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Everything posted by DBZgirl88
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']I don't believe we said they would. Someone just said that it does occur, when you said it doesn't.[/quote]Okay, okay. I apoligize for saying "it doesn't happen". I didn't really mean it. I was just so angry that people choose to associate it as part of our normal culture and religion. Sorry. Okay?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f]I used to live in Saudi Arabia, in Rhyad to be specific. I moved to Canada shortly before my seventh birthday, so I at least got one year of Arabic education. School is so much more "boring" there, even for elemtary school kids. Unlike the West there's no toys and activities to play with during free time. There's no climbers to play on during recess, so we just run around and use our imagination, lol. Boys and girls also go to different schools. The girls' school uniform is ugly! Pretty much it's an ugly log grey dress, with a white collar that you tie on like a bib. But you get a tailor to make your uniform and as long as it follows this layout, you can go with different designs. People get pretty creative with the collars. Meh. The boys uniform is the traditional mens' clothing in Saudi, which is a long white robe like that shown below, though I'm not sure if the head dress is required. [IMG]http://www.topics-mag.com/internatl/images-dress/SAUDDRM2.JPG[/IMG] Anyway, enough of rambling. I live in Ontario, Canada right now. I live near the Canada/U.S border, so I'm surprised how cold it gets up here. I wonder how cold it gets in the northern part of the U.S?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]Why has this never occurred to me? As soon as I am in a location where both milk and chocolate syrup are within my grasp, I'm going to see what this is like for myself.[/color'][/size][/quote]Though I haven't tried this idea myself, it doesn't really appeal to me. I always end up leaving it cold cause that's the way like my regular chocolate milk. I should really try it though for convenience's sake. Takes up much less time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Zeta]You know the religion as it is supposed to be yes. But seeing as how you don't live in the Middle East, there is no way for you to know how it exactly is over there. Just because you are of the religion doesn't mean you know it. I say mosey on over there and you will see how different it is than what you have been preaching here. It comes down to one basic thing: Do the people over there follow what is taught verbatum(sp)? I highly doubt that. With all you say that the religion teaches, I do not see it happening over there.[/QUOTE]First of all, I have lived in the middle east before. I also have many arab friends who live there, or who visit it often. At least they know what is going on, so I do have sources of information. Not all people follow the religion properly, but the majority of good people try very hard to. You people present the atrocities that occur in the middle east as though they are a normal part of culture and that it is legal there or something. Honestly, if a serial rapist was on the loose, the government isn't going to allow people to start killing their daughters. Really people, have some common sense.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004A6F]I don't drink hot chocolate as much as I do cocoa. But, cocoa is hard to make! It takes alot of effort to dissolve the power, but here are a few tricks. First, spoon out cocoa powder and mix it with equal amounts of sugar. Add a little milk, just a little, and then mix it vigorously until you get a smooth, thick paste. It helps if you heat the paste in the microwave a bit, and then at a bit more milk. Then spoon the paste into mugs filled three quarters up with milk. Then, heat the mugs up in the microwave. Try adding cinnimon to the hot cocoa to spicen it up a bit. Altron's idea of adding some pieces of chocolate is also good. Chocolate chips work well. I also add chocolate chips to my coffee sometimes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Harry']I'm sorry but do you actually believe this? Islam controls so much of middle eastern daily life, but it doesn't control this?[/quote]I think I know my own religion Harry, and I know what it teaches. Yes Islam controls many aspects of life in the middle east, yet many people choose to ignore certain parts of what the religion teaches. Women are elevated to the status of human in Islam. They are given the right to vote, to share their opinions, to own property and to seek education. Before Islam certain Arab tribes even buried their newborn females alive. If adultery is strictly forbidden in Islam, then why to the kings of Saudi Arabia think its okay for themselves to commit it? They ignore the fact that Islam sees no difference between a slave and a king and that all people are equal before the eyes of God. They are clearly ignoring what the religion teaches.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Sword Breaker]Canadian Peace Keepers spend their lives in third world Asian countries, risking their lives to take away the enamies weapons. Not their lives. Now, does this not seem like a MUCH better idea then simply killing them all? had it been done this way, things would have been much better. Under the bombardment of US missiles, countless ancient artifacts from Sumer and Akkad have been completely destroyed, taking with them the key to unlocking the very past of mankind. Nothing is worth this price. Nothing. I do realize, however, that some parts of the US attack did, in fact, requier the force it recived, but only because it was necesary. Bombing the crap out of Baghdad, and other Iraqie cities, has led to countless innocent deaths! In my opinion, that is simply another form of murder. No one should have to be killed by a US missle, simply because of megolomaniac in charge! If the US is gonna kill people, at least kill armed people. It's a wonder the US gets away with what it does. "It is my conviction that killing under the guise of war is nothing but an act of murder." --Albert Einstien[/QUOTE]Yeah, the reason I get so mad at the U.S and Israel is that civilian casualties really can be avoided. The first day the U.S bombed Iraq, a civilian was killed. There really must have been a better way to carry out your first attack rather than just sending a missile to Iraq. When the assasination of Ahmed Yaseen was carried out, it really wasn't neccesary to send a missile directly at an old man in wheelchair. Not to mention all the bystanders that were killed. There are other ways of carrying out an assasination that don't kill others in the process. Same thing applies when they assasined Alrantizi by bombing his car and killing other inncocent bystanders.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f]I've never had dreams in which people I knew got hurt, or anything that contains a significant amount of violence. I've had freaky dreams, typical childish dreams, and dreams that are pretty much "normal" and have nothing extraordinary occuring in them. I barely dream anymore, and when I do, I barely remember what happened because of how complex the dream was. Many times, its almost like a story and I'm not really part of the story. Here are a few of the dreams I've had as a child: [INDENT]I was playing with my siblings and then went to explore the house a bit. I come across my mom's vacume cleaner and it comes to life and starts chasing me. Obviously it was intent on sucking me up, so I ran for my life.....but then... the dream stopped. However, a few years later, that same dream picks up from where it left off and then I was sucked up. Freaky huh? [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] I was sleeping in my bed, and suddenly my mom's kitchen gloves float on their own accord into my room. They tried to slap me and missed. I start running, buit they eventually catch up to. I was cornered, then they start repeatedly slapping my face. End of dream. [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] I and this boy I met in my dream are inside a tall tower with a tall spiraling staircase. The tower has many stories, but the staircase runs through cylindrical space that runs between all the levels, so the ceilings and floors of the different levels don't actually come in contact with it (hope this makes sense). Anyway, we decided to have a race by sliding down the railings of the staricase. I took one railing, he took the other. In the middle of the race, I came upon a ceiling that had a chandelier. I had this sudden urge to hang from the chandelier so I reached out and grabbed it. I lost my grip and started falling down the tall tower. But then, my clothes turned into a dress, and it formed a parachute to slow my fall down. I then woke up, but I could still feel my self falling. It was such a weird feeling. [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] I dreamed I was observing chess game on a lifesized chess board. The pieces were real people dressed in medevil outfits. I remember the king on the black side yell out: "Attack!" Yeah that's pretty corny. Meh. [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] I dreamed that one of my teddy bears turned into a giant panda. Weird. It pounced on me and started licking my feet. Even more wierd. I didn't like it at all and tried to escape, but he gripped me too hard. I partially woke up, and realised I was dreaming, but I felt my self being sucked back into the dream. That was really freaky. Knowing you are dreaming and trying to escape it and being pulled back in. Has that ever happened to any of you? [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] I've had one anime related dream. I dreamed that both Cell and Vegeta from Dragonball Z were after me and intent on killing me. I managed to avoid them and they never found me, though they came pretty close. [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] [/INDENT] Lol. Dreams are fun.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Lrb][color=#333333][size=1] 'Made In Canada' Hah. I gotta steal that from you Sword Breaker... Here (Ontario, Canada) we get our fair share of snow. We never get school days off though. Yesterday it was freakin' cold. -25 Degrees C, with a Wind Chill of -34 Degrees C! But I still went Sledding with friends. Lol. Today the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees, and the wind chill about 28 degrees. So it's much warmer. Anywho, I like sledding alot. It's great fun. I also [i]enjoy[/i] snowball fights/wars. Although sometimes they can be boring. I often enough make a snowfort with friends. That can be fun. But Sledding is my #1. For sure.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]Canadian! Whoooooh! Hey you live in the same province as me too! No one knows winter like we do! Except maybe Alaskans.... and Russians... and...penguins?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Harry']It happens in Islam because Islam directly influences the culture in the middle east. Now if these honor killings happened in Canada, where Islam doesn't affect the culture, you would be correct in saying that they don't happen in Islam.[/quote]Actually, Islam is not the inflence because honor killings occured before even before Islam. Islam forbids it. So how can you say that Islam influences the culture? It's the culture itslef that is ignoring the religion. Yes, I do admit that it was Arabs who did honour killings in the past, but that was from certain twisted ideas incorporated into the culture by some arabs. It's not a general part of the Arab culture itself.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]Hang on a minute. Weren't you the one saying that you wouldn't care if an Israeli soldier was killed? That all of them are bad? And weren't you the one who said that honor killings simply don't happen, when they clearly do?[/color][/QUOTE]Well, many and probably most Israeli soldiers target civilians, so they do deserve to die. How is this an extremist statement? They kill innocent people. Murderers get the death punishment in America. When an Israeli soldier targets and kills civilians, that is murder, so by all means he deserves to die. When Boba Fett kept on stating that it is a complete lie that they target civilians, no one told him "it is highly offensive to palestinian civilians that experience that suffering". :therock: And I said honour killings don't happen in Islam. And then people pulled out comments accusing my race: "Your people do honour killings". How is that not extremist? If I was raped, god forbid, my family would go at length to find the bastard and kill [I][B]him.[/B][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']Correct me if I am wrong here, but don't all religions basically worshio God? But with just different names like, God, Allah, etc. So aren't they all the same in the way that they all end with one who has created everything, but with different names? My apologies if I am incorrect, not up to date with all religions here.[/quote]Actually, "Allah" is merely the Arabic word for God, such as the french word "Dieu" means God. Christian Arabs for instance, also use the name "Allah".[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Annie]Here's where I find the [well, one] problem in religion. People so sure that their religion is the way, the only right religion. That irritates me to no end. Every branch of religion will claim that their religion is perfect. Every one of them. Who is anyone to say that their religion is right? I know won't; I really don't have a religion. And I'm not going to say that anyone's religion is right or wrong. No one can judge their religion and deem it to be the "right" one. "The only way for salvation"? Excuse me, but salvation comes from your faith. Faith, in essence, does not have to be with a specific religion. You can have faith in anything; family, friends, music, even a piece of machinery. That doesn't suggest you worship it, right? No. Salvation is different for everyone. It very well can be religion, but it's too harsh to place religion [one religion] at the doorstep of salvation. I'm not saying it's too harsh to place Islamic in general. I'm saying any denomination of religion.[/QUOTE]But as I believe, the Holy books were sent down and they are the word of God. The first step is believing they are the word of God. I read the Quran and from reading it, their is quite enough evidence that it is not of this world. It is divine and truly is the word of God. There is even scientific evidence in the book. To me, that's proof that God exists, and has sent down this book. Ofcourse other people do not take it as proof and choose to believe other things, which is fine by me. So if I believe in that, should I not follow the way of life God has asked me to live by following what the book says? It says I'll go to hell if I don't. So I stay humble and bow down to my lord, out of love and respect, and even fear; fear of his wrath and the fire he has created for the unbelievers and wrong-doers; fear of a fire so hot, it is [I]pitch black[/I]. Second of all, I can't say Islam belongs to me. It's not "my" religion. It is the way of life that I and other Muslims believe God has asked all human kind to follow. This is not just about belief. It's about what we believe God asks from us. In Islam, God rejects any other dieties to be associated with him. He tells us to [B]worship him only[/B]. If I start worshipping Jesus and calling him God's Son, I will make my lord angry. I would be disbeliever and will be punished. This question of "what Religion is correct" is really kind of vague. Honestly, people even make up religions. If I start worshipping an apple for instance, and assume that apple created me, this "religion" is obviously false, right? The question should really be, "what is God asking from us"? I reject what the Bible and Torah teach because they have been altered by men. God's message has been changed. For instance, one minute you hear that eating pork is prohibited, the next, you hear it's okay. That makes it inconsistent and also in a sense, incorrect, due to the alterations by men (in my opinion). But really, why should you be angry when people think their religion is correct? Isn't that why we choose to follow our religion in the first place? I believe in the Quran. I believe that it is the word of God and I take the evidence I alrady mentioned before as proof. I have absolutley no doubt that it is simply made up by Mohammad (peace be upon him), so why is it not my place to believe my religion is correct? The quran even states that the Bible and Torah have been altered, so their teachings are wrong, and it is true that they have been altered. So I say to my self: "Okay, Islam must be the right path".[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']Watching out for our interests sounds a little bit greedy to me. That is exactly what Chabichou will have then said.[/quote]Predicting what I will say....tsk, tsk, tsk,...lol. Sounds to me like everyone is against me. You even tell each other to watch what you say so I don't have a good enough argument. Apperently, everything I say is wrong, and I'm just some extremist who supports killings of innocent people, though I 've repeatedly said I don't. People use sentence fragments and leave out importanat parts of my sentences, they choose to ignore certain important points I bring up, and not even touch on them, they tell me I'm being biast while they are clearly being so themsleves, and they pull accusations like: "Muslims blow themsleves up", as though it happens all the time and only Muslims do it, and "Chabichou is playing the victim", when I am merely presenting the injustices occuring against my people. Well let me get my main point out to all of you: It is wrong to look at a person's religion when he/she does something bad, and use that as an excuse to fear and discriminate against other people of that religion. This clearly happens to Muslims far more than other religions, and that's a clear fact these days. You can't just say: "Oh well, they ruin it for the rest of the Muslims so it's their fault". Well, you can also blame yourselves for giving in to propaganda spread by the media in the first place. Let me get this staright: So because Osama bin Laden decided to bomb the World Trade Center, it's his fault that Muslims get persecuted? My mother was insulted and spat on by a man after it happened. I think that jerk was at fault too, wouldn't you agree? Some people attacked and killed muslims too, so they aren't at fault for their actions? Same thing applies to suicide bombers. So it's their fault only that other palestinians get killed by the israeli soldiers? I think soldiers who fire into crowds of unarmed palestinians while they are merely protesting are at fault too? They are responsible for their own actions, the bombers didn't make them shoot at the crowds. Many of you simply shift all the blame to the bombers when it clearly isn't completely their fault. What they are completely at fault for are the bombings, not the killings of palestinians. I'd also like to point out that I'm tired of being insluted: [QUOTE]I think you're being a bit too loud, Chabichou. Perhaps you need to stop playing the victim, hm? Something smart might come out of your mouth then, yes?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Bah. Too tired to go into the other threads to resurrect delightful comments I've seen from Chabichou. However, she is extremist in her views, and many people on the other side of this argument are failing to acknowledge their bias as well.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Really how can anyone care about your opinion or other muslims rights when so many sound like you?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]I don't know why anyone here cares what your opinions are...[/QUOTE] And how about you all stop putting words in mouth that I didn't say, and twisting my sentences around to presnet them as though I was some extremist? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]I saw an interview with an Iranian woman who's face was burnt with acid (by her father) because she was raped. She -- not the rapist -- was blamed. To say that honor killings are [i]lies[/i] is [i][b]highly[/b][/i] offensive to those Muslim women who experience such horror. That is one statement that is extremely out of left field, Chibachou.[/color][/QUOTE]But those are obviously unislamic acts. Those men probably even commit adultery all the time and think they can get away with it. They don't even follow islam properly. Honour killings occured even before Islam was presented. Think about this statement: "Muslims do honour killings when their women are raped." People who do honour killings are not muslim. That goes against what Islam teaches. Therefore, the statement that "muslims do honour killings" is false.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE]Bullsh-t. I think I speak for everyone here when I say stop playing the victim here...it's getting real old, real fast. What did you think I was referring to? All Muslim nations? Give me a break.[/QUOTE]You said "at least they get to work in the first place". If I interpreted it wrong, then please go ahead defend your statement and what you implied by it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Altron']How do you know that your religion is the right one for sure? Christians believe their way is the only way, I'm not sure about other religions. How can I be sure my religion is the right one? I can't. It's all about faith. Maybe you'll be a goner, since you're not a Christian. What will you say to Jesus? Maybe I'm a goner. What will I say to Allah? That's why I believe that if your religion focuses on being a genuinely good person, helping others, etc., your religion is correct. God wouldn't be so unjust as to punish a virtuous person of another(hypothetically 'wrong') religion, and save a mediocre person from the (hypothetically 'correct') religion.[/quote]Well for someone to be "sure what religion is correct" it is important for them to actually seek the truth, and once you establish a belief system, practice what it teaches. For instance, many of the Christians who have posted here say they're not very religious and don't go to church a lot, and then they some say [I]they're not really sure if God exists[/I]. But isn't faith in the existance of you lord, the absolute belief in him, the most important aspect of religion? In addition, if they really learned what they're religion teaches they would come to a conclusion of wether God exists or not. For me, I am absolutely sure the Islam is the only way for salvation. Asking me why am sure my religion is correct will not affect my belief. But that's just what I believe. I just htink its silly for people to actually wonder wether their religion is correct if they believe in it. If you believe in your religion, you should be certain.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Boba Fett][color=green']So let me get this straight. You scream about a moderate, stable Muslim nation and it?s ?oppression? of women. If I were you, I?d be more concerned about Palestinian women who?re killed by their families after they?ve been raped, because apparently their family?s honor was shattered by the woman (through no fault of her own).[/quote]First of all, I didn't scream. Second of all, I don't know who comes up with these lies about honour killings but that definetly doesn't happen in Islam. And who ever said [I]palestinians[/I] do that to their women? I know for a fact that doesn't happen. More [I]lies[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Harry']The Taliban regime was the ideal muslim country. It followed everything by the book. Saudi Arabia only wishes it could be so faithful to Allah.[/quote]Ideal? Followed everything by the book? Islam never said force people to follow the teachings of the religion. So you can't force a woman to wear hijaab if she doesn't want to. The Taliban even made them cover their faces, which most people believe is actually not neccesary. Women are allowed to work and own property and money in Islam. However, if a women works and does care for her children and household then she is held accountable since she is not performing her main duty. However, God will deal with her and it is to be left at that. Anyway, if you want an example of the Ideal muslim country, the Ottoman empire would be a good example. It was tolerant of other religions, allowed people of other faiths to practice their religion freely and protected everyone living in the empire. It followed clear Islamic law, the way it was supposed to be followed. For example, although not everyone might agree with the death penalty for adultery, this is what Islamic law says. The punishment applies to [B]both genders[/B], unlike what the media makes people think. In addition, this punishment is rare anyway, because you need at least 4 witnesses. The spouse of the adulter can count as 4 witnesses too. However adulterer must also confess to their crime in order for the death penalty to be valid, just in case the accusers were lying. If they accusers were in fact lying, and there was absolute proof they were, they recieve the death penalty. So that's and example of how the real Islamic justice system works for you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']Palestinians kill Israeli civilians on purpose too.[/quote]And that completely gives the Israeli soldiers the right to empty their weapons into small innocent children? America funds their military and doesn't do squat about what they do to those children. I don't see why the Israeli government isn't being targeted when they commit these horrible acts, and is still actually thought of as a "stable" and "just" state. But hey, all Palestinians are terrorists right? We all go into market places with bombs strapped to our bodies and blow ourselves up. Arafat is a terrorist, but Sharon is not. Palestinians are terrorists, but Israeli troops are not. Palestinians deserve to die, but Israelis don't. Israelis need homes, but Palestinians don't. When Arafat actually began encouraging suicide bombings he was lableled as a terrorist. But when Sharon ordered the massacres in Sabra and Shatila, he gets away with it. How about treating the palestinian side equally for once?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Siren']At least the women are allowed to work in the first place.[/quote]So apperently they have it easy there, is that what you're saying? Last time I checked, women were only not allowed to work under the Taliban Regime. Other muslim nations do not restrict women this way. There you have it folks, more Islamic stereotypes![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='James']By saying that God needs no proof at all, you are essentially having your cake and eating it too. You can continue to say that he exists as a matter of fact, but still feel that you don't need to prove it in any way.[/quote]But for many of us, there's already enough proof that he exists. Look at the complexity behind the structure and function of everything in the Universe. How could everything in the Universe just happen to spontaneusly form? How can atoms just happen to come together to form planets, and then to form life? How can atoms just spontaneously come together to form complex molecules like proteins which in turn come together to from organisms? Even the simplest of organisms have complexity far beyond what we can even begin to imagine. You look at furniture around around your house, and acknowledge the fact that someone must have built it. Anyone who tells you that the wood just happened to seperate form a tree and come together to form the table would be insane would he not? Meanwhile, the theory that atoms just happened to come together in such incredibly complex ways is widely accepted. However, the theory that these came together in such a way, even over a course of billions of years has a much lower probability than wood coming together to form a table. Even if these atoms did come together over a course of billions of years as explained by the big bang theory, how did they appear from nothingness? This concept of nothingness leaves scientists dumbfounded. Matter coming from nothingess even disobeys the law that the amount of matter in the Universe is never changing. At this point some scientists admit the fact that some Divine being started it all, while the others are left embarrased at their vain attempt to disprove the existence of God. Those who actually read the words sent down by their lord would see he clearly gives us enough evidence of his existence. He even tells us to look at these signs; yet people turn a blind eye towards them. Here are some verses from the Quran: [B]078.001 - 078.0016[/B] Concerning what are they disputing? Concerning the Great News, Concerning which they are in disagreement. Nay! they shall soon come to know Nay, again, but they will come to know! Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs? [B]And (have We not) created you in pairs,[/B] *1 And made your sleep for rest, And We made the night to be a covering, And made the day as a means of subsistence? And We have built above you seven strong (heavens), And have appointed a shining lamp? And do We not send down from the clouds water in abundance, That We may produce therewith grain and plants, And gardens of luxurious growth? [CENTER]**************************************[/CENTER] 036.032 But all, without exception, will be brought before Us (for judgment). 036.033 PICKTHAL: A token unto them is the dead earth. We revive it, and We bring forth from it grain so that they eat thereof; 036.034 And We make therein gardens of palms and grapevines and We make springs to flow forth in it, 036.035 That they may enjoy the fruits of this (artistry), and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks? 036.036 [B]Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. [/B]*1 *Scientific evidence right there. Things he created in pairs that people did not have knowledge of back then are protons and electrons, matter and antimatter, positive and negative electric forces. 036.037 And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness; 036.038 And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. 036.039 And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk. 036.040 It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). [CENTER]**************************************[/CENTER] [QUOTE=James]So, while I do not deny that God may exist, I don't know as a matter of fact. As a result, I'm not willing to say that he does or doesn't exist. I simply don't know. And I'm okay with not knowing. If I find out one day, great. If not, great. Either revelation would be a massive discovery in my life. [/QUOTE]Massive discovery indeed. But what will you say to your lord after finding out he exists if he does? Afterall, he punishes those who do not believe in him, as Muslims, Jews and Christians believe. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Harry']That kind. I'm not too big of a fan of Israel myself, but it's really hard for me to shed a tear for the oppressed muslims when I hear this. I would ignore that too, but I hear it so often that I can't really help but believe this is a widely shared opinion.[/quote]Notice that you left the first part of my sentence out. I said [B]"none of these soldiers are innocent,[/B] and quite frankly I'm happy when they die". You also ignore the fact that they kill civilians on purpose. Why do all you keep denying that? THEY KILL CIVILIANS ON PUROPOSE AND [B]THAT'S NO LIE[/B]! Okay? Why are you all so blind to that fact? I don't care what they say to defend themseleves. They're lying. Here's a link:[url]http://www.ifamericansknew.com/cur_sit/child-killed.html[/url] and another:[url]http://www.ifamericansknew.com/cur_sit/child-shield.html[/url] And you choose to support them. [quote name='Zeta']I bring up suicide bombers Chabichou because you see the need to bring up your beliefs that Israel has taken land from Palestinians when they haven't. They came from Aisa Minor, much farther to the north. They are fighting over the wrong land if they should be fighting at all. They have no right to the land based upon history so don't say they do. Their land is in Aisa Minor, more around modern day Turkey. The land belongs to the Israeli's, deal with it, there is nothing that you can do.[/quote]When there are people already there and are kicked out of there homes, I think that qualifies as stealing the land. As for history, ancient Arab tribes lived there thousands of years before. This land has been conquored many times by many different people and the last people to live in it were Arabs before Israel was created. The British had a mandate on the land because they planned to give it to the Jews. You don't have a good enough argument saying that it was right for them to destroy the home of my grandfather. He was there first, not them. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]I know that it?s a significant sum, yes. America supports Israel because it?s not corrupt, it?s stable and it?s citizens respect America. Turkey is the only Muslim nation that I can think of that falls into the same category. The other Middle-Eastern Muslim nations, if they fit those criteria, would probably become allies of the United States as well. It has nothing to do with Religion.[/color][/QUOTE]Funny how in Turkey, women aren't allowed to wear hijab to work. Muslim nation my ***. That's oppresion right there, but America doesn't do anything about that. America only supports countries it gets along with, even if they are clearly oppressing their people. Israel being a great example. A very "stable" and "uncorrupt" nation it is indeed. I'd like to point out to desertranger that I don't live in Palestine, though I wish I could go back to my homeland. I live in Canada. It's very cold here indeed. [QUOTE=desertranger]So I have a couple of questions for Chabichou. Am I right about this? Is that what you want, an end to the war? I would also like to know if your cats sleep on top of you at night?[/QUOTE]Yeah, I'd like an end to the war. But I also want my country back. And I want the Israeli soldiers to stop hurting the general Palestinian population, because wether any of you choose to believe it or not, they hurt palestinians on purpose. I don't have cats. My mom's scared of them. But I still adore cats. When I get married and get a place of own though......[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']The idea that Muslims hate America is the fact that they attack us any chance they get, more than any other religious group as far as I am aware. How many Cathloics run into a crowded market strapped with a bomb? Muslims are painted in a bad light because they are the ones who do that. Blame the "select few", not our media. If they didn't do that, we would have no reason to report anything of the sort.[/quote]We heard about the suicide bombers enough times Zeta. I fail to understand why you continuously bring it up. If you haven't noticed already, there haven't been any suicide bombings for quite a while now. And the media uses these "select few" to make Islam in general look bad. Why don't you all watch movies and find one thats shows Arabs in a positive light? A task I think you'll find quite difficult. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']You want to talk about rape though, and I'm not one to go around pointing fingers, but isn't it your people who consider rape to be the woman's fault and institute honor killings? I know it's not your religion but a gross negligence of interpreting the Koran, but you want to talk barbaric look at blaming women for being raped as well.[/quote]Oh God, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say the media show Islam in a negative light. Finding some stupid things some idiot thinks and using it to degrade the image of Islam.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I also read that before you're born your good and bad deeds are predetermined. However, if you are supposed to do a bad deed and do a good deed instead that good deed counts as 10 good deeds. But if you're supposed to do a good deed and do a bad deed that bad deed only counts as one bad deed. [/color][/quote]Yes, God knows the future, he knows the moment you are concieved wether you will end up in hell or heaven, but simply because he created time itself. Yeah, isn't the "point system" for good deeds quite generous? I sometimes worry, but then remember how merciful God is. Even if you think of doing something good and don't end up doing it, you get good deeds. If you think of doing something bad, and don't do it and then do something good, then woah! Major reward![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f]I like to cuddle up in a thick warm blanket on the sofa with a big mug of hot chocolate *dreams of day when exams are over*. I'm cold. I'm very cold. Temperture is -16 degrees C. Windchill is -26. The heater is on, and the windows are shut tightly, but I still feel cold air coming in. When I go outside, the air feels like ice. It's too cold to enjoy the snow. The snow is so cold it won't even pack together. Sigh... I wish I can make a snowman just once. Anyway, I've tried skiing once in my life, and I could not get down the hill without falling. I fell in many strange and creative ways. I'm surprised I didn't break anything. Skating? Last time I tried that I lost balance an landed (SMACK!) on my chin. Very painful for my whole jaw, but again, nothing broken. I guess I get more clacium than I need. Needed stiches though. If it isn't too cold and I'm dressed well, I like to fall on my back in the snow if it's really deep. Sweet bliss.....[/COLOR]