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Everything posted by TheRebel_Nikolas
Absolutely right. WotH is a fantasitic movie. I first saw it during the Month of Miyazaki on TCM. Along with many other movies by Studio Ghibli. I saw it in original japanese with english subs, so I missed a few things they said. Other than that, the movie was magnificent. I plan on watching it over and over again.
Great sign ups you two. I want to get at least one or two more people to sign up before I start this thing. Of course, sign ups are always open.
Depends on which toonami you're referring to. If you mean current, then it would have to One Peice then Naruto. If you're referring to toonami from years ago, then it would be ReBoot.
Anime What anime ending confused you?
TheRebel_Nikolas replied to the Samaruimist's topic in Otaku Central
I'm not so much [i]confused[/i] as I am [i]wondering[/i]. Did [spoiler]Spike really die[/spoiler] at the end of Cowboy Bebop? Or is it there to leave everyone wondering? -
I like the idea. I would definately join. I've no idea's to a title as of yet.
[b]The forest stands, in solitude, with a mind of it's own. [i]It[/i] decides the weather. [i]It[/i] decides the time of day. [i]It[/i] decides when you leave. It's vastness extends farther than the eye can see. Travelers have often stumbled into the forest and have made it out unscathed. Others have never been heard from again. Rumors have spread that great evil lurks within the forest. You decide to venture in, whether out of curiousity ot personal intentions of your own, after hearing one of these rumors. There are many different areas of the forest. There are regions with mountians. Some with lakes, and rivers. There are even are were some sort of civilization once stood. Most of these places are filled with animal life. Yet, there are areas where even the bravest of souls dare not tread. These are areas of darkness, and evil. This is where you must go. By order of the king, you have been ordered to find, and destroy this evil. I was the first informed and have already begun my quest. You must gather supplies and weapons and venture forth into the forest. Along the way, you will meet up with others like yourselves. It is Our job to find a way to destroy the evil that is spreading through the forest and if not stopped, throughout the intire world. I will be waiting for you beside the old ruins just inside the northern edge of the forest. [/b] Sign ups [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Bio/Writing example:[/b] Oh yes, there is to be no power-playing. Here's my sign up [b]Name:[/b] David [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Weapon:[/b] Sword, magic [b]Description:[/b] [URL=http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/087/5/c/David_by_Inu_Pro.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [b]Bio/Writing Example:[/b] *He stands at the edge of the forest, gazing into its depths. Slowly, he steps into the vast enclosure of trees. Inside the forest is teeming with wildlife. A flock of birds flies overhead. A doe leaps across a fallen log, followed closely by her young. The farther he walks along, the more he sees. A stream winds its way along the forest floor. The stream is filled with many fish swimming upstream to spawn. Near the stream, a fox slowly approaches the waters edge to get a drink of water.* Also, one last thing. You may have more than one character, but are limited to three altogether.
Of the ones I've read or have seem modernized, I would have to choose A Midsummer Nights Dream. With the vast amount of cast members and the comedy about it all, you would be able to incorporate many OB members into the story. Overall, I think it would be a wonderful idea.
It would be nice if we could continue the story.
Alright, I know I shouldn't be double posting, but I have to ask this question. What happened to the thread? No one has been posting and now it's dead. Where did eeryone go? I know that you have lives of your own and have school and work and all, but you could at least let me know if your still alive. Would it kill you to take five minutes out of your to say that you'll be busy for a certain amount of time and won't be able to post for a while?
((OOC: In an attempt to revive this thread...)) IC: Nikolas had been in there for a while now and still no sign of whom he came for. He began to wonder whether or not he'd show. It was getting late and he had not done what he came to do. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Which way to the restroom?"[/COLOR] he asked one of the waiters. [COLOR=SlateGray]"Just down the hall"[/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Thank you"[/COLOR] He walked down the hall and entered the first door he came to. On the other side was a large, brightly lit bathroom with tiled floor and walls. One wall was lined with mirrors and and sinks, and along the other were numerous stalls. He checked to see if anyone else was in the room. Seeing no one else he unbuttoned his jacket and grabbed one of his guns. He was nervous now and wanted to check to see if everything was in line. Releaseing the mag, he swore, for it was empty. He quickly checked his other firearm. Also empty. "S***. I didn't bother replacing the mags when I returned to the compound. I better leave, now. I don't want to be here if I can't finish the job" quickly replacing his weapons he left the room in a hurry. He walked through the ballroom and out the front. [COLOR=Red]"Leaving already, sir?"[/COLOR] asked one of the guards. The same guard that had stopped him on the way in. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Not feeling very well"[/COLOR] he said without stopping. He quickly left the area and took a different way back to the compound. When he arrived outside the entrance he sensed something odd but could not place it. He dropped into the sewers and replaced the cover. Then he figured it out. The cover was open. He had closed it when he left. Or did he? He couldn't remember. All the same, he proceeded with caution.
Thanks. That helps a little.
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Erhm. Who's threatening to take your soul?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] No one has been threatening to take my soul, I've had PM's saying that [i]I[/i] could have [i]their[/i] souls and I've no idea why they had said that
Discuss Would anyone be interested in a Splinter Cell sort of game
TheRebel_Nikolas replied to Deadpool's topic in Theater
To be honest, I'd probably read it but not join. -
Alright. I haven't been on here forever before about a month ago and I was wondering, what happened??? I know i've posted more than it says i have. I even have PM's referring to them. Where did they all go? Why am I not allowed to see them? And this whole 'take my soul' thing(referring to the PM's again), where did that start?
[B]Name:[/B] Simply known as Friedrich, or Fritz for short [B]Ethnicity:[/B] German [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Fritz is about 5' 3" with short, spiky black hair and yellow eyes that he covers with big, thick goggles. He wears green baggy pants held up by black suspenders, a white sleeveless shirt, and brown leather work gloves and overlarge work boots.(will add picture later) [B]Personality:[/B] Fritz isn't the outgoing type. Some find it unusual that he would rather stay inside and take things apart than play outside. He likes to make and modify equipment/items of his own. [B]Fortes:[/B] Tinkering/inventing objects is what he's best at. He enjoys playing around with anything mechanical. Some would say he has an overwhelming knowledge of mechanical items for one his age. [B]Writing Example:[/B] (sorry it took so long) A boy sat at a table in a dimly lit room. On the table lay a set of tools and bits of metal and wire. As he worked an item began to take shape. When he finished the product was a small and simple mechanical dog. He then pulled a small metal object from his pocket and inserted it into the back of the toy and twisted it. When the key stopped turning it began to jump up in the air and do flips. There was a loud knock on the door. "Fritz?" asked a voice "Sorry, I mean Friedrich" "What?" replied the boy called 'Friedrich' "It's time for the evening meal. You better get washed up" said the voice behind the door. "Alright. I'll be down in a few minutes' time" He set the toy on a shelf and left the room. Upon reaching the lavatory he began to wash the grease from his hands. He dried his hands and left the room. After dinner, Friedrich promptly left the dining hall and headed for the sleeping quarters to change. He lied down and fell asleep almost instantly. As he slept he dreamt of a darkness. Of a darkness that pulsated. And with every pulse there was a loud 'snap' When he reached out to touch it, the darkness immediately consumed him. There was no feeling. No warmth. No sound. He wasn't even able to breathe. Then in an instant there was an earsplitting sound and the darkness released its grip upon him. When he opened his eyes he was staring into a large eye, and it stared back. From everywhere nowhere there was a voice that spoke, but he didn't hear what it spoke. His ears were still ringing from the sound earlier. He awoke to the sound of thunder. Drenched in a cold sweat and twisted in his blanket, he fell from his bed trying to free himself from his covers. A bolt of lightning lit the room, showing the other orphans. Some were sitting upright. Others were still asleep. Or at least, appeared to be asleep. Another bolt of lightning lit the room again, allowing him a better look at those still lying down. What he saw would forever be scarred into his mind. Many of the orphans had been killed while they slept. Horror grabbed hold of him. 'Why were only some of us killed?' he thought to himself. Then something struck him 'The killer may still be in the orphanage!'
Anime If you could be any anime character, who would you be?
TheRebel_Nikolas replied to Shadow Blade's topic in Otaku Central
[Color=Red]If I could be any Anime Character, I would be: [b]Roy Mustang from FMA[/b] - Who doesn't like lighting things on fire? And all the better if you can do it with the snap of your fingers. [b]Sanji from One Piece[/b] - Not only does he kick ***, but he can cook, too. I really like to cook. [b]Inuyasha from Inuyasha[/b] - He's awesome, plain and simple. [b]Sasuke from Naruto[/b] - He can be calm and collective. Plus, the sharingan eyes.[/Color] -
((OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, with school and all)) ~~~ It was hours later before Nikolas lay down the book he had been reading. He glanced at his watch as he stood. The hour was late and the time was near. The Neoristacrats were throwing a masquerade ball and now was his chance to strike. It was suicide attacking alone with so many Neorisacrats present, but it would be worth it. Hurrying to what would surely be his death, Nikolas quickly showered and changed into his best clothing. He grabbed a bottle from a cabinet above one of the sinks, and sprayed himself with it. He only needed to have a human scent to get past the guard dogs. After that, if he managed to accomplish what he was going for, it wouldn't matter if he was found out. Holstering his weapons he grabbed a mask off of a table and left. He walked the first few blocks before 'borrowing' a vehicle. With the vehicle it didn't take long for him to arrive at the ball. From there he followed a Neoristacrat to the entrance. Fortunatley, not one of the guards recognised him. The dogs had not recognised his scent either. He had almost passed through when one of the guards stopped him. [COLOR=Red]"Hey, you"[/COLOR] Nikolas, thinking he had been caught, began to panic. [COLOR=Red]"You dropped your mask"[/COLOR] said the guard, holding out the dropped item. He grabbed it from the guard. [COLOR=Red]"Have a nice evening, sir"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I will, thank you"[/COLOR] he answered the guard. Truthfully, he would more than likely be killed this evening. Turning, let out a breath of air. He had made it inside. Now he just had to wait for the right moment to attack. ~~~
I've heard of it. Can't remember if I saw it or not. I've seen a lot of movies but don't remember half of them.
This is a real good anime. I haven't seen all the episodes, but I have seen a lot of the first season and a few of the second season. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]TheRebel_Nikolas, Please note that this is a conversation based forum, posts low on quality and content are very discouraged. In the future please make sure to include enough content to continue the conversation. If you're not in the mood to take the time to do this, it's best not to post. ^^ Also, please take a look at our rules before contiuing to post. Thanks, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
I've read a little bit of it and cannot find anymore. Where can i get it? and I don't have a credit card or PayPal so i can't order them that way
How big is Neo Avalon? Are we talking New York big, or more like Raccoon City?
Nikolas walked through the empty streets of Neo Avalon, looking for something. He passed by the tavern that he stopped at occasionally. The drinks weren't that great, but alcohol is alcohol. He turned down a side alley and walked to the end. Turning to look behind him he bent down and lifted a manhole cover. He slipped through and replaced the cover without a sound. He walked a couple hundred yards through the darkness before turning off on a side path. There were many more turns before the tunnel seemingly came to a dead end. He removed a small stone slab from the right wll, revaealing a small keypad. Once the access code was punched in he replaced the slab to its original place. It was then that a loud grinding began as a solid stone doorway opened. On the other side he punched another code in and the door closed. He flipped a switch on the wall by the keypad. Bright flourescent light flodded trhe large cavern. The light showed that more rooms branched off of this one. On the far wall were many monitors, each one showing a series of four paths of the sewer system that he lived in. He silently moved across the cavern tothe monitors. He checked the video recordings to see if there had been any trespassers. Even if there had been any, the security system would have taken care of them for him. Feeling nothing out of the ordinary, he grabbed a book from one of the shelves and sat down to read.
[B]Name: [/B] Nikolas Arkady [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Age: [/B] 21 [B]Caste:[/B] [I]Canus Lupis[/I] - Wolf Chimera [B]Appearance: [/B] He stands 5' 7", with moderate build. His thick, dark hair hung just to his shoulders. Though a chimera, Nikolas looked more man than wolf. Thick fur covered his forearms and backs of his hands. His canines measured just under two cm. He wears a black longsleeve shirt, his legs covered in dark blue jeans and black leather boots. [B] Personality: [/B] Nikolas is usually calm and quiet. When hesitant to join a fight it is not out of fear, but out of thinking of the fastest way to end it. Though considered to be the runt of the pack by his other wolf brethren he can look after himself and is quite intelligent. [B]Weapons/Skills: [/B] Though quite agile and able to dispose of his enemies with his bare hands he occasionally likes to use his [URL=http://www.airsplat.com/media/image/P_LG62.jpg]twin desert eagles[/URL] [B]Writing Example: [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]FIVE YEARS AGO[/COLOR] He awoke to find himself in a small dark room. His eyes adjusting, he noticed a door on the far side of the room. Taking a closer look he spotted a DNA access panel near the door. He placed his palm upon the panel.[COLOR=Red]ACCESS DENIED.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Damn it[/COLOR] he said and just then he heard footsteps approaching. Thinking fast, he thought of what to do. [COLOR=DarkRed]Feeding time[/COLOR] the man said, sticking a tray through the door. His arm shooting out, he grabbed the mans wrist and pulled him through the door. The man began to panic. Using this time to his advantage to slip through the door. He quickly sheilded his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light. Sprinting down the corridor, he began to hear heavy footsteps approaching. [COLOR=DarkRed]There he is![/COLOR] shouted a man as he rounded a corner. Reacting fast he grabbed the mans arm as he aimed to shoot, twisted it behind him and shot the other men before snapping the guards neck. He let the man slump to the floor as he began to run again. It wasn't long before he came to another intersection. This time he slowed and peered around the corner. At the other end of the corridor was a large door marked [COLOR=Red]EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY. ALARM WILL SOUND[/COLOR]. This warning did not stop him from plowing through the closed door into the open air beyond it. He continued to run, ignoring the blaring siren behind him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]PRESENT DAY[/COLOR] Nikolas sat in the corner of the room. [COLOR=DarkRed]Did you think you could keep running forever?[/COLOR] the intruder asked, raising his weapon. With a swift movement he stood and raising his own weapons shot the men. He walked over the one man not killed and picking him up said[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You can tell your boss that he's never going to control me and that anyone else he sends after me will be dead, just like your friends here.[/COLOR]he said, indicating the dead men surrounding him. He then let the man go and as soon as he was free, he ran as fast as he could in the other direction.
Manga New Manga Idea. Please tell me what you think!
TheRebel_Nikolas replied to goldengriffin's topic in Otaku Central
The characters are really well drawn. The colorization is great! I personally liked the dragon. -
Manga HELP! ...Please? (Manners, eh?)
TheRebel_Nikolas replied to Alexandria's topic in Otaku Central
It sounds like a good plot and a time period sure would help. I'll give the name a try. how about 'Eternal Damnation' or something like that. Just an idea