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Matto Tradagen

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Everything posted by Matto Tradagen

  1. [color=navy][i] Hmm.. I would think a FF7 prequel would be the best choice. FF7 itself would be too long, and a sequel would mix it up too much. A prequel could easily be a two hour movie, and would probably have decent sale, what with the popularity of Final Fantasy 7 with it's players. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  2. [color=navy][i] Hmm..i'm niether, I guess. I don't really like waking up early,and I seldom do on my own. But when I do get up, i'm not really grouchy, I just do what I need to do.. I'm not usually in a clear enough state of mind to be angry, when I wake up.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  3. [color=navy][i] I'm not directly sure if being hyper would be classified as an emotion...lets call it 'overly excited'. Nothing good has ever come to me from being overly excited. I end up making a fool of myself, I can't think straight, and it generaly annoys people. I really can't see any positive use of it. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  4. [color=navy][i] [b]A[/b]: Each GP costs 100 Gil [b]Q[/b]: What are the six Espers you recieve from the Magitek Reasearch Facility in FFVI? ~Matto[/color][/i]
  5. [color=navy][i] It can have different meanings. Look at number 3.. Main Entry: iro·ny Pronunciation: 'I-r&-nE also 'I(-&)r-nE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -nies Etymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirOnia, from eirOn dissembler Date: 1502 1 : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning -- called also Socratic irony 2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance 3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play -- called also dramatic irony, tragic irony synonym see WIT ~Matto[/color][/i]
  6. [color=navy][i] Heh, irony is a very interesting thing. The only real account I can remember is the realtionship with my friend. About three years ago, when my mom was still around, her and her friend often did things together/invited eachother to things. My mom's friend has a son. We really didn't like eachother at all back then, and both our moms were pushing us to befriend eachother. It didn't really work out. Now, that my mom is gone, and myself and Adam (my mother's friend's son) went to school with eachother a bit, we are pretty good friends. We often hang around eachother a lot. Now that we are friends, his mom decided i'm a bad influence and that we shouldn't hang around eachother anymore. It seems really ironic to me. When we hate eachother, were forced to be friends. When we like eachother, we're forced to be enemies. It's kind of funny. His mom really doesn't like me, heh. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  7. [color=navy][i] I never really got into them. I find they have very few meaningful songs. As it's already been posted in this thread, i'm not going to give examples. And personaly, I think they are posers. They like to give themselves titles like "punk", and their "style" looks really manufactured. As music terms go, they are no more punk than the Bakstreet Boys. Meh, they're not all that bad. While they have many, many pointless and meaningless songs, they have still produced a few good tracks. I've heard worse..and much, much better. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  8. [color=navy][i] I really, really like this site. The humour is very, very funny, and is thought out rather maturely, in my opinion. It's up-beat, funny, random, and it doesn't have to resort to vulgar language and bathroom jokes to get a laugh. Not many comedic websites can say that about themselves. It's run by four people? I never knew that. It is surprising that there is only four.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King_Cloud690 [/i] [B]OK! Thanx guys! BTW what about 3!? Has anyone ever played it! I mean I have played every single FF but I have not seen heard of or even talked about 3! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] If you haven't heard about FF3, I really doubt you've played every single FF, strangly.:p FF3 has much confusion surrounding it. You see, in North America, Final Fantasy 6 was realeased on SNES, while the actual Final Fantasy 3 stayed only in Japan. Final Fantasy 3 has stayed only in Japan. Only now they are speaking about plans to bring it to North America. I guess that's why you've never heard of it. Some people I know have played the ROM (which is illegal to own, by the way..). Currently it's only in Japan, so unless someone here lives in Japan, or downloaded an illegal ROM, no oine has played it.[/color][/i]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by moon-scar demon [/i] [B]Hey where do you go to get a banner,I really want one. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] You either make one or ask someone to make one for you, and you post the link with [img] tags around it in your signature. The FAQ in the Otaku Information Center tells you how, as well as a post in the banner request forum, I think. I don't participate in archery seriously. I just shoot a few arrows off at a friends house. Moon-scar demon is right, it is a great stress reliever.^_^ Although i'm not too good at it.. Fencing i've always wanted to do, but for some reason, never have. I don't think they have any fencing classes around my area anyways.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King_Cloud690 [/i] [B]I have most of the FF's and have played 5 and 6! BUT CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE TO BUY ANTHOLOGY NOT JUST RENT IT!? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] Any where that sells has games is where you [b]can[/b] buy it. It was a very popular game, so it might not be in K-Mart or another store of that nature, but there's no harm in checking. I personaly bought mine in a store specific to video games. They often have a mass quantity of older, popular titles. If all else fails, you can definatly find a copy over the internet. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  12. [color=navy][i] Well, first off, what exactly did you "waste" your money on? There's not really that much you can actually buy, especially with the meager amounts of money you start off with in the game. It's been a long while since I played Harvest Moon 64, but i'm pretty sure there are some seeds you can buy for under 100g. Just grow whatever they are, and harvest what you get. You'll eventually get the money that you may or may not need. But really, it would help if you stated what you "wasted" your money on. It may infact not be a waste at all. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  13. [color=navy][i] I have a very simple reason why I would not wish to change anything. It's irrelevant to change anything, in the first place. If I were to go back and change a mistake I made, I would never experience the negative effect of that mistake and learn from it. If I never learn from it, it's very likely that I would make the same mistake again. If I was changing the past to erase a mistake, and I never learn from it and probably make the same mistake again, what's really the point? Everything, really is fine the way it is. Besides, when you're young and you make a mistake, you get off a lot easier than you do when you're older. :p ~Matto[/color][/i]
  14. [color=navy][i] I have attempted to wonder about such things, but I then realised, I would just drive myself insane. Many sensations that certain disabilities and such give you can never be truly be sensed on how it actually is. People would go nuts if they thought about things like that all the time. About blindness, a person who was blind once described to me what they sensed as sight. They said it was not darkness. Not blackness. Just nothing. Simply nothing. They said it's like seeing out of the back of your head. There is simply nothing there. A person who can see can never expirience the true sensation of blindness. Our mind can never begin to visualize what nothing is, because our brain is always percieving what our eyes physically see. Even with our eyes closed, we still see darkness. After learning this, I really had no desire to think about what things like this would be like. And now that I think about it, I really wouldn't want to expirience it either. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DFantasy [/i] [B]Ok thats not the question!!! Please answer the question. Like, what famous movie star or singer would you want to be? [IMG]http://guru.theotaku.com/legend/set.gif [/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] *Sigh* I would really like to be Shingeru Miyamoto(sp?) becaue I would be a world renoun creator of a popular series, and I would have much money and a good reputation amoung all people. There, does that satisfy your ridiculous question? (It really makes me sick I actually posted something like this..v_v) ~Matto[/color][/i]
  16. [color=navy][i] To me, it's not a qustion of phisically becoming some other person, but a question of how you can improve yourself. I don't think anyone truly wishes for the exact life of another person, however many people wish thay had qualities of other people, for a self improvment. That being said, I personaly wish I was more physically attractive. The only reason being that it would put a stop to alot of the generalizations people make without actually meeting me. Again, most people will strait out say they want to be themselves. Who really wants to be someone else completly? For the most part, it's certain traits that a person has that determines if anyone would want to even think abot being someone else. I truely find it to be a self-improvement rather than total life exchange. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  17. [color=navy] [i] To my knowledge, people who ride Harley's don't do it for the speed..they do it for the feel of the road run on by a high quality, well-built machine. And it's no doubt in my mind they are one of the top motercyle producers in the world. They wouldn't last 100 years if they weren't, would they? Congradulations Harley Davidson, for making fine quality machines for 100 years. You're definatly doing something right. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  18. [color=navy][i] I'm suprised at how few people got to over 999 hits with Orca. I didn't really find it all that hard, just time consuming. You get a measly 200 rupee's for landing 1000 hits, and he asks you [spoiler]if your left index finger is numb.[/spoiler] And when you realize the question, you notice that it is infact [spoiler]numb from holding the controller in the same position for so long.[/spoiler] I thought that was pretty cool. To answer the question, i've beaten Gannondorf in WW, with a total of fourteen hearts. I haven't even started the figurine side quest. I really need to get playing it again for 100% completion. I got side tracked by Skies of Arcadia Legends a little while ago. Now with that beaten, I can get back to WW. It just occured to me I havent touched my Gamecube in over a week.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [b] if you ever think about doing it, think about if the person you are thinking of stealing from is you, and how you would feel if somone stole from you....... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] Whether it was implied in my post or not, that's what I base my actions on in the occasions I steal minor things from people. Quite frankly, I only steal things that I myself would not have a problem with that kind of item being stolen from me. Like small things. Pens, very small amounts of money, I really wouldn't have a problem with someone stealing those things from me, because they are of little value. The only reason I want them in the first place is for very un-important personal use. Ie: The money to be used to by a drink of some sort at a store. I'm not trying to justify stealing, i'm just saying that why I steal what I do, so what I said isn't taken into the wrong light, which is kind of what your post made me feel. "Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you." That really does work in many circumstances. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  20. [color=navy] [i] It reminds me a lot of the style the Home Star Runner characters are drawn in. The drawing style seems to be very smooth and easy on the eyes. It appears detailed, yet if you really think about it, a lot less detail is used as in other art styles. Personaly, I don't really like the style of drawing myself..but the drawings are very well done. ~Matto Edit: I keep on finding spelling error in my posts! I really need to learn how to type more accuratly..[/color][/i]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Mmmm Mario RPG, before I played Lunar 1 I thought MRPG was the funniest rpg I'd played, heh and it's still pretty up there. Like when Frogfucius is giving some speech and then starts yelling at Lakitu because they can see him. Or when a teary-eyed Bowser "lets" Mario join his Koopa troop. It was also fun playing look-the-other-way, or the barrel jumping game. Could someone explain the yoshi racing to me though? I don't know why, but I've NEVER been able to figure it out. Yoshi just stands there and will only move when I feed him a cookie, but that's not even close to enough to win a race. Do I have to tap a button rapidly or hold it or what? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy] [i] I used to have trouble with this too. What you have to do, is tap the A nd B buttons alogn with the tune. So on one beat, you tap A, and the other you tap B. What worked for me, was to count the beats as [b]one[/b] and [b]two[/b] It helps with the timing. The beats are about a half a second apart, if I remember correctly, so count [b]One!Two![/b] every half a second, where on one you press the A button, and on Two you press the B button. Not really as hard as it first seems to be. You can keep up to Boshi pretty easily just by doing this, and if you fall behind a small bit, that's what the cookies are for. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  22. [color=navy] [i] I am terribly sorry for what has befallen you. My deepest sympathy. It's a shame such a young, early life ended so fast. But there's no way around these things, really. The same thing happenes almost every second of everyday. It's the way the world works, I guess. Your son should always be remembered, but try not to dwell on his death. It will probably only make your anxiety worse. Don't carry the weight of the dead on your emotions. I hope you overcome this anxiety and heal from what has happened. I don't know you, but what has happened doesn't really deserve to happen to anyone. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]If it's not a boarding school, and you hate the rules about music so much, why follow them? From the looks of your post, it seems anyone could just go home, listen to any music they want, have however much sex they want, wear whatever they want, and noone at the school would be the wiser. Why does it matter you can't do it at school? It's not like they follow you home. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] Anyone could go home and do what they wanted. It's the idea behind it.. I never said I did follow them. I posted that because the fact the rules try to control your personality really agitated and annoyed me. I personaly don't think anyone at that school followed them. Just the fact that those kind of rules exist within the school really pissed me off. No one has the right to feed you your personality. For the record, I don't even go there anymore, as mentioned in my first post in this thread. ~Matto[/color][/i]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wence [/i] [B]yeah...i'm new to, and rather confused^_^ but according to otakusennen, if i make this post short, i will be flamed...ahh well...no harm done(yet) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] You will not be flamed, don't worry. They have a rule agaisnt flaming, and it is taken in a higher regard then short posts. Welcom to OB. I'm pretty sure the rules stated that Intoduction threads are not allowed. Regardless, welcome, the both of you, anyway. This will get closed when a moderator comes.[/color][/i]
  25. [color=navy][i] Not, it was not a boarding school. It was one of the staff's way of trasnforming you into what they wanted. It was very much like PiroMunkie said-brainwashing. You weren't allowed to have an opinion that was different from the staff's. You were force-fed christianity, and if you had something to say about it, you got punished. They seriously attempted to take away each persons individuality and transform them into a "Christian" robot, so to speak. Many of the school rules had little to do with school at all. Many of them had to do with what and what not you were allowed to do in your life as long as you attended the school. Again, as stated from my last post, this is my personal experience. Not all schools are like this, that's not what i'm saying. If you want to yell at me, feel free to PM me. ~Matto[/color][/i]
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