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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [COLOR=#004a6f]I've been browsing the internet and came upon a particularily interesting article called 'The Little Man in the Tower'. Well, here's the introduction of the article: [QUOTE]What kind of world do you live in? A world of solid ground with people and trees, oceans with clouds above it and, higher still, the enormous emptiness of space? Are you one of the billions of people in that world? If you answer "yes" to those questions, then you are mistaken! If you were able to answer "yes" to them, then that means that throughout the course of your life you have probably ignored a most important truth. The fact is, you do not live in the kind of world described above at all. In your world, there is no distance of even a few meters, let alone of billions of kilometers or galaxies light years away. Actually you live in a very small enclosed space-in a tiny, locked room at the top of a giant tower. You have never left that room. You have never stepped outside it or been anywhere else. All you have seen are different shapes, people and spaces reflected on the walls of that room. You have heard only the sounds emitted from loudspeakers concealed in there. In fact, in that little room at the top of the tower, there is nobody else but you. You are entirely alone! The "tower" we are speaking of is your body, and the little room atop it (in other words, your world) is your brain. Your brain is a locked room which you can never step out of, because everything you imagine to be the "outside world" in reality consists of perceptions you experience in the visual or hearing centers of your brain. You can never get past those perceptions and experience directly what we refer to as "real matter"-if such a thing even exists. You can watch the electrical signals arriving at the brain's visual center, but you can never see those signals' true source. You literally watch the cinema screen on the walls of your "room," but can never directly experience the originals of those images. We shall be setting out that truth in this book. What we explain here will, in all likelihood, contradict a great many ideas and concepts that you've become familiar with so far. Yet it is a concrete fact based on scientific proof. Therefore, it's impossible to reject this truth when one thinks about it in a reasoned and logical manner, instead of sticking to familiar preconceptions. Never forget that ignoring the truth or refusing to think about it gains a person nothing. If anyone says, "No, I live on a planet in an enormous universe, not in a closed room," then he needs to prove the fact. If he cannot do so, then blind belief in any such idea will only lead to his remaining deceived. [/QUOTE] To read the full article click [URL=http://www.harunyahya.com/books/deep_thinking/little_man/littleman1.php]here[/URL]. Anyway, what do you all think of this theory?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#004A6F]I live in Canada, Ontario, London. London's okay. Some parts are pretty ugly, but others are really nice. London is apperently the "forest city", and I have to admit, we have plenty of trees and a few forests here an there.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Tri-my-Gun']I did say something about proactiv, and for me it didnt work at all. I was on it for over a year. But I had kind of bad acne, if you had moderate acne, it might work. But it is pretty expensive.[/quote]Oh, I tried to check if someone mentioned it by using find. Heh, I spelled it wrong though.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#004a6f]I'm surprised that no one's mentioned ProActive yet, the ads show it has really good results.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#004a6f]We have this huge silvery grey fuzzy blanket, that quite possibly the softest and comfiest blanket in the world at my house. My siblings and I actually fight over it during the winter time. We can't get another like it cause it came from Saudi Arabia. Most of the blankets in my house have been around since I was a baby. But they're made of good quality material so they're still in good condition. In the summer, we also use these blankets that came from saudi, and they're unlike anything I've ever seen here. They're completely woven out of thread. Well, now you're gonna tell me that all fabric is like that. But these blankets are different. They really look like someone simply took thread and wove it together by hand. The individual threads really show. Oh and the blankets also have intricate patterns woven into them, usually having tigers and flowers. Well anyway, these blankets are perfect for summer. The feel cool against your skin, so you don't sweat on a hot summer's night. I guess you use them if you just wanna feel cosy but not hot.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Revue][COLOR=#7C0201][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]G[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]o[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]o[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]g[/COLOR][COLOR=Green]l[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR] for "convert midi to sheet music" and this is what will come up: [u][b]MidiNotate[/b][/u] It's a program that [i]supposedly[/i] converts midi to sheet music with a press of a button (haven't tried it yet but it's [i]supposed[/i] to be good, according to [URL=http://www.skytopia.com/project/articles/notation.html][b]this site[/b][/URL]) I'm pretty sure you don't need musicXML if you're convert image files (which I think is the output of MidiNotate) into PDF. 'tleast that's what my PS7 tells me. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I have something a lot better than midi notate, igor engraver. It can convert midi's into sheetmusic too. And you can also write a piece from scratch. I can save the file, but not in a format I can distribute. I can only save it as a midi file again, or an EPS file (opens in potoshop). Well, do any of you have experience with eps files? Is there a way to convert those to pdf?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#004a6f]I though I'd share a nice sandwich idea. Toast a bagel (or bread), and place slices of your favorite cheese inside. My favorite is white cheddar. Then spoon thyme powder mixed with sesame seeds all over it. You might like to add a bit of olive oil to it if you like. And top it off with olives. Very good. Deep, rich, spicy (well, herby) flavour. Gee, I think I'll have one right now.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#004a6f]One of my favorite dishes is grape leaf rolls, which have rice, small chunks of beef and a combination of just the right spices. The rolls are stacked in the pot and covered with a hearty stew made with olive oil and potato and tomato slices. Adding chunks of beef or lamb to the stew alllows extra flavour to seep into the rolls. When it's done cooking, you take the pot, and flip it over onto a large deep try. The pot seems to have molded the rolls into a cake shape, but then the stack tumbles. It's nice to watch. Then, you help yourself to it's deliciousness. There's another version of the grape leaf rolls which doesn't have meat inside. It's rolled more loosely and cooked with alot more oil. And then, there's stuffed zucchinis and eggplants, cooked in tomato sauce. Very yummy too.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]Anyway, to answer your question, Chabichou, you normally need Adobe Acrobat to make pdf's (Acrobat makes pdf's and costs money, but Reader lets you view pdf's and is free), but people have made free pdf programs. [url=http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0-1-0.html?qt=create+pdf&author=&titlename=&desc=&dlcount=&daysback=&swlink=&gfiletype=&os=&li=49&dlsize=&ca=]Check out this page and make your choice on which one you want to use[/url'].[/COLOR][/quote]My browser keeps freezing when I click on your link. But I do have adobe acrobat (trial version), not just reader, but I don't know how to use it.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']As far as I know... a pdf file is an Adobe Acrobat file, used for reading images and such. How and why would you convert music into information?[/SIZE][/quote]Well, pdf is just a way to present any sort document professionally, for printing and distribution. I want to have a music [B]score[/B], you know, written music, on my pc, just like this file: [url]http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/BachJS/BWV147/jesujoy/jesujoy-a4.pdf[/url] See what I mean? You can even highlight those notes! How do they do that?[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#004a6f]I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here goes. I recently 'composed' a music piece and have made a midi version of it. How do I create a pdf version of my piece? Nearly all the sheet music sites I go to have their files in pdf format, and I wanna know how they do it. I also hear of this language called musicXML. Do I need to make a musicXML version first before I can make a pdf file? I really have have no idea where to begin.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Harry']I don't know what kind of fish your brother is fishing for, but he should probably use it as bait. There's nothing better to lure a fish in with is live bait struggling through the water.[/quote]That's so mean! The frog is suffering enough as it is without us sticking a hook back into his mouth! As for his tongue I think it's ruined. It's turned a nasty shade of brown, and it was bright red at the beginning. But, he ran away again, or might have been eaten by a racoon or something. I think he's gone for good this time, we haven't seen or heard him in days. Oh well, good bye Toby.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='JT Darkfire']Honestly, the two of you need to grow up. This topic had so much potential to be good, but your little feud has taken up the whole post, and I think I can safely say that I'm not the only one who's sick and tired of your constant insults. A smear campaign just isn't necessary here, folks. Just make your point and move on.[/quote] :rolleyes: Gee, I wonder where else this has happened..... Chibihorsewoman isn't the one that's making the insults. Siren is. He has this problem with incorporating snide remarks and sarcasm into every single post of his. He's even gone so far as to call me a "Narccistic, self absorbed, fascist, propagandist". He never shows respect to other members if he disagrees with them, which in turn makes the other member want to reply back.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#004a6f]I believe that premarital sex is wrong, but I won't focus on this idea too much. As some of said, it's just a "shiny ring". Setting aside religious and social beliefs, marriage comes with this sort of responisbility that is absent most of the time in premarital relationships. Becoming pregnant won't be such a burden. I think that what we need to teach is that having sex, whether premarital or not, comes with risks. We need to teach that if you are not prepared or willing to have children yet whatsoever, you must abstain from having sex at all, and if you are willing to accept having children, even though you may prefer not to, then use contraceptives in that case. No matter how well contraceptives work, they are not 100% effective. The possibility of becoming pregnant is still there, no matter how small. Abstinance is the only 100% effective method.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#004a6f]Oooo, that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Great job dude![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#004a6f]I thought it would be cool if members with cameras go out there and take pictures of the scenery in their areas. Try to capture the beauty of nature in your area and share it with us![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#004a6f]Thanks for the advice PiroMunkie, but I don't have anything to put in inside the house. We tried a jar with holes punched in the lid for air, but he keeps jumpng, trying to get out, and then he hits the top, the the holes in the lid are jagged (ouch, not a good idea). I don't have an aquarium either. I think he's fine outside. The weather has been fine exept it hasn't rained yet. But like I said we water him several times a day. What I'm most concerned about is his tongue. I have no idea what to do. Hey, why am I using "him"? I don't even know what iot's gender is! Lol.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#004a6f]Actually, we found the frog again. Yay, he's alive! He's in our back yard. My little sister named him Toby. We've been watering him every day. And he's been smart enough to stay in our backyard because he knows we'll give him water. He still can't pull his tongue back in. I'm not sure if he has managed to eat. I hope he doesn't starve to death. Maybe he can still make it whip out, but simply can't pull it back in properly. Anyway, my brother's gonna take the frog back to the pond when he goes fishing again.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Morpheus]Convert the files using [URL=http://www.imtoo.com/mpeg-encoder.html']this.[/URL][/quote]Thanks, but I have a program to convert files. But many webhosts block mp3s, and I can get away with using WMV format instead ~_^. I actually convert my mp3's to wmv.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#004a6f]The thing is, warefare is carried out differently in different parts of the world. In many parts of the world, when a nation is at war, any man who is physically capable is obliged to fight. In others, they simply can volunteer to take part in war. In the situation when a nation is selective about it's soldiers, and looking for those who can truly fight well, I'd say, women, who are usually weaker than men, should only be allowed to fight, if they are equal in skill and strength to the men. However, when a nation needs many soldiers and men are obliged to fight, if some women volunteer, they should be allowed to fight. I read in Islamic history books that several women took part in battle with the prophet Mohammad. Archery was a highly valued skill at the time, and the prophet urged that both males and females be taught that skill. So in combat, most women would ride the horses, and use arrows, since they are slightly weaker, while men stayed on the ground using swords.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#004a6f]My brother went fishing yesterday, and caught several fish, but also caught a frog. He didn't mean to catch the frog, but he yanked the fishiing line out pretty hard because it didn't feel like a fish to him and he thought that it must have been water plants or something. He caught the frog by the tongue, and the frog couldn't even pull his tongue back in. My brother's friend put the frog in a jar and left it in the car, but my brother forgot to release him, and ended up going home with it. I let the frog out in our backyard and my brother poured alot of water near the bushes to keep the frog wet. This morning though, the frog wasn't there, and the water had dried up (gulp). I'm guessing the frog is dead by now. It's too bad that my brother came home late and we couldn't take it to the pond last night. But do you think the frog would have survived if we let him out in the pond? His tongue was badly hurt. Would his tongue had healed in time?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#004A6F]My little brother Fadi has this problem with imitating what he sees on T.V, but it has to be somethin on video so it can be played over and over again. When he was 2 years old, it was E.T that he was obsessed with. The video would be played about 4 times a day and Fadi wold act out everything. When he was three, he became obsessed with my Harry Potter video. Same scenario with E.T. Once, my older sister was at the mall with Fadi and my mom. My mom went her way and my sister and Fadi the other. Later however, Fadi just kind of ran away from my sister she couldn't catch up with him, and they got separated. She kept her cool and went to the information desk to report that he was missing. She gave the security guards Fadi's description (mousebrown hair, brown eyes, grey shirt, and blue pants), and the went to look for him. A few minutes later, one of the guards come back. "We found a boy who fits your description, but he says his name is Harry Potter", he tells her. "THAT'S HIM!" my sister cries. Lol, that was funny. Next Fadi came obsessed with my spiderman movie. But it didn't last too long. He tried to climb on walls sometimes. :laugh: Next, he became obsessed with my Princess Mononoke movie. He really liked Ashitaka and how he used a bow and arrow. He kept bugging my mom for a bow and arrow, but was quite dissapointed that they were only plastic. Now he's obsessed with Spiderman again. He's gotten a lot better at immitating movies now, he's six years old. I decided to get a video that has the spiderman cartoon on it rather than let him watch the movie. The movie is too violent. He's bugging my mom for a Spiderman costume now. I decided to use Fadi's love for spiderman to bring out more skills in him. I print him off plenty of coloring pictures, and his coloring has improved alot. He also draws and writes alot now. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#004a6f]I'm pretty much the right weight, but I get very tired very easily. I have a really high heart rate. I can't even run once around the track with out collapsing in the end. I really need to work cardio excercises. I have a question in regards to diet. If you want to lose weight, is a diet consisting mainly of vegetables a good idea? Everyone talks about low carb diets, but I know vegetables definitly have carbs. So what is the best diet? Low fat or low carb?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#004a6f]I have the worst position possible. I'm second oldest. Which means I get bossed around all the time by my older sister, yet I still have a lot of responibility over my three younger siblings (2 brothers and a sister). But they show me no respect and never listen to me. My older sister has a lot more contol over them than I do. Of my three younger siblings, I guess I'm closest to my 16 year old brother, but he can be REALLY REALLY annoying sometimes. He can be quite spiteful at times. All my siblings have this problem with being spiteful and bothering everyone else just for the hell of it. It drives me nuts. I share a room with my older sister and my little sister, and I'm telling ya, my younger sister (10 years old) is worse than all the others put together. She doesn't let me sleep. She never leaves me alone. Whenever I'm sleeping or trying to read she just keeps asking me pointless questions. I answer a few of them to enlighten her, but she just keeps talking! I tell her to shutup but then she says she can do whatever she wants. 'Fine by me', I tell her, and I decide to ignore her. Well instead, she keeps yelling my name over and over again at the top of her lungs, and if I don't reply, she climbs up to my bunk and hits me! :animeangr And if it's not pointless questions she's asking me, it's the stupid knock-knock jokes (oh the humanity!), same scenario. I try again to ignore her (Nadine: "Knock-knock", Me: "nobody's home!). Needless to say, I've beaten her up several times (no injuries, mind you). There's only so much nonsense a person can take. And then there's my little brother (six years old). He's a real sweety, but he can't sit still for even a second. He has this problem with imitating any movie he watches. First it was E.T, then it was Harry Potter, and then Princess Mononoke (so what if it's rated 14+?), and now it's Spiderman. He's really obsessed. Anyway, I was supposed to have a fraternal twin, but my mom had a misscarriage with my twin shortly after she became pregnant (we don't know the gender). It would have been nice to have a twin, someone your age who you can spend time with. Oh well.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#004a6f]Reverend Lovejoy: Nice dress. Catholic Minister: Oh, go home and have sex with your wife! Reverend Lovejoy: That's it, bring it on! (start fighting) Homer: English - Who needs that? I'm never going to England! Homer: Hey, we didn't have a message on our answering machine when we left. How very odd... Homer: Bad bees. Get away from my sugar. Ow. OW. Oh, they're defending themselves somehow. Krusty: Lets just say it moved me....TO A BIGGER HOUSE! Oh crap, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet. Abe: Homer, you're as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride I say take it! Bart: Remember, you can always find East by staring directly at the sun Moe: Hi, my name's Moe. Or as the ladies like to refer to me, 'hey you in the bushes' Homer: Moe, I need your advice. Moe: Yeah? Homer: See, I got this friend named... Joey Jo Jo... Junior... Shabadoo. Moe: That's the worst name I ever heard. Joey runs out of the bar sobbing Barney: Hey! Joey Jo Jo! Milhouse: Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl Bart? [I]Why did I have the bowl?[/I] Principal Skinner: Order, order. Do you kids wanna be like the real UN or do you just wanna squabble and waste time? Burns: Look at that pig. Stuffing his face with donuts on my time! That's right, keep eating...Little do you know you're drawing ever closer to the poison donut! [cackles evilly, then stops abruptly] There is a poison one, isn't there Smithers? Smithers: Err...no, sir. I discussed this with our lawyers and they consider it murder. Grandpa: My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is [I]not[/I] a porn star. Lenny: There's nothing like revenge for getting back at people. Carl: I don't know man, vengeance sounds pretty good. Carl: You know I'm sick and tired of people assuming I'm good at basketball just because Im African American. (Slam Dunks the ball) Frink: GLAYVEN! [/COLOR]
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