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Everything posted by Sun

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/JustinTruong/Round1sakuracopy.jpg[/IMG] Alright, we've been waiting about a week for this, and i'm really dissapointed in the lack of participation, but i guess the show must go on. [QUOTE=Hack Helba][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Round one : [B]Sean[/B] vs [B]sakurasuka[/B] Round two : [B]Kitty [/B]vs [B]Imi[/B] Round three : [B]Retribution[/B] vs[B] Hack Helba[/B] Winners from each round will move up a branch onto the final three, Where ONE of the contenders will be voted out leaving the final two to duke it out for the honor of being the Last man standing![/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] __________________________________________________ Round 1: This battle will be between [SIZE=3][B]sakurasuka vs. Sean[/B][/SIZE]. [SIZE=2][B][U]Here are the rules for the battle:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Theme:[/B] [SIZE=3]War[/SIZE]. [B]Dimensions:[/B] Your choice. [B]Deadline:[/B] Friday, July 29th [SIZE=2][B][U]The Judges:[/U][/B][/SIZE] Rising Sun Doc Goddess __________________________________________________ Each of you shall post your piece and the judges will post a 2-5 paragraph statement on which they like better and why. Let the Engagement begin. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]I'm so saddened about how far down this thread has gone. Come on guys. Come and witness the powerful work that is posted here and get out and comment. [B]Luche una idioma:[/B] I love the effect of blood you used. Nothing too much to say because i honestly have no idea what it means, but i guess it seems that you put a lot of effort into this one. One thing that kind of annoyed me is the colour of the reddish text. It kind of hurts my eyes a bit to look at but it's just a minor problem. You have seem to have broaden your horizons and encountered a new point of view of art. I am so mind-blown that you have improved on your vision of art in so little of time. I hope to have your sense of style someday. It seems like my art has been lacking a little something. I hope that you can educate me on how you think. Good luck in the [B]LSN Garaphic Engagement[/B], [I]Sun[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Alright, everybody who replied, is now entered into the competition. I'm really dissapointed in the lack of participation, and since it has been about a week now i have decided that the entry deadline will be [B]Monday the 25th[/B]. Everybody really wants this to be a success so don't dissapoint your fellow members. I expect at least 2 more entries by then. Thank you to everyone who decided to enter, [I] Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=vERDANA][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue][COLOR=Black][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/retri_trib/HEADER.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1]By Retribution, Image by [url]http://artgerm.deviantart.com/[/url][/SIZE][/COLOR] Welcome to the [COLOR=Red][B]Graphics Club:[/B] [U]Last-Man-Standing Graphic Engagement[/U][/COLOR] This Engagement will only include Graphics Club Members. This is a tournament that will be set up by me, and once we have a clear view of who will be participating we shall set up the rules. What you will be doing if you participate is that you will be paired up with a different member that has also entered and will be Graphic Battling your opponent. I shall be the one setting the Theme for your graphic battle and you will try your best to meet my specifications. To enter just post a 1-3 paragraph reply, saying why you would like to be part of the tourney. I will be keeping a list of the people who are participating, and give you guys the update on when we will be ready to hold the event. For those of you who don't want to participate but want to help out. I am looking for eligible judges to help a long side me. We will be voting on who's piece is better and determine the winner of each battle. I will need 1-2 judges so just post in this thread giving me a 1-3 paragraphs about why you think you would be fit for the job. If I believe you fit the requirements then I will let you know. [COLOR=Red][We have exceeded the limit of judges needed][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][U] [SIZE=2][B]Participant List[/B][/U][/SIZE] [I]Retribution Imi sakurasuka Sean Hack Helba Kitty [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] [U][B]Final Judges[/B][/U] [I]Rising Sun Goddess Doc [/I][/COLOR] I hope that everyone participates, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  5. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Damn, I'm too great. [url]http://artpad.art.com/?ijwdw77znk[/url] Bring it, Retri![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess']It's blurry, the original image probably didn't look like that, right? It happens in every image that gets put on the web, but Helba's doesn't seem to be affected by it, that's that I was saying. It didn't contribute anything to my vote though, I simply like Helba's a little better.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]My image didn't change because i saved it as a JPG. It didn't change at all, it was how it was put together. And i still don't get which area is "blurry". Specifications would be much more helpful.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Mwuahahha! Guess who's back with Photoshop CS? So Sunny-boy has been making some things this month that he's been very lazy to post up. So he shall do them now _________________________________________________________________ [U][B]Angels[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/JustinTruong/AngelsFrontcopy.jpg[/IMG] My uncle just opened a night club, and i did some flyers for him. [U][B]Angelic[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/JustinTruong/Angeliccopy.jpg[/IMG] This is a piece i made for Hack Helba and I's Graphic battle. If you guys have the time please go to the thread and vote. [U][B]Industrial[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/JustinTruong/Industrialcopy.jpg[/IMG] Here's a little something that came to me while listening to "Feel Good Inc." By the Gorillaz. [U][B]Gorillaz[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24031&stc=1[/IMG] Some more Gorillaz for you guys. ________________________________________________________________ I hope everyone keeps this thread alive, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess']Also, Helba's picture was compressed better, it doesn't have that JPG-ish look to it like Sun's.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [FONT=Verdana]JPG-ish look? Can you maybe expand on what your vision of a "JPG-ish look" really is?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Helba and I thought that this forum needed to be spiced up a bit, so we decided to put together a battle. I told Hacky, that his Graphic had to be 500x200 in size and had to include a woman or women. The voting will begin as of now and will end on Friday, July/22nd. If you guys aren't familiar with the voting process you guys should read this. I will be expecting each vote to have a 3-5 sentence paragraph explaining why you like his piece better than the opponent's piece. Please make it as detailed as you can. Let the better man win. [B] [U]Here is my submission[/U][/B] [B]Rising Sun:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/JustinTruong/Angeliccopy.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hack Helba should have his in shortly.[/I] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]What a tough round to decide. This is after all the last one since Retribution had to ditch. But I must say I had fun with this and can't wait for next year. But without further ado, our Otaku Graphica Champion of 2005 is Hack Helba! Congrats, Hack. Hope you all had fun. [center][size=4][u][b]Otaku Graphica Hall of Fame[/u][/size] 2005 - Hack Helba 2004 - Hittokiri Zero[/b][/center] Until next year![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Yes, it was a wonderful display indeed. The Otaku Graphica was a great success this year. A few people dropped out, including Retri and I, but we still got next year. Everybody give a round of applause for [B]Hack Helba[/B], the [B]winner[/B] of the 2005 Otaku Graphica. Keep up the great work Hacky! Alright, i would like to announce to everybody that i will be open for battles since i now have Photoshop. I will try to kick out some more graphics after my hectic summer settles down a bit. I hope to see some more battles! The Art Forum has been lacking action. And i encourage everyone to take charge and challenge some people. I hope everyone displays more art work using this thread also. Help keep this community alive. That's it for the updates, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Oh my...Look what Sun found on his uncle's computer... Photoshop Elements! Well i've been on vacation as you all know. And while desperately trying to get photoshop i found Elements on the computer. And i whipped up something for you guys. Here's a new piece. [U][B]Urban [Made with Elements][/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23971&stc=1[/IMG] I know that the text may not be great but that's all i have to work with as of now. Enjoy.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Well, I'm happy everyone is interested about joining, but remember to send in your detalied application you got to PM or E-mail Retri. I just wanted to make that clear because i just don't want this thread to be messy. That's it for that very small update, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Hey everybody. Bet you guys haven't heard from me in awhile. Well i'm sorry that i vanished for a week. I've been so busy with Summer things that i hardly ever have time to post. And since i have to leave soon i'll give you guys a quick update on the moderator situation. Well since i haven't had time to really update, Retri and I decided that [B]Hack Helba[/B] will be joining us as a [B]moderator[/B]. I give my thanks to Hacky for applying to help Retri and I out since i have been so damn busy. That's it for the update. [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Woweee! I love your latest one, the colours and everything mix well. The only thing i don't like is the text. Looks like something that would be on a cargo box and it is very hard to read. This one beats all of your latest works though. Good job Boo. [I]Sun[/I] BTW i just realized that the colours in the middle look like pastels. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Thanks Imi, for doing this for me. Alright guys, i'm out of town this Summer so you guys won't be seeing new stuff for two months. Oh well, at least i will still be active in the Boards, helping run the GFX Club with Retri. I hope to talk to you guys during the summer and i just want to let you guys know... This thread will be back! In the mean time please comment on my latest work. This is going to be my last piece and i would like to see everybody's comments. See you guys around, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I'm also going to give you guys direct links to everyones graphic threads. If you are a member and currently don't have a thread then your name will not be on this list. If you want me to change anything just contact me. [B][U] Graphic threads[/U][/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45668]Retribution[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47697]sakurasuka[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47846]Goddess[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47049]Rising Sun[/URL]
  17. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]There is currently a [B]Graphic Club: Battle[/B], involving [B]Goddess and Ima[/B] . You can get all the info in the actual thread which you can be directed to [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48043]here[/URL]. I hope everyone participates in the voting process. [U] [B]New members:[/B][/U] [I]PAche SaiyanPrincessX Nomad [/I] Welcome them. That's it for today's updates. Peace, [I]Sun [/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Hmm, since it's my last day running this club, i might as well give everyone an update. Alrighty guys, [B]Retri[/B] should be coming back tomorrow just in time to participate in the Graphica if he chooses. [U][B] And for new members here are the updates:[/B][/U] [B]Sean[/B] has joined the club so everyone welcome him. Also [B]Goddess[/B] is now eligable for GFX Battles. [B][U] For Current Battles:[/U][/B] As you all may know it seems like Sean and Kitty are going to battle soon so everyone wait for that. Once their thread is posted i will gladly link it to this one for everyone. I hope everyone participates in the voting process. That's all for the updates. I will soon be joining you guys as a regular member soon ^_^. Peace, [I]Sun[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I am currently listening to: California Uber Alles- [B]Dead Kennedys[/B] Pull My Strings- [B]Dead Kennedys[/B] Hybrid Moments- [B]The Misfits[/B] Anarchy In the UK- [B]Sex Pistols[/B] EMI- [B]Sex Pistols[/B] Lexicon Devil- [B]The Germs[/B] At The Edge- [B]Stiff Little Fingers[/B] Fly the Flag- [B]Stiff Little Fingers[/B] These are the songs that are currently on my playlist.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Revue][COLOR=#7C0201][SIZE=1]Alright! Rock on, RS! I absolutely adore Commando. Love the way the red's positioned on the bandanna and the guy's face. The patterns break the otherwise solid dirty white space on his uniform. Brilliant. Are you using CS? I'm pretty sure there's a feature there that allows you to type text along a path; maybe you could use that for "Rip them down" and "Hold them up". Make the text follow a crooked line, yeah? BTW, the box in "Fly the Flag" is probably the itsy-bitsy black one to the left of your logo. I suggest you darken/modify/remove that blurry gray part instead of "The way of life" black box (which is very cute!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I'm currently using Photoshop 7, and from my knowledge i don't think that there is a tool like that. Well i'm pretty happy that everyone's been keeping this thread alive. It's been so busy lately since it is the last week of school and i haven't been able to put anything together in awhile. Since it was a half day today and i got out early i finally got a chance to play around with some stuff in Photoshop. While looking through band flyers i was inspired to make one myself. I just combined a lot of "flyer styles" into my own creation and i think i made it look good. Note that this was all made from scratch. [U] [B]Dead Kennedys flyer[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23867&stc=1[/IMG] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Ima][SIZE=1] Fly The Flag: I agree with Beta it was put exactly how I wanted so I cannot say much. The little box ruins the overall image as ive said on a few of your pieces remove it.... :P Much Love[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1] [FONT=Verdana]What little box? This is my new piece and i hope everyone likes it. I'm sorry for the repetitive use of the Rising Sun symbol but i can't help myself. Here it is, [U][B]Commando:[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23847&stc=1[/IMG] [U][B] Now here's my new banner.[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23848&stc=1[/IMG] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]This sounded like such a fun idea but something has come up. I just figured out that i am not going to have photoshop with me during the summer. Ah well, there's always time for next year. I hope everyone enjoys this, and i wish you all good luck. [B] This is Sun saying that i am [U]NOT[/U] going to be able to participate.[/B] Have fun everyone.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Sounds fun. Here's my entry. Might not be along the lines of "Digital" art but i think it looks good. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23838&stc=1[/IMG] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Alright, thanks. I'm glad you guys liked it, i have an improved copy and two more i need to show you guys. Enjoy. [B][U] Dogtown[/U] [/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23833&stc=1[/IMG] [B][U]Fly The Flag[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23834&stc=1[/IMG] [B][U] [Remake] Running at the edge of the wall...[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23836&stc=1[/IMG] Addition: Bushido [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23838&stc=1[/IMG] I made this for the Otaku Graphica. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Thank you Hazey, Since i've been all caught up this week with the Graphics Club i haven't made anything in awhile. This is something i whipped up 10 mins. ago, and i'm exhausted. I hope everyone likes it. Running at the edge of the wall: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23822&stc=1[/IMG] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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