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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [COLOR=#004a6f]Sorry, I went to check the number on mugglnet.com. It says 2 and 1/2 hours. I just read that a long time ago and wasn't sure. But still, that's about as long as the others. If it's gonna be 3 hours, that would be okay. But it would sill be nice if they can make it even 4 hours, if they can manage it. I've seen longer movies. Lawrence of Arabia and that was one looooong movie.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#004a6f]Goblet of Fire is going to be awesome. I just can't wait. I don't think I'll last till November. :animeswea [URL=http://www.mugglenet.com]Mugglenet.com[/URL] has done a great job of keeping us updated about the movie. They have plenty of pictures, and even backstage video clips and interviews. You should really check it out if you haven't. I think all the movies have a done a good job of presenting the mood of the books. The major drawback though is lack of time. Goblet of fire is still only around 2 hours long, like the others. How they managed it, I have no clue. They must have cut out so much, which might be pretty disappointing. They tournament looks really exciting though... Another thing that's bugging me is the new actor who plays Dumbledore. Richard Harris did a great job of presenting Dumbledore's character; it's quite a shame he passed away after the second film. Michael Gambon did okay in the third movie, but his voice is a little too... rough. In the Goblet of Fire Preview he seems even more "rough". He's completely lost Dumbledore's character, quite disappointing I must say, cause Dumbledore is so calm and at ease, and just so damn COOL![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#004a6f]My mom is pretty anal about keeping intruders out. We usually keep our dorrs locked in the daytime too. There's even those sliding locks on both the front and backdoor, installed high, out of readch of the kids (but that's to keep my little brother from sneaking outside at night). That's all basic stuff though. My mom was pretty clever when it came to the windows. In my house, we have those double sliding windows with two layers of sliding glass for each side. My mom places blocks of wood between the the layers on both sides. Now the windows are almost impossible to open from the outside, but some burglers have managed to pry them open in other people's houses. But my mom's blocks of wood prevent the window from opening very wide, they only allow for about two inches.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#004a6f]These are awesome banners. I like the fonts you used, as well as the effects and the color schemes. I especially like the Freindship background. I has this watercolours look to it. Like others have said, I don't like the way you blended Matt's picture in. You made it way too "cool". Colorwise that is. Anyway, keep up the good work. Can't wait to see more![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#004a6f]I dislike extremely hot weather, but then again, I have had it with snow. God, yesterday there was hail, and it's MAY! Luckily, it only lasted a while. I absolutely LOATHE cloudy weather. I hate it when rain simply drizzles. I don't mind it too much when it's heavy, cause then it actually cleans a bit and gives plants loads of water, not just makes everything icky. My idea of perfect weather is a bright sunny day, but not very warm, in fact it should be a bit cool, but not too cold to make you need a sweater. A nice cool, gentle breeze should do the trick. We barely get this sort of weather where I'm from, unless the trees still don't have their leaves. I want this perfect weather IN ADDITION to trees having leaves and blossoms.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#004a6f]I haven't seen many animes, but Inuyasha is the bloodiest series I've seen, (I guess that makes me a child compared to the rest of you). As for movies, I did watch part of Akira, and I didin't like it at all, there was way too much blood, alot more than I can stand. [spoiler]When those student riots broke out, the police didn't need to kill them to get them under control. It was so bloody![/spoiler] Princess Mononoke was also a little gory. [spoiler]Ashitaka could rip off a man's head with a single arrow![/spoiler][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#004A6F]Very nice graphics Boo. Love the effects you used. As others have said, the avatar soemhow doesn't fit with the banner. Personally I think it's because it lacks text. I know people usually leave text off their avatar, but for some odd reason, the text on your banner makes it so different from the avatar. Just my opinion. Oh and maybe you should add purple to the avatar, because the banner has it. I also think the banner has too much whitespace, or should I say orange space. It seems a little empty and suddenly you get a small "BOO" at the bottom of the page. I think the "BOO" could be bigger, though the japanese text is fine the way it is. Well, that's my two cents. Have a nice day. ^_^[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#004a6f]I have two favorite teachers. My grade 5 teacher, Mr. Thompson, brought out the best in my problem solving skills. He always presented us with all sorts of interesting mind teasers and philisophical questions. I just loved it. He did have a bit of a temper though, and I've made him quite angry with me a few times, but other than that he was great. My grade 12 biology teacher, Mr. Zuber, is the most hilarious person I've ever met. He's very clever and always thinks logically. He's a VERY hardworking person, he does so many things he barely has time to see his family. All for the sake of teaching. He knows how to teach well. He knows the best methods students can use to actually learn their material. He's been trying to get the school board to adopt some his ideas of teaching, though they're giving him a hard time. He's also working on his masters in education and writing a thesis about his teaching methods. Maybe then the school board will listen to him. On minor setback about Zuber though, his writing is atrocious.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#004a6f]I've been watching anime since as long as I can remember. I was born in Saudi Arabia, and I grew up watching Captain Majid (actually Captain Tsubasa), Zeina wa nahool (Maya the bee), Lady Lady, Sinan (don't know the japanese name), Sally (anime version of [I]a little princess[/I]), and Pizza Cats, Hello Kitty, Karaoke, and some other mecca based animes I forgot the name of. All very old shows from the early 80's. Of course I had no idea what anime was at the time, just recognised the style. It was all just cartoons to me. I used to think that captain tsubasa was chinese when I watched it, because I would always see asian looking letters, but couldn't tell specifically what language it was. In Canada, I also watched Maya the bee, Pizza Cats, Hello Kitty and Karaoke. I got introduced to Sailor Moon and Dragonball when I was around 8, and then Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Monster Ranchers, when I was 12. I was a huge Dragonball Z fan, and to this day I still like it (well, a little). A friend introduced me to Inuyasha and Chobits when I was 17. Anime, we've had some good times. ^_^[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#004a6f]I thought I'd try drawing a muslim girl wearing the hijab (head scarf), anime style. I think it turned out pretty well. The girl is dressed the same way my older sister dresses, though I think I put way too many folds in the scarf. But hey, it looks cool. I plan to draw several pictures of this girl, doing various islamic things. [IMG]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/216-20050429210544.jpg[/IMG] Feedback please. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#004a6f]I personally prefer cats over dogs. But this is when comparing nice cats to nice dogs. Sure some cats are devils, but some of them are really nice, playful and loving. Many of you mention scratching as a con for cats, which is true. But not many of them scratch for no reason. They'll scratch if they're scared, or you're bothering them or making them uncomfortable. Therefore, don't give them a reason to scratch you, they will (the nice cats) keep their claws to themselves. I've been bitten more times by dogs than I've been scratched by cats. And none of the dogs had a reason to bite me. I was just standing there and they jumped up and nipped my hand out of no where. I think cats are alot funnier than dogs too. Their awkard flexible bodies hold great potential. They can squeeze under doors, they can weave their bodies through stair railings, and they can hang on to ceilings. I thought might link to [URL=http://www.humorbomb.com/movies/funnycats.wmv]this video[/URL]. Enjoy[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=James][color=#D6A204]We aren't going to supply all of that stuff in the future. To be specific, theOtaku.com is no longer a site where visitors read what we write, as such. Instead, theOtaku.com is community-based. In the past we provided the articles, you read them. Now, the community provides all of its own content. In that way, theOtaku.com is like a big hub for a broad community of anime fans - it's a place where people can share and discuss their own work.[/color][/QUOTE]Well, what I had suggested is that [I]members[/I] can be responsible for providing the sort of resources for animes. Of course the members responsible must be carefully chosen, just like moderators, and then, regular members can submit information and images of their own, which must be approved ofcourse. It still involves the community this way. After all, the theotaku's slogan is "anime done right". In my opinion, "done right" means that the site would have resources for animes. Sure there are plenty of sites out there with all that stuff, but since theotaku is professional and focuses on quality content, it would be "done right".[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#004a6f]There are two student groups at my school, one supporting palestine and the other Israel. One thing that's beginning to get on my nerves these days is how the jewish students at our school continue to use antisemitism to get everyone on their side. Once, the palestine supporting group, the SPHR had a display up in the University Community Centre. It discussed how palestinians were being mistreated by the Israeli government, which is completely true. Controversy explodes over the display. The Jewish students kept claiming that the display was a hate crime, that it was putting all jewish people in a bad light, that it was connected the jewish students to the crimes commited against palestinians. One girl even said "I don't feel safe on campus". It was quite nausiating I must say. The display was simply presenting facts, and statistics from reliable sources. Yes, it is true that more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis, and that excludes suicide bombers. Why do they see these facts as offensive and racist? The situation becomes so bad, that the SPHR was banned from having any more displays till 2006, but the display had been approved beforehand by the student councel! That's funny, the year before, the Israel supporting group was handing out pamphlets claiming that 1 in every 5 muslims are terrorists. According to that statistics, one of siblings must be a terrorists! They actually got away with it! How is that fair?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#004a6f]My computer is constantly getting spyware and crashing, so we split out hard-drive. When it crahses, we can reformat one drive and leave the other one alone, and that's where we always transfer our files. I'm not letting a stupid virus make me lose my files.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#004A6F]I particularly like "Ningyo Hime", sung by Tanaka Rie. It's the second ending theme for he anime [I]Chobits[/I]. The Inuyasha soundrack is also very good.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#004a6f]What are your all time favorite Simpsons quotes? Here are a few of mine: [B]Bart is browzing in the souvenir store in itchy and scratchy land:[/B] Bart: Cool! Personalized plates! Barcley, Barry, Barry, Bert, Bort...come on...Bort? Kid: Mommy mommy! Buy me a liscence plate! Mom: No! Come along Bort! Guy: Are you talking to me? Mom: No, my son's name is also Bort. [Later] Control Guy: We need more Bort lisence plates in the gift shop! I repeat, we are sold out of Bort lisence plates! [B]When Moe gets hooked to the lie detector:[/B] Cop: Did you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns? Moe: No. [buzz] Moe: All right, I did. But I didn't shoot him. [ding] Cop: Checks out. All right, sir. You're free to go. Moe: Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight. [buzz] Moe: A date. [buzz] Moe: Dinner with friends. [buzz] Moe: Dinner alone. [buzz] Moe: Watching TV alone. [buzz] Moe: All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. [buzz] Moe: Sears catalog. [ding] Moe: Now will you unhook me already? I don't deserve this shabby treatment! [buzz] [B]When homer ran away to the light hous in search of his soulmate:[/B] I'm alone! I'm just a lonely speck on a has-been world orbited by a cold and distant Sun." -Homer[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#004a6f]True, the Simspsons has gone downhill over the years, but only a little bit. I still find alot of humour in it these days. [QUOTE]They go for cheap laughs by having characters act bizzare and just do random stuff[/QUOTE]Yeah, that's the one thing that has made it lose it's touch.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Petie][font=Verdana][color=blue]While this does not hold true for all of the animes, some of them do have their own sites. For instance, I found theOtaku originally when I was looking up information for Yu-Gi-Oh. theOtaku has their own Yu-Gi-Oh site [/color][url="http://archives.theotaku.com/yugioh"][color=black]here[/color][/url][color=blue] with a lot of the type of information you were looking for.[/color'][/font][/quote]Oh yes, I was aware that there were sites for some of the animes, (I found this site looking for dragonball z info), but I never noticed that they actually made more sites! Well thanks for telling me. You have to admit though, the list still is a little small. There are many more animes that have yet to be covered, and higher quality images can be added to the existing galleries.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#004a6f]I personally like to use an mp3 for my page, but this takes up quite a bit of bandwidth. It shouldn't be a problem though, considering that not everyone plays the music anyway. However, the music is automatically downloaded simply when one visits my page, even if they don't turn on the music. This really hurts my bandwidth limit. Is their a way to stop the music from being downloaded before it is turned on? Edit: Oh and can you please let the midi player work for wmv files? The midi button doesn't even show up when I try this.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#004a6f]I find that there is something lacking in theotaku.com. It's great that there's fanart, wallpapers, greetings, articles, and reviews for most of he animes, but what about actual information for the animes? What about character guides, images, summaries, episode guides and what-not? This would be and incredible task to acomplish on this site, considering the huge list of animes, but if we got groups of responsible and dedicated members involved in collecting information and images for specific animes, we can make sites with actual resources for most of the animes, especially the really popular ones.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE]The thing about breast milk is that it contains antibodies essential for developing the babies' immune system. The most important feeding you can give a baby is right after they're born, as that's when it contains the most good stuff.[/QUOTE]Yup, breast milk is good stuff. As for breastfeeding in public, I think it's okay as long as the woman covers up. All you need is a small blanket or shawl, and no one has to see anything or be distracted. But you still can wait it if the baby is fine at the time.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=r2vq]Chabichou, your animations remind me of a Kanji teaching program called 555 Kanji. Take a look see. ^^ I think yours are better though. -ArV[/QUOTE]Oooooh those are nice. I like how they have it grey at first and then they draw over it. It's good how they make use of arrows too. It would be better if they numbered each arrow after the stroke is drawn.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#004a6f]Unfortunately I' don't have a cell phone, but I know exactly what sort of rign tone I'd like. Some sort of crazy baroque song, or one of the the 24 Caprices written by the composer Nicolas Paganini. Now those are the craziest and most complex pieces I know. They become really high pitched at times. It's enough to drive anyone crazy, and that's exactly what I'm looking for. I have a question though. Can you make your own ringtones? And if yes, can you make them from midi files?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Xander Harris']Huh. Maybe you have a virus, Chabi. :animedepr It shows up in my browser fine...[/quote]Lol, no I don't have a virus. I am certain this site blocks hotlinking (sorry, I said hyperlinking before). It happens sometimes that some people can see it and others can't. I used to have that problem when I hotlinked pictures from my wesites. I was able to see them and others couldn't. Strangely enough, they are showing up now. I have no clue why. Maybe it depends on your internet settings? Anyway, my animations are a little big aren't they? I should make them smaller. I uploaded them to my image host, and it made their thumbnails smaller. They look alot better this way. A lot smoother than before. So you wanna see more animations Dagger? Here ya go: :animesmil [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/edd718cd.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/thu.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/thi.gif[/IMG] These three were made with the kaisho font and bold [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/tha.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/the.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Hiragana%20Animations/thsu.gif[/IMG] These are made with the textbook font without bold. Oh, and here are the Kanji animations I mentioned. The nuimbers from one to eight (sorry, I said to nine earlier, but I forgot I didn't make it yet). They are in kaisho font and bold. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thichi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thni.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thsan.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thyon.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thgo.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/throku.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thnana.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Japanese/Kanji%20Animations/thhachi.gif[/IMG] I'm planning to stick to the texbook font, like I said earlier. It resembles handwriting a bit more that the kaisho font. Wooo! I'm getting dizzy looking at all of the animations together![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='wrist cutter']I did something similar to that for all the hiragana and katakana and 52 kanji. The only difference is that it isn't animated. Examples:[/quote]Wrist cutter, none of the images you link to are showing up. The site you're linking to is blocking hyperlinks. This is the message I'm getting:[QUOTE]You're here because you probably tried linking to a page or image on my site without permission (aka /). Sorry, jackass. If you followed a link and wound up at this page, you're just the victim of a jackass. Not quite as bad. Try heading to Sweet Hypocrisies to see if you can find what you were looking for.[/QUOTE][/COLOR]
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