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Everything posted by Sun

  1. Here's one that i thought was really cool. It's of kakashi from Naruto.
  2. I love that avatar, but the latest Sanzo one is amazing.There is nothing wrong with it what so ever.Maybe you can give me some other pointers. I can't wait till your next banner comes out. One more thing I don't get, your one of our best banner makers and your thread has no comments we need to do something about this. Come on people! Post!
  3. [COLOR=green]oh i'm sorry about that it used to have a font but i guess Dan rugh looked at it and i kind of took it out. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, well i'll be editing this later with a new banner. I gotta go to school. This one i made for tsunami [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=513520[/IMG] This one i made for Halo covenant. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=513506[/IMG] And these are some that i liked from my old thread so i guess it wouldn't hurt if you comment on these also [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=482809[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=484730[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=484780[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=485303[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=493254[/IMG] [/COLOR]
  4. Ok, i just got a new computer with photoshop. So you guys should start expecting alot more banners from me. Remember pm if you have a request If you post a request on this thread i'm pretty sure i will not reply, and you will get in trouble by a Syke. Ok here's my latest! I love the naruto picture so much that i had to do something with it. I don't think the font fits, but i want to see your guys's points of views. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=513055[/IMG]
  5. ummm...it looks very plain, plus the colors you used don't fit the colors in kill bill. The other thing is that you saved it as a bmp, instead of a jpg. you might want to try getting the correct text also.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]My school at one time made us wear cool name tag badges with or pictures on them and stuff. So yah i think i toped you Transtic Nerve!...:confuse2: [/B][/QUOTE] No you didn't ! Beer all the way. .:chugs a keg:.!
  7. Hilarious! .:bow's down to the master:. ! My banner skills will never match the creative style that you have. Every single banner that you posted on this thread is magnificent. I thank you so much for starting me off with making banners, and i hope to see more banners from you. ~Dragon~
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1] Does anyone else here frequent Six Flags Great America? Hm. I'm really not much good at amusement parks, heh. I've been on...two...roller coasters in my life. I'm not scared of heights, exactly...I don't know.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Do you live in San Jose? Well, anyways Goliath at magic mountain was fun! The drop was crazy!!! Screem was fun also, though i didn't get to ride the ninja or superman i still had a fun time! i used to live in San Jose and stealth in great america is awesome!
  9. what program are you using, try cropping. When you just put a couple of pics. on the banner, It makes it look like screenshots.
  10. what fon't did you use for the knives banner? and the Blahman one is hilarious!!!
  11. Paintballing and lasertag is way different. when you go paint balling you geet that sudden rush that makes you go crazy! while in lasertag your just sitting in a corner shooting some one. I've only played once and i'm saving up for a black dragon. The only time it hurts is when there really close to me. in the course i played at you could surrender so everything should be fine. But a sponsered paintballer was playing capture the flag with us and shot me like 10 ft. away. it was on the knee so it didn't hurt that bad but it kinda stings for a little bit. And make sure you keep your mask on at all times!!!!! that's really all you need to know!
  12. Yan Yan is eaither chinese, japanese, or vietnamese. I'm going with vietnamese because it's ussualy found in vietnamese super markets . (i would know because i am vietnamese). But Pocky,Kasugai gummies, and Hello panda cookies are the best!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal Otaku [/i] [B] Another is the final battle in FLCL. "ITS THE CLIMAX!!!" Naota goes all red with the guitars and stuff it was COOL...[/B][/QUOTE] That was great i loved the whole FLCl season and the battles were so exciting. Well one of the other best fighting scenes is the begining of the Samauri x movie that was awesom!!! So much blood was in it.
  14. I LOST PHOTOSHOP!!!!!! Srry guys but photoshop was slowing down my comp. so i guess there's no use for this thread. Mods can delete it now! No more banner making for me!
  15. Luda, i dunno i just don't like him... The way rap is nowadays is all childish stuff.. and his lyrics really do back my opinion up. he might be smart but it sure doesn't stand out in his lyrics.
  16. I saw Hack Helba's banner and i thought i should try it.. but this is the last time i'm doing it though! here it is this is Vincent from ff7. Enjoy [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=494347[/IMG]
  17. i can't tell who the charecter's are in number 1. Number 2 it looked wierd, try making the first frame last mor than what you have it set on right now. And the third thing is just too fast which makes it hard to see what's going on.
  18. how do you like this banner.. it's for me hands off!
  19. this one i made for spot67
  20. ya when i was using comic sans i was just really lazy......but i realized that the font really does matter!
  21. Did you use ms paint... because those don't look like something Photoshop would do...
  22. i made this one for conna_da_fox ^^ enjoy. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=492241[/IMG] And this one i made for xaru silverfire [IMG]http://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/fogeyogerson/xarusilverfire copy.jpg[/IMG]
  23. Sun

    New Lounges

    RK and FLCL!!!!!!! even though i really think an flcl one will be very non useful.....i just love the series!!!1 Tenchi i haven't really watched to. But RK should have one, Most definetly, there has been so many Rk fans nowadays!
  24. my stepdad has been in the paper once because he's like some investment banker...does that count?
  25. Sun


    Yep i tried to make my name Black_dragon, but someone took it and i haven't seen him post not, not even once. so i decided black_snake will do.
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