Matto Tradagen
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Everything posted by Matto Tradagen
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]A trick for your mom antema, wear a long sleeved shirt or coat and reach all the way to the last line of lipsticks like you want to look at one that's not in front. Then with one hand stuff it into the sleeve of the shirt. Grab another one and take it out, looking at it. Then put it back and walk out. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] Heh, the last thing I thought a forum of this quality would support is illegal activity.:p I only occasionly swipe minor things, like for instance, when my friend leaves spare change around in his messy room, I take a few dollars of it. Well, maybe he should clean his room more often and not leave things around. I don't steal from stores. It takes away profit for them, regardless of how much it is. I'm surpirsed I care about a buisnesses profit, but I run on the basis that I wouldn't enjoy losing profit that way if I owned/operated a buisness. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] [quote]Okies, this is already a thread. Don't really know if it's locked of not, don't really care if it is of not. But, people, it's been here before I remember posting on it. =P[/quote] Even if it was before, why does it matter? This one is here now. The one you're talking about is probably very, very old and forgotten. Anyhow, about ghosts, maybe i'll expand on the ending comment of my last post, which was: [quote]Many people jump into thoughts of paranormal activity too fast and don't think of any other reasonable possibilities.[/quote] It's too true.. It kind of annoys me. "Oh look! A ball of light appeared in my picture! It must be a ghost!" Alot of people go on and on about things they catch on film. Well, film is very easily manipulated. A stray beam of light in a room, a speck of dust on the lense..anything like that can create the illusion of a ball of light. But we don't think of that, do we? Not everyone is like this, not at all. But many believers in ghosts almost always jump to irrational conclusions before taking into consideration many of the other factors. For instance, a good friend of mine belives strongly in ghosts. He tells me that he feels cold of of a sudden sometimes in his room, and blames it on a ghosts presence. For whatever reason, he doesn't even take into consideration that *gasp*, maybe the temperature naturaly dropped in his house. It's very annoying. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Again, I don't own the game itself, but I have my own memory card info on it, so I guess I can answer the question. The only racer I have unlocked is Leon. Seriously, racers don't really matter to me, because my custom machine, Fever Base, is already better than all of the machines built into the game. I save my credits for better parts. He is my favorite. The only real reason is because I like the way he looks..he reminds me of something off of Starfox or something. Racers really don't matter at all to me. I use my custom made machine, and I really don't need to used the machines already available. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Isn't this Kanojo thing getting out of hand? The last 6 out of 8 posts were primarily based on Kanojo's creative yet annoying way of posting..it's kind of getting off-topic. Back on it.. As for being to young to think about it, I don't see a set age. Any of any age can think about death if they want. I don't think anyone is too young, as long as they can keep intellegent thoughts about it. Death can happen any time, regardless of age. It just so happens the older humans are, the more prone they are. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] No it's not just you. It does get a relativly bad reputation. The reason for this is probably the new things they expirimented with it. I see FFVIII as being an expirimental work by Square. They tried out many new idea's and concepts, to see if they would be a good idea in later games. Of course i'm talking about the Juction system, the weapon upgrade system, drawing and stocking magic and the SeeD level payments. Also, the unbeliveible low amount of EXP you need to reach higher levels. The main thing that turns people off is the Junction system. It get very tedious and annoying, Junctioning constantly as you get more magic. And to make matters worse, the tutorial add's unecesary confusion to it. You'd be much better off someone teling you how to use it. And with the Junction system in place, your leveles mean almost nothing. You can be level 100 and still have very poor power because you don't have the proper magic, or weapon upgrades. Drawing an Stocking magic was completly new. Personaly, I didn't like it. You had to waste a turn in battle to recieve magic. That really wsn't fun. Sometimes you had to draw for a GF, and if you miss it, you don't get a chance to get that GF until the very last part of the game. The money system I didn't like. If i didn't have enough money for items, I had to wait twenty minutes for my next payment. Sure, it's more realistic, but honestly, I don't think people play FF games for total realism. It was infact my least favorite Final Fantasy game, for the reason listed above, and also the story. It was more or less a love story with political themes around it. It's just not "Fantasy" enough for my liking. All in all, I think it gets a bad rep for it's new features, and also it's storyline. It looks like many people don't want a love story out of a game. ~Matto[/color][/i]
Gaming If they make another Super Smash Bros...
Matto Tradagen replied to HammerBlade's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tasaku [/i] [B]if they do make another one i hope that it includes more characters like the ones off of soul caliber two and other great games like that [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] I really doubt any of those characters would make it in. Street Fighter doesn't really have anything to do with Nintendo, and Soul Calibur basically the same thing. They are their own fighting games. They wouldn't put them in SSBM. Nintendo would have to strike a deal with Namco and Capcom, and that would probably never seriously happen, other than realeasing their games on the Gamecube. Only Nintendo characters would be probable to make it in. As much as it would be nice to have other characters from other games in SSBM, come on, be realistic. ~Matto[/color][/i] -
[color=navy][i] Again, the image is crunched up and rather pixilated. You really should resize it. Also, the black text is very hard to read against the dark grey backround. I suggest a brither color than the backround to make it more readable and pleasing to the eye. 6/10-Your very first one with the red,black and white color scheme was better in my opinion. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I'm really not bothered by spiders. We get many of them in the summer months, hanging in webs strung pretty well all over the outside walls of my house. The reason I don't fear them, is because where I am, there is no poisonous or relatively harmful spiders. My father got bitten a while ago, and the worst of it was itching and swelling. We have a serious lack of anything dangerous out here.. The only thing I really don't like it walking through a web. They're sticky, a pain to get out of your hair, especially if it's long like mine, and they're often full of dead flies. Really not very pleasent. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Luminaire [/i] [B][color=crimson]I have thought more than once about leaving. But, being 15 and still under the rule of my parents, I wouldn't get very far. I would like to be in France, but nope, no passport. I don't like to argue so, whatever. Tough crowd, ne? I have a weird question though which is a bit off topic. >.> Is suicide legal? Cause if murder is illegal, isn't suicide sorta related? Bleh, I wish I was still invisible on this board. v_v ~Lumi ^_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] That question would make a pretty good thread by itself. Maybe you should make on instead of posting it here? But anyway, i'll give my simple thought on the subject here. I may as well as long as it's around, eh? No, suicide is not illegal. It can't be. You can't press charges on someone who's dead. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I can't say I do really. I play my SNES all the time, and the games don't seem any less exciting as when they were realeased. The reason for me would probably be the style. Now adays, it's all "insanely good graphical environment" type things. But back then with the SNES that really wasn't the case. I order for a game to be good, it had to have excellent gameplay and good story, because it didin't have graphics to fall back on. That's probably why I am a major fan of GBA games, and GBA re-makes. Personaly, i'd take an SNES game to a PS2 game in most cases. I find some of the new games lack plot. I could care less how good or bad the graphics are, if it has a memorable story. (Think Cronotrigger) So yeah..that's just me though. I think what happens in the 'nostalgia factor' is simply what we look for in games. Some people look for amazing graphics, some people look for a good story. Some people look for amazing gameplay. It effects your thoughts on old games, and new games directly. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I used to attend a private school for a bout two years-6th and 7th grade. Personaly, I hated it. Well, when you first signed up, you had to sign an agreement, which had things in it like: 1. You will not listen to un-godly music 2.You will not attend school dances 3.You will not have pre-maritial sex Those were the [b]exact[/b] terms on it. I didn't agree with it one bit, but it was "agree or be punished". So I started attending there. I thought most of the people to be quite strange at the time. Yes, I had to wear a crappy uniform, which is another thing that wasn't too pleasent. So as the year went by, I came to realize something: It was their way or punishment. They refferred to the Christian religion as "The only truth". If you had an opionion about it that wasn't the same as theirs, you got punished for it. (Reminds me of James' myOtaku post about that Kevin guy..) Basically, they took all freedom of character away. You were not allowed to dye your hair. Your hair can'tbe longer than below your ears. You were [b]only[/b] allowed to listen to christian music, as secular music is "the devil". It was just insane how controlling they were. But again, if you made a comment about it, you got punished. I endured this for two years, until my mom left for England. she was really the only one enforceing me staying there. With her gone, I was free to get out, and quite frankly, get my personality back. This is just my personal opinion based on my experiences. I'm not saying every private school is like this, because I know myself that's not true. It was this one that was much like that. < Just thought i'd point this out to avoid a huge, un-needed argument. In all truth, this experience turned me off to all religion. I don't want to be a part of something that takes away your individuality that much. It was shoved down my throat. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] This might belong better in the Nintendo Forum. Ruin his character image? Not at all. Infact, I think it would broaden the players of the Zelda series. Think of it. Little kids, that at first glance Something like Wind Waker would appeal to, have no intrest for the most part in a serious fighting game such as this one. On the other side, the older gaming population, looking more to a serious game like this, and less of to a game like Wind Waker. It very well may change the way people look at Link, Zelda games, and Nintendo characters in general. I think it's a great thing he's in this game, especialy one that promises to be so popular. ~Matto[/COLOR][/I]
[color=navy][i] Personaly I think it really made an improvement on it. More so with the reddish text as with the backround intesnsity, but both helped to improve it. Cool banner. It's different from the usual anime theme, which is refreshing to see. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] It is quite good already, but I think it could have some improvements. Maybe sharpen up the backround image a bit, and as for the text, personaly I don't think it looks right with the picture. I think you'd be better off with text that is a tone of red rather than blue. Blue doesn't seem to go with the picture. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Amazing skill was put into this wallpaper. I like the choice of colors used. I agree with GinnyLyn about the characters edges getting filtertd..personaly I think it would look better without that effect. The only thing that bothers me about it is the shoulder of Samus's Varia suit. MetaRidley looks pretty damn cool like that. All in all, a great wallpaper. You don't mind if I use it on my PC, do you? 9/10 ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kanojo [/i] [B]Kanojo believes that Beast of Death lives in shame Kanojo has no shame Therefore she can never die [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] I have a very hard time trying to figure out what the hell you're saying in your posts.. I don't sit around and contemplate about what the afterlife is going to be, or what death will be like. Why? Because: 1. There are so many unproven theories about after life I can't even begin to think about it. No one can explain it, no one living ever will, so why even bother thinking about it? It doesn't make sense. We'll all see what's there someday, so lets just enjoy our living hours and find out what's there when it's our time to. 2. What does death feel like? Not hard. It feels like nothing. I doubt your brain can decifer the sesationof feeling once it's dead.. It's not worth thinking about what if, because were all going to find out anyway. It can never be proven in this world, no matter how hard you try. It's like trying to think what a worm in the ground is feeling right now. Why think with logic about something that can never be surrounded by truth on Earth? A severe waste of time. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Ok Lumi, So if I hate one person in the world, I am a racist? Somehow I don't think so. I think you're missing the definition of racism entirely. Lets have a look at it: Main Entry: racĀ·ism Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi- Function: noun Date: 1936 A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race I don't see how hating an individual person is racism. Even if there is more than one of them, or a so called 'group'. It has nothing to do with race. For example, I hate this kid I know who enjoys throwing perishable food items at people's houses, including mine. I am a racist because of that? Last time I checked, "Eggthrower" wasn't a race. Racism is based on hatred toward a racial group, not the indiviudal actions of a person. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I have a rating and comment for each picture. [b]The First:Zero[/b] Excellent work. I can't see any flaw at all. The photoshop coloring is a nice touch, but if you have a copy of it just scanned without color, i'd like to see it. 10/10 [b]The Second:Sailor Scouts[/b] Well, Serena is a little bit odd, well, above her waist anyway. It looks like she's bending over, but there remains a flatness to it. Noting major though. The pink haired one (I forget her name) is perfect. 8/10 [b]The Third:Goku[/b] I cannot give this a rating, because for whatever reason, only the very top half of his head appears in the picture. Nice job on the top of his head though. :p [b]The Fourth:Ferio[/b] Your 2-3 hours effort is really showing in this picture. You have a perfect balance between light an dark, making the picture very pleasing to the eye. 10/10 ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B].....but, are you?:confused: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] Am I what? Happy? On of the sterotypes I listed? You should probably clarify a bit with your post next time, but i'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. Yes, infact I am happy, quite happy. I'm happy with whatever you want to call me. It really doesn't matter much to me. I don't need to prove myself to be or not to be something to anyone. Actually, I kind of think of it flattering that a person took the time and thought of me in the first place. :p [b]Edit[/b]: By the way, where I said "One of them must be right, eh?", I didn't mean seriously. It was my way of creative sarcasm. My ways do confuse people, heh. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Something tells me this doesn't belong in OL.. Anyway, i'd say The Ring. Why? It offered good thrills, some nice grusome and twisted images, and had a really interesting plot. Most horror movies nowadays are more action and special effects without a half decent plot. "Oh no, there's some monster/ghost/killer and he's killing everyone. HEY, FAKE BLOOD!" Gah, it's annoying. Too many horror movies are without a good plot. But the Ring had a very good one. I liked how everything tied together, all of the images actually meant someting, and how they really went in on the backround of Samara. The plot was half of the expirience, a trait of truly good movies. If only the closups on the victim's mutilated faces lasted on the screen longer..that was one of the cooloest things i've ever seen in a movie.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] My good friend just got this game yesterday. I was there playing it, and yes, it is awesome. Probably the thing I like the most is how you can unlock items in the shop, and later buy them with credits you earn from winning races, go to the garage, and create your own racer with the part's you purchased. Which is really a good thing, because your customized racer is in most cases [b]easily[/b] better than any of the pre-set racers, even early in the game with parts won from the Ruby Cup a few times. You also get to choose a paint job for each individual part on your racer, with a totaly customizable color scale like some of the FF games have. And whats more, you can put up to four emblems, -stickers i guess- on your racer, and also make your own. Customization is good. ^_^ But yeah, it is an awesome game in every sense of the word. I doubt i'll be buying, because of a lack of money, and the fact i'm also saving up for other titles, but what a great game. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy] [i] My very best character, would most likely be Marth. He's very fast, quite strong, and has good jumping ability. I find using him I can get many hits on other characters easily, with his good attack range, and still be safe from attack. He can easily juggle opponents with his repeated normal A button attack, and then Counter the enemies retaliation from the annoyance. I use this tactic alot. Why his Dolphin Slash (Up +B) is not a very strong attack, it blasts your opponets very, very far, when used from the ground. If your enemy is over 100% damage, get then close to an edge, and Dolphin Slash them from point-blank range for an almost guarenteed KO. His smash attacks have quite good power to them. The tip of his sword does more damage than the blade edge, so always keep some distance. Dragon Killer (his Left/Right Smash attack) is very powerful when used at the right time, and can be executed quickly, giving several strong almost consecutivly. Marth is by far my favorite character, and my best. He makes up for his lack of projectiles with his power and speed. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I know one of them is the Intangir, but I'm not sure about the other. Does it appear in the World of Balance or the World of Ruin?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] The second one appears in only The Wolrd of Ruin. ~Matto[/color][/i] [color=navy][size=1][i] Edit: Okay, it's been two days since I last asked my question, and there is still no answer. Therefore, i'll ask another, possibly easier question, just in case the other question is not getting an answer because of it's difficulty. [b]Q:[/b] What was the first Final Fantasy game to introduce the ATB? Answering either question is fine.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=navy][i] Sorry to hear of your loss. No, it's not strange in anyway to keep your pets posessions after they are deceased. People often keep the possesions of family memebers at death, so whats wrong with keeping an animals belongings. I used to have a black cat, Lucky (
[color=navy][i] [b]A[/b]:Moogles help Locke deafet the enimes after Terra, early in the game. [b]Q[/b]: What two types of enemies found on the world map give you 10 Magic Ability Points for deafating them? (FFVI) ~Matto[/color][/i]