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Everything posted by DBZgirl88
[COLOR="#004a6f"]TheOtaku and OB have gone a long way. There have been so many cool new innovations, especially the greeting card and wallpaper sites. Anyway, I think it would be awesome if TheOtaku also had an animé music video site. That would be sooooooo cool! I don't think we will have to worry about web space too much because not all the members know how to make music videos, or are just not interested. The site can also have a limit of space for each member to be on the safe side. It can also have a rating system and comments! So.... whadya think?[/COLOR]
[color="#004a6f"]I'm just wondering, since some of us are actually attaching avatars and there is a limit of 5 attachments per post, can we double post if we have more?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Okay, here is my entry. A classic house; pretty boring, but that's as far as my imagination can go. Shading is pretty bad too but I kind of rushed this one. I wish I could draw trees but I'm terrible at them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"][IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/Inuyasha/Sango.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Name:[/B] Sango [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/Inuyasha/Sesshoumaru2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Name:[/B] Sesshoumaru [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/Inuyasha/Sesshoumaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Name:[/B] Sesshoumaru [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/Inuyasha/Kouga5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Name:[/B] Kouga [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/Inuyasha/Sango2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Inuyasha [B]Name:[/B] Sango[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"][IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/DragonballZGT/vegeta.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Dragonball Z/GT [B]Name:[/B] Vegeta [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/DragonballZGT/gogetass4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Dragonball Z/GT [B]Name:[/B] Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/DragonballZGT/ss4_goku.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category[/B] Dragonball Z/GT [B]Name:[/B] Super Saiyan 4 Goku [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/DragonballZGT/gogeta.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Dragonball Z/GT [B]Name:[/B] Gogeta [IMG]http://img49.photobucket.com/albums/v149/Chabichou/Avatars/DragonballZGT/ss4gogeta.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Dragonball Z/GT [B]Name:[/B] Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I'm just wondering, do the avatars [I]have[/I] to have a border? Also, can we make them [I]below[/I] the size limit?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Personally, that is the one main thing that bugs me about some animés. It's not too bad if they're not focusing on the sexual aspect of the nudity. However, I think nudity is popular because of Japanese culture itself. For instance, Japanese enjoy sitting in hot springs, naked ofcourse, but only with people of the same sex. So I wouldn't really mind it nudity in that situation or anything that has to do with bathing as long as they don't get too graphic.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Hmmm... pretty good considering it was done with paint. Although it is simplistic with very few effects, you chose a good picture to start with and I like how it's the side of the head. You also managed to get a border, so that makes it look more professional. Good work.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Maladjusted, when are we going to move on to the next category? We wanted this contest to be a success right? It seems that this thread has been forgotten.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I have a suggestion for pictures to use. You know the animé "Card Captor Sakura"? Well, many of the "cards" she captures represent these elements you want displayed. Infact, all of your quiz results can have a picture of a "card" exept for the gothic one. There is no card for the sun or moon, but Sakura's two guardians represent them. It's a start...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Okay, here is my entry for the original animé category. I don't have a name for this character or a specific purpose in life. All I know is that she can fight and she has a powerful interchangeable weapon with her. Right now it's a sythe. Hmmm... I guess she looks a bit crazy with it, kind of like a serial killer. Meh...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004A6F"]No, you shouldn't post your picture under original animé. You should go to the suggestions and feedback forum and ask for a new fanart category. That's what I did when they added the Captain Tsubasa category. If that doesn't work try emailing Adam or James personally of send them the private message.[/COLOR]
[color="#004a6f"]Oh that's a relief. Just a typo I see. And one other thing: I'm kind of getting confused with the due dates. You say tommorow, and then you say it agian the next day. I think you should say the actual date like "Feb 26 at midnight".[/color]
[quote name='maladjusted][color=firebrick']Heh, no, you get anything counted off.[/color][/quote] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Does that mean I'm disqualified? Or I get points off? Or just this specific picture doesn't count?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Ok here is my entry and the original aswell. I just want to tell you I drew this when the contest was first mentioned so it's already on the fanart site.. I didn't have time to draw a new picture. I hope I don't get disqualified. Please have mercy....lol.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004A6F"]Maladjusted , is only the fan art due tommorow or the original art as well? I'm not sure when the contest started cause my mom never lets me on the computer anymore, and I only get to go on at school.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I'm having a small problem on myOtaku. I'm not sure whether you disabled links or not, but when I put a code in for a link when I comment on somebody's post sign somebody's guestbook, or in my introduction, it doesn't show up. However, it does work when I make a new post. Don't worry, I'm not spamming with these links or promoting my sites or anything. I just like linking to other members when I mention them in posts. Or sometimes somebody asks for help on something and I give them a link to where they can find their answers.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR="#004a6f"]Oh great, now you've made me feel guilty, but to answer your three questions:[SIZE=2][list=1] [*]I don't really think downloading animé is too immoral, because the artists are probably swimming in money anyway. And for the animé to actually get on the computer somebody had to buy the DVD or video in the first place, and then they just put a less valuble version on the computer. You can't really compare downloading illegal multimedia to actually stealing from a store. Most people who download probably can't offord the DVDs, which can have blazingly high prices, or maybe they missed an episode of their favorite animé on T.V, and just want to watch that particular episode. That's usually the case for me. [*]I don't think I would buy DVDs if I didn't download animé. Although I am a big fan, I am a very frugal person and don't spend alot of money on entertainment. There are more important things in life you see. [*]I don't think foreign animé companies are aware of how popular fansubs are. Otherwise, stores would be loaded with merchandise of animé series that haven't even been dubbed yet.[/list][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I like it alot. Your choice of font is good (what font is it by the way?), and the background picture looks cool, though I can't tell what it is either. It doesn't look like soldiers....[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I can tell you right now why InuYasha is so popular. BECAUSE IT'S AIRED ON CARTOON NETWORK! It's just the next "thing" for everyone to be into. First it was DBZ, then it was Cowboy Bebop, now it's InuYasha. It's disgusting, really. Anything they show on CN will automatically be "everyone's favorite anime." That's pretty much why I avoid the network anime series. What's really aggrivating is that I was reading the InuYasha manga months before they ever dreamed of airing it on CN. Gah, it gets on my nerves.[/color][/size][/QUOTE][color="#004a6f"]I don't even live in the US, so I can't get Cartoon Network, only YTV (Canadian). It was my friend who got me into Inuyasha. At first I only wanted to watch the english episodes, which just came out last september on YTV. They only show 2 episodes a week, so I decided to give the subbed version a try. She had all the subbed episodes burned on CDs so we could get through alot more episodes. I like the subbed version more, the voices suited the characters better and it was less corny than the dubbed version. I know how you feel though. However, I don't mind animé series airing on big networks just as long as big companies don't start making merchandise off them That's just disgusting...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Yes, but it's not through myOtaku. You can create a *.css file and adjust the text color of the whole site. In the *.css file I used for my site, I made the text color white, so it's white everywhere. I have to add a font color="000000" tag to all my posts so they show up against the white background now. [/B][/QUOTE][color="004a6f"]I don't think we're allowed to use stylesheets on the boards. In my first post, I actually used html coding instead of vb coding. I also had a style sheet code in it, so it changed the scrollbar color. Anyway, a moderator edited my post and told me not to use css.[/color]
[color="#004a6f"]Yeah, I actually liked [i]Lord of the Flies[/i], which is awkward because most students hate any books their teachers "force" them to read. It was written in the sixties, so I think it might be difficult to understand sometimes, just the expressions they use or the characters' style of talking. I thought it was a very powerful book and I highly recomend it to anyone. Anyway, thanks for your insight, it's highly appreciated.[/color]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I'm just wondering, just yesterday I finished a fanart pic, though I wasn't thinking about the contest, I just wanted to send it in to the fanart site. Then I realized I could use it for the contest. Is it all right if I send it in to the fanart site before I send it in for the contest?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]And Chibichou, don't act like a mod. Report the post and leave it alone. [/B][/QUOTE][color="004a6f"]Heh heh heh.... ok I won't;), but I'm not they only non-mod who reminds members of the rules, infact this was only my time...[/color]
[color="004a6f"]I'm just wondering, what does it really take to get banned? I was browsing the boards today and came across a really bad thread: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37217[/url], but the person didn't even swear or anything, they were just saying they were really bored and wanted somebody to talk to them. I told them that they should've made a better quality post, and warned them that it will probably be closed by a moderator. I came back to the thread and like I expected it was closed, but the user was also banned. [i]"Already?..."[/i] I thought. I saw that they had made no other posts. So, I'm just wondering why didn't they get a second chance or even a warning from a moderator. It says in the rules you at least get a first warning. No offence, but I think whoever banned them was tad bit harsh, no matter how crappy that post was. Did they make an offensive PM to a moderator or something?[/color]