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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Harry]You're the reason why people would agree with restricting Muslim's rights, Chabichou. Everything I've read from you on this board gives me the impression that: A) You support any act against Israel or Israelies that hurts them B) You partially support (or fully) Osama Bin Laden (and imposters) agendas C) You jump for joy whenever the US "loses" (basically soldier dies/civilians die) Really how can anyone care about your opinion or other muslims rights when so many sound like you?[/QUOTE]Israel is an illegal nation that oppresses my people. None of those soldiers are innocent, and quite frankly I am happy when they die. When one of their soldiers decides to empty his weapon into a small child, I know these soldiers and the Israeli government has no sense of morals. Serves them right for killing palestinian civilians in cold blood. Killing of Israeli civilians, I've already mention dozens of times I don't support. I don't support Osama Bin Laden. What the hell? How did you come to that conclusion? The Taliban was definetly a very extremist and cruel regime. However, America chooses to specifically target Arab and Mulim nations far more than others. Meanwhile, one of their Allies, Israel, is clearly hurting and oppressing innocent palestinians and America chooses to ignore that. God, do you even know how much money America gives to Israel every year, let alone its military? While there are "bad guys" on both sides of the palestine Israel conflict, just because of a select few suicide bombers on the palestinian side, America decides to label our entire race as terrorists, and continuously supports Israel, and ILLEGAL AND RACIST state. Since when did I "jump for joy" when Americans die? Honestly, what kind of monsters do you take us for? Maybe Osama bin Laden thinks that way, but most muslims don't think so. I wonder why some even move to the U.S in the first place? Obviously this idea that muslims hate American comes from the propaganda the media spreads about muslims. I don't hate Americans in general. But I do recognise the government as anti-Islamic in some sense. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']I don't know why anyone here cares what your opinions are, after all you seem to be attempting to include me in a debate which I never entered. This means one of the following: a) you don't read people's posts carefully, b) you can't read, or c) a mixture of both.[/quote]I think it's I cause I can't read. Sorry, I mixed you up with Xander Harris. Silly me. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']I don't know why anyone here cares what your opinions are...[/quote]And sometimes I wonder why I should care either. Goodnight.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Raid3r]How have we helped Japan? You must be blind. We gave them the opportunity to become mighty. An opportunity they took. Through our help and their ingenuity they are Asia's premier economic and political power. Second only to the United States for economic prowess, Japan is truly a mighty nation. Before WW2, Japanese railroad boarding stations were made of concrete. Now they are made of marble. From bycicles to sportscars, huts to high rises. All because they took it upon themselves to better their own lives. And we Americans gave them that chance.[/QUOTE]Sure, but only after two of their cities were nuked. I must congratulate America on it's mercy an compassion. Actually I didn't really want this to turn to and Pro/Con America debate. I'm just so angry this is what their people think of Muslims now. The fact that they would even think of restricting muslims in such ways is really quite sad. And don't say muslims brought it upon themselves cause they didn't. Those extremists are to blame, whose anger is triggered by Americans. It's not fair to the general muslim population to restict their rights. Look at France. Their so called seperation of state and religion has cost muslims the most. It's not sinful for a cristian not to wear a necklace of a cross, but it is for a muslim girl not to wear hijaab. But check this out, the cristians can wear a cross if it's the small one. Heh, talk about fairness. I'm glad I'm not subjected to that kind of treatment in Canada, but I wouldn't want it to happen to any fellow muslims. This restriction of muslim rights might include forcing them to strip so they can "check them for weapons". This also includes checking the girls. Oh what they would give to hurt a muslim girl's honor! They've already done so a few years back after september 11th to a muslim girl travelling with her parents. Heaven's Cloud, if you haven't read the poll title, it says "[B]restrict muslim's rights[/B]", that's different than simply investigating suspicious circumstances. They want all muslims to have to register their names so the governments can track thier movements. Where have we seen this befor? Hmmm... let me think...The Haulocaust?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#004A6F]First of all I never said America deserved terrorist attacks, but I know we all know what led to them. Second of all, the poll is a nationwide poll, so I think it should be taken seriously at least to some extent. Although, the American government probably won't start just restricting Muslim's rights, it's quite surprising what nearly half of Americans think due to what they see on the media. If people do recognise the difference between normal muslims and Islamic extremists, then why would the want to restrict the rights of average muslims living in America? The media obviously isn't showing Islam in a positive light. [QUOTE=Boba Fett]Iraq was not accused of being in violation. Iraq was in violation. Here?s a thought. Why don?t you list all resolutions in violation and we can see just how biased those 60 are against Israel, and how common-sense driven those directed at Iraq were.[/QUOTE] Oh sure, here's a nice list for you: Resolution 106: "...?condemns? Israel for Gaza raid" Resolution 111: "...?condemns? Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people" Resolution 127: "...?recommends? Israel suspend its ?no-man?s zone? in Jerusalem" Resolution 162: "...?urges? Israel to comply with UN decisions" Resolution 171: "...determines flagrant violations? by Israel in its attack on Syria" Resolution 228: "...?censures? Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control" Resolution 237: "...?urges? Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees" Resolution 248: "...?condemns? Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan" Resolution 250: "...?calls? on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem" Resolution 251: "...?deeply deplores? Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250" Resolution 252: "...?declares invalid? Israel?s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital" Resolution 256: "...?condemns? Israeli raids on Jordan as ?flagrant violation" Resolution 259: "...?deplores? Israel?s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation" Resolution 262: "...?condemns? Israel for attack on Beirut airport" Resolution 265: "...?condemns? Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan" Resolution 267: "...?censures? Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem" Resolution 270: "...?condemns? Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon" Resolution 271: "...?condemns? Israel?s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem" Resolution 279: "...?demands? withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon" Resolution 280: "....?condemns? Israeli?s attacks against Lebanon" Resolution 285: "...?demands? immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon" Resolution 298: "...?deplores? Israel?s changing of the status of Jerusalem" Resolution 313: "...?demands? that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon" Resolution 316: "...?condemns? Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon" Resolution 317: "...?deplores? Israel?s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon" Resolution 332: "...?condemns? Israel?s repeated attacks against Lebanon" Resolution 337: "...?condemns? Israel for violating Lebanon?s sovereignty" Resolution 347: "...?condemns? Israeli attacks on Lebanon" Resolution 425: "...?calls? on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon" Resolution 427: "...?calls? on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon? Resolution 444: "...?deplores? Israel?s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces" Resolution 446: "...?determines? that Israeli settlements are a ?serious obstruction? to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention" Resolution 450: "...?calls? on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon" Resolution 452: "...?calls? on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories" Resolution 465: "...?deplores? Israel?s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel?s settlements program" Resolution 467: "...?strongly deplores? Israel?s military intervention in Lebanon" Resolution 468: "...?calls? on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return" Resolution 469: "...?strongly deplores? Israel?s failure to observe the council?s order not to deport Palestinians" Resolution 471: "...?expresses deep concern? at Israel?s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention" Resolution 476: "...?reiterates? that Israel?s claims to Jerusalem are ?null and void? Resolution 478: "...?censures (Israel) in the strongest terms? for its claim to Jerusalem in its ?Basic Law? Resolution 484: "...?declares it imperative? that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors" Resolution 487: "...?strongly condemns? Israel for its attack on Iraq?s nuclear facility" Resolution 497: "...?decides? that Israel?s annexation of Syria?s Golan Heights is ?null and void? and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith" Resolution 498: "...?calls? on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon" Resolution 501: "...?calls? on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops" Resolution 509: "...?demands? that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon" Resolution 515: "...?demands? that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in" Resolution 517: "...?censures? Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon" Resolution 518: "...?demands? that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon" Resolution 520: "...?condemns? Israel?s attack into West Beirut" Resolution 573: "...?condemns? Israel ?vigorously? for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters Resolution 587: "...?takes note? of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw" Resolution 592: "...?strongly deplores? the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops" Resolution 605: "...?strongly deplores? Israel?s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians Resolution 607: "...?calls? on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention Resolution 608: "...?deeply regrets? that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians" Resolution 636: "...?deeply regrets? Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians Resolution 641: "...?deplores? Israel?s continuing deportation of Palestinians Resolution 672: "...?condemns? Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount Resolution 673: "...?deplores? Israel?s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations Resolution 681: "...?deplores? Israel?s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians Resolution 694: "...?deplores? Israel?s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return Resolution 726: "...?strongly condemns? Israel?s deportation of Palestinians Resolution 799: "...?strongly condemns? Israel?s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return. [QUOTE=Boba Fett]Torture from Americans? Isolated incidents, sure. The American military aggressively polices it?s own, and does it?s utmost to prevent situations like Abu Ghraib from occurring. Such events are not only disgusting to the American public at large, but are fully investigated and the perpetrators dealt with accordingly. As for rape? Show me a unbiased news source that I can trust, and maybe we can talk.[/QUOTE]Well, actually, it isn't Isolated incidents. They constantly raid homes at night and arrest innocent people and take them to live in horrible conditions in their prisons. I'm not just talking about those nasty photos, which by the way included photos of the soldiers raping women, though those are too graphic to be shown on T.V. The soldiers haven't been punished properly though. Just dismissed form their positions. That's not enough for what they did. As for the rape, take the word of some the female prisoners. It's not as if the soldiers let people see this out in the open.[quote name='Boba Fett']You?re right on the first point, I?ve never heard anything like that. I feel that is largely due to the difference in number between Islamic and Jewish extremists (Not to mention the difference in activity).[/quote]Maybe it's because the media chooses to ignore it. That seems like a better explanation to me. Believe me, these "Jewish extremists" aren't too rare. Otherwise, palestinians wouldn't be dying in such hight numbers now would they. (Oh no, I 'm bringing Palestine/Israel conflict up again, lets just stick to muslims). [quote name='Zeta']We "stick our noses" in other peoples business to help them. Hell, things could get so out of hand that another World War could break out, we don't know. Look at all the good we did in Germany and Japan. If people could just see that they could be just as well off and have a good country in which to live in. [/quote]How about when America poses sanctions on other countries? How about when America tries to prevent other countries like Korea from developing nuclear weopons when they themselves have nuclear weapons? How about when America thinks it's above the U.N rules and wants to use landmines in Korea even though they are banned by international law? How about when America uses depleted Uranium, when it's also banned, and has led many Iraqi babies to be born deformed? And what good has America done in Japan? How can wiping out two cities each in a matter of seconds be regarded as good? Japanese people are still suffering today form radiation posioning. None of that is "helping" these countries. Although America has done many good things, like aiding third world countries or even saving the people of a country form cruel leaders, as they do sometimes in Arab countries, why do they always end up killing innocent muslims in the process? Why should the general Arab and Muslim population suffer because of what their corrupt governments do? [quote name='Zeta']Our "grubby" hands are on their resources because we need them just as much as you do.[/quote]Haha, but they don't belong to America, they aren't on American land, so it doesn't have the right to start wars to take them. I'm pretty sure that America, having the best economy and being the richest nation on earth, doesn't need these resources as much as these countries do.[/COLOR]
  4. Sorry, forgot the link to the article. I put it up though. All the articles on all the news websites are exactly the same in content.
  5. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Doc']My final thing to say, is directed to Chabichou. Dolly the sheep didn't die of a shortend life span, but that she had contracted lung disease and advanced arthritis at such an early age. Sheep would grow normally to be 12, but died at six. If what I just said helped your argument, then ignore this part ^-^.[/quote]Well, that's at least what I heard, but a shortened lifespan would result form premature old age symptoms. Those diseases, you mentioned were probably cause by this.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#004A6F][URL=http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1103399108768_2/?hub=World]http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1103399108768_2/?hub=World[/URL] I can't believe this! 44 percent of Americans think that muslim American's rights should be restricted. That's disgusting, and it's all thanks to the propanganda the news spreads about muslims; only showing those radical extremists who commit horrible acts not in the name of Islam, but in spite of Islam. Meanwhile you never hear about radical Rabbis who tell soldiers in Israel that it's perfectly acceptable to kill the innocent palestinian civilians. You never hear about the torture the Iraqis face from the American soldiers, or about the girls being raped by them. So you're "liberating" us huh? Oppresion and occupation is liberating us, and neither is Americanising us. We have our own culture and religion and maybe if you kept you're noses out of other country's business' you wouldn't have all these terrorist attacks coming at you. America never payed attention to what was happening in Afganistan until the Taliban prevented them from constructing an oil pipeline. It's always about the oil. The American government doesn't do squat about other countries oppressing their people simply because they don't have oil. When the war on Iraq started, Bush accused Iraq of being in defiance of 14 UN resolutions. Meanwhile, Israel is in defiance of over 60. But still, Arabs and muslims are terrorists right? America freed Kuwait form Iraq cause they wanted they're own state, but apparently Israel has perfect rights over Palestine. I wonder if it's the fact that Kuwait has so much oil? I honestly don't see the logic or fairness with how you deal with Arab countries. Well, why don't you keep your grubby hands away from other country's resources Amercia? They're not yours for the taking. Stop labelling Arabs and Muslims as terrorists, cause you're the ones who started this whole conflict. Honestly, just GET OUT![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#004a6f]I don't think cloning is right either, unless you clone body parts to help people, like Altron said, or maybe cloning animals for more food, though I think that would cost more than it's worth. I think it would be disgusting an cruel if people simply cloned humans to run tests on them, though I doubt that's what most scientists are thinking of these days. But even if you simply wanted to clone a human for the sake of it, that's wrong too. First of all, it destroys the concept of family. Sure, your genes might have belonged to someone else biologically, but you don't really have parents in a sense. Second of all, clones have shorter lifespans because they have "old" DNA. The telomeres in their chromosomes are too short, which scientist believe have an impact on your lifespan. That's why the cloned sheep Dolly died so early. So why should you have to subject a human being to such a short life? If you're religious, you'd know that sex before marriage is not allowed. A child born from parents who aren't married is born a wrongful birth. Ofcourse, this doesn't mean you blame the child. They still have a soul, they're still a human being and should be treated as a human being. A clone is similar in this sense. They were concieved through a wrong way but they are still human biengs with a soul and feelings, and should be treated as a human being. Altron's idea that clones might be used as slaves is very possible if you ask me. if a scientist made a clone, they might seriously consider themselves, to be the clone's "creator" and assume that the clone belongs to them. However, this assumption would be completely wrong since they never created the cloned cell and it's complex organs in the first place.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#004a6f]I'm a Muslim. To me, it seems to be the most simplistic and basic religion their is. There's only one God, and no other diety is to be associated with him. People don't need their own lord to send himself down as his son to die so that they are saved from their sins. Everyone is born free of sin, and their good and bad deeds determine wether they go to hell or heaven in addition to their belief in God. Why did god create us? To serve him, simple as that. This includes living according to his will. Azurewolf, I'm guessing that you're Muslim too. I just have this gut feeling.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Shinje (sic)]I had this idea pop into my head a few minutes ago... Is it possible to create an option for MyO, where you can place a background image on your sidebar? the one on the left, that is.[/QUOTE]Hey that's a really good idea. It's just too bad that some people make their text impossible to see with weird color combinations and backgrounds. Some people use extra coding to make their page see through so their background shows right through. This can really hurt your eyes if you're trying to read their posts! It seem more appropriate that if you're gonna have a background where your text is, it should be more like a watermark so it doesn't stand out too much. Anyway here's one of my suggestions for myOtaku: How about having additional style options for your page? Like a place to put each scroll bar color hex-code? I miss my colored scrollbar before myOtaku was updated. I can't make it work anymore. Here's another suggestion: Although this may seem a little too advanced for now, how about allowing users to have more than one post style? You can save them sort of like skins, and when you make a post, you can choose the skin you want to apply. You can also set a certain style to be your default so if you need to make a quick post, it's already picked for you. There should also be an option no to even use a post style when making a post. This "skins"can also apply to your page style. Each style can be edited and saved, that way, if you change your style, you easily go back to the one had before. Ofcourse, there should be a limit to how many "skins" you have. 3-5 seems reasonable. And one more thing: For andvanced users who know what they're doing, how about having a feature where you can type in the name of the font you want or the hex code of the color. And example is shown below: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Posting.jpg[/IMG] In our user settings we can choose the easy or more advanced mode depending on your html skill. I would also like to mention that the amount of choice we get in posting styles seems to be a teeny bit inconsistent with the different types of posts and comments there are on myotaku. Sometimes, HTML is completely disabled, so I can't even use HTML for my own font settings, and can only use what is in the dropdown menues. Other times it's enabled. Sometimes, there's choice for font size, other times, there isn't. See what I mean? I think that all the font features should be available when making any type of post, whether it be one of your blog posts, a comment, a guestbook entry, or a private message. Of course, It doesn't seem necessary to have emoticons available everywhere, so that can be left out for certain types of comments like those for artwork. You don't want to clutter up the site too much. So, that's my two cents.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#004a6f]Thanks for the feedback. Anyway, I made it look a little better by increasing text the border. I also made a new banner with it. I guess I could use the banner on myotaku too.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Doc]It is very original. [font=Verdana][size=2]I personally like the way the text looks with the cat smiling through. It looks as if the text were like a hole in something and that cat was looking through. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]I also see that the colors go with the site, and it does all in all look good. But one thing, you only see certain parts of that cats face over and over again, why not make it look as if there were a few of those cats crowded together fighting for a look? That is my idea, but if you like it the way it is, it is still cool.:cool: [/size][/font][/QUOTE]I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean make the picture of the cat smaller and put many of them in the text? Or get many [I]different[/I] pictures of cats in general and put them in a sort of collage? The problem with the picture is that the cat is way too fusszy on the outside to cut hum up from the background without taking away the quality. But you idea was something I had considered first. Anyway, I like the effect of the pic cause it makes the cat seem like it keeps on following you and looking through:"Here I am! Here I am again!"[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#004a6f]This is the first time I ever used an intro image for my site. I made this intro image about two weeks ago: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/CHABICHOUCATPIC.jpg[/IMG] Man, I love that cat! Feedback please ^_^[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Zeta]The Palestinians have a choice as to not strap a bomb on themselves. The Israeli's don't have a choice when one shows up. Seriously you still haven't said why they don't just talk things over with the Israeli's rather than try to force it on them. It almost worked once, but it was the Palestinians who didn't go through with it.[/QUOTE]Israeli soldiers have the choice to keep their guns pointed away from civilians. It doesn't take that much hand eye coordination you know! All I keep seeing in photos is Israelis pointing thier guns at women with their children. What's the point of that? They purposely pull the trigger too. Israelis kill civilians on puropse. Well I say to them: Sorry, jerks, you're gonna recieve some sort of retaliation! As for talking it out, it's happened before. Everytime, it was Israeli soldiers who broke the peace by killing civilians.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']And that just makes it ok for a Palestinian to run into a crowd with a bomb and kill many more innocent lives? Sure if the Palestinian didn't do anything wrong they have no right to be killed. Tell that to the Palestinians who blow themselves up in a crowd of Israeli's and kills them.[/quote]No, I never said it was okay to bomb Israeli civilians. But the reality is, Israeli soldiers kill many palestinian civilians in cold blood. If I was living in palestine right now, I would be in danger of being killed by Israeli soldiers even if I didn't do anything wrong. Why does everyone support the Israeli defence force if the hurt civilians this way? They don't even think twice before killing. They've even killed Israelis simply because they though they were palestinians. Once, and Israeli man who was deaf got on a bus. He was suspected to be a suicide bomber simply because he overpayed. The bus driver decided to stop and call the Israeli defence force to investigate. They asked him to show them I.D, but he couldn't hear them so he didn't respond. Then they killed him. Only when they checked his pockets and found his wallet did they find out he was Israeli. I must say, what a responsible and professional way to deal with the situation.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']Why? Could it possibly be because the Palestinian's march into the market with a bomb strapped to themselves? It doesn't matter if the Israeli's kill more because of something the Palestinians did. If they didn't do it in the first place, the Israeli's wouldn't have. As I said before, it is a no win situation from what I can see. Palestinians do something, the Israeli's retaliate, then the Palestinians retaliate. It is a never ending cycle. You would thinking driving down the stree would take more effort since in the market everyone is much closer together, therefore one could kill more. Which is what the Palestinians do.[/quote]You know, palestinians are human too. We're talking about all the innocent palestinians that are constantly being killed by the Israeli defense force. It's not as the majority of palestinians strap bombs to themselves and go into markets. Most of them want to live peacely in their country and raise their families. Which is exactly what the Israelis prevent them from doing! The first uprising of the palestinians occured when Israeli soldiers crushed two palestinian men when they were waiting (peacfully) to be let by a check point. See? The Israelis started it. The second uprising occured, when Israeli soldiers simply went into a mosque, I think is was the Al-aquasa mosque in Jeruselum, and killed four people while they were praying. Then they started stepping on the Qurans in the mosque! See, there was peace, and everytime, the Israeli soldiers break it by killing palestinian civilians for no reason at all! The checkpoints, which are supposedly there to protect the Israeli civilians, are major sites for violation of palestinians rights. One wrong move, and they kill you, simple as that. Why do Israeli soldiers shoot at ambulances and try to stall them when somemone injured is inside? And no, they don't just do this when there's a so called terrorist inside. They kill children in cold blood. How about when they force a woman who is in labor to give birth at the checkpoint, instead of letting her cross over to get to a hospital? Several women and their babies have died because they couldn't get to a hospital. The Israeli soldiers have no sense of morals when dealing with palestinians, wether they are innocent civilians or not. If a palestinian didn't do anything wrong, you have no right to kill them.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Zeta]I know we brought September 11th onto ourselves. I never said we didn't deserve it at all, lol. Friends and I have always been saying we had something coming our way. I never said they shouldn't complain. I said they should go about their problems in a civilized way, not by sending suicide bombers into a market. :rolleyes: Chabichou, you still haven't said why you believe the Palestinians deserve the land. Why do they deserve it and the Israeli's don't? Why do you feel that everything should go to the Palestinians and leave the Israeli's nothing?[/QUOTE]Because, Israelis came in and took property that was already owned by palestinians. The kicked people out of their homes, demolished the homes, and built new homes on top. Sure, it's okay for people to move to other countries. I'm fine with jews moving to land, but they should build their homes where there is [B]free land[/B], not destroy people's homes. These palestinians made a living by farming. Most of them didn't have a postsecondary education, so if their farm is destroyed, the orange and olive trees they grew for so many years destroyed, how can they start a new life? How is this fair to these palestinians? I also doesn't matter that the jews used to live on this land 2000 years ago. Those jews are all dead. Actually, I recently found out that can't even be used as a n argument because the first people to inhabit the land were Arabs around 6000 BC. But that's not the point. [B]The land was an Arab state before the occupation[/B]. Yes, it was called Palestine. I don't know why people keep saying that the state never existed, but it did. There was a state called Palestine. Whether we Arabs gave it that name or not doesn't matter. Sure, I guess we adopted the name the greeks gave it. The land was called Palestine during the Ottoman Empire's rule. It was called palestine during the British mandate. So yes, palestine existed! [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']"Palestine" was created in the 1960s by the USSR. Before that there was no such thing. It was a fabrication for political and economic gain.[/quote]Where did you get that information from? It's totally untrue. You know, my grandparents lived in palestine before the occupation, and the were born even before the 40's. The called they land "palsetine" when they were living in it, so how could the name be made up in the 1960's? The USSR has nothing to do with it. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="#004a6f"][quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]There was never any country called Palestine. It has never existed. And, if you'd care to take a look at a world map showing the Arab countries and Israel, you'd see that Israel has 1/650th of the land in that region. I'd say the 'Palestinians' [Arabs, since there was never a Palestine'] have an awful lot more than the Israeli's, wouldn't you?[/size][/quote]I meant what the palestinians who are living in Israel have right now. So what if the Arabs have more land than the Jews? Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that there were Arabs living in Palestine, or whatever you want to call it, and alot of them were kicked out of their homes. So what if the Jews were there 2000 years ago? These Palestinians, or Arabs as you want to call them have no citizenship. They have been left stateless in a world than defines you by your state. All the Jews who came and occupied the land in 1948 had a state to which they belonged. I'm a palestinian, but I was born in Saudi Arabia. When I came to Canada, my passport didn't say I was Saudi, it said I was palestinian. So where is my country? If I didn't have my Canadian citizenship, I wouldn't be allowed in Israel because I'm palestinian. So what am I? How can you say that palestine never exisited, if I'm clearly defined as a Palestinian?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Heh, I know this thread is old, but I have a question about photoshop: Why is it that with so many of the fonts, bold is disabled, even though these fonts normally have bold available in other applications? The faux bold option is available, but whenever, I want to implememnt the wacky text features, I am forced to remove it.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="#004a6f"][quote name='Zeta']In my mind I think the Palestinians should just give it a break. Accept what they have and move on. They had their chance and blew it. Going about it the way they are won't make matters any better.[/quote]Unfortunately, they don't have much now, do they? Israel has demolished at least 612 homes since 2001 (2 500 since 1988), displacing an estimated 16 000 people, killed 3 024 people, including 603 minors since September 2000, injured 28 215 individuals (7528 by live ammunition) since September 2000,and left 60 per cent of Palestinians below the poverty line; almost 2.5 million palestinians live on under US$2 per day. I think if any of us were living under $2 a day, while people on the other side of the country who are occupying a land we used to live in live in luxury, we would fight for our rights, wouldn't you agree?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#004a6f]It would be nice to have a wider variety of skins on the boards. Is there any way we members can contribute? I don't know how to make a skin exactly, but I could submit all the graphics necessary to make one, and will also make sure they match a specific color scheme.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Freude][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm not much of a Physics person but here's my try at it: Has anyone read "A Wrinkle in Time"? It proposed some sort of a dimension in which one could travel from a place to another just by bending the space between them. That, I think is possible. We may not be able to breach the c limit but I think we could find a detour of sorts around it. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I loved that book! It was stated that you must travel through the 5th dimension, which is the bending of space and time. It was called the tesseract. I think this theory is actually being researched. For instance, you can never find the exact location of an electron. Why? An eletron is everywhere at the same time within the atom. Freaky huh? So some scientists think that it uses this concept of the fifth dimension to travel. Quantum chemistry is pretty neat. :) [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Morpheus']What the heck are you talking about? Light from the sun reaches pluto in 4 hours, and the nearest star is prixima centauri, 4 light years away. Our entire galaxy is 100,000 LY across.[/quote]Really? :confused: I thought I read 2 million light years somewhere. I've read that the light from most of the stars we see at night is millions or even billions of years old. It's understandable that everything in our solar system is within a few hours range of the sun's light, but there must be a huge distance between our solar system and the next if all the stars appear as tiny white dots in the sky. But still, you might be right. I hope your are, since its nice knowing that some of the stars aren't millions of light years from us. Meh.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#004a6f]I don't think so either. Like altron said, humans would probably not survive in such speeds. Back before I learned what the E=mc^2 equation actually meant. I used to think if someone went at the speed of sound, or the speed of sound squared, their mass would be converted into energy. Yes I had a freaky imagination when I was younger :D. But when you think about it, there's really no point of trying to achieve the speed of light anyway, from an anstromic point of view. It won't get us anywhere. The nearest star to the Sun is over 2 million light years away. So unless you travelled at the speed of light for 2 million years, you'll never get there. Simply escaping our solar system in a small amount of time (less than 11 years!) seems like a huge goal as it is.[quote name='Altron']Then again, humans thought it impossible to break the speed of sound. Maybe this is the same deal.[/quote]True, but sound has much different properties than light does. Its waves actually need something material to travel through, while light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation do not. The speed of sound (355 m/s) is quite incomparable to that of light (300000000 m/s). The force needed to drive a spaceship at this speed would be massive![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#004a6f]]I know I said I was leaving this discussion, but I figured I'd leave these stats. We'll see which side is more guilty...... [url]http://btselem.org/English/Statistics/Al_Aqsa_Fatalities_Tables.asp[/url] [url]http://btselem.org/English/Obstructing_Medical_Treatment/Testimonies.asp[/url] Hey, this site is totally unbiased. It's in hebrew annd arabic and english. Just presenting the facts. :) [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#004A6F][QUOTE=Lore][size=1]That's really cool. I've always wanted to be able to do cool origami stuff. I can make a couple different kinds of boxes, those little jumping frogs, and paper cups, heh. Oh, and cranes. I can usually remember how to make cranes. When I was in high school, for a while, I would always get a pack of Starburst candies at lunch. And I'd make tiny paper cranes out of the wrappers. They were severely awesome. Heheh. I wanted to hang them from my ceiling, but I never got around to it.[/size][/QUOTE]Paper cups rock! Personally, I don't care how simple something is to fold, so long as the simplicity doesn't make it boring. The paper cup for instance, who knew one could make something so functional, with only a few folds, not to mention the fact that the design has no corners from which to leak from? The frogs are cute too. :) As for paper cranes, I have this goal to fold 1000 of them, just like that Japanese girl Sadako did when she got leukemia. Ofcourse, I barely have any time anymore for origami (EXAMS!).[/COLOR]
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