Matto Tradagen
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Everything posted by Matto Tradagen
[color=navy][i] [b]A[/b]: Cloud uses a moterbike of some sort to leave the Shinra building. [b]Q[/b]: Who, or what, gives you the ability job class "Mimic" in FFV?
[color=navy][i] [b]A[/b]:Kefka poisons the water at Doma Castle in FFVI(III). [b]Q[/b]: At what level does Terra naturally learn Ultima? (Yes, she does learn it naturally.) ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charlie Levoy [/i] [B]I admit that their have been some racist jokes that have been funny and I laughed at them because I didn't take them seriousely. Their was however one that wasn't funny at all and I absolutely hated it. It goes like this," What is the difference between a pizza and a jew? Answer: A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven." The person who told me this joke said to every one who was there telling racist jokes, that they had learned from their gandparents, that he knew a joke that wasn't funny. I was their listening to the jokes and laughing every now and then at some of the stupid ones when he told the joke. Afterwards he told us that his grandfather hates jews and told him the joke. No one laughed at it.:( [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] If I were you, i'd put the joke in spoiler tags..someone might find it offensive. Just my thought though. Yes, I have laughed at few racist jokes. Hasn't everyone at one point? I laughed because it was just a joke someone was telling. They were silly and untrue. The only ones that really bother me are ones that really deride a persons dignity and character, kind of like the one you posted. I mean, there are some silly ones around, that are just funny, but there are some really offensive ones. You're always walking on touchy ground whenever you tell one, regardless.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I was never really into tactical RPG's, but FF Tactics changed that. That game was excellent. After reading a couple of reviews/previews on this game, I actually am sure I am going to get it. Proabably with birthday money, seeing as my birthday is in October. Also, I heard a good while ago that the creator of Final Fantasy said that there will be some connection between FFXII and FFTA, so one should play both to get the full story. This is kind of backed up, because [spoiler]In FFTA, there is a race of some type of lizardmen (I don't know the name), and in the early promo poster for FFXII, there is one of the same lizardmen standing in the corner. Seems like a connection, which in other FF's, there was none, save Moogles and Summon names.[/spoiler] Again, this is really, really uncertain news, and may not be true at all, be we may see. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] There are three movies in FFVI. The opening, at the start, the edning, at the end, and one more..It's either an opera one, or a pilot, i'm not 100% sure. No FMV's happen throught the game. There is the opening at the start, and an ending FMV that plays after the original ending sequence. The third is watched on the bonus screen when you load the game. I'm pretty sure it's automatically unlocked after you finish the game, and load a system file into the bonus screen. ~Matto[/color][/i]
Gaming Super Mario RPG:legend of the seven stars
Matto Tradagen replied to Lord Prozen's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Prozen [/i] [B][color=royalblue]you have a copy of it.....*starts looking for where matto lives* WHERE IS HE!!!! I WANT THAT GAME!!! lol how can you let your SNES get dusty???? its the best system ever! i think so anyway. man i wish i had a copy of that game...*cries*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] If you don't have a copy, how have you played it? Anyway, i'm sure you can find one around the internet if you're looking. As for favorite characters, i'd say Geno. The idea of a spirit beyond the world possesing a doll is just so cool. If you think about it, the quest is based around him..He's the only extra character I would use when I did the Mario/Lazy Shell(attack) and Toadstool/Lazy Shell(defence) thing. He was always balanced with attack, defence and HP, and had some of the best Special Attcks in the game. [quote]I like to fight Culex over and over with different situations, such as using battle items, not using them. Using special attacks only, or physical attacks only. But the toughest is definatly using only physical attacks without using ANY items.[/quote] Culex definatly made the game all that much cooler. It's no doubt my favorite battle of the game. He's kind of like the Ultima Weapon or whatever Weapon of Mario RPG. The battle theme is an awesome FFIV Boss theme remix. Fighting him with only physical attacks and no items would be hard... ~Matto[/color][/i] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]Tom Bombadil is the first, and he will be the last. He was there before the trees, before the rocks, before the sky. He watched the world grow from its infancy. He has power over things through song, and the One Ring has no power over him. I know that's not the exact quote, but I guess you get the idea that he is one of a kind, all though the woman who lives with him (who's name I can't remember) might be the same as he. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy] [i] Her name's Goldberry.. I don't mind completly that they left Tom Bombadil out. They can't make the movie just as long as they want it to be, it does have to have some guidelines in length. The hobbit's stay for a good while in his house, and that would add 10-15 minutes to the movie, where they really didn't do anything that would effect the plot. The Barrow Downs would be cool, but they can't happen for the same reason. I do wish they showd a [b]little[/b] more on how they got to Bree though..in the movie they just kind of appeared there.. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I get called many things. I've been called: Goth (I don't know why..) Satanist Geek Nerd Loner Outcast Wife Beater Loser.. One of them must be right, eh? Seriously, people are insane about them. You show one small characteristic of a social group, and you are stereotyped as one of them, may it be good or bad. There are infact actual groups, ie: Punk, Goth, put people generalize a person showing the smallest characteristic of one of them. I don't worry about stereo types. Everyone seems to have a different one for me, so I just let people call me whatever they want. It's better than arguing with them. Everyones happy. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Well, I don't really do pranks all the time..i'm more interested in getting a half decent education. But sometimes three of us do mess around. More so just stupid, silly things rather than actual pranks. Like last year. For abut a month we'd steal any of those door stop wedges we could find. We ended up having about 80-100 of them. Not really effecting anybody, just something stupid and silly to occupy our lunch hour. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy] [i] At that moment, the fastest thing I could think of would be one million dollars. Call me greedy, whatever. More than half the people who go around saying they want world peace and things like that are just saying it to look good. So one million dollars for me. I would never have to work. I could just put it in the bank, and live comfortably off of my daily intrest, never touching the million dollars. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Personaly, I didn't really like the Nintendo 64. It had a serious lack of RPG's, and some of the games really seemed uninspired. However, I still have my favorites. [b]The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time[/b]: This was probably my favorite game on the entire system. It's what got me into Zelda games in the first place. The graphics were really quite good for the time, and the gameplay was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of the quest, and still do. [b]Goldeneye 007[/b]: I'm not one for FPS's, but this was really great. It wasn't too complex, and yet wasn't too simple. It was a good mix. Multiplayer was a blast. Countless hours were spent in my basement, in an all out gun battle. Insanely fun. I know it might seem shallow of me, only picking two titles that were both "Game of the Year", but honestly, they're the only games that make me want to remember the N64. ~Matto[/color][/i]
Gaming Super Mario RPG:legend of the seven stars
Matto Tradagen replied to Lord Prozen's topic in Noosphere
[color=navy][i] His name is Geno, by the way. I personaly love this game. It was one of the very first RPG's i've ever played, when I was really young. It's [b]much[/b] smaller than other Square games, but that's because it appeals to a different audience. I thought it was really unique. A half decent RPG based on Mario. They really did a good job with it. I still have the cartridge in my room on my shelf. Every once in a while I dust off my old SNES and play it a while. ~Matto[/color][/i] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wolfbaden6 [/i] [B] 3) Co-ed matches can happen if it just so happens there is 2 members of the opposite sex wrestling [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] I'm not saying they can't physically happen, but they never will because our school, and most other schools that I know of, have a rule agaisnt it.. If it's outside of a league or something, of course it can happen. I think you misunderstood me. ~Matto[/color][/i]
Whats more important: Booksmarts or Commonsense
Matto Tradagen replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in General Discussion
[color=navy] [i] Gah, I have to choose one? In my opinion, they are both equally important. Booksmarts. You're taught it for many years, with no surpirse, you need it to get one of the 'better' occupations. University/College is a great place to be, especially if you plan on making a lot of money. (Which most people are.) You cannot get into University/College if you don't have a fair amount of booksmarts. Simple as that, really. But how are you going to even make it that far into life without common sense? If you don't have the common sense to know that you shouldn't be starting your 10,000 word paper the 3 hours before it's due, how can you even achive decent booksmarts? They go hand and hand in that instance. But also anyway, without basic common sense, you won't be able to function properly with society. It takes some common sense to get even a minimun wage job. If you didn't, you'd be burning yourself in hot oil many times. (Literaly) They are both quite important. I can't come to choose one. Me, I think I am more common sense than anything. I do however still have decent booksmarts..If I didn't have common sense, i'd wouldn't be putting thought into my posts, and i'd probably be spamming wouldn't I? ~Matto[/color][/i] -
[color=navy] [i] Hmm..weird subject. I guess I don't really believe they exist. Sure, they have the EVP and picture as 'proof', but it can be tampered with, and science has yet to prove the existance. I myself have never had an 'encounter', as so many people claim to. Before I get posts back about "Well, i've seen something I know it." kind of thing, i'm not saying people don't [b]see[/b] annomilies, i'm just saying that it probably isn't a ghost, but some little known natural phenomenon. Many people jump into thoughts of paranormal activity too fast and don't think of any other reasonable possibilities.[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charlie Levoy [/i] [B]They pre-judge my thoughts and beliefs without any real knowledge of what the truth was. Quite simply, it's predjustice, the very thing they are accusing me of. Total hypocracy. ~Matto[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [quote][b]That's the first time that I ever heard someone get called a racist for something he said to his friends.:confused: If you ask me they really aren't much friends if they think you're racist just because the person who you happen to dislike is black. I'm sorry if I sound unreasonable, but I think they are the ones who are racist. I mean they sound like they hate people who are racist. Which if you think about is the same think as....a white person who hates black people. Right? Any way.....ummm you may not want answer this (which if you don't I understand), but did the rumor of you being racist ever stop? And did you and your exfriends become friends again? :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] This is kind of starting to turn into a personal thing, but i'll answer this question I guess. Any more thoughts you could always PM me you know. First off, they weren't my friends in the first place, just some people I was talking to for the sake of talking. Alot of people at my school are quite quick to judge things/people. And yes,the rumours did stop. People just stoped caring about whether or not I was racist, and went on to have things more worthy of thinking about in their thoughts. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Yes, you probably should put your poems in one post..you Hexaposted..(6 times consecutivly) About your poems, they really show good creative ability. They remind me of something out of a Fantasy novel. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I would really like to be a Sci-fi/Fantasy writer. Infact, I already have a few books planned out and on the go. But as some of you may know, being an Author doesn't give you a steady income, which kind of sucks, because i'm not good at much else. It will probably end up with me having some typical, 9-5 office job for an income, until I get off the ground with writing. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I havn't joined a team, but I have wrestled in school, during PE. It's alright. Not my favorite sport, but I wouldn't totally mind being on a team. My body is alright for it (164lbs, 5'11), and from the matches i've faced, i've come to realize that i'm much faster than the people on the wrestling team now, who are, for the most part, just large with brute force. My school has both a Male and Female wrestling team, and from watching both, they seem equal in ability. Now, maybe not equal if they were facing a co-ed match,(which would never happen in the first place), but with the opponent's they've went up againtst, they seem to have equal skill. It's not your gender, it's how you train. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] I really do love these movies. Personaly I think they are amoung the best ever made. Did anyone every think how hard it would be to turn a written piece of literature into a motion picture? It's not an easy task. Countless hours reading the book over and over, trying to perfect the scenes according to the authors description. Working on only visuals painted by the words to create the set. Considering how difficult this must have been, they really did an excellent job. Some other movies based on books are nothing comapred to this. Lik for example, Kujo. The book got right into the dog's mind, and the movie was simply a rabid dog on a rampage. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charlie Levoy [/i] [B] If you don't mind me asking, but have you been through that sort of thing before or did someone you know go through it?:cool: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy][i] I don't mind at all. Yes, this kind of thing did happen to me, just last year. An African American kid moved here and ended up being in the same homeroom as me. He was an alright guy, for most of the year. But eventually, he just started pissing me off. Not because he was black, because he was an idiot. He was just generaly annoying, selfish and rude. So anyway, one day i'm just talking to a few people around the cafeteria, and for whatever reason, his name popped up in conversation. I just made the comment that I don't like the kid, he pisses me off, and almost immediatly, two or more people I was talking to called me a "racist", and walked away. I didn't really think much of it. The next day, almost everyone I pass gives me a snicker, and I hear comments like "racist bastard", and even as far as "White Supremisist". That;s just ridiculous. They didn't bother to ask why I don't like the kid, they just assume it's because of skin color. A drastic generalization. They pre-judge my thoughts and beliefs without any real knowledge of what the truth was. Quite simply, it's predjustice, the very thing they are accusing me of. Total hypocracy. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy] [i] Racists are racists. They will always be some, no one can stop that. The way you are raised very much helps to create your character, and there will always be people raised and raising with racist beliefs. What annoys me more than the actual act, is the generalizations from most people. For instance, I am caucasian. If I strongly dislike a person who just happens to be Asian, or other supposed 'minority', I am automatically labeld a racist. For some reason, people think that if one person of one race, hates another of a different race, it's automatically because they come from different backrounds. It's a generalization that is almost as bad at racism itself. ~Matto[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i] Posting on forums is definatly one. Also writing. Currently I am writing what I plan on being a book. Quite enjoyable and relaxing. I also play Final Fantasy games, if you'd count that as a hobby. ~Matto[/color][/i]