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Stick Fairy

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Everything posted by Stick Fairy

  1. [color=indigo] ((OOC: Sorry for the late response, but school just started. *kicks it*)) Kakaulani turned back to the others, arms folded in impatience. "You would think that after centuries of sleep, they would move a little bit faster," she muttered, tapping one foot against the damp ground. As pleased as she was to see her fellow guardians- which wasn't that pleased at all, to be honest- it struck her every time how slow they could be. One of them had once told her that her haste was a sign of foolishness, and that the reason the rest moved with caution was that they thought about what was to come. Though to Lani, that was merely a sign that they were afraid to move forward. At least she would never have that fear. "Could you possibly move any slower Melina, Ty?" Just because she had promised herself not to get angry didn't mean she couldn't heckle them a little. "After all, it's not best to keep Hudrenda waiting. Especially if he's worried about something." The fact that he worried made her a bit nervous as well. Not even to mention the fact that they were all awake again. Well, the term awake might be wrong to describe her condition, as only her mind had come out of her supposedly eternal slumber, but she could assume the rest would follow in due course. Especially if they had all regained consciousness within. She wasn't sure which she would prefer though- the chance that she was the only one awake, with no one to share it with, or having to put up with the rest of them. Her mental image of herself stretched its wings and flew to an ancient looking tree, the tallest in the whole garden. Once, when she was still human, she had climbed to the top and spent the whole day feeling as if she was right underneath the ceiling of the sky. The memory was both a sweet and a sour one, but it flew from her mind as she approached the being who stood underneath it. "Hello, Hudrenda. Have you had a nice nap?" She smiled wryly, but her eyes were excited. Now that they had reunited, perhaps things would change. Hopefully for the better. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo] It seems I'm coming out of retirement for a short while... Name: Experiment #1 Kakaulani Washi ("Lani") (Guardian of the Sky) Age: Thousands of years old. Apperance: Slender and of medium height, Lani has skin tinted slightly gray, and hair of much the same color. She wears a pale yellow dress that's torn and stained with dirt in many places, and her legs and arms are wrapped with white ribbons. Also, she sports large, white wings streaked with gray and black. Weapons: A long black whip with a silver handgrip that's etched with ancient runes, also her wings which she can use as fighting extentions of her body (almost like extra arms or legs). Bio: Lani enjoyed protecting the skies, as well as helping their residents and the humans coexist. When the gods took their anger out on the guardians, she was hurt that someone would do such a thing. She never tried to usurp any god, yet still she was punished, simply for caring for the sky and its creatures. While she enjoyed the ability to fly, she was unable to rejoin society, making her an outcast among the people she had tried to protect. She was no longer content to help humans when they had shunned her, and gratefully accepted the eternal rest that the mother earth offered. Once awoken from her sleep, she was furious to see that humans had yanked her from her peace only to use her again, without any intention of accepting her. She fled the laboratory, and now hides in a tall mountain cave with only her other winged friends to keep her sane, and stop her from an attack against the humans. She loves her fellow guardians, yet mourns the loss of their freedom, and will not be easily convinced to see any of them. Ablitites: Flight- Hopefully self-explanitory. Gray Whirlwind- Stirs air into a funnel, completely surrounding the target, and thereby cutting off their air supply, so they are unable to breathe. Nearly impossible to break through from either the inside or outside, though the top could be a weak point. Flow Whisper- An ability allowing her to send messages on gusts of wind and have them be heard by whoever she wishes, but no outsiders can hear it. Life Breeze- A healing ability, which calls on the power of the air to heal wounds and sicknesses. Cannot heal fatal wounds or illnesses, but can stop them from progressing for a short time. ~~~ Hope that's everything. ^^ I'll try to revise this a bit, and make it better before it starts. If I can't, I still look forward to RPing this one out again. ^^ ~SF [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] I cry at most movies, sad or just depressing. With TV and anime, I usually just cry when something either shocks me, a character I really like dies, or a character (whether I like them or not) dies stupidly, senselessly, or just annoyingly. Like a character dying when they shouldn't have had to to move the plot, or dying in a stupid way, will make me cry a little. But then, I'm one of those people who [I]finds[/I] things to cry about. Lots of people will laugh in those situations perhaps, or yell, or rant on a blog, or do something else strange like that. We all react differently. If it is something that actually affects us inside (as much as anime can affect a person, which is also different per person), then it will most likely be expressed by whichever way has the most meaning to us. For example, if one of my favorite characters died, I probably [I]wouldn't [/I] cry. Rather, I'd go online and IM everyone on my buddy list ranting about it. That's my style. [/color]
  4. [color=deeppink] OOC: Wow, I'm so sorry for not posting! It'll be hard for me to post much, but I'll post as often as possible. IC: Asa blinked. First she had her own weapon, then there was that strange presence, which was surprising in itself, but equally surprising that she could feel it. After that, Karanlik had disappeared, and they had taken a two-hour tour of nowhere, leading up to a flat plane that looked totally devoid of life. The journey had made her testy, annoyed, to the point where she randomly started yelling at people. That was more shocking than anything else that happened, it hurt her inside more than any wound she had recieved in battle. [i]I always wanted to help people, not hurt them. What am I doing?[/i] She wandered over to a flat rock and sat down. Cocoa cam and sat next to her, and together they watched as Rokuki started searching the plains. Asa shook her head. [i]I need to get a grip on myself. If I don't like what I'm doing, I have to change it.[/i] She closed her eyes, one hand resting on Cocoa's back, the other on her staff. She breathed deeply, focusing on herself. She tuned out all noise, Matt and Austin talking to eachother, Rokuki scampering about. Suddenly a force intruded into her thoughts, jolting her back into the outer world. "What- what on earth was that?" OOC: Again sorry for not posting, I'll try to do it more. Just two things to remember- one, Cocoa is still here last time I checked. And two, Asa is generally not a loud person, she's actually quite quiet and shy. [/color]
  5. [color=deeppink] Asa looked around blearily. The battle had only been going for a breif time, and yet she had been hit twice. Looking around, she could see her comrades all deep in battle, each one paired off with a sort or doppleganger, and evil twin, who had the same types of powers. Some, like Austin and Mika, had come to check on her. It was all very sweet, but as Asa watched the battle through frightened eyes, her heart began to feel heavy. [i]They're all fighting out there, and I have to sit and watch. I'm weak. They're all useful, and all I can do is look on from the sidelines, and get hurt.[/i] Cocoa came over and licked her cheek, making Asa realize that she had been crying. She quickly pulled out a tissue and wiped away all the tears, then looked at her dog. "This is no time to be wallowing in self-pity, eh girl? We need to find a way to help!" OOC: Sorry it's short, not much for a medic to do right now... [/color]
  6. [color=deeppink] Asa rubbed her head, which was both cold and wet from the snow, and tried to remember what had happened. She had been on her way home from school, cheery because her parents had promised that they'd be home for dinner that night. She had taken her usual detour, stopping at her uncle's deli to pick up Cocoa and get a cup of the drink she was named for. Then, as she was leaving, her uncle had given her a present, telling her not to open it unless she was in need of a happy surprise. She and Cocoa were on their way home, when a strange light had appeared. That was the last thing she remembered. Asa thought about this, and then sat up with a start. "Cocoa!" She looked around frantically, when she spotted the chocolate lab, whimpering next to her. Asa hugged her, when she noticed that Cocoa had a nasty scratch on her belly. "Oh no! Let me see if I have any bandages." She rummaged through her backpack, and was surprised to find that it wasn't full of her school books, but rather bandages, alcohol, and other first aid items, as well as a strange electronic device, which she clipped on the outside of her pack. Grabbing some alcohol and a length of bandage, she cleaned and wrapped the wound. She was so immersed in her work, she failed to notice the other teens around her, until one of them came up and tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled around to face the tapper who asked "And what's your name?" [/color]
  7. [color=indigo] OOC: Um, in case you didn't notice, Rune is a new student. Meaning she most likely doesn't know people yet. IC: Rune slowly climbed up the winding stairs of the library, but it seemed completely deserted. However the lack of people only made the disturbance more... disturbing. There was also a lot of residual magic in the air, as though a rather large and powerful spell had been performed quite recently. It gave Rune the shivers, and she quickly went back downstairs. She let herself out of the darkened library and looked around for another building she could wait in. Spotting one nearby, she ran towards it. However, a crack of lightning made her look away, so she didn't see the guy as she crashed right into him. [/color]
  8. [color=indigo] OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post everyone! ^^; IC: Rune walked into the headmaster's office nervously. The secretary turned to her, and said kindly, "Mr. Kaltrop should be with you momentarily." She steered Rune into a spacious office, where a tall, balding man was talking with someone on his cell phone. He saw Rune, and ended his conversation quickly, shoving the phone in his pocket and taking a seat behind his large oak desk, motioning for Rune to do the same. She sat, and started fiddling with her pendant, a triangular locket that would never open no matter how hard she tried. "Well now, I understand you want to start attending school here. Rune Selith, aged 15. Orphaned in a car accident three years ago, spent two years in an orphanage, the last living with your... aunt I believe?" Rune nodded when she realized she was supposed to answer the question. "Yes sir, my mother's sister." Nodding curtly, the headmaster went on. "Yes, very well. I hear that you were struck by amnesia in the accident, and that you have no memory of any magical specialty, or even your elements. Very well, I'll place you in the care of a student for a while, who will get you used to the place. I will need about an hour to draw up a schedule and get your room ready. The library is right next door, why don't you wait there?" He seemed like he wanted to get rid of her, so Rune quickly ran to the library through the rain. Once she was safely inside, a thumping noise from upstairs knocked her down, crashing her into a coatrack. Rubbing her elbow, she pulled herself up to find out what all the commotion was. [/color]
  9. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Lani and Jenna rose higher and higher into the sky, Lani's wings beating the air vigorously. [i]There are more pressing issues at hand now, put the others behind you.[/i] Jenna jerked her out of her thoughts quickly, by gasping for breath. "Oh dear, I'm sorry." she replied quickly, pulling a cloud of air up so Jenna could breathe. She recovered quickly, taking deep breaths, then asked "Lani, where are we going? I can't last up here for much longer!" Lani smiled grimly. "We're here. Take a good look around and tell me what you see." Jenna looked and gasped again, this time not for lack of air. The view was of the woods they were camped in, next to a gorgeous river. You could see mountains in the distance, as well as what might have been Mt. Fuji. Jenna gaped at the scene. "It's... it's gorgeous!" she shrieked. Lani shook her head. "This is because you cannot see what I see. Let me show you this through my eyes. Perhaps then you will see the truth." A gust of wind soared upwards, and surrounded Jenna. She was blinded for a moment, then screamed. The air was thick and discolored, the trees and plants dead and wilting, the river filled with gook, and the mountains chopped down, crumbling. "What did you do? What is this?" Jenna whimpered, trying to cover her eyes. "This is how the world will be if it continues on its current course. Humans will live, but nature will die. What kind of corrupted people demand a blood sacrifice of the world? We must stop this. This is truly why we were awakened. It was Kismet, fate. Of this I am certain." Lani looked to Jenna, her eyes connecting with Jenna's soul. "I now ask for your help. You are different, I sense it." Jenna nodded slowly. "I'll help in any way I can. But can we please go down again? I'm starting to get airsick." Lani nodded back and began her descent, arriving back at the cave. "I just want to check on Dr. Merez and the child, alright?" Jenna asked, hurrying inside the cave. Lani followed her, to find Melina, in Ty's arms. Her eyes slowly began to fill with tears, but she ran out before either of them would see, spreading her wings and flying back into the sky, her true home. [/color]
  10. [color=indigo] Rune looked around. The campus seemed pretty expansive, and she still had no idea where she was. Her umbrella was starting to soak through as well. She shook it, dislodging some water, and cursed for not bringing a more waterproof one. It could be awhile before she found the main office of the school, and she'd be soaked by that time. Then a girl caught her eye. She had no umbrella, and was soaked head to toe. She was trudging resignedly towards a building nearby. Rune ran to catch up with her, and tapped her gently on the shoulder. The girl whirled around angrily, and Rune jumped back. "Sorry. But could you please point out the main office building to me?" The girl glared, and started walking in a different direction. "Come on, it's this way." she mumbled, Rune following close behind. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo] Name: Cheer Bear Color, I guess: Pink Symbol: A rainbow! Stereotype: Cheerful, always tries to make everyone happy, never ever gets sad. Yup, the everlasting optimist on a sugar high. [/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Name: Rune Selith Age: 15 Gender: Female Height: 5'9" Weight: What girl tells her weight? Hair Color: Jet black. Eye Color: Black with silver flecks Mage or Normal: Mage Elements: Light and Darkness General appearance: Tall and slender, as well as quite pale. Her hair is waist length, and most often worn in pigtails. She usually wears jeans, a white shirt with long gray sleeves, and a long black sweater over that. Bio: Born to two young and talented mages, she spent most of her childhood with them, brought up with a full knowledge of magic in the world. She showed some skill, but her parents were reluctant to send her to school. One day when she was 12, they were all in a car accident, and her parents died. Rune escaped with a case of amnesia, unable to remember anything, even her parents. She didn't know any relations, so she was sent to live in an orphanage. Her mother's sister found her there when she was 14, and took her to live with her. She sent Rune to mage school a year later, not wanting to send her too soon, afraid it would be a big change. Rune is quiet, unsure of what to say when spoken to, and very private. She rarely exposes any of her past. She keeps a journal, which she writes in constantly, afraid to forget anything else about herself. How's this? [/color]
  13. [COLOR=deeppink] Even though I wasn't in the last one, can I join? I promise to post, as long as everyone else does too! *crosses fingers for luck* Name: Asa Galen Age: 15 Sphere: Medic Sphere Powers:Basically, the power to heal things, (people, animals, even plants). She can also help soothe a hurting soul, and is good at fixing broken things, from the physical (like a lamp or something) to the emotional (like a friendship). Weapon: Not sure about this one... Description: Asa has shoulder length reddish brown hair and brown eves. She usually wears her school uniform, which is a white shirt, dark green pleated skirt and vest, and black sweater, which she wears open. Also white ankle socks and black shoes. She wears a short black coat over it all in the fall and winter. Bio: Asa lives with her parents and two little sisters. Her parents both work full time, and are fairly wealthy, so that Asa and hr sisters have almost everything, except parents. They are taken care of by a live-in nanny/maid, whom Asa loves dearly but still wants her parents to spend more time with her. O one of the days she got to spend time with her parents, her tenth birthday, they took her to an antique shop and asked her to choose a present. She chose a swirly pink sphere on a chain, which she always wears as a memento. She tries to take care of other people, and give them the attention her parents seem to refuse her. She is extremely caring, and cries easily, but is very strong and will do anything to help those she cares for, and even complete strangers. She hates to see anyone hurt, and is always bringing stray animals home with her. They mostly get sent away, but her nanny let her keep one, a chocolate lab puppy who's now four years old, named Amber. She's mostly ignored at school, which is an expensive private school, because she likes to talk to anyone, including people who are "beneath her". She's quite shy to outsiders, but cares for them nonetheless. [/color]
  14. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Demi looked around. The missiles were giving good chase, and were a gread deal faster than she was. She was also outnumbered, three to one by them. Still, she only had to get so close, and then she could use her ace in the hole. She flew on, her wings beginning to tire, when suddenly she twirled around, and closed in on the first missile. Quickly she pulled out her pendant, focused, and shouted a short spell. The missile halted in its tracks, then trembled for a few moments. "Hmph, energy resistant," she muttered, pushing more energy out towards the missile. It shook violently, then collapsed on itself, turning into a harmless chunk of metal. Demi stayed frozen for a moment, then massaged her head lightly, shaking a bit herself. A missile whizzed past her, and she turned, holding out her pendant. "One dow, two to go," she said, streching her wings and preparing to chase the next one down. [/color]
  15. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] OOC: Sorry, school's been tough, can't get on much right now... IC: Lani had flown to check up on a disturbance in the winds, and saw Ty and Melina embrace. While her eyes filled with tears, she could not feel malice towards either of them for some reason. That moment made it quite clear that Melina was the only one in Ty's heart, and that nothing would change that. Lani wiped her tears away, then went into the cave, acting as though nothing was wrong. She looked for Jenna, who had gone unnoticed during much of the commotion, and who now slept in a corner of the stony shelter. Lani nudged her gently. "Jenna. Wake up now, please." Jenna blinked, wiping her eyes. "Oh, Lani. Is it morning yet?" she said cheerily. "Yes. Please come with me, I wish to show you something." Lani's voice was steady, but her tone implied it was important. "Alright, let me straighten up, and I'll be ready in a moment please." Lani exited the cave, waiting outside. [i]That's right, there are far more important things to think of right now. Ty is not that cruicial to my life, I was awakened for a reason.[/i] Jenna came out into the day just as Ty came around from the back. "Jenna, let's go." Lani grabbed her. Passing Ty, she whispered "Don't let Hudrenda catch you next time." Before he could reply, she took off into the sunlit sky. [/color]
  16. [color=indigo] Yay! It's back! Thanks K.K.C! Name:/ Tujia Anemos Nodin Age:/ 16 Good/Evil:/ Good (one can only hope) Stones:/ 4 Wind Stones Weapon:/ Long ebony staff with crystal spiral at the top, and a hidden blade at the bottom. Appearance:/ [URL="http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/hiddenotaku/images/takenimages/LiviaSorceress1.jpg"]Here[/url] Personality:/ Flirtatious and always looking for fun, Tujia will alwars try to see the best of a situation. She's an eternal optimist wo can't understand depressed people. She is somewhat spoiled in that she's used to getting what she wants, but will always share. She's also quite used to hard work. I guess you could say she's more determined than spoiled. Talents:/ Controlling wind/air (duh), plus a little bit of basic magic. Is also good at hand to hand combat, and when necessary, an excellent seductress. Bio:/ Tujia was born in a rather large village, to the shaman and her husband, a soldier (yes, a female shaman). She was trained by her mother to take over as the village shaman, and so became very skilled at magic. Her father taught her to fight, both hand to hand, and with many assorted weapons, so she can use most if she has to. She was best with glaives and staffs. Her current weapon was a gift from her parents for her 15th birthday. In her village, that was the time when young people were sent beyond the walls that protected them, to explore the world in its entirety. They were to live on their own for two years, and once that period was done, they returned to the village. Then they would decide whether to remain in the village, or return to the outer world. Tujia left, accompanied by a small wolf cub named Anemos, who had come to the village, and whom she had adopted. She travelled to another village somewhat nearby, and became the apprentice to the shaman there, to finely hone her skills. She made a great many friends, and was starting to call this new place home. One day, Tujia was frustrated by something an elder of the village said to her, insulting her mother for being a female shaman, which was uncommon at that village. She was toying with her stones, which she did when she was upset, and a huge whirlwind came up and destroyed half the town. The people were angry with this, thinking she had done an act of sabotage, and cast her out. Since then, she has wandered from place to place, doing whatever she needs to do to get by. She vows not to settle down until she masters her newfound power. Sorry it took so long, school's been tough. I hope this is okay! [/color]
  17. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Demi somehow managed to sleep through most of the chaos. A large jolt, likely caused by the suction from the other ship, manged to shake her awake. "Ahh.. whu's gon on?" she murmured, drowsily. She looked around the room, but it was empty. Just then she felt something clang against the metal of the ship's exterior. Her heart pounding, Demi raced downstairs. Anya, Zsuzsanna, Seichiro, and Hakaru were crowded around various control panels. She saw Garai on one of the monitors, fighting someone outside the ship, which was creaking on its hinges. "What in the blazes is going on here?" she shouted, only to be heard above the din. Despite her efforts, no one heard. Demi saw an image flash across the screen while watching the fight outside. Realizing what is was, she sprinted to the nearest panel, and pushed a couple of buttons. A shield came up just in time, and the energy blast aimed at the ship burst. She checked the radar, to find a group of missiles headed straight or them. "Darn it all!" she yelled, fumbling for her pendant. She chanted a couple of words, letting a small bit of light envelop her. She pointed the charm at a bare side of the ship, and watched as it shifted in composition, rippling. She glided out through the side before anyone noticed, taking a minute to orient herself. "Now then, let's find those missiles." [/color]
  18. [color=indigo] Name: Aurelia Pearl Esazas (goes by her middle name) Age: 20 Race: Are you allowed to make one up? If so... Eikro- a race that has control over ground born materials, and can manipulate them as well as channelling energy through them. They have collapsible matallic wings, but otherwise look human (Terran) Gender: Female Occupation: Former Tempa warrior, turned pilot and fighter. Affiliation: Outlaw Appearance: See [URL=http://www.kt.rim.or.jp/~mis/gallery/winged.jpg]here[/URL]. Weapons: A handgun that uses stone bullets, and a collapsible special metal staff (about shoulder high), capped with crystal tips. Spacecraft: Starlight Pulse, which looks like this, only painted indigo: [img]http://www.3dwallpaperworld.com/images/spaceship1_small.jpg[/img] Biography: Pearl was born to Sirous, a high ranking warrior of the Tendo King, and his wife Limay, one the king's servants. It was said that the king's highest general wanted Limay to be his mistress, but she refused, and so their family was mainly ignored by the empire for a time. Pearl was raised as a servant, and also trained by her father in Tao magic, as well as combat. One day, when Pearl was 16, the general caught Pearl alone, and tried to force himself on her. She escaped, and ran away from the palace from fear. She got a job at a spaceport for a while, and learned how to fly a ship, earning enough money for her own. She went back to the palace a year later, and finding that the general had been reassigned, she joined the king's army. She fought loyally for two more years, until the general returned, and told the king that she had been disloyal. She was exiled, and now wanders space doing jobs such as piloting, and sometimes bounty hunting. She eventually gets hired to help locate a lost ship called the Outlaw Star, and its crew. Pearl is very nervous areound men, preferring to work with women. Still, she doesn't let that get in the way of a job. She wants to prove to both the world, and herself, that her past will not prevent her from doing things. She is extremely competitive and in-your-face, but reveals very little about her past to anyone. [/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Jin slipped into the training hall unnoticed, and sat in a corner of the spacious room. It was well lit, and had a strange shape, which in an odd way was perfect for fighting. There were a couple of people she didn't know well on one side of the room, one who fought with a double-bladed sword, another with a whip. Still others were in the back, practicing hand to hand techniques. And two she knew, Danny and Kai, were training near her. Danny was in the air, twirling his black pole in a way that reminded Jin of the majorettes back home. Kai was on the ground directly beneath him, looking up, her hands sparkling with gold light. Danny loosed a blast of wind down, where Kai dodged it. Jin settled into the floor, prepared for a good match, when an alarm on the wall blared out, and emergency lights flashed throughout the room. She tensed up- a Ravern Alert. She grabbed her sword, which was really more of a metal pole with a handle. But she preferred the term sword. She had even named it: the Sword of Displacement. She stuck it in a sheath on her back, and headed to the meeting room. [/color]
  20. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Mai waited impatiently at the corner of a street many thought to be abandoned. Little did they know it was one of the secret headquarters for TR2. She pulled a sheet of paper out of her pocket and read it to her Growlithe, Cracker, for what seemed like the millionth time. [i]Miss Mai- There is a new recruit coming today. We have a tip that they may be a spy for Team Rocket. Your instructions are to meet this person near the Cianwood base at noon. Your objective is to find out whether or not they have any connections to Team Rocket. Even if you find nothing leading to that conclusion, handle this one with the utmost caution.[/i] It was signed by one of the lower generals. Mai crumpled the paper and shoved it back in her pocket, extremely annoyed. She was one of the top officers in TR2, and nearly unbeatable in a battle. And yet they insisted on giving her rookie legwork. On top of all that, the suspected spy was late. She turned to Cracker, who rubbed her leg. "They're not coming. Let's go." She turned to leave, when a voice stopped her. "Wait. I think I'm the one you're waiting for." She saw a short girl out of the corner of her eye, with an Eevee perched on her shoulder. "TR2, if I'm not mistaken." she said simply, rubbing the Eevee behind its ears. "Indeed." Mai replied, intrigued. Why would one so young join the team? She looked quite innocent, especially with her Eevee nuzzling her. "What's your name? And how old are you?" Mai asked sharply. "My name's Genim, and I'm 16" the girl answered. Mai was startled. The same age she was. You couldn't tell these days. "Very well then, let's get going, Genim." [/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Name: Jinnat Yakim (Jin) Age: 16 Gender: Female Call sign: Flicker Power: Mostly teleportation and illusions, with a little (very little) telepath and telekinesis thrown in for good measure. Side: Phoenix Description: [URL=www.raine-tech.com/images/89569220.gif]Here[/URL] Nationality: Indian- American Bio: Jin lived with her older sister since she was five, and her sister, Shiva, was fourteen. She doesn't remember her parents, and her sister refuses to tell her anything about them. She was a normal girl, decent grades, 2 bedroom apartment, part time job, nothing fancy. Until one day, when she was thirteen, she picked a fight with a couple of kids who were making fun of her religion (she's Hindu), and banged up one of them badly. They left her alone for a while, until one day their leader, along with a dozen other kids, ganged up on her. Scared, she started running, and when they were about to catch her, she disappeared, and when she opened her eyes, found herself at home, right in front of her sister, who called her a devil. She was terrified, and ran away. She lived on the streets for two years, until she met Danny and the other Phoenixes, whom she joined greatfully. She is quite cheery, at least on the outside, but it is mostly a front. She is truly depressed, but stays outwardly happy to avoid coming in contact with her depression. She is often scared, but overcomes her fear with help from her friends. She wants to fight to keep others from feeling abandoned, alone, scared. Other description: When she teleports, she disappears in a puff of glitter. Whenever she uses her powers, her eyes turn silver, and her hair gets silvery blue streaks in it. [/color]
  22. [color=indigo] I wish that they'd hurry up and invent Angels. You know, like the ones from Angelic Layer. Now that'd be great at the local K-mart. Similarly, persocoms'd be awesome, as would those little keychains, like Yumi's. Sadly, I don't see any of that coming soon, but I do think they will be really invented someday. [/color]
  23. [color=indigo] I'd like to be the one who controls animals, but I'll have to work on the sign up tomorrow. Could you save a spot for me? Thankies! [/color]
  24. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Lani looked at Ty reproachfully. "You should really be more careful." she said to him, clucking her tongue. He grinned back at her, and Lani felt her heart soften. She had thought that sleep was her salvation, and that waking up was the worst that could happen to her. After all, the humans only wanted to use her, Kyo always bickered with her, there was tension between her and Melina, Hudrenda usually kept to himself... But there was something about Ty that made her feel like she wasn't quite so cursed after all. A pinch on the arm brought her back to reality. "Ouch! What was that for?" Lani yelped, rubbing her arm. "Hey, I'm sorry. But this little guy's been trying to get your attention." Lani looked over and saw a small bluebird twiitering next to her. "I apologise, wing friend. Would you repeat your message please?" The bird chirped, and repeated itself. "I see. Thank you very much. Ty, it seems we are needed by the others." Lani said, turning around. Once they had reached the ground, she walked over to Jenna, and asked the group, "So, what happens now?" [/color]
  25. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Demi looked around the main chamber. It was quite spacious, on of the most plush she had ever seen. Some of the contols looked quite new too, and her hands itched from desire to try them out. She restrained herself, reminding her mind that she was lucky to have a chance for treasure in the first place. Once she had herself under control, she turned to Hak and asked, "So, what are our positions going to be?" Hak looked at her uncertainly. "Ehm, I'm not quite sure yet. What exactly do you mean?" "Wow, you don't even have a plan for this? Each person should have a set or responsibilities based on their skills. For example, I'm a pilot, a magic-user, and a darn good cook. You decide what we ech need to do." Demi looked at Hak impatiently. [i]I'll make this work, just you wait Mernos, just you wait...[/i] [/color]
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