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Everything posted by DBZgirl88
[COLOR="004a6f"]Yeah I thought one week fo ALL of them. Phew that's a relief...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][i][color=firebrick]For the drawings, there will be a one week limit to turn in your art.[/i][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color="#004a6f"]No offence, maladjusted, but I think that's a pretty unreasonable due date. Some people take quite long just to finish one picture, and since some of us do have school to worry about, we don't have time to finish all these in a week, so could you please extend the due date? I say two weeks at the least...[/color]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I love coffee, but I would never drink it plain. I have to have cream or coffee-mate in it, not to mention about 3 or four teaspoons of sugar. I also love the smell of coffee, especially when you first open the can. As for my favourite kinds... I like the english toffee cappichino, the one you can get at Tim Hortons, a restuarant in Canada. My city has the most locations in Canada, so we're called the "Tim Hortons city" You can find a Tim Hortons about every block. They're very easy to find, and if you miss it while driving , just keep driving for a minute and you'll get to another one. There's that many...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nomad [/i] [B]...And the mispelling of straight throws things off also.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Oops! I didn't realized I made a spelling error. Now that really is a big turn off. However, everybody, thanks for your input. I'm working on making it better now and I will fix the spelling error:). I'm glad everybody was honest, no matter how harsh your opinion was. Kinetic stated that Nomad was too harsh, but I don't think so. If that's what he really thinks, that's fine, he simply said he didn't like it, and gave his reasons. You don't have to hide the truth from me, I can take it...;). Anyway, I agree with Darkest Moment about the border, so I will add one.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I'd like to join, but I'm worried I won't do too well. I've never really drawn landscapes, and never drawn original animé either. Although my art is considered good, I always use an original picture as a guide, so I just recreate it, but If I tried drawing on my own... it doesn't turn out too well. I guess I'm a very technical person, but not too creative. Anyway, my point is I will join, but I might end up backing out of the contest if It proves to be too difficult for my feable artisitc abilities.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I don't spend anything on animé. I just watch whatever comes on T.V, and download episodes off the internet. The only time I would consider spending money on animé is if I ever buy a good animé movie. Some of them are pretty cheap. My friend got me Princess Monoke for my birthday, and it was only 10 bucks! Pretty good deal eh? But I don't really buy non-animé reltated movies either, so I should get into the habit.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Umm do you mean restored back to how it was before it was deleted? I don't think it's possible. I think you will have to make your account again from scratch. Yeah I know it's a bummer... but hurry and get your nickname before someone else does![/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]There is no new OB rule. I don't even know what's happened with thread deletion. I always presumed that people [i]weren't[/i] able to delete their own threads. So the revelation that it was possible surprised me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Actually James, you did state in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30058]OtakuBoards Posting FAQ[/URL] that you can delete posts:[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B]To edit your post, simply click the edit button located at the bottom of your post. You may also delete your posts or threads through the edit option, if you wish.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Infact, recently I went to edit a post, and I had the option to delete the post at the top of the page. I tried it, but then it said I wasn't allowed to.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I just noticed that there is a link error on the greeting card page on theotaku. The link "submit card" for some odd reason links to an OtakuBoards thread but when you click it, it says "invalid thread". Weird....[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Ok this is my first banner. It's a bit simplistic since I am not very experienced with potoshop. I mainly worked on making the word "Chabichou" have a fuzzy outline. I did that by duplicating the text layer, changing the font color of one and adding a blur filter to it. Then I lined the two text layers up and blured the second layer to give the whole thing a softer look. Other than that the banner was just cut and paste, and paintbucket. I just wish I new how to make a nicer background for it. For my wallpapers I just used the gradient tool, but I'm kind of getting bored with that. [b]Edit:[/b] Ok, I fixed the spelling error, and added a border.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HunkyCorn [/i] [B]But I soooo confused in GT for some reason... why can Vegeta cut his hair?[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]I know that pure Saiyans don't need to cut their hair, but that doesn't mean they can. I think each unique saiyan has a specific length for their hair, and they can cut their hair, and it will grow back to that length. Perhaps vegeta just maitains his haircut in GT. Seems like a logical explaination to me. For intsance, it's not like body hair keeps growing, it only grows back to the same length it was before it was removed, maybe a little bit longer. As for Goku, who always seems to grow his hair back instantly when cut off during battle, I think that's just something thats adds humor to the show.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I don't get it. I made [b]sure[/b] that java and javascript are enabled. It's not working... :mad: . I keep clicking the stupid link and it just keeps going to the top of the stupid page... I even tried it in netscape, and it didn't work. Man, I wanna cry. I just wanna see the new feature!!!:bawl: edit: ok, I checked out the code you used for the link. For example you linked to the comments using this code: Comments (5) Yes, I guess that's a Javascript code, but this specific one won't work for me. I tried using a slightly different code, and it did work. Comments (5) The only difference between the two codes is the one you're using has "onClick="MM_openBrWindow" and the one I tried has "onClick="JavaScript:window.open" So yeah, for now, to get to the comments page, I have to look up the page address in the code, but I still managed to see it! What do you think is the problem Adam?[/COLOR]
General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Charles Male Otaku of the Year: Charles Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Staff Member of the Year: James Funniest Member of the Year: Charles Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: wrist_cutter Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam Best Newbie: Dagger IX1 Best Oldie: James Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1 Most Improved Member of the Year: Baron Samedi Favorite Banned Member: Thread of the Year: Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Charles Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): James Best Location (Best Specific Location): Drix D?Zanith Best Otaku Couple: Charles/Japan_86 Best Looking Otaku: Juuthena Otaku Clique of the Year: Best MyOtaku: LazeChibi Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Writer of the Year: Orginal Story of the Year: Role-Player of the Year: Brawler of the Year: RPG of the Year: Kill Adam Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: Japan_86 Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior Otaku Anime Otaku of the Year: Dagger IX1 .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Dragonball Guru of the Year Digipeep of the Year: Gundam Member of the Year: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Otaku Gamers Otaku Gamer of the Year: Nintendo ?Mario? Award: Sony Award: X-Box Award: PC Gamer of the Year: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): James Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Queen Asuka Best Spriter: Dragonballzman Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Shinmaru Square/Enix Member of the Year: PokéPlaque (Pokemon):
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]It uses javascript to launch the page. If you have javascript disabled on your computer, it won't work. GB - yeah, that's something I think is important too. This is a very new feature so we'll be tweaking things. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]But I do have javascript enabled... sigh... my computer is so messed up. It keeps on messing up certain javascripts.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Ooooh............ I've always wanted this feature. I'm glad Mars implemented it. Unfortunately, it's not working for me. When I click on the comments link, it doesn't go to a new page. It just goes to the top of the page. Are there any internet settings I should change? I also have a firewall. For instance, it used to block the jukebox page from coming up when I clicked the link (well at least I think it did), so could it also be the cause of this? Oh and one other note: when I go to view a picture, I noticed that the comments link for instance, "http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=12138#" is the same for the juke box, so the jukebox won't launch from that specific page either. I have a feeling their might be slight error in coding, but I can't blame Mars. He worked so hard on this probably stayed up so long to get it done.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=gray]Here is a poem that I wrote for English class when we were studying Lord of the Flies. Anyway, your insight is highly appreciated.[/COLOR] [COLOR="#004a6f"][B][U]Beast[/B][/U] You cannot escape me, For I live deep within you. I am a part of you. I am you. You cannot escape me. You are my refuge. I feed off your sin, Your anger, Your hatred, And your wicked lies. You cannot escape me. I am a reflection of who You really are. And I will hunt you down, For I am a beast, Yet I am more than that... I am your pain, Your agony, Your fear, And your suffering. I am hatred, Violence, Panic, And corruption. I am evil, As so you are. You cannot escape me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Well if all the beginning and ending theme songs for Inuyasha count as J-pop or J-rock then yes, I guess I do listen to it. I love Inuyasha music!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Well, when I used to send in my art, it wasn't being uploaded. And I would send it again, and it would be uploaded. If we are convinced that there is nothing wrong with our fanart (ie. there isn't too much white space, it's our own work, it's actually anime related, etc.) is it ok to send it in at a later time? I remember Adam saying he's more prone to rejecting fanart if he's in a bad mood.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]To change your email, just go to "edit content", you can change your email in your contact information there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it would be a good idea to have an OtakuBoards banner design contest for the new version coming out. Not that I'm good enough at making graphics to stand a chance, but it would be be nice to see how creative OtakuBoards members can be. The best banner will be chosen as the new banner for the site. Ofcourse James can still design one and the others don't match up he can just use that instead. If James has a specific color sceme in mind he could request certain colors to be used in the banners. If James doesn't want to be the judge the banners everybody can just vote. What do ya think?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#666666] I will say one thing though, when comparing American and Japanese animation. I notice that with a lot of anime productions (whether they are series or feature length), individual backdrops and landscapes are so much more vibrant and detailed than what you see in American cartoons. When I watch an American cartoon series, I often notice repetitive backgrounds, or backgrounds with very few details at all. Obviously that occurs to some extent in anime, but generally, I find anime to be the more "artistic" of the two. Of course, there are variations within each type of animation...so again, one cannot generalize about it. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Yes, although I did "complain" about certain aspects of japanese animation, one must not forget about how hard the animators work to make their productions beautiful. Japanese animation requires alot of detail, and not only in the landscapes, but in the characters as well. Thier outfits can have pretty complex shapes and of course, the hair and the eyes. Imagine drawing 25 cells in a row just to make those quiver when a character is upset or something. I for one know how difficult it is to get the eyes just right, to bring out the proper emotion that person is experiencing.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]A few months ago, someone created a thread about whether or not Teen Titans could be considered anime. I doubt that the show's creator intended for it to be anime--after all, it's based on western comic books. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Yeah, I was going to ask about that. I've seen the show a few times, and I new it was american, but something about the animation seemed Japanese. And the thing is they didin't do it by using huge shiny eyes. I was mainly through the expressions made on the character's faces. I think they've done a pretty good job at that. Personally, I would have no problem with an non-japanese animé, just as long as the true style is preserved. Infact, we can even improve on the style. For instance, one little thing about animé I dislike is how a person's mouth only opens and closes when they talk, even though some particular sounds need different lip and tongue movements. Western animation however, recognizes this aspect. Another thing that bugs me is that in some animé shows, a person is really still when they're not in action or not talking. For instance, a group of people is in conversation, one person talks and all those who are not are really still, not the slightest movement, unless they are reacting to what the person is saying. They don't even blink! I hope you people know what I mean and that I'm not crazy.[/COLOR]
Wow, I never new that they changed the show that bad. I've only seen CardCaptors, and the only thing they changed that I am aware of is the ending. I was downloading music videos and found some clips of how it really ends. I like the show, but I'm sure the Japanese version is better. It's kind of corny in the english version. And the names... like Li and Meilin, those are supposed to be their last names! And what's up with "Madison"? Isn't Tomoyo easy enough to say?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I don't really know what the point of this post is other than to make her look dumb, but I [i]moved[/i] it here. Back on topic everyone. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything rude. I was just pointing it out, because I was "defending" the first poster.:confused: Anyway, I'll try to stick to the topic and stop posting pointless posts.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]this should go into the Suggestions and Feedback forum, in the Myotaku Problems thread. Here is the link. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35734]MyOtaku Problems Thread[/URL] Just so you know that next time. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]This [I]is[/I] the right thread. I think you got mixed up, ha ha. Oh well, that's ok, we all make mistakes.[/COLOR]:whoops: