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Everything posted by DBZgirl88

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I think it's a bit much to ask for Adam to host images and such as well as the whole system everyone is using to post in the first place. Giving 5 MBs to all the users there would result in a pretty big amount of space. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I see what you mean. Now that I think about it, there are over 10000 members on myOtaku. 5 megs x 10000 = 50000 megs! 50 gigs! But I did say it could be less than that, lol. Theotaku.com probably doesn't take up alot of space in the first place does it?
  2. [COLOR="#oo4a6f"]Yeah it works now, but mine was so close in characters to that number. I think you should still make it longer. At least 100... ^_^[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heezay [/i] [B]What country/city do you live in? I know, every member has a location tag, but people either don't take it seriously, can't spell the words right, or leave it blank. For example I live in Saudi Arabia. No, I don't have to dodge bombs every day. In fact, I've lived here for two yearsand have never witnessed a terrorist attack before. 2 years earlier I lived in the United States. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="#004a6f"]Wow, I was born in Saudi Arabia, lived there for almost 7 years. But I don't consider my self Saudi Arabian, and I can actually say that because you can't get citizenship there. My parents are palestinian, so those are my roots, so I'm palestinian. And that's what they call us anyway. Anyway, I live in Canada. Great place, minus how freezing it gets in winter. The people are are nice, and our government doesn't but into other countries' business so much like the U.S (no offence), so other countries actually like us![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it would be a good idea for each myOtaku user to have a small amount of space (about 5 megs, or even less) for hosting files, specifically images for their backgorunds, stylesheets, and midi files. That way, there would be no webhosts blocking hotlinking, and we can always be sure that the myOtaku server is up. Other hosts can sometimes pose problems and images won't show up, or a person gets mixed up with the url if they use alot of hosts. And if you don't wan't this feature to be abused for other purposes, you can just restrict certain file types and prevent hotlinking as well.[/COLOR]
  5. Hey Adam, the code works now, but for some reason, It keeps cutting off long urls. My images won't show up because the url is cut off. I tried it with a smaller url and it worked though.
  6. [COLOR="#004a6f"]This is picture I drew of Captain Tsubasa. I used to watch this animé when I was growing up in Saudi Arabia. It hasn't been translated into english yet, I used to watch it in Arabic. I wish they would show it here in the west, cause I think it's very appropriate anime for kids, but It's kind of old, but only as old as Dragonball. It's pretty cool, if your a big soccer fan.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Wow, I really like the style editor on myOtaku. It really saves me the trouble. But one little bug: the background won't work on the style editor. At first, I thought it wasn't working because I already had a code in my posts for a background image. I had put the background code in every post so the background would show up on every page, even when you clicked to see comments. You see, I also wanted the background to also show up on my guesbook page, and I was getting sick of cramming my posts with codes. But now I wanted to try the style editor for my background instead and it's not working. I even tried making a fresh new account (just a temporary one to test on) with no posts and trying the background thing on that but it still didn't work.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="#004A6F"]I'm not sure how the number of votes affect the ratings, but on the fanart site, there are alot of people with extremely high ratings, but they don't turn up on the highest rated artists list, and most of them only have 1 picture. Is the list for the highest averages, or for the people with the highest number of "yes" votes?[/COLOR]
  9. I think a good animé should have an interesting and well though out storyline. There should alos be a wide range of personality types among the characters. The music should suit the mood of the animé. Friendship, romance, adventure, comedy, and mystery should all be part of the overall theme. The art should also be well drawn. The style should remain consitstent. For instance, one of the most annoying things I find in Dragonball Z is the characters' looks keep changing. I know, sometimes they look better, but then suddenly out of nowhere, they have the shabbyest art I've ever seen and it drives me nuts! I also think the art should be inspiring to the artists, just watching the anime makes you want to pick up a pencil and start drawing!
  10. [COLOR="#004a6f"]I think I made this post before, but no body replyed because I guess I posted in the wrong place. Anyway, I think the greeting card workshop is a great idea. I was wondering if there could also be a wallpaper workshop as well. I think alot of people would like to display their talent in that field. ^_^[/COLOR]
  11. Hmmmm.... let me think....... My favorite scene would probably be when Vegeta got killed by Frieza; I thought it was so sweet how he cried. My second favorite scene is when vegeta let out his furious final flash attack for the first time on cell. That was one sweet attack! Yeah I like Vegeta.... And my third favorite scene is when Piccolo and Android #17 battled, especially the part when Piccolo tricked 17 and managed to surround him with hundreds of energy balls, and then directed all of them at him!
  12. I think you mignt need to adjust your browser settings. If you click "browse boards with cookies", it probably makes the actual website give you the cookies, if you click no, then the site will just leave you alone. However, your browser settings might be blocking cookies, so make sure to check your internet options, change your privacy settings, probably to medium. With me, to be on the safe side, I chose to accept all cookies coming specifically from theotaku.com.
  13. [COLOR="#004a6f"]Dragonball GT only recently came out on YTV, a Canadian channel. So far I don't really like it. It doesn't have the "DBZ feel" as some of you say. The style of drawing looks different, especially when I look at scenery. And the characters appear alot weaker than they should be. They don't display their incredible power like they did in DBZ, the power that's able to split the earth and destroy mountains. The fighting is less intense. But... these are only the first few episodes, some say it gets alot better in later episodes, so we have that to look forwrd to. I've heard goku reaches a power level close to 1 billion, that should be interesting, not to mention Super Saiyan 4. That would be sweet to see.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="#004A6F"]Well, actually, I myself wanted to try some of the funkier codes, like making it snow on the page, or mouse trailors. The scrollbar code was just an example. I don't have a problem using stylesheets, it's just for other users with less html experience. Another user, [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/LazeChibi]LazeChibi[/URL], has an html help website for myOtaku users, called [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/lazechibi]Simplicity[/URL]. I contacted her and told her people want to know how to change scrollbar colors and suggested we could put up some style sheet templates.[/color]
  15. [COLOR="#004A6F"]How come dynamic html codes don't work on myotaku? Alot of other coding works but not dhtml. I've even tried adding head and body tags to my posts but they still don't work. Many myOtaku users are interested in changing scroll bar colors on their myOtaku pages, and the code for that is actually a dhtml code. Some advanced users use style sheets to over come this problem, and many users ask us how we did it. I'd like to simple tell them to insert the dhtml code for it, but that wont work so we have to explain the whole concept of stylesheets[/color] :confused:
  16. Here is a poem that I wrote for English class when we were studying Lord of the Flies. Anyway, reviews are highly appreciated. [color="#006E9B"][B]BEAST[/B] You cannot escape me, For I live deep within you. I am a part of you. I am you. You cannot escape me. You are my refuge. I feed off your sin, Your anger, Your hatred, And your wicked lies. You cannot escape me. I am a reflection of who You really are. And I will hunt you down, For I am a beast, Yet I am more than that... I am your pain, Your agony, Your fear, And your suffering. I am hatred, Violence, Panic, And corruption. I am evil, As so you are. You cannot escape me.[/COLOR]
  17. No I don't really believe in Ki energy. You can't run out of "life energy" unless you stop eating or your mitochondira don't work or something. Really your body gets it's energy chemically. Training only helps your body to process energy better. "Ki" seems to refer to your soul in a way. Souls don't need energy, they're just there. Although it would be cool if everybody could sense each other through a deeper kind of "soul energy".
  18. I'm muslim, so I believe that whichcraft is sinful. The reason for this is that whichcraft can only be done by communicating with jins (demons), and it can't be used for good. God forbids us to communicate with demons. Although, wiccans don't believe they are communicating with demons to preform their magic in their religion, they actually are (according to my religion), they just don't realize it. However, if the kind of cool magic that we see on T.V (like Harry Potter) was real I don't think that would be a problem if it was used for good. I guess God can decide whether or not to give you magical powers. However, I completely respect wiccans and have nothing against them.
  19. [COLOR=purple]I think that Adam stated not to send in non-original animé art to the original animé category, so I would like to make a request for a new category. That is what Adam told us to do. So, Adam could you please add a "Captain Tsubasa" category to the fanart website? It is a pretty old animé series, and has not been translated into English. Or could you add an "Other" category? If other members would like to make category requests, just do so in your replies.[/COLOR]
  20. You cannot escape me, For I live deep within you. I am a part of you. I am you. You cannot escape me. You are my refuge. I feed off your sin, Your anger, Your hatred, And your wicked lies. You cannot escape me. I am a reflection of who You really are. And I will hunt you down, For I am a beast, Yet I am more than that... I am your pain, Your agony, Your fear, And your suffering. I am hatred, Violence, Panic, And corruption. I am evil, As so you are. You cannot escape me.
  21. Make sure you set you cookie settings to allow myotaku.com to send you cookies. I think that is the problem because that's what happened to me at first and I changed my cookie settings to fix it.
  22. I was wondering how one can become an otaku moderator? Is it the number threads you post that determines your status?
  23. Thanks a lot for telling me that. I'm not much of a writer, but I'll try to put more effort into my posts. And as for MY least favourite animé, I would have to say Yu Gi Oh. I absolutely hate shows that completely revolve around games. They make it seem so serious when it shouldn't be. I also dislike beyblade for the same reason. An Metabots......
  24. What is your LEAST favourite animé and why?
  25. Yeah I like my ring background too. But apperently that's the only background I ever use for my wallpapers, just different colours of it. I need to find a new one.
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