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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [COLOR=#004a6f]Speaking of spoiler tags, I have a request unrelated to this thread. Can spoiler tags be added to the menu like the other features? So we can just wrap spoiler tags around text with a click of a button?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=James]Perhaps you're not quite understanding why it was a silly thing to say. If you go to the funeral of someone who died from lung cancer, you don't stand at there in front of everyone and say "Well, it's ridiculous to smoke and the best way to avoid lung cancer is not to smoke at all." Okay, fair enough, that's your viewpoint. But in the context of this thread, it's a very silly thing to say. Molletta is looking for our opinions, yes. But she's just been through this experience herself. If you are not going to at least be mildly tactful about your opinion, don't say anything at all.[/QUOTE]Well James, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to word it any better. Honest, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. It appears that the only way I can be more sensitive is actually agreeing with adoption, so I'm just gonna shut up now. I want to reply to more of your post, but as you said, this isn't the place.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#004a6f]I'm arabic. Palestinian to be precise. I think my family has ancient greek ancestry too. I'm told I look greek, whatever that's supposed to look like.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]Thanks for providing the most useless post that this thread is likely to get. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but what you just said is ridiculous and callous. You are talking to someone who has become pregnant with a longterm partner - by accident - and who has decided to give up her baby for adoption, because she feels she cannot care for it. For a mother to give up her child, because she feels someone else can give it a better life, would probably have to be one of the most difficult things a human being could [i]ever[/i] do. I hope that I am never ever in such a position. Molletta could have done a million other things. She could have cared for the baby and been ill-equipped to do so. But instead, she chose to override her feelings and do what she felt was right. That's a noble thing and an incredibly difficult thing. For you to flatly say that people simply shouldn't have sex, as if it's that simple (when, again, we're talking about a longterm partner) is ridiculous and unrealistic. Moreover, the event has already happened - it's one thing to tell someone that before they have a baby, but afterwards? That's just cruel, rude and completely unproductive. I never cease to be amazed at how people can say things like that without having any idea how it can make the other person feel.[/font][/QUOTE]I would like to say that my comment was not directed at Molleta, it was just a general statement. Molleta asked for our thoughts on adoption. She welcomes us to post from any from any point of view. I wasn't bashing her for what she did. I know she's already made her decision, and I'm not denying that it was indeed a difficult decision. And I'm not saying that she did anything wrong. Her intentions were good were they not? I just think it's sad that people continue to place themselves in such a position. I know I mentioned absitence, but that's if you are unable to care for a child at the time. Sex can make a girl pregnant. One needs to acknowledge that before they decide to have sex. If you're not ready, why take the risk? Why not wait until you are able to deal with pregnancy in case it occurs? And James, I'm not trying to be heartless. And I know most people don't give their children up for adoption with a big fat smile on their face. I know it's a hard decision. I find it sad that this mother and child had to be separated. I just hope tha Molleta does keep contact with her child. I do think it would have been better to keep the child. She wouldn't have been alone. We live in privledge countries that are willing to support people and their children. Why not make use of these resources? And have we gotten so used to the comfortable lifestyle we have here, that we come to expect it? Since when did money equal happiness? As long as you have enough to keep you fed, clothed and sheltered, you can be happy, and you can live a normal happy life. You will not be denying your children a good life. What a child really needs is his/her parents.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#004a6f]I personally disagree with giving up children for adoption. As I see it, if you are not willing to care for children (or unable to), then don't risk having them. Abstinence is the key.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Sage]Oh [I]sure[/I], skip all the relevant parts and cling onto one word! Phooey... I haven't studied the Islamic god that much, but I thought it's in Islam's nature as well that love is a good thing. So how come love between two men or two women isn't a good thing, while love between a man and a woman is, although it's the same emotion? If that's not hypocricy then I don't know what is...[/QUOTE]Well, actually islam isn't all about love. God isn't love, and he does not love those who do not worship and obey him. So it's not hypocricy. And sexual relations are only allowed between a husband and wife. [quote name='Sage]And it's not flaming if I say I loathe you. [I]It's the hard truth[/I']. I have no respect for people who think they are above others, who have the nerve to undermine somebody else's feelings, who judge others without better knowledge etc.[/quote]I am not judging you, and if you look back at all my posts, I have taken great caution in choosing my words very carefully. I did not in any way claim that I was "better than you". I am not to judge. And I do not hate you either. And since you claim that you love your boyfriend, then I will take your word for it. I'm just saying I still believe the action is wrong, because I believe in my religion. [QUOTE=Sage]I mean, [I]honestly[/I], do you know any homosexual personally? Do you know what being a homosexual feels like? You are quick to condemn something you have absolutely no knowledge on! So, I'm not flaming you, I am simply angered and saddened by your ignorance and apparent lack of empathy for the feelings of other people![/QUOTE]I am only quick to condemn it because it is forbidden by God. There's something called obedience without question. And you're right, I probably don't know what a homosexual feels. But regardless of that, God says it's forbidden, so I condemn these actions. If you can't help the way you feel, God still expects you to obey him. It's a challenge you must face. And personally, I don't think abstinence is the biggest challenge. Even for heterosexuals. If a man has a burning passionate desire for a certain woman, he is still forbidden to touch her, unless he is married to her. It doesn't matter how he feels. He still has to obey God.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#004a6f]When I was young I used to actually see my "imaginary friends" , I wasn't actually making it up , they were more like hallucinations, I actually believed they were there. I hallucinated alot when I was young. Either that, or my brain mixed up my dreams up with reality. For instance, I met my younger brother before he was born. Weird, the timeline in my memory is so mixed up. Anyway, my imaginary friends were skeletons. A little creepy, yes, but they were friendly skeletons. They didn't talk though.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE]Plot? What? What Plot? What is this Plot you talk about?: JK Rowling herself said that books 6 & 7 were like one book split into two. Good going, because now book 6 has the most watered down plot. Ever. If you asked me to give you the solid plot of Half-Blood Prince, it'd be a bunch of nonsense. Hey, ever notice the title? Harry Potter and the HALF-BLOOD PRINCE. The actual 'half-blood prince' played such a minor role in the plot (whatever that was) that it astounded me that JK Rowling didn't name this book 'Harry Potter and A Bunch of Stuff and a Rushed Ending'. Things didn't get into a good flow until near the end when Harry found out what horcruxes were and Dumbledore took him to get one of Tom Riddle's horcruxes. [/QUOTE][spoiler]Well, it seemed obvious to me that there was indeed a plot in this book, that is, the plot to kill Dumbledore. The book is called [I]the Half Blood Prince[/I], because the Half Blood Prince is important to the plot, he was directly involved in the plot to kill Dumbledore, and was the one to kill Dumbledore.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#004a6f]Unfortunately, I've come across what I'm assuming were real spoilers. A person made a post with a list of spoilers on mugglnet.com, after those 15 books were sold. I'm not 100% they are real, but they seem rather convincing. I won't say who the I read was the Half Blood Prince is, but: [spoiler]It's important that the Half Blood Prince is described as looking like an old lion.[/spoiler] Anyway, I'm just wondering how many of you are members at Mugglenet.com's forums? Or any other Harry Potter sites for the matter?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#004a6f]Well, I have this habit of speaking in "cute" squeaky voices around my siblings. You should here it, it's really weird, and no one in my family knows how to imitate the weird squeak I end each word in. I have this weird babyish accent to go with it. I know, freaky. And I'd never dream of doing it in public. I just use it to entertain my siblings. In addition to the squeaky voice, I have take one syllable words and turn them into two syllable words by adding "h" in between. For example: "Wow" becomes "Wahow" "Yeah" becomes "Yeahah" I know, I know, weird. But it's so much fun. I think my little brother inspired these wierd things. The way he used to talk when he was a baby was rather interesting.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Lix']Yes, I heard about that. My friend said she had found that out, then researched the subject. Supposedly 14-15 copies can released to a few customers early Monday. I wonder what morons could "accidentally" release such a tensely anticipated book. [/quote]It was only one employee who did it i think. The store where it happened wasn't actually a books store, it was a "superstore". Normally, that store puts out its merchandise as soon as the get it. The employee probably made an honest mistake. It's not like EVERYONE is obsessed with Harry Potter and counting down to the second till July 16.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']Honest to god, I thought that that was clearly stated in the rules. I even remember reading that at one point, but now it's not there anymore.[/color][/quote]I thought I read it in the rules too. But I guess we only think so because people have brought this topic up before so many times. I only noticed that it wasn't in the rules when I checked it after noticing the sudden burst of introduction threads in the otaku lounge.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#004a6f]Bad news everyone. A major Half Blood Price leak has occured. 15 copies were accidentally sold in a Canadian store. Be very careful, because some people have been posting spoilers.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#004a6f]I don't normally buy books, because they can be pretty expensive. So I simply go to the library. The local library is getting a total of 70 copies distrubuted in its branches, and I put the book on hold quite a while ago, I'm #52 on the hold list :animesmil . As soon as the library gets the copy, I'll get to check it out. I hope they get it soon. I don't think I can wait much longer. I'm pretty excited. I can't wait to find out what happens next! I've reread the first five books in preparation.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#004a6f]Well, okay. I see what you mean James. But then, I think it needs to be made CLEAR that introduction threads aren't allowed. Reading the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/URL], introduction threads aren't even mentioned. They should be included under what you consider is "spam".[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#004a6f]I know O.B has good reasons for not having an introduction forum. I know it was scrapped in the past because of "spam". But I really think O.B should have one again. Otaku Lounge has become a haven for introduction threads. The situation is getting riduculous. There seems to be an introduction thread everyday! Sometimes more! And now Dagger's job seems to be for the sole purpose of closing these threads (okay so I'm exaggerating a bit). I know "quality" is important to O.B. But it's time we made a small sacrifice and have one potentially "spammy" forum than to be haunted by: "No Intorduction Forum? Anyway, I'm new... " .......... "*waves meekly* Hello... " ............ "Hi, I'm new!" .......... "I'm new" .......... "Im a Newbie^_^ " ........... "Guess What!~ I'm back!~ -cheers- " ............. "Hello..I'm new here" ........... ....and so forth.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#004A6F][QUOTE=r2vq]This is what I heard, it could be wrong. They dubbed the show in Vancouver at first. This was when they used voices like Scott McNeil for Piccolo. Partways through the series FUNimation decided to switch to voice actors who work in LA. Later on they decided to switch back to the Canadian voices. So, in the US you only hear the American Voices. On YTV, they keep switching with whatever FUNimation gives them. -ArV[/QUOTE]So are you saying that the voices were always the same from the [B]beginning[/B] for American viewers? The first voice and music change occured on episode 54. That's when the voice actor Chris Sabat for Vegeta first came in. Before that it was Brian Drummond. Did this change occur for American viewers as well?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#004a6f][FONT=Verdana]I live in Canda, so I watch well, used to watch, Dragonall Z on YTV. The weird thing is, after episode 170, the voices, and the music changed again! But appaerently, the voices didn't change for those watchingit in the U.S. Why would they Dub the show twice?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#004a6f]On the way home from the beach, we were passing by farmland, and out the window I saw a bull riding a cow, well, you know what I mean. The weird part was that all the other cows were standing in a circle around them and watching..... as thought they're waiting their turn. :laugh:[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#004a6f]I like the names Grace, Gabrielle, Genevieve (yeah I like names that begin with G). OOOH, Jillian (or Gilllian) is also really cute. Other names I like are: Lael Emily Michelle Elaina Check out [URL=http://www.babynames.com]babynames.com[/URL] for a huge list of names. Or google "baby names" and you can find other sites.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#004a6f]My first language was Arabic. I lived in Saudi till I finished grade 1 and then came to Canada. It's unfortunate that I left Saudi at such an early age. I can't read well in Arabic, I'm not good in grammar and I'm low on vocabulary. What's more is that arabs normally speak in slang, and nearly half the vocabulary is different in slang. Even the grammar is different. So I barely have any idea what books, newspapers, or the news means, because all those use proper Arabic. I picked up English pretty quickly. My Grammar and vocabulary was bad at first, but by the time I was nine, I was speaking like everyone else in my class. Man I loved ESL class! It's nice being able to speak arabic and english, to be able to use both their pronounciations. It's helped me alot with learning other languages and getting their accents right. Arabic has a quite a few sounds that some of you have never heard of. I thought I'd put up some sound files: Arabic has two h sounds, one of them sounding more like a snake's hissing. It makes use of the back of your throat more: [URL=http://xthost.info/chabichou/ha.wav]click here to listen[/URL] The ever so famous German kh sound. I suggest actually trying to say k and h at the same time to get this sound: [URL=http://xthost.info/chabichou/kha.wav]click here to listen[/URL] Okay the next one is weird. It sounds a bit more like a vowel than the other letters, so it's transliterated as vowel with an accent. Alot of arabic names that you might think begin with a vowel actually begin with this letter, such as the popular name Omar. I guess this letter sounds like someone gagging on their saliva or something of the sort: [URL=http://xthost.info/chabichou/aa.wav]click here to listen[/URL] This letter sounds like the french r. It's similar to the kh sound, but instead it's gh. Try saying g and h at the same time to make this sound: [URL=http://xthost.info/chabichou/gha.wav]click here to listen[/URL] The closest sound to this letter is k or q, but this letter is much more throaty. Try to make a k sound, but move the back of your tongue further back. It should actually block your air passageway as you make the sound. Wait, k does that too. Okay okay, make the back of your tongue touch that dangly thingy (what's it called again?) at the back of your mouth. [URL=http://xthost.info/chabichou/qa.wav]click here to listen[/URL] [QUOTE]Also there is another thought. It is believed that when you are first born you are born with every sound any language possesses. Thats why babies will make so many funny noises. They're grouping together sounds, but as they develope a fluency in one language the brain will push out the extra information and sounds.[/QUOTE]Damn straight. As I have demonstrated, there are many additional sounds that can be made with your throat, and the back of your tongue has it's uses aswell. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Siren']Chabi, had you studied anything related to Rationalism, Empiricism, etc., the article wouldn't be as interesting to begin with. Fact remains that the article there isn't providing any new, groundbreaking, or revolutionary ideas about anything..."reveal great truths and break great misconceptions, challenge the way of things" etc., my ***. lol It's just misquoting an older philosophy.[/quote]Okay it's fine if it's not "groundbreaking news". I just posted it to see what everyone thought of this philosophy. [QUOTE]Obviously isn't an idea we're supposed to dwell on? The guy wrote an entire book on that [i]one idea[/i], Chabi...that's pretty strong evidence that we're supposed to really dwell on that one idea. And that one idea has been proven wrong in just about every way possible in this thread.[/QUOTE]Okay, the [I]author[/I] is dwelling on the idea. I never said that I suuport the author, I just thought the article (actually book) was interesting that's all. But [I]I[/I] don't think we should dwell on the idea ourselves like he did.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Siren']Interesting? Only if you haven't studied Descartes, Rationalism, Empiricism...basically every single thing that Zidargh listed in his post early on in the thread.[/quote]Yup, I definitely haven't studied any of those, but I really don't care if you have. [quote name='Siren']Who's calling it an actual, physical room with a lock on the door? I'm certainly not.[/quote]Okay, that's good to hear. [QUOTE=Siren]Real life. To claim that we don't experience "real matter," that things are all just perceptions in our brain, to flirt heavily--almost devoting oneself entirely--with Solipsism...has absolutely no relevance to real life, because that takes what is almost guaranteed to be a purely figurative/affective idea of perceptual faults and twists it into a mutilated "The External World Does Not Exist" mantra is as irrelevant to real life as one can get, because in real life, the external world definitely exists, because the external world (i.e., the physical realm) can (and will) physically hurt you if you give it the opportunity. That's why.[/QUOTE]Well, obviously this isn't an idea we're supposed to dwell on. I'm definitely not devoting my life to it, I just think it's an interesting way of looking at things. Whether or not our world is "real" ( though I do believe it is), or different than what we sense, we should just keep living our lives normally in accordance to what we percieve. Stepping in front of a moving vehicle will cause serious injury or death, and since both are most unpleasant, you avoid them, whether they're real or not. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi]And is it pointless to argue this? What colour do other people see? We won't ever know, and it doesn't aid society in any way.[/QUOTE]Actually, I think there's some evidence that we do in fact see the same colors, and it's because of the way colors mix. We all agree what the three primary colors are: Red, Yellow and Blue. So even if we did see different colors, you can only mix these three up and start mixing them from there. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/colors.bmp[/IMG] But then, why is it that we all agree that yellow is difficult to see, and therefore avoid using white on a yellow background? I think this shows (but maybe not proves) that we see the same colors. Meh. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Siren']And that's pretty much why that entire article is a load of horse****.[/quote]Now now, there's no need for profanity. [quote name='Siren']The guy's trying to say that in order for us to see great distances, our bodies must also cover great distances--which is absurd in and of itself.[/quote]Yes it would indeed be absurd, if the author did in fact say that, which he did not. [QUOTE]Consider a person seeing a valley several miles long. If he claims that he sees the original valley, then his visual center must, in the same way, occupy an area of at least several square miles. If so, then the person' brain, internal organs, arms and legs must all be proportionate-and of colossal dimensions.[/QUOTE]Note the word "original", though the use of it may be somewhat incorrect. I think he means that if we want to see something huge in its entirety and it's original size, we must be of "colossal dimensions". When you look at someone from far away, they appear quite small don't they? Their head could even fit between your thumb and index finger. To see their entire body up close, in it's true size, you would indeed have to be quite a bit larger than them, wouldn't you? [quote name='Siren']He says that our brains are essentially locked rooms, and that we don't experience "real matter"--which is absurd in and of itself.[/quote]I'm fairly certain the use of the term "locked up room" is metaphorical. Our brains certainly aren't rooms, and there certainly isn't an actual lock on them. It's just to imply that one is trapped within one's own mind, and that one only has access to the world through one's own senses and their brain's perception. [quote name='Siren']He's making an argument that holds little validity or relevance to begin with...[/quote]Relevance to what? Edit: I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the article, I just think it's an interesting idea to discuss.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#004a6f]Wow, it's nice seeing this topic actually sparked some discussion. Go Philosophy! Anyway.... [quote name='James']But does this mean that everything we perceive isn't actually there? I don't think so.[/quote] While some of us took the author's statement about this metaphorically, others took it literally. Okay, no problem. Literally speaking, I think it's still a possibility that our world doesn't exist. If you can dream that something is touching you, you actually feel it, but it's not actually there, then what proof is there that what you feel now is real? I had a dream once that a panda pounced on me and started licking my feet (okay, wierd...). I felt the panda's weight on my back and his slobber on my feet. But it wasn't real. So then why would I feel it? Well, obviously my senses were tricking me. But then couldn't they be tricking me right now while I'm awake? Dreams show that you don't need stimuli to actually feel things. Couldn't this world of ours be just a dream? And then there's the idea of whether matter exists or not, and we're all agreeing that it does indeed exist. But then, what is matter? Okay, it's that which has mass and occupies space. But is it really accupying space? But that's according to our senses. Space is what we feel as emptiness, and matter is what we feel as solid. But what if it's not like that in reality? What if space is solid and matter isn't, but our senses trick us into percieving it that way? Yeah I know, crazy. If the truck moving towards me isn't really matter, then why would I get crushed by it? That would only work if all our senses and their stimuli interact in such a mixed up manner to make us percieve it this way.[/COLOR]
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