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Everything posted by DBZgirl88
[QUOTE=Xander Harris]If this is going on on school property, then go talk to the principle about it. If it is not on school property, report them to the local police office. Throwing rocks at people so hard they bleed has a name in this country: assault and battery. You don't need to just take it and you don't need to get in a fight. Report them to the proper authorities. By the way, I went through a lot of the same stuff at your age. Your post looks like something I could have written back in the day. It sucks, a lot, I know. But things will get better. Don't commit murder over it, even though, believe me, I understand the desire. There is nothing cowardly about avoiding conflict when possible. Talk to your parents or guardian, talk to the principle, or talk to the police.[/QUOTE]Very good advice. I know most people think it's babyish to ask an adult to step in. I sometimes think that way too when someone makes fun of me. But if the problem is [B]physical harrasement[/B] you have to ask someone for help. You could get really hurt! And don't just come up with snappy comebacks either if it will result in a fight. Don't allow those jerks to lay a finger on you anymore (or throw stuff at you in your case), because they have absolutely no right to. Report them to your principal or the police.
[COLOR=#004a6f]Simple question here: What are your hobbies and interests, and what is it about your hobbies that appeals the most to you? As for me, one of my favorite hobbies is origami. I think it's a very beautiful and creative art. I'm also a sciencey (is that even a word?) kind of person, so any origami that takes on complex geometric shapes really appeals to me. I especially like folding [URL=http://hverrill.net/pages~helena/origami/parabola/]hyperbolic parabolas[/URL]. Isn't it cool? I also used to love putting 5 of these together and it makes a really neat 3D star. I've also gotten into other types of [URL=http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8012/creation/sonobe.html]modular origami[/URL], where you put many smaller units together to make a really cool geometric shape. I love it! But I don't just love origami, I love all kinds of paper crafts, especially the kind that gives you demension and texture. Popups are always fun. :) Another one of my hobbies playing the violin. I love classical musical. Well, actually Baroque to be more precise. For example: [url]http://a.1asphost.com/lauriermusic/music/VivaldiDoubleCelloConcertoinGminorAllegro.wma[/url] Now that's cool. :) [/COLOR]
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
DBZgirl88 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#004A6F]I've never experience childbirth before, nor have I ever broken any bones. I don't think any of my most painful experiences are too bad, and I can't really decide on just one. So here are several of them: 1. I'm not a very good skater. I've tried it several times as a child and managed to stay on my feet, only falling a few times. however, two years ago, I had the urge to skate since I haven't done so in so many years. It wasn't as easy as it used to be. I almost collided with someone, and after avoiding the collision, I lost balance and fell (SMACK!) on my jaw. Luckily, nothing was broken, but I had the most excruciating pain in my jaw and my entire head. I could barely see because of the pain. My chin also needed a few stitches. 2. I used to play tag with my friends on the climbers during recess as a kid. Once when I was was 12, I was stupid enough to play tag on the climbers during winter. All the ladders had a thin sheet of ice on them. I was going down one and I slipped. I managed to hold on, but my shin landed right on the ladder. Very bad bruise. 3. On the same climber, I smacked my head on one of the railings, resulting in a very painful bump. My little sister also once threw a hard toy at my head, and once she threw a remote at my face. 4. I've fallen down the stairs several times. Once, I slipped on a marble one of the kids left on the stairs. I slid down the whole way on my back. My tail bone hurt the most. I limped for a few days. 5. I have very severe eczema on my palms. I can never wash my hands without applying lotion afterwards. Otherwise, the skin on my palms gets very dry, and sometimes cracks and bleeds. Once when my family went to the beach, my palms got an infection because I palyed with the sand and it got in the cracks. The skin was inflamed and it hurt alot when any pressure was applied to it. 6. I was once blowing a balloon up during my older sisters birthday party. I blew it too much and it finally popped, but not into just a few pieces, into ver tiny shreds. This happened while I was blowing it so you can imagine the impact of the explosion in my face. I couldn't open my eyes for 5 minutes. All because of air! 7. Once I had a very severe pain in my lower chest, just under my ribs. I couldn't lie down, I couldn't laugh, or the pain would become excruciating. My mom took me to the hospital and they told me my diaphram was swollen. After taking 6 ibuprophen pills a day, the pain eventually dissapeared. 8. I was once doing long jump, and I had a very bad landing. Something had cracked in my ankles. Hovever, I doubt anything was broken, but to this day, I still get sudden rushes of pain in my ankles while I walk. It also happens to my right leg on my knee joint. Recently, my achilles heel keeps "locking" for some odd reason, and i can't even bend my ankle. I wonder why I always get this pain in my legs. Whenever I decide to go to the doctor, the X-rays come up with nothing. Meh.[/COLOR] -
What would you classify your clothing style as?
DBZgirl88 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#004a6f]I started wearing the hijab (the veil) a few months ago, just before school started in particular. Anyway, before that I've always used to dress modestly. I'd never allow my belly or back to show, so I always used to wear a tanktop tucked in under my shirt. As for my style, it was always jeans, or dress pants, and a T-shirt or sweater. I guess it was a typical teenager's outfit, with a bit of my own style added . Since I started wearing the hijab, I stopped wearing pants and I always stick to skirts now to conceal my shape. However, it's hard to find a long skirt these days that doesn't have a slit so I always wear pants underneath. Don't want my legs to show! I don't find it too uncomfortable. In Canada, it's cold most of the year, so I actually feel pretty cosy :) . In the summer though, my skirt and pants combination feels like an oven! Anyway, it' fun to experiment with the different hijabs, cause they usually have all sorts of pretty designs and colors! There's also a variety of ways you can wrap it around your head. In addition, the pins make a great accessory! I want to get a jilbab, which is a long, robe like outfit some muslim girls wear, and some are really pretty too. But they're so expensive here in the islamic stores in Canada! Some are over $100. Therefore, if one of your muslim friends decide to visit an arabic/muslim country, it's good to ask them to bring you back clothes, since the stores there actually sell stuff for what it's worth (the jilbab would only be $20 candadian there). Then you can pay them back. :) One of my friends agreed to bring me back loads of jilbabs and hijabs cause I'm in desperate need of them.[/COLOR] -
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#004A6F][QUOTE=DeathBug]While I agree with much of what James said (Except regarding media bias; I've never seen anything in favor of Isreal in the media), I'm wondering why you're agreeing. I mean, he also said Isreal has a right to exist, which is the exact opposite of your point. I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm just curious.[/QUOTE]Ok, you're right, the only thing I don't agree with is Israel's right to exist because it is illegally occupying palestinian land. Whatever anyone says, I will always believe that. Meanwhile, one user says he'll get me a tinfoil hat for christmas, but no, I'm not crazy. I'm not anti-Jewish or anti-American either, but I do believe both of the Israeli and American governments are corrupt. But other than that, I agree with James. I just didn't feel like saying too much anymore, becasue I've decided to leave the discussion.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=#004a6f]Very well said James. ^_^ I'm glad to know at least someone agrees that normal palestinian civilians are being mistreated. Many member here were actually saying it was okay to hurt them simply because there are some radical palestinians among them who target Israeli civilians. Two wrongs don't make a right and no one should disagree with that.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Boba Fett]That?s an outright lie. Not only is Jerusalem never mentioned in the Koran, but Muslims pray towards Mecca (Which happens to orient their backs towards Jerusalem). The focal point of Judaism is Jerusalem, while the focal point of Islam is Mecca. You, as a Muslim, should know this.[/QUOTE]Well, actually, the dome of the rock, which is located in Jerusalem, used to be the place where muslims prayed to, before the final prophet was sent Muhammad. The prophet Muhammad was also transported to Jerusalem and then raised directly up to heaven by God (as we Muslims believe). Islam didn't just come after Muhammad came. It's been around since the God first created Adam. Anyway, many untrue things have been stated in this thread, and I'll I'm getting out of it is anger and depression. I also realized that I need to research the history and religion more, to see how it really supports both arguments. While many of you stated that my sources are biased, yours weren't any less biased either. I think we all need to leave this discussion, because we are all using the wrong sources of information. I encourage everyone to visit not just news sites, but also sites that support each argument. Then we will come back and argue like the mature people were were supposed to be. In addition, I think I would like to visit palestine and see what really is going on. Even hough I'm palestinian, I have canadian citizenship, so I might be able to visit the Israeli settlements and see how the Israeli citizens are making out with the situation themselves. [quote name='desertranger']OOhhhh kaaay. I think I see what happened. Remenber I backed out a few days ago on this one. I hold no animosity for anyone. I don't think Rin realized what she got into and that Chabichou was a girl either. (is that a pokemon?)[/quote]Lol. Yeah I had this feeling that people thought I was a boy. I wonder if that makes you think differently about my arguments? Also "Chabichou" isn't a pokemon. I went to a french immersion school, and they used to read us these cute french books about a really cool cat called Chabichou (Notice my avatar).:) I would also like to point out that it's importanat to realize how important and sensitive this issue is to Jews and Muslims. Christians too, but I haven't seen much argument in a Christian point of view. If you're not from these religions, please be careful what you say. If you're not Israeli or Palestinian, please be careful what you say. You're not living the reality that they do, and as an observer, whose sources are not presented to them in their complete form due to the media, be wise. Be smart. Seek out the truth. Seek out the truth from both the Jews and Muslims who support what is right. Lady Rin, I want you to be happy too. :) Like I said before, I am only in support of peace, and although I am in support of a palestinian state, I hate seeing all these innocent children and other civilians dying from both sides. It really is heartbreaking.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Zeta']Concerning what you said about the suicide bombing and the fact that the Israeli soldiers just went and demolished the house anyways. I see no difference than what the bomber did. He killed many innocent civilians, while the Israeli's just killed one. *shrug* I don't see how the suicide bomber is not to blame for the grandfathers death.[/quote]Are you saying that the old man deserved to die? That is the injustice I'm talking about! How can anyone deny the fact that what the Israeli soldier did was wrong? Meanwhile, I, even being a palestinian agree that Israeli civilians shouldn't be targetted. It doesn't matter that more Israelis died and just one old man died. "Kill one person and it's as if you killed the whole world. Save one person, and it's as if you saved the whole world". The Israeli soldiers don't have to purposely try to make the amount of casualities on both sides equal! But like I said before, there are far more palestinians dying than Israelis, so the soldiers actually go overboard! Conclusion: The soldier had no right to kill the old man or even demolish the home. Does anyone disagree with this statement? [QUOTE=Zeta]The reason why Muslims are portrayed in such a bad way is because quite frankly they do it themselves. How many Christians strap bombs on themselves and walk into a crowded street? In the Jewish religion, [i]their[/i] religion, it says the Promised Land is theres. What does that mean? That means they don't believe that it belongs to Muslims. So what are they doing? They are fighting to protect it just as you said Palestinians should. But you don't see Israeli's strapping bombs to themselves, I see Muslims. I know that sounds really harsh. But it is the truth nontheless. Now I'm not saying they don't, but you don't hear about them as often as Muslims. .....Sorry if this sounds really harsh, I am just stating what I know. You don't hear about Christians, Jews, or others strapping bombs to themselves and going into a crowded street. And I ask you. Why should Islam be favored of Judaism?[/QUOTE]Well actually, people of all religions commit horrible crimes that even go against the teachings of their religion. When a christian person commits a crime, no one ever looks at his religion and blames it. This only happens to muslims. When a muslim person commits a crime, his religion is stated on the news and people think, "Oh, he's muslim, which means this is what his religion is about". That shows the ignorance of western society. Bobba Fett, this is the biasm I am talking about. It's hidden, it's subtle, so it's difficult to detect. [quote name='Altron]On May 14, 1948 the "Palestinian" Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis." On the next day, seven neighboring Arab armies... Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen... invaded Israel. Most of the Arabs living within the boundaries of the newly declared "ISRAEL" were encouraged to leave by the invading Arab armies to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews and were promised to be given all Jewish property after the victorious Arab armies won the war. The truth is that 70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 ? perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 of them ? never saw an Israeli soldier! They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties as well. They guessed wrong; and the Arab Palestinians are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women. So much for the blatant lie about Jews throwing out all the [Palestinian'] Arabs![/quote]You seem to be treating this as though Arabs were massacreing Jews. This article depicts arabs as the most horrible people. This was just a war fought to get the land back. What's wrong with the palestinians who can't fight to leave temporarily as not to get hurt? For instance, one of my paternal uncles fought in this war. Meanwhile, everyone on my mother's side lives in Jordan right now. Although the majority of the population in jordan is palestinian, these people do not have jordanian citizenship. There is a disctintion between jordanians and palestinians presently. All those palestinians there are just refugees. As for the flags looking nearly identical, there are a whole bunch of flags that have this pattern of balck red green and white. Sudan, for instance. These colors mean something to arabs and that's why they are used so often. As for all this weird stuff about Jordan and Israel being palestine, it was the brithish who divided the arabs into smaller states. The reason we fight so much for the present day Israel is because of the city of Jerusalem, which is important to muslims as it is to jews. Israel took this land because of that city. The land as a whole was originally called Kan'aan. This included Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebenon. These countries exist because the british in the first place divided it up into smaller nations, who eventually developed their own accents and slightly different culture. [B]All[/B] of Kan'aan belongs to the Arabs. We were living there before the British's intrusions. The jews left the land a long, long time ago. Why? Because they were banished from the land by their own lord! They were doomed to roam the earth without a nation because they defied God's law. After moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and took them to the "promised land", he left them for a few days and came back to find them worshipping an Idol of a cow made out of gold. This is why the Israelites/Jews were banished form Kan'aan. And personally, I wouldn't mind joining into one nation with the Jordan, Lebenon, and Syria, toe reform Kan'aan. As long as Jerusalem is returned to us. But that's all religion right? Well the jews can't use their religion as an excuse to take home from arabs living in the land. It belongs to the Arabs now. I just occured to me that this discussion might be creating hostility between users. I hope it's not. This is just a debate, and I hope no one leaves it hating anyone. Just so you know, I haven't developed hard feelings towards anyone so far. :) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][QUOTE=Xander Harris]Origionally posted by Chabichou: "That's why Israel must be wiped off the map. " O.k. I went back to reread your post, and caught that. It's that attitude that is the root of the problem. We don't like the other people on this little strip of land, so we will wipe them all out. That sort of attitude leads people to strap on bombs and head into israeli bus stations. You talk about how oppressed the palestinians are, because all people groups deserve dignity, then you say a racist and militant thing like that. Idiocy. Is that an idea you got from 'unbiased' Al-Jazeera? 'Wipe Israel off the map'. Yep. Those are the words of peace and reconcilliation right there :rolleyes: You don't want justice and you don't want peace if you believe the best way to deal with a people group you don't care for is to 'wipe them off the map'. Shame on you, Chabichou. You should know better.[/QUOTE]I've been slighly misunderstood. I didn't mean kill off Israelis by that. I meant Israel should be renamed Palestine. The state itself should be wiped off the map. Literally. You know what I mean? Like looking in an atlas and seeing the word "Palestine" instead of "Israel". I think I misused the expression "wiped off the map". I apoligize.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='Heaven's Cloud]Because the Jews didn't just come in and kick out the Palestines. The Jews never left the area that is now Israel. As I stated in my previous post (which I am not sure if you read) the Jew population was regulated and their position in society was opressed by the Turks. This wasn't a case of a group of people coming over to Palestine and taking over, it was case of a group of opressed people rising up and attempting to liberate themselves from an oppressive society.[/QUOTE]What the hell do palestinians have to do with Turks? I'm not a Turk. In fact, I am closer to the jews in blood than to the Turks. Here, get this straight: there were palestinians living on the land, in their own homes they built for them selves, hundreds of years after the Jews left palestine. Why do these Jews have the right to demolish their homes? I also understand that there were some Jews living in palestine before 1948, apperently they were buying land from palestinians. Which gives them the right to live there too. But how come other Jews, from OUTSIDE of the country can just come in and take kick palestinians out?[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud]Like Harry stated, Palestinian suicide bombers were targeting schools, hotels, temples and restraunts killing tons of people. These suicide bombers were encouraged and [b]funded[/b] by Arafat, who lead the Palestinians. I think that gives Israel a pretty good justification to attack those people (civilian or not) they believe are responsible for coordinating the bombings.[/QUOTE]Meanwhle Israelis attack schools and mosques and palestinian communities just for the hell of it? A five year-old boy who lives in the same suicide bomber did nothing wrong. There is no justification WHATSOEVER for Israelis targeting him. What the hell does this little boy have to do with "coordinating" the bombings? I'm sorry, but your argument is completely illogical. As for Arafat, he's an idiot. He didn't do squat for the palestinians.[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud']You are going a bit far saying the Palestinians are being massacared. This isn't the David versus Goliath match that most would have you believe.[/quote]It's not like these kinds of massacres are occuring now, though something almost of the sort. They happened in the past. But 20 years ago when Ariel Sharon was minister of defense still counts. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']Then please, give us a link o that same story from a reputable news scource, even the BBC, which tends to lean more towards the palestinian plight, would be fine. No offense, but your scource is less than reputable.[/quote]Since when did every Arabic or Muslim website become biased? See, there's already racism right there! I remembered the story of that boy and merely looked up his name on Google. That site I linked too was merely the first one on the list. Fine, go ahead and look for the same story in CNN and BCC. It's there too. Of course, the intreview with the father of the boy who was killed woulnd't be their because that would be "biased" wouldn't it? Well, I think the words of direct witnesses should not be ignored, because THAT would be biased. I am shocked why so many people are in such high support of a state that oppresses a minority group within it so badly. Everytime I present an arguement, I am bombared with the same untrue arguments from the other side. Everybody ignored the statment I made about the highly unequal distribution of resources in the occupied state of Palestine. Why? Because it actually shows the truth? Since the beginning of time, the truth has always been fought so badly before it was finally accepted. When Galelio presented the heliocentric model of the solar system, he was continuously mocked and I think he was even jailed. People can be so ignorant. So far, one person is in support of palestine. Just one. I just don't understand how so many people can ignore the atrocities that happen to palestinians. No body ever has sympathy for them. Palestinians have suffured far more than the Israelis, and people refuse to accept it. For every 100 palestinians killed, 7 israelis are killed. That's not enough evidence for you which side is more guilty? And it's Israeli soldiers working for their government who kill the palestinians, not Israeli suicide bombers. So if a suicide bomber is a terrorist, why aren't the Israeli soldiers? Their government is corrupt and racist to palestinians Arabs, and Muslims. They see themselves as superior to the everyone. That's why Israel must be wiped off the map. Give the land back to the palestinians and get out. And just for the record, suicide bombers end up killing themselves too, so justice has been served to them. Don't take it out on Palestinian children. [quote name='Harry']Also good job on quoting an Anti-American news source that "shows" a palestinian boy being killed (even though there's no blood anywhere).[/quote]You didn't see blood huh? The image quality was pretty bad so you wouldn't be able to see it. If you read the article, you would know how it ended up being video taped. I looked through the website and I don't see anything Anti American. What the hell are you trying to prove? "Oh it's Egyptian, which is Arabic which MUST be anti-American". Sorry you need a better argument there. I become upset when a suicide bomber attacks Israeli civilians. I cried when I read about the holocaust. What about my people? How come no body stands up for their rights? How come no body cries for them?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f] :confused: :( :flaming: Okay, there are a few things people keep stating that really upset me: 1. Why do people keep saying "The Jews were there first"? Is that the [i]only[/i] freakin' argument you have? Yes, I understand the ancestors of the present day jews used to live there, but just before and up to 1948, palestinians have been living there for hundreds of years. How come no body seems to have a problem with the jews coming in and kicking palestinians out of their homes just because this land used to belong to the jews hundreds or nearly a thousand years ago? 2. No one ever seems to care that palestinian civilians are being killed, and at a much higher rate than even Israeli soldiers themselves! People always argue that the stupid suicide bombers killed Israelis first. OKAY! I get the point! How many times do I have to say that I don't support suicide bombing attacks?! That does NOT give Israeli soldiers the right WHATSOEVER to kill palestinian civilians! In fact, the only reason there are so many suicide bombing attacks is because Israeli soldiers killed Palestinian civilians in the first place! No body seems to care that there were many massacres after the Israeli occupation began. They were relentless. They lined palestinians up and shot them. The bayoneted pregnant women. The raped many women and right in front of their husbands too, and then killed them. They killed entire families while forcing the father to watch. This all really happened. Looks like it was a holocaust against palestinians to me. Meanwhile, the jews happily move into the country and build their new homes right where there used to be palestinian homes, while the palestians are being [i]massacred[/i]. Does anyone other than me see a reason why there are suicide bombings in the first place? 3. As for the palestinians throwing rocks Boba Fett, [i]they[/i] were defending themselves. They start throwing rocks as the Israeli soldiers come to raid their city... "Haha, one of your dumb suicide bombers has attacked our civilians, so now, we can label you as terrorists too and we get have fun picking you off with our rifles." They throw rocks as the Israeli soldiers charge in with tanks. TANKS for God's sake! The Israeli soldiers started the offence in the first place. Some of the Soldiers even run away! Sure, you would want to assume it was because they wanted to "avoid having to hurt the palestinians", but I don't believe so. They are cowards. They were after all going in there to hurt the Palestinians in the first place. This is one of the stories that has angered me the most. And no Bobba Fett, this isn't propaganda because it was all over the news. Not just the 'biased' 'antisemetic' and 'racist' Aljazeera: [url]http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2000/502/re6.htm[/url] Why? :( WHY???!!!! Here is one fact that shows even more atrocities Israel has commited against palestinians. Did you know, that some Palestinians who are captured (whether they be militants, or teenage boys who simply were throwing rocks, or old men), are killed by the Israeli soldiers and their bodies used for scientific research? I have the pictures for proof, but they are too inappropriate to post on otakuboards. What is your argument there Bobba Fett? And there's more. There's a whole lot more you don't hear on the news. I've seen a picture of two Israeli soldiers smiling as they shoot a photo of the body of a small boy the had just killed. They were happy about what they did! This isn't racisim? This isn't a crime? So the UN has condemed Israel for their crimes against palestinians? Well, don't just stand there! Punish them! MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES! What about Ariel Sharon? He ordered the massacre of the Palestinians that took place in Sabra and Shatila in 1982. How come he hasn't been punished yet? And people DARE to call him a man of peace! The moment I saw him on T.V. I could tell he was evil. Previous Israeli prime ministers like Ehude Barak were a lot nicer than him. Of course he was replaced because the Israelis thought Palestinians should be dealt with more harshly. Palestinians have rights too. Israelis have taken all the wealth of the land for themselves and Palestinians live in poverty. Furthermore, the are a lot more Palestinians there than Israelis. Did you know that Gaza city is has the highest population in the world? Citywide that is. Meanwhile the jewish settlers get 70% of the water while the much larger Palestinian population gets 30%. How is this just in any way? Palestinians have nothing while the Israeli settlers get big, beautiful houses in the most beautiful parts of Palestine. Pools included. They don't even have to pay for it, cause the government does! The Israeli government just invites more and more jews to move to Palestine, hence occupying more and more land and expanding their settlements. But where does the government get all this money? Why diamonds ofcourse! Like I said, those selfish pigs have taken all the wealth of the land for selfselves! In addition, the state of Israel receives funding from a wide variety of western companies. Disney included. So, you want to build a disney land huh? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f][quote name='DarkSesshoumaru][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Your religion is correct eh? I don't think such statements should come into a play in a thread called 'what do you think of death'. You could say that if the topic was 'what religion is correct?!' Tauting religious superiority is a bit shallow. Saying that your religion is correct is like saying everyone who isn't muslim is wrong. [/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]All I was saying that Is what makes me think my religion is correct, which in turn shapes my beliefs about death. I'm sure a Christian believes their way of life is the only way for salvation. Otherwise they wouldn't believe Jesus as their saviour. I wasn't trying to preach Islam. I was just saying the reason I believe in Islam and it's views of death. I'm pretty sure religion plays a big part in how a lot of people think of death.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004a6f]I personally don't believe that death is the end, because I'm muslim. We all know that life isn't always fair. People commit horrible crimes and get away with them, while bad things happen to good people. Where is the justice? Well there must be an afterlife because justice must be served (in the end at least). Why should a person's sins and wrong doings be buried with them? It seems most people here have posted from the atheist point of view, that God doesn't exist and there's no afterlife. Death is the end. I find that idea very scary. Yes, it does seem comforting to think that you will be reincarnated, and maybe that's the reason people turn to religion, but not for me. Techinically, you could believe that God exists but there is no life after death. The reason I believe in reincarnation is that it is stated in Islam's holy book. I have complete faith in my religion so that means I should believe in reincarnation right? But the reason I have so much faith in my religion is because of our holy book. Just from reading it I can tell that the words are not from this world. They are divine. The Quran even states scientific facts that were not discovered until 1400 years later. That is proof enough for me that my religion is correct. Anyway, here is a very interesting article about the Islamic prespective of death. [url]http://www.harunyahya.com/50the_death_wis15.php[/url] [I]"From the moment you breathe for the last time, you will become nothing but a 'heap of flesh'. " "...the corpse under the soil will go through a rapid process of decay. Soon after you are placed in the grave, the bacteria and insects proliferating in the corpse due to the absence of oxygen will start to function. The gasses released from these organisms will inflate the body, starting from the abdomen, altering its shape and appearance. Bloody froth will pop out the mouth and nose due to the pressure of gasses on the diaphragm. As corruption proceeds, body hair, nails, soles, and palms will fall off. Accompanying this outer alteration in the body, internal organs such as lungs, heart and liver will also decay. In the meantime, the most horrible scene takes place in the abdomen, where the skin can no longer bear the pressure of gasses and suddenly bursts, spreading an unendurably disgusting smell. Starting from the skull, muscles will detach from their particular places. Skin and soft tissues will completely disintegrate. The brain will decay and start looking like clay. This process will go on until the whole body is reduced to a skeleton. "In short, the 'heap of flesh and bones' to which we assign an identity faces a quite nasty end. On the other hand, you - or rather, your soul - will leave this body as soon as you breathe your last. The remainder of you - your body - will become part of the soil."[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#004A6F][quote name='Boba Fett][color=green']On Friday May 14, 1948, when the British mandate to over Palestine expired, the state of Israel was established and later officially recognized by the United Nations. This alone gives Israelis perfectly legitimate claim over this land.[/color][/quote]I really don't see the logic in that. So Britain was already occupying a land that was not theirs, and just hand over this illegally occupied land to the jews? If they want the jews to have their own land so badly, why didn't they just give them Britain? No country has the right to occupy another country and do what they please with it. Unfortuanately, european countries at that time saw themselves as superior to others and gave themselves the right to invade other countries to rob them of their resources. They come to the Americas and kill off the natives and steal a land that did not belong to them. They wanted to go to india and the middle east to get spices and other luxeries. This whole problem was started because of these selfish and greedy countries. Oh and you think because the U.N recognised them as a nation it makes it legal? Well, the U.N made a mistake if they allowed the jews to go to palestine and destroy the palestinian homes and take over their country. I thought the U.N was all about justice and peace![QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]Al Jazeera is the most biased news source in the world, and a terribly obvious propaganda wing of Islamic extremists. It?s no coincidence that all these terrorist tapes and videos we hear about are delivered there first. Take a look at their English version site; tell me if you can find a single report that portrays America or Israel in a positive light. [URL=http://www.aljazeera.com/cgi-bin/news_service/middle_east_full_story.asp?service_id=5875]Do you seriously believe this?[/URL][/color][/QUOTE]You're only calling it biased because it's the only network that shows the atrocities the American government commits in other countries. The USA's government is one of the most decietful and selfish governments there are. The government lied about Iraq having nuclear weapons. You want nuclear weapons? Go to Korea -Oh wait there's no oil there.... And since when did CNN show Islam in a positive light? Why call those so called Muslim Terrorists "Islamic Extremists"? If you ask me an "Islamic Extremist" would be one of the most peaceful and loving person in the world who is constantly worshipping his lord and is not involved in violence in any way. Why? Because Islam is a religion of PEACE! In regards to the article, whether it be true or not, I wouldn't have a problem believing it. The disgusting photos of Iraqi prisoners being tortured and sexually asaulted on the news is enough proof for me that America does not give a damn about the Iraqi people. Many prisoners have done nothing wrong and didn't even approach the American soldiers. I've watched a documentary where a British reporter went to Iraq and was intreviewing both sides of the American and Iraqi conflict. He went to a prisoner camp and saw hundreds of people who've been waiting for months to see their loved ones inside, most of whom have done nothing wrong. The conditions inside are terrible, the food is rotten and the prisoners are constantly abused. Many women have been raped. So, this is freeing the Iraqi people huh? As for the insurgeons, (though I do believe they are really going overboard with the beheadings), they know that the U.S is merely trying to control Iraq, and that the Iraqi interm government is being controlled by the U.S government. How can they trust the U.S. government when they know that their dirty money lies in the pockets of the Iraqi interm government? Anyway, back to Palestine. Whenever, any hate crime is commited against Jews, It's always on the news. Just the site of the swatzika drawn somewhere, and the police are on the case. But when the mosque in my community had it's windows smashed, there was nothing in the news. From everyhting I've seen and heard, people are in much bigger favor of Jews than Muslims. Propaganda is in their favor too.[quote name='Boba Fett][color=green]By that logic, your property is just a piece of dirt too. If I come and try to demolish your house, would you fight to defend it? This war is over more than territory.[/color][/QUOTE]Shouldn't palestinians then defend their homeland? I know all that Boba Fett is gonna say is that the land belongs to the Jews. Well, I'm Muslim and in my religion we don't believe that. What if I told you that in my religion, we do believe that god sent down the Torah and the Bible, but Gods words have been altered by men? God finally sent down his final revelation which he has taken it it upon himself to preserve it. I believe what the Quran says. This is why I don't believe the jews have a claim over the land. Because it says so in [i]my[/i] religion. We do believe that at some point it was the jews promised land, because from my religion's point of view, the jewish religion was the proper one at the time until the Torah was altered. However, the jews/israelites have been denied the "Holy Land" by thier lord as an everlasting punishment for straying from the right path sent down to them from God to Moses and His brother. In fact this is stated in the jewish religion too. That is why there are even jewish people out there who believe the occupation should be ended. Even if jews believe the land is promised to them, why give them the land when the people who live there already have a completely different belief? Since when were jews better than muslims?[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]Tell me when and where Jewish leaders have called for jihad? I don?t think such a thing has happened?[/color][/QUOTE]Looks like you have given in to the dumb propaganda which you claim to be so completely against. Jihad simply means "struggle", so it can take on many forms. On of them fighting for the sake of Islam. It doesn't mean we go and bomb Israeli civilians. That's not Jihad. Even warfare is discussed in the Quran. God tells us that we may not harm women and children and the elderly or even the men who aren't fighting you. Islam never takes the offensive side in war. We are only supposed to take the defensive side. If the leaders are calling for Jihad, they mean protect your country and people. When Israeli soldiers come to your city with bulldozers to destroy the Palestinian homes, Palestinians have every right to defend themselves. Sometimes they throw rocks. These are the civilians' only weapons. The Israeli soldiers actually see this as a threat? They are the ones with the guns and bullet proof vests and helmets. They actually shoot at the palestinian civilians and kill them because the threw rocks? A responsible soldier who is simply protecting his people shouldn't do that.[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green']I?d just like to point out that the Israeli military, unlike Palestinian suicide bombers, makes an effort not to harm civilians. There?s a difference between firing a rocket at a car and accidentally killing civilians, and sending a human bomb onto a bus filled with innocent people.[/color][/quote][COLOR="#004a6f"]This is where you are wrong. One of the biggest problems is that the Israeli soldiers make [i]no[/i] effort not to harm civilians. This is what makes the Palestinians so angry, bringing on more suicide bombers. Let's say a suicide bomber attacks an Israeli restaurant, and many innocent civilians are killed, most of whom ar women and children. This is how Israeli soldiers deal with it: [list=1] [*]After finding out who was responsible, they go to the home of the bombers family. [*]Ding-Dong! "Um, hello ma'am. Your son bombed an Israeli restaurant and killed nearly a hundred Israeli civilians. Therefore we have to demolish your home, although it will do nothing to bring these people back to life and you probably had nothing to do with with the bombing. You have two minutes to evactuate everyone in the house." [*]Seeing the gun held in the soldiers arms, the mother decides not to argue. She tells everone to get out of the house. The get all the children out but they are having trouble with the 80 year old grandfather, who is upstairs and is too weak to get on his feet due to old age. The don't even have a wheelchair to transport him since they are so poor. Mother: "Sir we need a little more time, grandpa is still up there and he's too weak to get on his feet. [*]Soldier: "Is that so? Well I think I'll demolish the house anyway". [*]The soldier demolishes the house. knowing that a 80-year old man is inside, too weak to get on his feet and escape. [/list]Where is the justice in this malicious act? I don't think it's right to compare Israeli soldiers to Palestinian suicide bombers. Personally, I believe that bombing Israeli citizens is wrong. It doesn't bring Palestinians any closer to getting their homeland back, and it brings more aggresion from Israeli soldiers to Palestinian civilians. It doesn't help one bit in my opinion. But why should Israeli soldiers have the right to kill palestinian civilians just because Palestinian suicide bombers attacked Israeli civilians? What the suicide bombers did in the first place was not right, but it's not as if they have a properly functioning government to back them up. We don't even have a state right now. Meanwhile, the Israeli soldiers are actually working for the Israeli government and Israel is even part of the U.N. Should a responsible and just government allow it's soldiers to harm civilians? And not just harming civilians, they go and rip up trees in orange farms. Would someone please tell me what is the point of that? How does it benefit Israelis?[/COLOR][quote name='Boba Fett][color=green']The wall is going up to protect Israel from those kinds of attacks. If the Palestinians don?t like it, tough. They?ll gain the assurance that no Israeli squatters will be able to encroach on Palestinian land. Since a peace is unable to be negotiated at the present time, this is a viable solution that saves lives by separating the two sides.[/color][/quote]Meanwhile, people can't go tho their jobs because it's on the other side. Members of the same family are separated because they are on opposite sides of the wall. And the Israeli soldiers gaurding the walls don't let them cross. And if they do let you cross, they take their sweet bloody time doing so. Pretty much what I'm saying is that Israeli soldiers are jerks and they treat the Palestinian people like crap. [SIZE=3]In response to Lady_Rin, I accept your hand in friendship. I have never been against jews and never will be. I am sick and tired of people calling me anti-semetic because first of all, Palestinians are semites too, and like I said before, I don't hate jews. After all, Palestinians and Jews are ancestrall cousins. We are both anscestors of Abraham are we not? I've had many jewish friends a few years back and was very fond of them. They aren't awful and hateful one bit. They were some of the sweetest people I have ever met in my whole life.[/SIZE] I am only against the jewish occupation of my land, because Palestine is where my roots belong. It is a holy land for muslims too and I don't want to be denied access to Jerusalem, one of the most Holy places. It just really makes me mad that the Israelis want to demolish the dome of the rock because they believe their own religious site used to be in the same place. Like I said before, why should Judaism be favored over Islam and Israelis have the right to destroy our holy sites?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I have a small suggestion to the problem. How about enabling a different sort of ranking system? One based not on how many hits your page gets, but how many comments your posts get. There's no way people would go to all the trouble to make fake comments for their sites. Well?... :p [/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I know the midi player is also capable of playing other files like mp3 and such, but there used to be a glitch in which it would only play midis, though Adam fixed it so it can play mp3s too. However, it still won't play wmv files, because Adam probably forgot to fix the glitch for other file formats. I haven't tried it yet, but it probably won't play wav files either. Anyway, could this glitch be resolved so the midi player can play all of different supported file types? Also I'm just wondering wether the player only supports windows media player files, or can it also play realplayer files such as ram and rm, and winamp files such as ogg files. In addition, does it support streaming media?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I just wanted to mention tht since the theotaku update, it's been a little harder to find your own art. There used to be a whole list in the backroom of your own art, with indicating the number of comments and such and an option to delete each pic. Now we have to find our art the way would would with other peoples, and then click on each picture and view it first, and then we can have the option to edit it. It's not a huge deal really, but it would be nice that if we click "submit your art", we would have a list of all the other art we submitted shown too. That's the way it used to be.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Although I'm not too attached to it, there's a blanket in my house that every child in my family slept with as a baby, from my 20 year-old sister down to my little brother Fadi, who is five now. He is still small enough to use it. Talk about an efficient hand-me-down! And it's in such good condition, no one would believe it was 20 years old. I don't know how to describe the material, though I think most of us have come across it in winter blankets. It's one of those furry ones, not too smooth, so it doesn't feel like animal fur. Know what I'm talking about? Anyway, it has a close-up picture of a boy and girl fishing on it, who both seem very relaxed. I think the picture is very soft and soothing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I play violin. I don't take lessons though, so I'm not very good. I used to take strings as a subject in highschool. I'm considered pretty good for that level, but when I watch other people play who actually take lessons, it makes me want to cry. They are so amazing, and even some 5-year olds play better than me. Meh, at least I can play in tune. :) I am hoping to take lessons soon, so I need to get myself a decent violin. The only one I had was the one the school lends us during the year, but I'm done highschool now, so I can't borrow it anymore. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]It seems these days that people are a lot nicer when they vote for fan art, so I decided to delete my art and resend it. My pictures had much better ratings this time, but my over all rating stayed low, bacuase the results of all the previous votes were kept. It says I have over 900 votes in total but that was before I deleted my art. Is this the way it's supposed to be or is it just a glitch?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it would be a good idea if private messaging and fanart and wallpaper comments had html enabled. I tried to make my message in a specific color (using hex code) and it just came out black. I also really miss the html helper. Posting in general just got harder after it was removed. I liked having the html tags insterted with a single click and then putting in the hex code I wanted. It also helped with images and links. I know some people prefer the drop down menu with the color or font names, but those give us less choices. Maybe we can have an option to change settings in the backroom, to switch between the old method and the new one. Or you can have the drop down menu with the color or font names, and then beside it an option button with a spot to put a hex code or font name of your choice if you want to use that instead. Maybe we can make posting in myOtaku similar to that of Otakuboards. It's definitely a lot easier to personalize your posts here. I think this idea would be most realistic in private messaging because it's similar to email. Oh, and why was linking disabled? It's even disabled in our own posts. I think it should be enabled again. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Well, let's see here. I was born in Saudi Arabia, but my roots are palestinian. I've never been to Palestine though *sniff. When I was six years old my family came to London, Ontario, Canada. We still live there. I just finished highschool and I'm off to University in the fall. I'm pretty excited about it too, but still nervous. I'm going to study science, but I might take a second degree in music. Speaking of music, I've been playing violin since grade seven, but I don't take private lessons. In grade seven and eight it was just part of my school's curriculum, and in highschool it was an optional course you can take for half of your lunch. I really enjoy playing violin and I hope I can take private lessons later on to improve my skills.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it would be a good idea if there were more fonts available to use when sending a greeting. They're greeting cards after all, and most people (I think) like to personalize them and make em fancy. Or you could have a place for the card sender to put in their own costum font. I also think there should be a place to put in a border color for the actual card itself (the picture), cause right now, they only have a black border when I send them.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]"Maybe"? lol If they're that unsure then maybe they shouldn't vote in the first place.[/QUOTE][COLOR="#004a6f"]Okay, fine, not 'maybe'. How about 'kind of'? Call it whatever you like, but you know what I mean! (Do you?). :confused: Anyway, there are pictures that I like alot better than others, and there are some that aren't too good, though you can see some good features to them. For instance, a person might draw very accurately, yet they have excellent shading, or vice-versa. Rather than put the person down and give them a zero without considering any effort that went into the picture, or any of the good tecniques, I'd would give them 'half a vote'.[/COLOR]