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Everything posted by TheRebel_Nikolas

  1. Haven't been on this site in a long minute.

  2. It didn't take him long to find a restaraunt, what with all the maps on the walls, pointing him in the right direction. When he got there he sat and waited to be served. The waiter arrived at the table shortly after, saying "Sorry for the wait, may I take your order?" to which Joseph replied [color=darkslateblue]"I want something hot to eat, and something cold to drink. And there'd better be lots of it."[/color] "I'm sorry, sir, but you're going to have to be more specific than that" the waiter said, slightly agitated. [color=darkslateblue]"Then I'll have two steaks, nothin' fancy, and I want them cooked, none of this 'medium rare' crap that everyone is so crazy about. I'll have a baked potato covered in sour cream, shredded cheddar and black olives and a large glass of milk to go with that. There, is that specific enough for you?"[/color] *I'll have that to you as soon as possible, sir"
  3. The monitor flickered off as he stepped from the shower. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I hope that wasn't too important."[/COLOR] he said as he dried himself off. Now fully dressed, he said to himself [COLOR=DARKSLATEBLUE]"I think I might as well see all this ship has to see."[/COLOR] His stomach growled. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"But first, I better find some grub."[/COLOR] With that, he headed out the door in search of the mess hall.
  4. OMG. I've seen it and all I can say that is one seriously twisted anime! I've only seen it twice though. Tried to get my sister to watch it, but she went to bed halfway through.
  5. If no one is going to post, then I may as well close the thread. . . .
  6. [B]Name:[/B] Joseph Blake [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Nationality:[/B] American [B]Appearance:[/B] Joseph is about 6 feet tall. His casual wear is blue jeans and a white tee. While working he wears light brown slacks and a white long sleeved button shirt. [B]Profession:[/B] Ecologist and street fighter. While not working at his main job he is either training or fighting. He is one of, if not the best, street fighter around. Many fear him for his combat skills, which is one of the reasons he was hired for the trip. [B]Reason for coming on expedition:[/B] Hired on to aid with the expedition. [B]Personality:[/B] Authorative and likes to talk. Some people say he just likes the sound of his voice. Others don't say anything for fear of being beat. EDIT: There, I added some depth to him.
  7. I watch both subbed and dubbed(more of dubbed) but I prefer to watch in original japanese and read the subtitles. Whenever I watch them with subs, people always ask if I know that it is in english also. So I beat them to a bloody pulp for suggesting something so ludicrous. Then I turn the volume up so I can't hear them complain that their legs are broken or that there is a fork stuck in their eye.
  8. I have this game, but have yet to play it. The first is that there's is always someone on our computer. The second being, there's not enough memory on the damn computer(suppose that's my fault, really. I should have checked beforehand) I could solve both those problems by getting my own computer. But of course, I can not afford one.
  9. I'll get it restarted later tonight. I'm at school right now and shouldn't even be able to log on here. EDIT: To my knowledge, we were preparing to leave and Nicholisa's brother, Linoka came out of the woods, bloodied. I rushed ahead to retrieve agrinomy herbs and was headed back, and that's when everyone started posting out of character, which should have been posted here. There were other minor details that I don't believe need to be mentioned here. When we figure out everthing else, we will restart the thread. We will continue using the same thread, as I see no need to start a new one. Until then, happy discussing.
  10. ((OOC: Let's move this conversation to [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52914][COLOR=DARKSLATEBLUE]here[/COLOR][/URL]. Thanks))
  11. He dashed ahead of the others. Before long he veered off the path into the depths of the woods. Shortly after that, he came upon a clearing. Here, he dismounted and retreived some of the herbs that grew wild throughout the clearing. He pocketed these herbs and quickly mounted the horse. With a sharp whistle and a nudge from his foot, the horse was off, heading towards the rest of the group.
  12. I haven't played it in years(only because I don't have one) but I long to play it. Mainly Loz:OoT. That has to be one of my favorite games of all times.
  13. [b]Name-[/b] Jakob [b]Age-[/b] 17 [b]When and how you died-[/b] 2048 car accident [b]Appearance-[/b] I can't find the fullbody pic, so [URL=http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/087/f/0/Needles_by_Inu_Pro.jpg][color=darkslateblue]here[/color][/URL] is a headshot. He's about 1.8m(about 6'), 73.5kg(about 160lbs.) He wears a white long sleeve shirt covered by a black vest. On his hands he wears black gloves. His lower half is covered with black pants and boots. [b]Race-[/b] Demon [b]Short Bio-[/b] Was orphaned when he was young. Went to live with grandparents shortly thereafter. Never had any friends. Most feared him too much. [b]Weapon-[/b] Whip and a Customized Desert Eagle. [b]Magic-[/b]Fire,Thunder
  14. "I'm riding ahead to retrieve the herbs" he spoke to the others "I trust that you can survive without me for a while?" this he directed to Lokin. "I promise nothing" was all he replied. "I'll be back within the hour. Watch yourselves until I get back" with this he rode off ahead.
  15. ((OOC: Screw that. I'm changing the way I write)) "I know of these agrinomy herbs. They grow not far from here. If we leave now, we should get there in time. C'mon" when he finished speaking, he placed his fingers in his mouth and gave out a sharp whistle. Shortly after, a group of white horses came out. "Everyone choose a horse. Hurry up, we're wasting valuable time."
  16. I am also ooking forward to the PS3 launch. I've never played any of the DMC games(if you listen closely, you can hear a thousand DMC fans cry out in shock) so that's not one of the reasons I'm looking forward to it. What I really want to do is check out the graphics for the games. I'll probably end up waiting til the [i]next[/i] Ps console comes out before I get the PS3. That's always how it works out for me. I don't even have a PS2 yet. I've played it but I don't own one personally.
  17. Well, first off you should occupy yourself as much as possible, so that you do not reach that level of boredom. I make launchers out of mechanical pencils and launch BB's at people when they're not looking. You could also shoot spitwads at people. That's all I have to say on the subject.
  18. "What is wrong?" he asked Nicholisa. "Nothing!" she screamed back. Then he realised. "That's your brother, isn't it?" he asked, placing his hand on her shoulder 'I'm sorry that we couldn't do anything to help him."
  19. I would really like for it to be revived, though if no one else wishes to, then that is alright too.
  20. *grabs papers and reads them* "Everything appears to be in order. Now, if you all would gather your supplies, we can head out soon. . . ." *looks around* "Where's the cat-girl?" *Scans the trees around the ruins. Upon finding her, he directs a message into her mind* '[i]you're going the wrong way[/i]'
  21. "Alright. You are here because the king believes that you can vanquish the evil that plagues this land. You may think that you don't have the courage to stand and fight. Those who believe that may leave now. But I tell you this: If you turn your back now, thousands will die because of it. Survivors will look down upon you as an outcast. You will never be accepted into whatever society may stand after this. Now, for those of you staying, you must learn to work together. The journey ahead will be long and arduous. You will need others to support you, on the field of battle and off. Any of you have questions thus far?"
  22. Everybody, the thread is open! Go and post and I should be on tomorrow to check the progress of the story. I don't suppose it will be too far along, we still have to wait for everyone to arrive at the ruins.
  23. This is where you can discuss the RP. If you have any questions post them here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to talk about the RP.
  24. ((OOC: Let's get the ball rolling...)) *He was in no rush to get to the ruins. The others would also need time to pack supplies. Picking up his sword, he checked it for flaws before sheathing it on his hip. He holstered a dagger on the strap across his chest. He then checked his rations before securing his pack to his belt.* I guess I'd better head out now. I hope the other's know how to find the ruins. *closes the door behind him as he leaves*
  25. Alright everyone, let's get this thing started. For anyone who hasn't signed up yet, feel free to do so at anytime.
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