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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [QUOTE=Adam]We used to have a numbered scale system, but it was quite problematic. It was on a scale between 1-5 and our highest ranking artist had a 3.7. Now, you can see how discouraging a 3.7/5 is for the highest artist and most people ended up around the 3 range. It's one thing to be rated a 3.3 and another to know that 80% of the people who viewed your work liked it. The 80% number is DEFINITELY more encouraging than a 3.3/5. -Adam[/QUOTE][COLOR="#004a6f"]I would agree with you there. However, theotaku is alot more sophisticated now. People have to be myOtaku members in order to vote, and each person only gets one vote. In your old rating system, the only thing that prevented people from voting a second time was cookies, which could easliy be erased though. Some people would go so far as give a rating of 1 over and over agian, just to bring people's ranking's down. I was pretty disgusted by that. Anyway, I thing a ranking out of 10 rather than out of 5 would be more accurate. Or if that still doesn't sound appealing, how about adding 'maybe' to the yes or no voting system? 'Maybe' could be worth half a point.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks shippo, I 'm learning new techniques now. Look what I made! It has no signifiant meaning, but it looks cool! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19436[/IMG] Anyway, he is a more specific question: For the image below, how can I select the edges of the music notes so I can make beveled edges and such? Kind of like the way the edges of shapes are selected when you add them. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19437[/IMG][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Oooh yes, I like this one better than the pink banner you made. The words are easier to see than the other one. I love the background as well. Good stuff.[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/icons/icon14.gif[/IMG] P.S: Sorry it took so long to reply again, I'm not breaking our 'deal' (lol). Exams are close by and the stress is killing me.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I'd like to be a moderator. I believe I'm quite qualified because I'm pretty anal about everything I do. Therefore, I could help to keep the site as organised as possible, fixing spelling mistakes in the captions and such. I'm also quite good at detecting plaigiarism. I haven't been on the boards too long though but that doesn't have to do too much with theotaku anyway. I also have a decent number of my own drawings up, and know how much effort has to go into artwork, and have a great appreciation for all the artists' hard work.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Wow. These banners are awesome. Comparing the two, I'd say I like the one you made for Japan86 more than the one you made for yourself. I think you should have made the words a little bigger on yours. They're a little bit difficult to read. I also think you could have made your a little more complex. Other than that, I give them both a thumbs up.[IMG]http://fanart.theotaku.com/thumbup.gif[/IMG] P.S. I promise to keep your thread alive if you keep [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38851]mine alive[/URL]. It's a graphics program help thread and you seem like you know your stuff.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks, that really helped. I had looked up "border" in Photshop help contents and found nothing. How was I supposed to know you use "stroke"? Okay, I have another question: How do add all those cool swirly effects (you know for banners and such) using photoshop? An example of what I mean is shown in [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39637]Umuzaki Narutos's new banners[/URL].[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=Undefeated]Since you appear to be a little naive, let me explain to you something about life: Fact 1. Israel has suffered more terrorist attacks than any other nation. Period. Fact 2. It is the Palestinian's and the other insane Arabs attacking them. Fact 3. These terrorits are not real men. They hide in hospitals, refugee camps, and schools, knowing that the correct integrity of the Israeli people will hunt them down even there, causing bad PR. Fact 4. The Israeli people live in constant fear of attack. It is the government's responsibility to protect them. And that is what they are doing. The land Israel occupies is their divine right to have. No one should take it from them because it is theirs. YOU were the one tresspassing, not them. YOU stole their land, and thankfully real nations like the US and UK had the sense to give it back to the Israelis. No one tries to kill civilians in war except terrorists, and if you are Palestinian, I'm sorry but your "national army" is just a bunch of terrorists. Disgusting. If you are sick of civilians getting hurt then tell the fuking PLO to shut their mouths and fight like men not rats![/QUOTE][COLOR="#004a6f"]I believe the Palestinians are only said to be terrorists because they are the ones without a nation. The problem is that the Israeli [I]government[/I] is commiting the war crimes and apparently it seems wrong to label a government "terrorist". I understand that the Palestinians start alot of the attacks but the Israeli government does not retaliate properly. Just tell me [I]why[/I] they should massacre people in refugee camps? That only genertates more anger on the Palstinain part and they bring more attacks to themselves. Why can they destroy people's homes for no reason at all and deprive Palestinians of the necessities of life? For instance, Israeli citizens get [B]75%[/B] of all the water resources in Palestine. What should the Palestinians do to gain rights? It seems that everyone who has replied is not taking into account that the reason I made this post was because of the massacre that took place in Rafah. Do you support what they did? What about the massacres that took place in Sabra and Shatila in 1982? Do you support that too? You also call the palestinian militants "not real men". Do they have have large powerful tanks to hide behind? It is quite obvious that the Israeli forces have the upperhand when it comes to weapons. And they don't really hesistate to use them either. I'd say they are the ones who fight like rats and not like men. I understand that Israelis believe that Israel is their land, but that is only in their religion. Muslims actaully believe differently about who the land belongs to. Therefore, I don't think that religion should be used as a argument in this debate. One more thing. Since Israeli forces are purposely killing innocent civilians, they too are terrorists. How should the PLO fight huh? They don't attack civilians.[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Looks like someone has really bought into the anti-Semitist media outlets. Congrats, buddy, you don't know anything.[/quote][COLOR="#004a6f"]I am not anti-semetic. I have nothing against Jews. I am only against Zionism. Did I even mention the word "Jew" in my post?[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Shinji, I'm not saying that I support suicide bombing of civilains, just the Israeli forces. I stated that in my post. I just don't like the way that Israel deals with it by senselessly (or purposely) attacking innocent palestinians. Why aren't they labeled as terrorists like the suicide bombers? [QUOTE]They don't have an official homeland, yet. Just settlements.[/QUOTE] They Israelis [I]stole[/I] the land from us. It was palestine before 1948. [QUOTE]Destroy us all? sounds like a very skewed conspiracy theory there.[/QUOTE]Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm Palestinian too. And yes they do want to destroy us. They've commited many massacres so that provides proof.[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I've looked around, but I couldn't find anything...so, is there any way to duplicate the "blinds" effect in Adobe Photoshop 6? Can I download some plugin or something to do that particular effect?[/size'][/color][/quote][COLOR="#004a6f"] I checked the adobe site for you and I found some updates you can download. Go to this page : [url]http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=39&platform=Windows[/url]. If you scroll down you'll find updates for version 6. They even have a plugins update. However, I'm not sure if you will find the specific plugin you're looking for. You might have to update your photoshop to version 7. *Cough*Kazaa. Anyway, I have a question of my own. How do you add a border to an image using photoshop? I've been doing it the long way by pasting the picture inside another larger pure black picture (or some other color).[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I'm getting pretty angry with Israelis. They keep lying about the things horrible things they do in Palestine and think they can actually get away with it. The Palestinians are always labeled as terrorists when suicide bombers attack Israelis. I don't think this is fair. Palestinians have the right to defend their homeland! The Palestinians are constantly being oppressed by the Israeli government and I think they should do everthing they can to get their homeland back. Although I don't completely approve of attacking Israeli civilians, the suicide bombers see them as the enemy as well because they are living in our homeland and approving of what their government does to us. Whenever a suicide bomber attacks, Israelis respond by attacking refugee camps or destroying people's homes! And they always have some stupid exuse to back up their actions. "Oh, umm... the refugee camp was hiding other terrorists", or "Oh, that was the suicide bombers home". It's so stupid! They even end up killing innocent people, including children, in the proccess. "Oh, they were terrorists too". The five year old girl was a terrorist too huh? Why does the U.N let them get away with that? My point is that [I]Israelis[/I] are the [I]real[/I] terrorists! They actaually mean to kill innocent people and they want to destroy us all. Why is it that in the news you always hear: "Israeli forces stated that..." or "Israeli forces denied that..."? They have no proof! They only says things and right away people believe them. Lies, all lies. Anyway here is an article that only further proves my point:[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][B]Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday 19 May 2004 10:19 AM GMT [B]Israeli forces have fired on thousands of Palestinians peacefully protesting in the occupied Gaza Strip, leaving up to 20 dead and dozens injured.[/B] Scenes of panic and carnage unfolded as Israeli helicopters fired missiles and occupation soldiers fired tank shells and machineguns at demonstrators in Rafah on Wednesday. More than a dozen Palestinians have been confirmed killed, with witnesses and local medical staff telling Aljazeera up to 20 were feared dead. [IMG]http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/rdonlyres/130B11F6-E96E-4B3B-93CB-55DDC8CE7FCF/37708/1D499846D77144E789D574D0A5F555CB.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=1]A dead youth is carried from a scene of carnage in Rafah [/SIZE] [/B] At least 40 others - mainly civilians - were injured. The majority of those wounded were women and children, medical sources told Aljazeera's correspondent Samir Abu Shamala. Chaos swept the streets as survivors piled the wounded into vehicles. Hospital floors were drenched with blood as doctors shouted for help and blood donations. Staff treated the wounded on the floor after quickly running out of beds. More than 2000 Palestinians had been marching in protest against Israel's invasion of the neighbouring refugee camp. The Israeli military has denied it deliberately targeted the protesters but said tank fire may have been responsible for the many Palestinian deaths. The latest casualties raises to more than 40 Palestinians killed in Rafah refugee camp and the neighbouring city since Israel launched a massive assault on the camp early on Tuesday. [B]Teenagers killed[/B] Earlier, Israeli occupation forces shot dead four Palestinian civilians, including two teenagers, in the Rafah refugee camp. Israeli soldiers killed Muhammad Abu Nasr, 16, in the besieged Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood of the impoverished camp and a 13-year-old boy. [IMG]http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/rdonlyres/130B11F6-E96E-4B3B-93CB-55DDC8CE7FCF/37688/7F5EFDBB2AD347E2BC631242E026FCB0.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=1]Palestinians say Israel is carrying out war crimes[/SIZE] [/B] Khalil Abu Said, 37, was hit by an Israeli tank shell after coming out of his home carrying a white flag, said security sources. Israeli troops had ordered all men to leave their homes and surrender their weapons. They also called on resistance fighters to surrender. [B]Threats[/B] Occupation soldiers have also ordered by loudspeaker all males over 16 to gather in one place or risk demolition of family homes. Israel has threatened to carry out a systematic destruction of homes in the impoverished area since the start of the invasion. Some residents of the Rafah camp said men were emerging from homes but feared they would be harmed. Israeli tanks and infantry have poured into Rafah in defiance of international criticism, drawing UN and European Union criticism that the operation could make thousands of Palestinians homeless. Aljazeera + Agencies You can find this article at: [url]http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/130B11F6-E96E-4B3B-93CB-55DDC8CE7FCF.htm[/url] [COLOR="#004a6f"] I rest my case.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="#004a6f"]My family and I were discussing the video over the dinner table, and my brother began questioning the authenticity of the tape. My mother had read some articles pointing out all the little mistakes in the tape that made it fake. She told me that Nick Berg was probably already dead before his head was cut off. In the video, he was sitting unusually still with barely the slightest movement. Furthermore, she pointed out that his killers were probably not even Iraqi. She told me that the way they were standing was not an "Iraqi" way of standing, especially for militants. Their legs were a little too spread out and they kept shifting from one foot to the other. She said they were probably actaully Americans. Although they had their faces covered and you can't really tell who they are, their hands were pretty pale. Iraqis have dark skin. The man who was reading the speech kept turning his pages over and over again, all during one sentence. It's like he's not even reading off the pages! My mom said they probably have someone hidden somewhere whom they forced to read the speech, or they were playing a recording or something. I also heard screaming before they even charged at him. At first, I thought that maybe there was an error in the video file, but now I'm not so sure. I never really saw his face while he was screaming. I couldn't see his mouth moving either. The last mistake I saw was that not alot of blood came out when the head came off. The cut this severe should bring blood to gush out like crazy. This also helps to confirm that Berg was already dead before he was beheaded. Therefore, this might have been done by American soldiers who are just trying to destroy the Iraqi image to make people overlook the horrible and disgusting things they did with the Iraqi prisoners. *Edit: I forgot to mention that I did watch the video again to see these mistakes for myself.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="#004a6f"]In my opinion, nothing, absolutely NOTHING can justify the way Nick Berg was slaughtered. When I first heard the news I thought he was an american soldier, but even still I was totally against it. When I learned that he was a civilian, It made me even more angry. My brother managed to download the video off Kazaa and I gathered up my courage to watch it. I really wanted to know how it happened. Now I wish I didn't. It was horrific. Even before wathing it, my heart was beating really hard and fast. Watching the video, I could tell that Berg didn't even know it was coming. At first he was sitting on the floor, hands and feet tied up, with all the men standing behind him. He seemed pretty calm. One of the men was reading a speech off a paper in his hand. Every once in while he would pause after a statement and the others would say "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great). When he was finished, he handed the sheet to a man beside him and pulled a long knife out of his robe. Two men charged at Berg; on grabbed him by the hair and pushed his head to the ground and another held his feet down. The Beheading began. The literally sawed his head off. Very slowly. They didn't even start at the throat! They could have just slit the throat an let him die from that and then finish decapitating him, but no, the started on the side and let him [I]feel[/I] his head being decapitated. He screamed in agony, and the screaming went on for more than 30 seconds. The whole time, all the men kept repeating "Allahu Akbar!", "Allahu Akbar!". Eventually the screaming stopped, either because Berg was dead or he was unable to anymore. And the spend around another minute sawing at the neck and twisting it to get the head free (shudder). Berg's face looked so terrifying now. Finally, his killer held up his decapitated head. I let out a cry and ran out of the room. I am traumatized for life. Every time I even think of the video my heart starts pounding like crazy.[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]First off, the complete lack of emotional response to such a barbaric act astounds me. [i]A twenty-six year old man was slaughtered like a pig in front of the whole world, and his corpse dumped near a bridge.[/i] This isn't how war is fought. This is terrorism directed at innocent civilians. These men are disgracing themselves, their religion, and every moral standard every civilized society.[/color][/QUOTE]I could not believe that anyone can be so cruel and ruthless as this. It made me so angry because Berg was just a civilian. What was his crime? In their eyes, he was American, and that gives them every right to execute him. Even if he was an American soldier, it would still just too cruel. What made even more angry was the men saying "Allahu Akbar!" over and over again. That is NOT how Muslims behave! They're disgracing Islam and generating more hatred towards muslims and arabs. It's totally disgusting and barbaric. Sure, beheading is the way execution is carried out in our religion, but not like this. First of all, he was innocent; beheading is only done to murderers, and secondly, Allah asks that if a criminal is to be beheaded , that it be done with one quick swipe of a sharp sword. Even animals are treated better during slaughter than the way Nick Berg was.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks Adam, it works now. BUT... all my old posts that had the table code are wrapped in the code too. So I have tables within tables now. Could you impliment a feature that allows us to decide wether or not we want the post style each time we make a post? A check box or something like that, you know? [QUOTE=Adam]It's too annoying to implement a hex system, but if there are any colors you really want to see (that are reasonable and noticably different from the ones we have), just post a list here. -Adam[/QUOTE]It seems you made the new myOtaku only easier to use for non-advanced users when it comes to choosing font colors in replies to posts and guestbook entries and stuff. I honestly don't see the harm having the hex system on the side. For instance, you can have the drop down menu with the color names, and then beside it an option button with a spot to put a hex code if you want to use that instead. Just a suggestion.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="#004a6f"]For the post styles, I was wondering if you could add hex format for coosing font color for both subject and body. In addition, I think you should increase the character limit for the advanced costumization. My code keeps getting cut off. I have edited it alot to reduce the amount of unneccesary coding. But it's not enough. This is what my code is like with the "$body$" added in: [CODE]$body$[/CODE] It keeps getting cut off befor the word "$body$".[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks alot for trying, I really appreciate it, but I really doesn't suit my taste. I'm not saying it's bad or that mine's better, just everybody has different likes and dislikes. Anyway, I did specify that I wanted a background. It also needs a border, and without one, it seems a little empty. However, I do like the soft blurry effect you gave to the cat picture's edges.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I know the midi player was designed to play midis, but I've always used an mp3 file for my page. Now my song won't show up. It was working fine at first, but when I edited my profile, the song was removed. So pretty much it won't [I]let[/I] me add mp3s. Mp3s might be working on other people's pages, but that's only because they haven't edited their profiles yet. Another thing is that when I go to modify my posts, my custom moods are always deselected, and it's very annoying having to reselect them again.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Can someone make me a banner featuring these picture? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19008[/IMG] As you can see, the one I made in my sig is pretty simple. I would like one with a more complex background, but still a soft yellow color. Also please use the phrase: "A smile is a curve that sets things straight...", and my nickname in large letters as well, just like the one I have in my sig.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I use a style sheet on my page to change text-area color and the scrollbar color. However, ever since myOtaku was upgraded to v2, the scrollbar colors don't show up, but the text area color still does. So that shows my style sheet is working to a certain extent, but not completely. What's going on? Is the scrollbar code disabled or something?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it's [I]really[/I] good! If you can do this with paint, then who knows how good you would be with photoshop! My only suggestion is to smooth out the background and the edges of the text, unless you did it on purpose to obtain a "fuzzy peach" effect to go along with your theme.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I think there was probably and error in installation, or maybe the program does have a bug in it. Try installing it again.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I've decided to post an official thread where people can ask [I]specific[/I] questions about graphics programs and how to do the wierd and interesting effects and stuff with them. I checked with James to make sure such a post is allowed and he said 'go for it'. That way everyone can ask and answer questions in one thread. Remember, only ask [I]specific[/I] questions, so no: "how do I make a wallpaper?" or "how do I make a banner?" or "how do I use this program?" you got that? Syk3, I suggest that if people post such questions, simply delete those posts instead of replying to them and scolding the member. I really don't want this thread to be closed. So anyway people, ask away! Maybe someone has the answer you're looking for! I have quite a few questions myself.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Is it okay if I post an "official graphics program help" thread in the art studio forum? I'm just checking to make sure wether this topic would be closed or not. I think this would be helpful topic because I am sure that many people, including myself, have [I]specific[/I] questions on how to make graphics. I know Syk3 said that no one can tell you how to make a banner, and that people should stop making posts asking this question, but I need help! And I've tried the programs myself and played around with them a lot but need help with more advanced things that I just don't know how to do.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it would be nice if we could edit our guestbook and comment entries. I noticed that you disable links in introductions and comments and I think being able to use them is necessary. The only thing links should not be allowed on is in guestbook entries. I also think we should have a feature that tells us who's online, not just when people last updated. As for adding comments, I don't think letting it launch in a popup is a good idea. My firewall keeps blocking them even though I did set it to allow anything from your site. I always have to tinker around with it so they come up. For fanart, I think it should be given a rating out of 10, rather than "do you like it or not" but the final results be still dispayed as percentages. I also agree with cloricus about being able to use css properties for our pages. Like scrollbar and text-area for instance.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Syk3, do you mainly want avatars for new categories or are you fine with avatars for the popular animés? I posted some Dragonball Z and Inuyasha avatars but they havn't been uploaded. Is it because there isn't a big need for them or because James hasn't gotten around to it? I know how busy he is. Anyway, I'm not complaining or anything, you don't have to use the ones I posted but I'm just wondering what animés I should make more avatars for.[/COLOR]
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