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Everything posted by blkwingedangel

  1. i daydream constantly so i always wonder about everything! it gets kinda annoying because i have no control over it
  2. i've seen Sleepy Hollow once... and i don't really remember it. I know it's a great movie though... lots of blood.
  3. most people see me as the sweet, shy, quiet type... other people see me as stuck up. It's just because i tend to be quiet in school alot. I'm not really in a specific group in school. Me and my friends kinda make up our own group. We would be inbetween the preps and the goths
  4. i'd have to say commonsense... because if you don't have commonsense then... you're in trouble
  5. i had a dog that died when he wasn't even a year old yet. The vet didn't know what was wrong with him either. But he couldn't move or even stand so we put him to sleep.
  6. I haven't seen many episodes but i still like Maha! Why'd Maha have to die?!
  7. i'm a member in over 23 forums so i'm always busy. but besides that i like to read and play ps2. oh yea.. and i like to draw and write too
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