the Axe handle. Blood dripped slowly down it, striking down hard, Takuto tried for one desperate hit. [I]"Ha ha![/I] Laughing sarcastically, Gizamon stepped to the side. Takuto's axe sliced easily through the Pillar that once held the orb. [I]The orb![/I] Turning around, looking at the Orb, it was still there. For that small moment, he was not paying attention, he was attacked once again. Gizamon lept into the air, spinning it's small body making a small saw like motion. The spikes sliced into Takuto's back. Yelling in pain, he was flown into the wall. "What can I do..." Pushing himself up, blood was dripping from his chest. The blood on his back was being soaked into his shirt. Also, his bottom lip was badly busted.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Total, Thank you very much. I also like the second one. The first one was slightly dark, due to the "stock," which is the character. I used [URL=http://www.pixel2life.com]Pixel 2 Life[/URL] for the tutorial. It is a wonderful site and helped me greatly in making the signatures.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Ruby, Thank you, yes the character hits some of the black background. I did not figure on using so much of the gradient tool. Also, that character was the only one that I was capable of using. Thank you for your comments. I am not doing better than you are! Here is one I also made, today: [IMG]http://img5.imagetown.net/32133789.jpg[/IMG][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Assassin Graphics: This is my thread for putting Graphics that I have made. Due to the fact that I am a beginner of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 the graphics may look bad. Please comment whether you like it or dislike it. Also, what do you think would me it better? [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19959&stc=1[/IMG] I have another, although, it does not want to upload. [/size][/color]
[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Stepping through the yellow door. Takuto seemed to be traveling through a large hall. At the end a bright Orb lay on a stone pillar. Advancing more quickly now, stepping into a small room, where the Orb was. Walking to it, he picked it up examing it. "It is like my Digivice, it has the crest of Hope." Takuto was shocked, [I]How could this have gotten here, also, why is it the crest of Hope?[/I] Before he could think anymore a voice rang out. [I]"Let's begin shall we, I will use this [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Gizamon.html]Gizamon[/URL]."[/I] The voice was hard and cold, ringing through the large hallway. It appeared right infront of Takuto, the spikes on it's back sliced through Takuto's skin as it lept into him. The blood trickled down his chest, his white shirt basically ripped in-two. Yelling out in pain, the orb falling from his hands. Landing with a sharp [B]thump[/B] and rolling behind Takuto. Pushing himself up with his right hand, Takuto held his chest with his other. The blood flowed between his fingers, standing he reached into his poket, pulling out the Digivice. "Crest Weapon Activate!" His voice called through the hall, in a instant his axe was in his hand.[/size][/color]