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Everything posted by Assassin

  1. [size=1][color="666666"] Chaos, very good but the text is hard to read. It seems you used a pattern and a gradiant. Then probably overlayed it. Anyay just fix the text and it will be awesome. 9/10 great job. [/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color="666666"] Very good Mina although some things I sugest you work on no offense. Head : The head os Malik seems to be, hmm what should the word be, lets just used messed up. When you look at it the left jaw looks kinda off. Eyes: If you notice the right eye is slightly smaller than the left eye. Other than that great work. Sorry I am just trying to help and trying to give suggestions. Please don't take it in a bad way the drawing is great but I will give it a 8/10. [/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color="666666"] SD Gundam like Domon says is not half bad. I been watching many episodes but the one's that I did not like was the first few episodes. It kinda made a mockery of the Gundam Series but I have to hand it to whoever made the show they had great computer skills. The graphics is awesome because they are made by computers. I personally can sat down and enjoy the show. I mean the gundam Named Zero is awesome. Well atleast to me anyway... [/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color="66666"] Please fix your typos and add alittle more detail into the post. Lol I am acting like a Moderator. Any way my strongest monster in my current deck is the Barrel Dragon. I think its the strongest due to its effect. You can flip three coings if two lands on the one you call you can destroy a monster [ I don't have the card with me at the moment. So I do not know if its exactly like that ] And with a 2600 attack is is a formable opponent. [/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color="666666"] Thank you Sailor Star :D and here is another poem I thought of America and though " Eagle is a sign of america" in my mind. --------------------- Eagle's Soaring! Eagle's that soar through the sky. Eagle's that never say good bye. Eagle's that fly through the evening. Eagle's that will never be leaving. Eagle's that is S-O-A-R-I-N-G [/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color="666666"] Thanks Yami, Yes its not my best. I wipped it up really quick. I wrote a similar poem for a friend to turn in as his home work. Any way I like the first stanza also. And thanks for complimenting. [/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color="666666"] Thank you Yami! I am thinking of expanding it. Here is another poem of mine. -------------------------- The Midnight Sky The midnight sky that shows up at night. The midnight sky that seems glow and take flight. The midnight sky that in sometimes turns gray. The midnight sky that seems to go away. The midnight sky that will come again the next day. The Midnit Sky...That only last's at night. Until the mourning light. [/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color="666666"] Summer Winds Winds that blow at night. Winds that blow untill morning's light. Winds that carry love so far. Winds at some times, leaving me ajar. Winds that carry me far away. Winds that will carry me back some day. Winds...Oh Summer Winds... ________________________ ________________________ Please read and rate. If you have any suggestions I might change it. [/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color="666666"] Yep sure does, good thing it ain't my best. I just made it up in around two minutes. Well any ways the poem is trying to say what the nature does and stuff. [/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color="666666"] The creature was amazed by the power and was over took by it. [I]How can this be? HOW![/I] With a agonating cry, the creature demolished by the attack. It's grips on Rika was gone. [B]"What happened? Where am I?"[/B], Rika woke out of the creatures grasp and looked around her. They room was dark, see couldn't see nothing. But she remember that she could just a minute ago. Kudara fell too his knees, the pain that he was suffering had gone away. He could feel the love from Trilby. She stood beside of him, still staring in the direction of where the creature was. "It is truly gone, but there is more like him" Kudara nodded and pulled himself up with the assistance of Trilby. [b][i]"Yes I agree Kudara, but we have to find a place where we can train our powers. We had enough trouble with that thing."[/b][/i] Kudara nodded and turned in the direction of the cave. Using the rest of his energy he moved the boulder away from the caves intrance. The others darted out and began looking for Trilby and Kudara.... [/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color="666666"] Kudara nodded and sent a lightning bolt at the creature. The creature seemed to swallow the attack and laughed [I]STUPID[/I]! The creature flung out his arm which seemed to stretch. It hit Kudara's armor, the impacted made him fly back into the air, he felt the armor had cracked cracked. He hit the ground and immediatly got to his feet, a red-ish tent in his eyes. Thinking quickly summoned the power of the earth and made armor for Trilby also. Bringing out his spear he cut through the monsters palm. The creatures black hand laid on the ground. It had black blood running out of it, with enough time that he had stolled the monster enough to re pair is armor. The ground shook under him and his love. It seemed to shake the whole planet it self, anger was building inside of Kudara. He let out a painful yell and blocks of earth came flying out of the ground. It was headed to the creature, although it still was stunned by the cutting of its hand... [/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color="666666"] [ Beautiful Nature ] The Grass blowing slightly in the wind. The Deer jumping ever so slightly. Eagle's soar through the sky. The rain drops from the air above. Snow flakes falling into soft like hair. Ice on the sides of a small tree limb. Nature is so wonderful. Nature is unassuring. Beautiful nature around us. Aoshi Shinimori [/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color="666666"] Kudara stood there, all the others had not known he had used his Elemental powers. "I must lead that creature away....from...my....friends!" He said softly to himself. He used his earth elemental powers to move the boulder slightly and slid out unnoticed. He then moved the boulder back, quickly he moved through the rain. The rain drops runned down the steel like armor. He saw lightning flash through the mid night sky. He stopped and made camp. The camp was made out of a cave that he had just made. He fount some twigs dried around his camp. Using his lighting ability he lit a fire. He did not try to cover the smoke. He wanted the creature to come after him. Kudara was just about a mile away from the city. It turned day light and the smoke could be seen. The creature laguhed [I] Poor creatures, Their going to die![/I] [/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color="666666"] Banner Number 1: The banner looks okay, Try different text but the stock which is the character or photo and stuff looks great. Banner Number 2: The vash pic looks great and all but beware of typos. Also try a different text. Great job though. [/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color="666666"] Which Anime Magazine's Have I bought or read? [b] Shonen Jump [/b] : This is the first Anime Type magazine I bought. It has great information and the manga is superb. [b] Anime Invasion [/b] : This the other Anime magazine I buy. It has great information about a number of stuff. Also I believe that it may show some Trigun manga in some issues. [ One I bought did ] Any way I recomend it. [/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color="666666"] Kudara leaned against the wall and saw Hikage and Gene talking to them selves. Kudara saw the small puddles of water that was beside Trilby's head. He held his arm, the gash still hurt. He took off the bandage and raised up both arms. He re inssurred himself to not disturb the others. The grounds around him came up and made armor around his body. THe earth it self was strong and was like unbreakable steel. He summoned lighting to strike the spear that was beside him. It quickly made the rock into steel. He then carved into the blade his sign. And he looked down to Trilby. He thought that the battle is drawing closer.... [/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color="666666"] It's like a thing for people of Japan to have demon's and witches in it. Also the dragon the main character I forgot her name had to uh cast out like this little black thing to turn it back to normal. [/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color="666666"] Marik I recomend a Trap that would possible hold a monster down. I know trap hole will destroy any monster that has 1000 attack or higher. But add something like Spell Binding Circle for example. Also you could possibly add another Harpies Brother and add a Magic card Called mountain. This will help in some ways. Any way its up to you so you decide. [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color="666666"] Yes I agree that the Animation is amazing. The story line was alittle out of the way but other than that it was amazing. It was done by the same Artist that made Princess Mononoke I think not sure so don't quote me. Any way the paper was pretty cool but after all it cut the dragon. I don't want to spoil any of it so I won't explain any more. [/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color="666666"] A small red tint came to the cheeks of Kudara. Kudara looked over to his katana and seen that it was broken. Raising his un-slashed arm he chaneled his element earth engery and made a spear appear in thin air. The spear floated to him and he looked at trilby. He layed the spear against the wall and moved his finger to the ching of Trilby. "It will be okay." Kudara said moving her head around so he could look into her eyes. Before Kudara could think he kissed her on the lips. When he fount out that he had he grabbed the spear and pulled himself off the ground. He stood there, the red cloth on his gashed arm. He looked out into the day light. The busy streets, the children playing, they new nothing about what was happening. "We must leave before he comes back." Kudara nodded. Trilby nodded back and gathered all the others and walked out side. They stayed out of site until they fount a small cave on the out skirts of the town. When all of them went into the cave Kudara created a boulder infront of the intrance. "We have enough supplies here and I can move the boulder at any time. But we need to stay here and rest. " [/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color="666666"] The quote is true, we are nothing like God. I agree with that cause I go to church. Any way I like the background and the stock[ the wolf wood pic ] Looks really well. Great job 10/10 keep up the great work. [/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color="666666"] Great job at the painting. I just think the right arm. The one thats close to her chin, looks kinda off. But other than that great job. I can't paint at all, I might be abel to make a hand print but anyway 9.5/10 keep up the good work and paint lots more. [/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color="666666"] Thats great Angelus the only thing is the text. I like where you have the fishing and stuff cause I like Cowboy Bebop any how. Just full around with photoshop 7 and try your best. But most important. HAVE FUN WHEN YOU DO IT! [/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color="666666"] Kudara looked into Trilby's eyes. He could barely fill the blood running down his arm. Kudara couldn't move, he could only speek. "Please bandage up my arm before I lose all my blood...and possibly die." Kudara mumbled. Trilby understood and took a old peice of cloth near by. Kudara did not show it, but the pain was extreme. Trilby tied the cloth tight around the cut so it won't let the blood flow out of the wound. He scrinched as she finished tieing it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. But thank you for saving my life back there, Kudara." Trilby smiled but tears came from her eyes. Kudara remembered what had happened. [I] The creature awoke at day brake and was out on the look for the guardians. It came to the old abondend house, where they was staying. It could since that Rika was there. He busted through the walls and saw rika bound in the cage. He snapped it with his powers and let Rika go. He sent out a slash with a dark sword out at Trilby. Kudara leaped infront of the sword and countered it with his Katana, but the blade was too powerful. It snapped the katana in two and slashed at his arm. The creature could hear the others coming down the halls and escaped into thin type air.[/I] [/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color="666666"] Kudara nodded, " Yes but not always will you be able to overcome the matter. Kudara decided, he raised his hands toward the direction of Rika. He channeled his elemental energy and made up a cage that surrounded Rika. "KUDARA!" Triilby screamed. "I am sorry Trilby, I won't let nothing happen to you...or the others." Kudara sighed. He kneeled beside Trilby and gently made her stand up. "I know that you are close to her but we have to be careful. Its for all of us. " "I see now..." Trilby replied a sad frown on her face. The other elemental guardians was awake for the rest of the night. When morning came Rika had recovered from the blow. She was furious, Kudara could see the black inside of her eyes. He did not let any one go near Rika. [I]It was for the good of us all[/I] he thought... [/size][/color]
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