Stick Fairy
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Anime Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars
Stick Fairy replied to moon-scar demon's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo] Yeah, the whole Abh thing was amazing. The animation was really good too. Has anyone seen Banner of the Stars? It's supposedly a sequel series of sorts (wow, a tongue twister), and I really want to see it. I felt the whole thing ended too soon. [/color] -
[color=indigo] Lani wandered away from Melina and Hudrenda, letting them greet eachother. Jenna touched her arm lightly. "Is that the nature guardian?" she asked curiously. "Yes, that's Melina. But we never got along that well, I'm afraid. Still, I'd like you to talk to her when she's finished greeting her husband." Jenna's eyes widened. "Her husband? That water guy?" Lani's eyes flickered with amusement. "Yes, they are married. I for one don't find it odd at all, but the others were shocked. There was more, but it's, quite literally, ancient history." She brought Jenna over to the man who had come with Melina. "I believe you are a scientist?" He nodded, anxious. "Good. I trust you to watch her for me for a short time. There is something I must see." Before either could protest, she had taken flight. She rose higher, and soared to the city, across the river. She then frowned with digust. [i]I can see why Hudrenda did what he did. The air is full of toxins, so full I can hardly breathe. I don't think what he did was right. But still, something must be done.[/i] [/color]
[color=indigo] He said it was because the Grunty was so warm, and he didn't know that anything could be that warm (or something like that) In Cardcaptor Sakura, what was the last card to be caught? [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Mailye Jurpam (Mai) Age:16 Affiliation: TR2 Pokémon: Growlithe (Firecracker, or Cracker) Vaporeon (Neptune) Espeon (Mystic) Vileplume (Daisy) Dragonite (Soar) Appearance: Dark brown hair cut just under her ears, brown eyes, quite tall for her age. Wears a black sleeveless t-shirt with the TR2 logo, and a black miniskirt with silver stripes down the sides. She wears a white vest open, which has inside pockets for her pokeballs, and short black boots. Bio: Mai was a trainer from a small town, who managed to rank in the top fifty at her first tournament. She placed top ten in her second, and second place in her third. She accomplished most of this with her Arcanine, Inferno. Team Rocket saw all this, and stole Inferno from Mai during a battle. While she tried to get her pokemon back, she failed. She is now super-protective of all her pokemon, especially Firecracker, who is Inferno's child. She has also done everything in her power to get Inferno back. Mai met up with Artemis shortly after that, and immediately joined her, knowing it was a good oppurtunity for both revenge and the retrieval of Inferno. She is a high-ranked member of TR2 (I'd guess around fifth or so), and is also one of Artemis' confidantes, and close friends. She commands a small troop of spies, but usually prefers to be left alone to fight by herself. She is a serious opponent, and should not be misjudged. Teammate: Matthew (Matt) [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Hazel Myrtice Species: Fairy (specifically, a flower fairy) Description: Coming soon Personality: Caring and sweet, she gets along with even the most fussy baby. But she's a total crybaby, and is afraid of almost everything. She depends on her friends to protect her. Gender: Female Powers/Abilities: Talking to living things, including plants, telepathically; flight, healing powers, ability to grow plants, reading. Likes: Flowers and animals, being with her friends, and honey. Dislikes: Sour food, being alone, the dark, and bee stings. Parent Choice: Doesn't really care, as long as they're nice. [/color]
[color=indigo] Actually, Katsumi's boyfriend was Roy. Ralph was in love with Kiddy, remember? Most of mine have already been said- Yusuke and Keiko, Inuyasha and Kagome, Miroku and Sango, Kazuki and Mitzuki, Jinto and Lafiel... the list goes on. Shuichi and Yuki! Yeah, shonen-ai rocks! Also Dee and Ryo from Fake, and Bikky and Carol while we're at it. Toya and Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura, as well as Syaoran and Sakura. Gourry and Lina from Slayers (it's SOOOO obvious), and Zelgadis and Amelia too. Tamahome and Miaka from Fushigi Yugi as well, but that show's annoying me right now, as they're killing all my favorite characters. *sobs* Oh, and Tatra and Suzuru too. I'll stop here for now, but there are more. I'm a sucker for romance. :love2: [/color]
[color=indigo] Lani sulked. "Well, I'm quite sorry that my minor wind disturbed your precious land so much, but don't even get me started on what land does to the sky nowadays." She walked away, turning back to Ty, and smiling. He was one of the few people she could stand talking to. Fire and air supported eachother since the beginning of time, after all. She embraced him gently. "It is good to see you all well. Though I wish that I didn't have to see anything, it is comforting to know that you haven't been hurt." Jenna was standing near her, looking bewildered. "Who are these people?" she blurted out, clearly uncomfortable. "Oh, forgive me. Jenna, this is Ty, the guardian of fire. The pouty guy over there is Kyo, of earth, and the one talking to him (well sort of) is Hudrenda, of water. Come to think of it, where is Melina? I'd rather not see her, but I'm afraid she's take offence if I didn't at least pay her a visit." She closed her eyes, then opened them. "Ah yes, she's headed this way. Good, we needn't go fetch her, she should arrive soon." She pulled away, sitting on a nearby boulder left over from the wall. "So where do we go from here?" [/color]
[color=indigo] First Name: Kayla Last Name: Shirnam Nickname: Kay Age: 14 Year finishing at School: 3 Desired Starting pokemon: Growlithe, Eevee, Oddish, Dratini (in order of, um, wantness) Hometown: Vanilla Hill Appearance: Short light pink hair, cut in a bob or sorts. Purple eyes. Wears a white T-shirt with a bright blue star on the front, flared jeans, brown hiking boots, a lavender headband, and blue fingerless gloves. Carries a pink backpack with wings on it. Always wears a silver locket around her neck. Personality: Bright and cheery, Kay is almost never depressed. She worries about those who are depressed, and will always try to cheer them up. She's quite smart, yet gets distracted easily, gives the impression that she's a scatterbrain. She is always observant, and notices even minute details. She will always help someone in need, friend, stranger, or even enemy, at any cost. She makes friends quite easily, and even reserved people will generally open up to her. She's also an excellent listener, and when the mood strikes, gives excellent advice. [/color]
[color=indigo] Jenna looked around as Lani flew higher into the sky. It was truly amazing for her, to be able to see the world from a true birds-eye point of view. Suddenly she began to feel short of breath. "Miss Washi, I'm sorry, but it's rather hard for me to breathe." she said timidly. Lani looked around and chuckled a bit, then began a slow descent. "Please, it's Lani. And I apologize. I often forget about the fragility of humans, and the lack of atmosphere at this altitude." Her face then clouded. "I almost wish that I didn't have to remember. That I didn't even have to find out." She sighed gazing at the ground, letting her body relax a bit. Jenna felt Lani's grip on her loosen, and whimpered in fear, clinging to Lani's clothes. Lani chuckled again. "You needn't worry. I'm stronger than I look, and even if I do by some chance let go of you, the wind will catch you." She closed her eyes for a moment, searching in her mind. She opened her eyes, frowning. "I believe that we are closer to Kyo than I had thought. And now Ty and Hudrenda seemed to have joined him. It seems that I may have no choice but to see them now." She whistled softly, and whispered "Directions to the place know as China, please." A nearby bird tweeted, as if in reply, and flew off. Seconds later, another bird had appeared, and tweeted in a similar fashion. "Thank you, wing friends." Lani whispered, then changed course. Soon they were near China, and Lani prepared to land on a nearby cliff. Suddenly a huge wave of water rammed into the cliff, shaking it and spashing Lani and Jenna from head to toe. The cliff collapsed, and they both fell to the ground, meeting a startled Ty and Kyo, as well as a young woman and a little boy. Lani stood up and brought up a small whirlwind, blowing the water from her hair and clothes. She then walked over to her fellow Guardians. "Ty. Kyo. It's been a while, hasn't it?" she asked, with the barest trace of a smile about her mouth. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Laira Opil Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Dae'Thon Appearance: Shoulder-length dark purple hair, lilac eyes. Wears a tight navy blue sleeveless turtleneck shirt and pants, a long green sleeveless open shirt over that. Her arms are covered with symbols in black and purple ink, a tradidion in her tribe of Dae'Thons Only the ones in purple are symbols that are universal, the black ones are specific to her tribe. She also wears a black velvet choker with a silver orb hanging off of it. Personality: Very reserved and quiet. Will rarely speak to anyone. No one knows what she really thinks. Many who know her believe that this is a result of her prophecy. Weapons and skills: A glaive with a blade made of silver, which is nearly impossible to break. She is highly skilled in the Dae'Thon way of fighting, and when truly in battle, it seems as though she can fly. She is also very agile, and a good swimmer, though not nearly as good as a Hydran. Bio: She was born in a very traditional tribe of Dae'Thons, who believe in following all the old stories and rules directly. Like all Dae'Thons, she was given a prophecy at birth, and her mother told her what it was when she was seven, the usual age. Ever since then, she has acted distant from everyone in her tribe, focusing solely on her training, and becoming one of the best warriors in her tribe. [/color]
[color=indigo] When Demi walked back into the bar, she found that everyone had beaten her there. Anya was talking to the Hakaru person, and some kid she hadn't seen before. There was the girl that she had seen before, beut Demi couldn't remember her name. She was asleep, next to a kid holding a kitten. Demi couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. She walked over to him and asked, "Is he yours? He's quite adorable." He frowned slightly and replied "No, he's hers, actually." He pointed to the sleeping girl a couple of chairs down. "Does that mean you're going with him too?" Demi asked, pointing to Hakaru, who was still deep in conversation. He nodded. "So then, what's your name? And hers, if you remember it. I'm Demetria Genesee, but you can call me Demi." "I'm Garai, and her name is Zsuzsanna. I take it you know Anya and Seichiro already?" She shook her head. "I met Anya last night, but I don't know any Sei-whatever. Who's that?" Garai pointed to the kid next to Anya. "You mean that kid's coming too? Oh Viknors, what's the world coming to?" She picked up her bag and headed out. "Hey, where are you going?" asled Garai. "To the spaceport. I've had enough planetside living for a while, and besides, I still need to pick up my ship." she replied, tossing her bag towards Garai. "On second thought, watch this for me, okay?" She whipped out the door before he could protest. Demi ran towards the spaceport, feeling the rocky ground beneath her feet. [i]It's the last time I'll be planetside for a while. Might as well enjoy it.[/i] She unbuttoned the back of her dress, exposing a large pair of silvery blue wings that glinted in the light of the now rising sun. They unfurled, and she took off into the sky, revitalized by the air and gravity. She was sad when she finally reached her destination, but knew that it was a good adventure that awaited her, not to mention treasure. She quickly found her ship, and pulled out her stone pendant. She focused carefully, murmuring words under her breath, closing her eyes and envisioning the power. When she opened her eyes, the ship was gone, to be replaced by a small marble of silver and purple. She picked it up, and looked it over. "Neat trick, if you know how." she mumbled to herself. All she had done was push most of the empty space out of the ship, leaving mostly atoms. It was easily reversible, and quite convenient when she needed to pilot another ship. Satisfied, she put the marble in her pocket and flew back to the bar, observing the scenery one last time on her way. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Sabrielle Meshaw (Sabi) Age: 18 Colony: Earth Rank: Leader Allegiance: Good Weapons: A long staff made of ebony tipped on both ends with silver, and a crystal etched with ancient runic symbols of power. Also a pouch full or various seeds, which she wears at her waist. Magic: Is able to control anything born from the ground, this includes plants, rocks, dirt, and sometimes glass (which is made from sand). She is able to manipulate these and make them hard or soft, big or small, you get the picture. She can also speed up the growing of plants, and use them to her advantage. She can mind-speak with people who have power, and can break into the thoughts of people who leave their minds unguarded. She has limited powers of shapeshifting and telekinesis (moving stuff with her mind), but these are drained easily. She can feel what energies have penetrated the earth, and use it to track a person. In worst cases, she can draw life force from the earth itself, and use it either to heal, or to harm. Appearance: Waist length brown hair with streaks of green and bronze in it, hazel eyes. Wears a pale green shirt and pants, also a matching headband, over that a long deep green robe tied with brown cord. She wears three stone bracelets on each arm, and a long necklace made of jewel beads. Personality: Once she has decided to so something, it is nearly impossible to change her mind. She is not openly friendly, but loves her friends deeply, even if she doesn't show it. She is more open to animals, and travels with a squirrel named Braay, who is energetic and sweet, but will bite anything evil that comes near. She always feels more comfortable outside, and so never stays in a house. Most people think she's eccentric, but they still support her as leader (see more in bio, to come) Bio: Sabi was found her clan of Earth people when she was three years old. She was raised by the aging leader of the village and his daughter Zuya, whom she treated like a mother. She was taught magic by Zuya, and was quickly shown to have immense power within her. She was also taught physical fighting, but disliked it from the beginning and abandoned her study of it early on. She made friends with the people easily, and became well liked among the clan. One day, the leader took her and told her that she was not born of their clan, but found, and that Zuya was not her real mother. Sabi was angered that she was lied to, and tried to kill Zuya for her deception. While she was stopped, she mentally separated herself from the clan, and went to live in the forest. She was called back to the village when the leader was dying, and was asked to become the new leader, mostly due to her power. She accepted, finally starting to forgive him (the leader) for lying, and made up with Zuya. She has been the leader of the Earth People ever since. Yay, it's done! [/color]
[color=indigo] Demi looked around, completely lost, yet excited. In the past ten minutes, she had seen one of the most intense bar brawls ever. Multiplied by ten. "Wow, I really oughta come planetside more often." she muttered to herself. "I had no idea what I what I was missing!" She walked over the Anya, to make sure she was okay. She was talking to a man she had seen on the news at the spaceport. Something about a ship crash, or something. Dami listened a bit, and heard the guy say something about treasure at the end of the universe. "Treasure?" she blurted out before she could restrain herself. She clapped her hands over her mouth, but it was too late, and the guy, was looking at her oddly. "Yeah, treasure. What's it to you?" he asked curiously. Demi straightened herself up and brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face. "My name is Demetria Genesee, or Demi. I'm a pilot mostly, but I have extensive training in magic, and I'm a fair shot. I'll do just about anything for the right price, and treasure sounds absolutely perfect. So, what do you think?" [/color]
[color=indigo] Um, I hate to say it, but isn't Stormchaser inti's character? They wrote that in the first post, in any event. [/color]
[color=indigo] Demetria walked away from the spaceport, counting her money. "Let's see, I got a bunch from that job over in Cruzay, but a lot of it had to go to my ship. This one made me a ton though. I need to send most of it home, but..." She looked around. It was the first time in a while that she'd had some time to herself planetside. "Since I'm here, let's call this my night out. I sure as heck deserve one," she said to herself contently. She spotted a bar on the next corner. It was a fairly dingy joint, but then, she wasn't looking for anything upscale. "That should be a good place to start," she said, walking over to the bar. As she reached the door, a man ran into her, bleeding and obviously drunk. He hurried away from the bar, whimpering. "Seems like I got more than I bargained for here. Perfect, I could use some excitement." She went over to the bar, sitting next to a woman with wolflike ears, and ordered a glass of Chardonnay. She turned to the woman and asked, "So, what's there to do around here?" [/color]
[color=indigo] Tora flew off, and Ikajuki took one last look at the house. Suddenly, Ireth came out of the makeshift house she had created, to replace her previous home. The humans had burned it, and together with the house melted all hope that she could ever return to her village. Still, she had found people accepting of her, and that brightened her mood. She dressed quickly and left, hoping to reach the festival early. The winged ones and elves would both be there, and that meant that she could thank the ones who had saved her from those she had thought of as friends. She smiled, excited by the festival and the celebrations that would follow it. Suddenly her vision was shadowed, and she looked up to see a winged one above her. Her smile widened. "Are you heading for the festival, Ikajuki?" she asked, more cheerful than ever. He smiled as well, and landed next to her. "Isn't everyone? It's the event of the year!" "May I go with you to the festival? I am aware that it would slow you down, but I truly don't feel safe in tese woods alone anymore." Ireth's smile faded, when Ikajuki put his hand on her shoulder. "If we don't hurry, we'll never make it on time!" He grabbed her by the waist and flew up into the sky, towards the festival site. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Lavender (Lavi) Age: 16 Gender: Female Occupation: Student (11th Grade) Appearance: Long brown hair to elbows, which is usually tangled and worn in a ponytail. Brown eyes, and very pale skin. Usually wears oversized T-shirts and jeans, with slip on sneakers. Personality/Attitude: A person who hates the world, and often uses anime and fantasy as an escape method. She's shy to ousiders, but people who know her can hardly get her to shut up. She seems ver cheery to most, but her truest friends know that she gets really depressed at times. Has a terrible self image, and virtually no confidence at all. Yet somehow she manages to keep up a cheery front 23 hours a day. Short Biography: A girl who grew up in the busy city world. New York, the Capital of the World. She lives with her mother and small dog on an Upper West Side one-bedroom apartment, and resents the lack of space. On the bright side, NYC offers much freedom, and she uses that to its fullest. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name:/ Tujia Anemos Nodin Age:/ 16 Good/Evil:/ Good (one can only hope) Stones:/ 4 Wind Stones Weapon:/ Long ebony staff with crystal spiral at the top, and a hidden blade at the bottom. Appearance:/ [URL="http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/hiddenotaku/images/takenimages/LiviaSorceress1.jpg"]Here[/url] Personality:/ Flirtatious and always looking for fun, Tujia will alwars try to see the best of a situation. She's an eternal optimist wo can't understand depressed people. She is somewhat spoiled in that she's used to getting what she wants, but will always share. She's also quite used to hard work. I guess you could say she's more determined than spoiled. Talents:/ Controlling wind/air (duh), plus a little bit of basic magic. Is also good at hand to hand combat, and when necessary, an excellent seductress. Bio:/ Tujia was born in a rather large village, to the shaman and her husband, a soldier (yes, a female shaman). She was trained by her mother to take over as the village shaman, and so became very skilled at magic. Her father taught her to fight, both hand to hand, and with many assorted weapons, so she can use most if she has to. She was best with glaives and staffs. Her current weapon was a gift from her parents for her 15th birthday. In her village, that was the time when young people were sent beyond the walls that protected them, to explore the world in its entirety. They were to live on their own for two years, and once that period was done, they returned to the village. Then they would decide whether to remain in the village, or return to the outer world. Tujia left, accompanied by a small wolf cub named Anemos, who had come to the village, and whom she had adopted. She travelled to another village somewhat nearby, and became the apprentice to the shaman there, to finely hone her skills. She made a great many friends, and was starting to call this new place home. One day, she was rummaging through her pack from her home village, when she found four white stones at the bottom. She was toying with them, when a huge whirlwind came up and destroyed half the town. The people were angry with this, thinking she had done an act of sabotage, and cast her out. Since then, she has wandered from place to place, doing whatever she needs to do to get by. She vows not to settle down until she masters her newfound power. [/color] ]
[color=indigo] "Wait!" Dr. Suris yelled, as the sky guardian prepared to take off. She turned back, and stared at him. "I helped you! I set you free! You owe me, big time!" He looked pleading, but was fumbling in his pocket for a syringe. The guardian was surprised. "And you expect my gratitude? I never wished to wake up! You forced me from my sleep, only to use me once again. Now that I'm free, I will do as I please." She tried to leave once more, when she felt a pinch on her arm. She turned to find a needle plunged into her shin, held by the doctor. "Heh, now you won't get away! That held enough anesthetic to subdue a whale! Now, come quitely, or I'll have to hurt you." He grabbed her, smugly smiling, when she ripped the needle out of her arm. "Humans, you never listen!" she screamed, forming a whirlwind around the entire building. It shook it from the foundation, and the whole thing began to collapse. Many people screamed, but the winged one ignored the people trying to escape and increased the pressure. Suddenly one scream yanked her focus away. She looked around, and saw its source. One scientist, a young woman with short light blonde hair, was in the doorway, terrified. She clutched the frame, to keep herself anchored, but her grip was quickly loosening. The guardian grabbed her, not thinking, and flew her away, as the building began to crumble. They landed in a wooded area a short distance away, and the guardian set the young woman down. She whirled around and began yelling. "Why? Why did you do that? They're all probably dead back there! Why did you only save me?" She guardian looked at her curiously. "Who are you?" The woman was surprised. "My name's Jenna. Jenna Shingo. And while we're on the subject, what's yours?" She sat down, waiting for an answer. "My name is Kakaulani Washi. You may call me Lani, as it's much less of a mouthful. Now, what were you doing at that evil place?" Jenna was offended. "It's not evil, it's a research laboratory. Or at least it was, until you wrecked it. Anyway, I'm a scientist. I specialize in aeronautics, also in anthropology. I'm hardly an expert in my field, but I was hoping to gain experience working on the God Life Project. That's what we called the experiments we did on you, and your firends." Lani's eyes flashed. "So, my fellows have also been taken by you? It figures. Yes, they're all awake, and moving. I think Kyo is closest, but Ty and Melina aren't too far off. It'll take careful maneuvering to get anywhere without encountering anyone." "Wait, why do you want to avoid them? Aren't they your friends?" Jenna asked. "I have no friends, save for the sky creatures. All others have done nothing but use me. They are not evil, yet I try to avoid people if I can help it, whether god, mortal, or somewhere in between." Lani looked at Jenna curiously. "Yet for some reason I was compelled to save you. You have the light of the sky within you, yet why that is I'm not sure. You may join me, if you wish. I would like to know more about you, if that is acceptable, and more about the world." Jenna nodded, and offered her a syringe. "It will counter that anesthetic that Dr. Suris gave you. If you don't take it, you'll start to go numb any second. Lani nodded, and Jenna injected her with the medecine. Lani grabbed Jenna around the waist, and flew up into the sky. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Demetria Genesee (Demi) Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Eikro- A race that mainly deals ground-born elements, and can manipulate them as well as channel energy through them. Their defining feature is their wings, which are large and metallic, but collapisble. Demi folds hers so that no one notices them. Desc: Shoulder-length dark blue hair worn in a braid, gray eyes. Wears a short (long-sleeved) crimson dress with purple trim on the cuffs, collar, an hem. Black leggings, knee-high black lace up boots. She usually hides her wings, which are large, even for Eikro, and silvery blue. Weapon(s) (futuristic): Plasma Rifle, as well as a stone pendant worked with metal, that she channels energy into for her signature attacks. Bio: Demi was born on the planet of the Eikro, known as Sennesii. She lived planetside through her childhood, learning the ways of her people, and particularly excelling in magic. She left Sennesii when she was 15 to go to a special magic school on a nearby planet. During this time, she also learned how to pilot a spaceship, and became very good at that, although many say she cheats by using her connection with ground elements. She journeyed back to her home planet when she was 17, only to find that the whole thing had been destroyed by a fierce civil war, and the people were desperately trying to rebuild. Demi was didgusted by this, being a strong advocate for peace, and left the planet. She now gets jobs piloting anything to anywhere for the right price, while sending most of the money home to help rebuild. Despite her displeasure that her people warred, she still loves them fiercely, and tries to help them in any way possible. [/color]
Sign Up The Dragon Clans of Varv (ONLY NEED 5 PEOPLE!!!)
Stick Fairy replied to inti's topic in Theater
[color=indigo] Name: Neci Pyrrha Gender: Female Age: 17 Dragon Clan: Flame Dragon Clan Warrior Type: Soldier Weapon: Triple Glaive Appearance: Bright red hair cut just below her ears, bright purple eyes. Wears a short red dress (long-sleeved) over blue jeans, with a wide orange belt, tan hiking boots. Bio: Was born into the lowest class of the Flame Dragon Clan, the Seynites. These were the people who most often worked as servants for other, richer families. As a result, she didn't have a very good education while she was young. When she was five, the former master of Hoku, the fire dragon, passed away. There was a big ceremony to discover the next master, and most people thought that Kairo, the son of one of the wealthy families, would be chosen. When Neci was picked out of the crowd, the Clan was shocked, and shunned her from then on, believing her unworthy. She decided to prove herself by becoming a soldier and protecting the Clan from harm. She mostly heeps to herself, but has a fiery temper, and is not afraid to challenge authority. Dragon Name: Hoku Dragon Gender: Male Dragon Appearance: Large, red with large wings, and a orange star on the forehead. Legs, arms, the usual. Dragon Abilities: Basic Fire stuff, I guess... [/color] -
[color=indigo] Ack, sorry for the lateness! Alright, here's who's accepted/able to post, and their characters: Stick Fairy: Kiyoshi Alsandair Ruby: Kenmei Wakamono erinzyger: Maluspuer Karsh animangademon: Anya Himura ShadowKitty: Bri reka: Riluita/Farias Riangelmar Arika: Kilani Tarot Shi'iandra sweetreyes: Sar'ia outlawstar69: Garoad We've got our cast, let's open the first act! A white dove flew down to Ki in her dream, and as it landed, it took the shape of an older woman with white hair, wearing white robes. Ki smiled. "Hello Nana. Why have you come this time?" The woman frowned, somewhat sadly. "Kiyoshi, this is not a time for reunion. While I may have sometimes come to you before merely to check on you, this is not so trivial. The evil has found the temple." Ki was shocked. "But you warded it, and you are the strongest sorceress in all of the world!" The woman shook her head. "You forget that I am no longer alive. My power over the living has weakened, to the point where the dark one can break through it. You must leave, tonight. And find the Guardians. They are the only ones who can protect the other decks now." Ki looked befuddled. "But you said that the temple was the safest place for the decks, that the guardians shouldn't be called until the danger was imminent, that-" "Child, don't argue! The time has come, you must take up your responsibility and find the guardians. Not to mention the other deck. We can only hope that the evil one hasn't found that one yet. Kiyoshi, you must find the guardians and empower them, or he will start to sense the potential in them, and destroy them, as he did the last ones. Complete this mission, Kiyoshi. It is your destiny." With those final words, the woman slowly drifted off, melting back into dove form, as Ki began to regain consciousness. She sat up, and slowly began to pack the things she would need for her journey. ------------------------------------- Alright, so we (finally) begin! Remember, no one has a deck yet, except animangademon. The rest I leave to you for now. Enjoy! [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Stargazer Age: 16 Appearance: Long, jet black worn in two braids, amber eyes. Wears a knee-length blue dress over black pants, and a violet button-down shirt with torn off sleeves and many, many pockets. Type: Mage Weapon: Major~ Long Staff with a brilliant crystal star on the top, carried in her hand, or on her back if she's tired. Used for casting spells. Minor~ Darts tipped with sleeping potion, carried in a pouch in her pocket. Species: Human (I'm guessing) Bio: Stargazer lived all her life in the walled city, but was curious during all that time too. Ever since she could walk she would run away from her parents, trying to find someting new to see, of something fun to play with. Upon reaching the age of thirteen, her parents sent her to school to learn magic, sicne they knew that she would one day leave, driven by her curiosity. She excelled at her study, soon surpassing even some of the teacers, and was offered a chance to study outside the city. Her parents refused her the chance, and she has never quite forgiven them for that. Despte that, she loves her family dearly, and is particularly close to one of her siblings, an older brother, to whom she tells everything. [/color]
[color=indigo] Myrsi Labs, Iceland "Dr. Ganda's on the phone, sir! He says that his lab was drowned in a massive flood, and Dr. Alston's lab in Hawaii exploded." An annoyed scientist turned around to face the messenger. "And just what do they want me to do about it, eh? Should I go and perform a miracle, like they always expect me to? It's their problem, let them take care of it." "Yes, Dr. Suris. I'll let them know right away." The messenger turned to leave, but was stopped. "Did they say what the cause was?" The scientist's face was eager with interest, despite his attempts to look bored. "Yes, sir. Apparently there was a jump in the brainwaves of the guardians there. They seemed to be at the center of it." The messenger left, while Dr. Suris reached for the phone on his desk. "Hmph. Just shows their utter imcompetence. They can't even keep a simple test subject under control." Suddenly, another messenger, this one from the inner labs, rushed in. "Sir, Subject #1 has shown a significant increase in brainwave levels!" "WHAT? Take me there, immediately!" Dr. Suris was lead into the innermost labs, deep underground. They had almost reached the door when a huge gust of wind shattered the small glass observation window next to them. The messenger was blown away, but the doctor held his ground, straining to see inside the chamber. Many lower scientists were running for cover, and in the center of the room was a single, winged figure. She streched her wings, and looked around. "NO! Please, not them again! Why can't you all just leave me alone?" she screamed in anger. She grabbed a scientist's coat that was lying over a chair nearby, and wrapped it around her naked body. Once that was done, she extended her wings and flew towards the only exit she could see- directly at Dr. Suris. Before she could get past, he grabbed her wrist. "And just where do you think you're going?" she looked at him coldly. "Take me to the sky." "Just why would I do that?" he replied, looking at her with a menacing glare. She wrenced her wrist free, and a small whirlwind appeared around her hand. "Because if you do not, you will not live long enough to regret that decision. I no longer have reservations about harming humans. So do not make me ask again." He looked at her stubbornly, but seeing the iciness of her eyes, he led her to an elevator. "This will take us up." he told her, as they got in. Once it stopped, they exited to the roof. "A word of advice to you," the woman said as she prepared to leave, "Never take us again." [/color]
[color=indigo] If memory serves, it was "Bingo, bingo! You win the prize!" Question: What is Aburatsubo's first name from Magic User's Club? [/color]