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Stick Fairy

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Everything posted by Stick Fairy

  1. [color=indigo] I'm not at all sure if he counts, but Kero from Cardcaptors. I mean, a pet who'll talk back! Also, Tama-chan from Love Hina, Kilala, Ryo-ohki (or Ken-ohki), and Ein. And others that I'm too brain-dead to think of right now. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo] Ah, a fellow Tamora Pierce fan! Name: Chelsey Harbas Age: 10 Gender: Female From: Corus- her parents are merchants there Appearance: [img]http://www.beaconschool.org/portal/ftp/index.php?cdir=/Stuffy%20Stuffy%20Stufff&get=/Stuffy%20Stuffy%20Stufff/prettygirlyellow1.gif[/img] Abilities: Particularly good at forming battle strategies, and a natural with a glaive (spear-like weapon) Attitude: Cheery and frindly, once you get her to open up. She may seem snobby, but she's really just shy. If she really likes a person, she'll talk their ears off. [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] Race: Guardian (West, Wind, Winter, etc.) Type: Wind Eagle Name: Zephyr (means "west wind in Greek) Age: 1398 Gender: Female Description: The West's Angel/Human form has shoulder length white hair with shimmering stars in them. She wears a kimono that wraps around her waist and isn't loose. The ribbon that wraps around her waist have several feathers at the end of them. The colors on them are maroon, light grey, and light blue. Her eyes are the colors of the cloudless skies. She carries around a staff as high as her in her right hand and feathered arrowheads in a pouch hidden in her ribboned waist. Animal Form: A pure white eagle with light blue wings and cloudy gray eyes, and maroon talons that seem harmless, but are razor sharp and can even cut through rock. Location: Temple of Wind Weapon(s): Staff (see pic), and arrowheads. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/hiddenotaku/images/takenimages/eaglewand.gif[/IMG] Magic/Skills/Spells: She has the ability to control the winds and snow. She lets the breeze blow which way, the currents of the air to change and to create air disasters. She also has the ability to make it snow. She is the Winter. Personality: Quite friendly and caring. Also extremely forgetful, and has trouble conveying her feelings. Despite that, she has very good judgement and is often a mediator in disputes, a definite peacekeeper. She's quick to catch on, and an easy talker with almost anyone. She's somewhat skittish when it comes to new surroundings. Yet she will always take a moment to help someone in need. And she's one heck of a singer. Bio: Zephyr grew up in a mountain village in Belleza, Venustas. She lived with her parents and a younger sister, who were merchants on the mountain. Then one day, her sister became ill and died. Her family was somewhat reclusive after that, but Zephyr was moved to become a healer, and wanted to study with a monk who liked at the top of another mountain, the tallest mountain in all of Venustas, where many holy men lived in peace. Her parents were reluctant to let her leave, but nothing would deter her, so she left and trained for five years, until she was 18. She became skilled in healing, as well as protection spells, and befriended all of the people living there, from the friendly to the most reclusive. At the end of her training, she was journeying back to her home village when a winged demon tried to carry her away. She fought it until it released her, but she was dropped into the open sky. She was caught by the Guardian of the Wind, and brought to the temple. The Guardian informed her that it was not her time to die, because she had a new task to perform- she was to become the next Guardian of Wind. The former Guardian helped her recover, then died. She was allowed to visit her parents once, to ensure them that she was alive and well. They tried to get her to come home, but it was soon apparent to them that she was unable to, and so they let her go. She has lived at the Temple of Wind ever since. I hope this is alright! Just let me know if you want me to change anything! [/color]
  4. [color=indigo] OOC: Um, could someone tell me what's going on? It's quite confusing now. Not to mention the fact that half the characters are being ignored, and there are about three separate storylines. I'm so lost... IC: Sasha and Euri reached the forest, and saw Metta, Garm, and Tara standing in a circle. "Hi, wow we finally found you!" Sasha said excitedly. No one answered, but Metta pointed down, to Rem, who was lying on the ground. "Gee-osh! It's just one of those days, isn't it? So, have you tried waking her up?" Sasha tried to poke her, but was repelled. "There's an energy barrier around her." Garm said. "Oh thanks, I hadn't noticed." Sasha replied dryly. She looked around at the company, recalling her memory of elemental reaction. "Let's see here. Metta and Garm are both fire, which would only fuel the barrier. So would Euri, who's wind. And Tara, who's earth, would get burned. Looks like only water can break down this baby." She flexed her hands, then placed them as close to Rem as she could. She felt her fingers go numb, but kept sending water energy directly into the barrier. [i]Rem, wake up! It's okay now, you're safe! Please, wake up now![/i] The barrier weakened, and Rem blinked slowly. All of a sudden there was a large discharge of energy, as the barrier evaporated. "Rem, you're okay...good." Sasha said, and then collapsed. Everyone jumped, but Euri said "She just used too much energy. She'll be fine in a few minutes." Then she turned to Rem, and asked, "So, what happened to you?" [/color]
  5. [color=indigo] Nice to have you join us! Alright, so we have one more person. Just try and fit a descrip in there sometime, but otherwise great! I can't start this now I'm afraid, but tomorrow for sure. I'll PM everyone when it starts. Technically signups are still open for deckless characters, but I'll probably close them tomorrow. Thank you all for joining, and I'll see you there! [/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Sasha was hurrying over to Selenay's house, when suddenly she ran into Euri. Literally. "Ouch! Sorry, I guess I was in a hurry," Sasha said, getting up. "So, are you on you way to Sel's house?" she asked, somewhat more cautiously. Euri didn't respond, she just continued walking. Sasha hurried to catch up. "Hey, are you alright?" Still no reply. Sasha gave up and tried thinking back to the previous night. All she could remember was falling asleep, and then waking up screaming and scared. She had no memories whatsoever of her dream, so it wasn't scary to her. What scared her was that the dream had frightened her so much. She hadn't been that scared by anything since her father died, and that was such a long time ago. But once they had reached Selenay's house, all those thoughts were driven from her mind by worry. The door was wide open, but no one was there. It was as if they had been driven away by something. Sasha glanced at Euri, who looked equally confused, and they both set off for the woods, running. [/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Alrighty, all of the decks have been taken! We just need Arika to post her bio, and we're set! This'll probably start around Friday, or whenever Arika fills in her bio. Also, you can still sign up as a deckless character if you want. Otherwise... yeah, that's it! [/color]
  8. [color=indigo] Name: Veciye Noor Age: 18 Gender: Female World: Gensine Magic: [i]Silueme[/i]- Illuminates an area, which both helps people see and paralyzes any creature of darkness in the area. [i]Kundusu[/i]- A spell which allows the user to float for a short period of time. Essentially levitation, it was invented by Skye monks as a way to become closer to the gods. [i]Ieremia[/i]- Masks the person, as well as their life force, making them undetectable. This works even if someone touches the user; it's as if they've disappeared. Location: Knoll Bio: Veciye was born in Seremie, where her family had a cabbage farm. One day, her parents took her on a trip to Morrowsin to sell some of their cabbage. Veciye was entranced by the sights of a large city at first, but her focus was drawn mostly to the Skye temple that was there. She was amazed by the devotion of the monks, and wanted to share in that, so she vowed to become one someday. She journeyed to Knoll to do just that when she was 16, and has been in training there ever since. She adores the life she has there, and has given her life to the gods completely, because she believes that they protect her and her family. She is also devoted to her parents and younger brother, Atekini, and will do almost anything they ask of her. I hope this is okay! [/color]
  9. Stick Fairy


    [color=indigo] Sakari rurriedly brushed her hands against the control panel in front of her, pushing numerous buttons. The screen flashed several times, showing different figures and statistics, which she tried to get off the screen. Most of them she knew already anyway. "Captain, all shields are up, weapons are charging and should be ready in one point three minutes. Shield output is at 86%. The controls and engines are undamaged." As she finished speaking, a tremor shook the ship, nearly jolting some of the crew off their feet. Sakari's hands flew over the panel with fluid motions. "The shields took the most of the impact. Output at 73%. Weapons charged in twenty seconds." Savari swiveled in her chair to face the Captain. "Never mind all that now, what was the cause of the hit?" She brought the camera images to the screen. "Three ships, each about the size of our own. Not replying to transmition, believed to be enemy craft. They most likely fired the blast, unless the X-force had a weapons malfunction. There are no other ships in the area." Once she had finished the report, Sakari smiled with pride. She was a new pilot on the Phoenix, with only a few months experience, yet she was able to work with the best of them. Another tremor quickly ended her thoughts and brought her back to reality. "Weapons ready, set to fire on the Captain's command. Sir?" she asked quickly, hands poised over the controls, ready to fire. [/color]
  10. [color=indigo] My favorite anime ever is Slayers! I can't believe that no one's mentioned it yet! I mean, it has action, both regular sword fights and magical duels. It has romance, in many forms, though my favorite couple has gotta be Lina and Gourry- obvious, yet somehow really sweet. It's got drama, comedy, and adventure- anything an anime lover could hope for! And it's nice and long, so you don't each a conclusion too quickly (I usually hate short series). A close second is Fushigi Yugi, which I still haven't finished because I can only see it on IC. This is also quite good, for many of the same reasons as listed above, but the romance was what probably hooked me. It's another obvious one, but the fact that it endures for so long is quite touching, and the bond between them is just so sweet. I also like the fact that it ties in the stars (big astrology fan), but that's just me. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo] Amaya looked over the goodies they had gotten from the treasure chests as they headed for the next level. There were lots of healing potions, as well as a couple weapons, and some really cool looking stuff that was probably rare. "So how should we split this? We all fought the monsters. Well, except maybe her." She shot a glance at Rena, who wasn't paying attention. "She won't get experience anyway- she's level 99." Hunter informed her. "Well then why'd she come? Oh well, whatever. I'm not too concerned about that now." Amaya replied, looking around. "Something wrong?" Hilind asked. "Don't ask me- ask them. They've been following us for a while." Amaya pointed behind her, and they saw two figures half concealed by shadows. They seemed to flinch once they heard that they had been discovered, but stepped out. "So who are you, and what do you want?" Amaya asked curiously, looking the newcomers over. [SIZE=1]Knowing I'm on the street where you live...[/SIZE] [/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Yoshimi woke up with a start. She rolled over, moaning softly, and checked her clock. "3:30AM- great, so I wake up in the middle of the night. She got up and went over to the window, opening it to get some air. "Knowing me, I'll never get back to sleep now," she grumbled, reaching out to touch the tree that grew next to her house. It was so close that she could climb onto a sturdy branch if she wanted, something she often did when she needed a place to think. "Well, mom and dad are asleep, so I don't think that anyone'll notice." Yoshimi grabbed her umbrella and pulled a long purple robe over her light blue pajamas. She stuffed her feet into rubber-soled slippers, then swung her leg over the window ledge. She reached out and pulled herself onto the branch, then slowly began climbing down the tree. Once she reached the bottom, she patted the tree's trunk affectionately, then started walking. The direction didn't matter, but a walk might help her fall asleep again, she thought [/color]
  13. [color=indigo] *blushes from kiss on cheek* Wow, that's great! Technically, you weren't supposed to have a deck yet, but you did such a splendiferous job on your bio that I'm going to make an exception. You should feel special, yes indeed. So yeah! Just one deck left, plus nyone who wants to be a deckless character! Woohoo! [/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Yay for people! Alright, the Deck of Elements is the only one left now, but you can still sign up even if you don't have a deck. Otherwise, this will start once someone claims the final deck and animangademon posts a character. [/color]
  15. [color=indigo] Name: Experiment #1 Kakaulani Washi ("Lani") Age: Thousands of years old. Apperance: I found a pic I like for once! Yay! [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/hiddenotaku/images/aniangel1.jpg[/IMG] Weapons: a long black whip with a silver handgrip that's etched with ancient runes, also her wings which she can use as fighting extentions of her body (almost like extra arms or legs). Bio: Lani enjoyed protecting the skies, as well as helping their residents and the humans coexist. When the gods took their anger out on the guardians, she was hurt that someone would do such a thing. She never tried to usurp any god, yet still she was punished. While she enjoyed the ability to fly, she was unable to rejoin society, making her an outcast. She was no longer content to help humans when they had shunned her, and gratefully accepted the eternal rest that the mother earth offered. Once awoken from her sleep, she was furious to see that humans had yanked her from her peace only to use her again, without any intention of accepting her. She fled the laboratory, and now hides in a tall mountain cave with only her other winged friends to keep her sane, and stop her from an attack against the humans. She loves her fellow guardians, yet mourns the loss of their freedom, and will not be easily convinced to see any of them. Ablitites: Flight- Hopefully self-explanitory. Gray Whirlwind- Stirs air into a funnel, completely surrounding the target, and thereby cutting off their air supply, so they are unable to breathe. Nearly impossible to break through from either the inside or outside, though the top could be a weak point. Flow Whisper- An ability allowing her to send messages on gusts of wind and have them be heard by whoever she wishes, but no outsiders can hear it. Life Breeze- A healing ability, which calls on the power of the air to heal wounds and sicknesses. Cannot heal fatal wounds or illnesses, but can stop them from progressing for a short time. Stars Ray- A collection of celestial energy which can be fired at an enemy, draining them of both physical and mental strenght. This ability can only be used at night. I know that technically, Eternal Otaku finished his character first, but my teacher was about to kick me off the computer and I still had actual work to do (in case you hadn't noticed, I was at school). I have finished, by the way, and am leaving the decision up to the thread starter. I will go with what you say. I know it must be a hard choice, but I asked for the chracter first, and I would've finished if not for that annoying teacher. *growls at stupid rules* Whatever, it's up to you! [/color]
  16. [color=indigo] Yay, people are signing up!!! So far: Deck of Destiny (reka) Deck of Stars (animangademon) Deck of Elements- the ony one left at the moment! Deck of Trial (Ruby) Deck of Rebirth (ShadowKitty) Plus erinzyger as the evil sorceror! One thing I forgot before is a rules section. I won't demand five paragraphs from everyone, just prove you read Harlequin's sticky and you'll be fine. Two pet peeves- bad spelling, and changing other people's characters. So please, make it readable, and if you must control someone else's character, make sure you've read their bio so you don't change their personality. That's all! So yay! More signups please! [/color]
  17. [color=indigo] This is my first RPG, so please don't throw stones. Tomatos are okay, but no stones, alright? Just about everyone's heard of fortune telling cards, right? The most popular ones are tarot cards, but everyone's putting their own spin on them these days. Truth is, today's fortune telling cards were based off the Five Decks of Futures, which were the oldest known fortune cards. But unlike the cards you'd see a modern fortuneteller use, these don't predict the future- they create it. In the past of legends, when the gods ruled the earth, there were many oracles dedicated to them, which were said to be able to predict the future. The Oracle at Delphi, dedicated to the Greek god Apollo, was one of the most famous, but there were others. The gods were said to visit these temples and give a priest or priestess a vision of the future. But one day, the gods got lazy, so they created the Decks of Futures so that they could have a tighter control over the earth, and make fortune telling easier on themselves. But the cards were too powerful, and the King of Gods banished them to earth, since the cards only dealt with earthly affairs. Since then, the cards were left to choose guardians, people who would protect them from being misused. Any sentient being, not just humans, was capable of being a guardian, because the cards had a say in the lives of all earthlings, not only humans. And so their guardians cared for the cards, each deck choosing a new one when the old one was unable to properly care for them. The world went about its business, and everything was relatively smooth for a time. But one day, an evil sorcerer learned of the decks' existence, and more importantly, of their power. He sought out all of the guardians, and killed them, hoping to take control of all the decks, and thereby rule the world. But the Deck Master, who was the guardian of the guardians, took all the decks, and now looks for new people to care for them. The Deck Master is a person with extremely powerful magic, who doesn?t hold one of the five decks, but a secret deck, which is directly linked with the others. This one can't manipulate the future, but it can tell when the other decks are being used, and what the outcome will be. The Five Decks of Futures are: The Deck of Destiny The Deck of Stars The Deck of Elements The Deck of Trial The Deck of Rebirth Plus the Deck Master?s deck, The Deck of Sight I need the five deck guardians, the evil sorcerer, and there can be other people who help the deck guardians (friends, whatever). I'm the Deck Master. Signup: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b](Human, animal, whatever. Something from earth please.) [b]Deck:[/b] (if you have one) [b]Weapon:[/b] (optional) [b]Description:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Confused? Here's mine! [b]Name:[/b] Kiyoshi Alsandair (call her Ki) [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human/White Tiger (magically mixed) [b]Deck:[/b] Deck of Sight [b]Weapon:[/b] A long staff with a crystal orb on one end and a silver blade on the other, used to cast spells as well as for a physical weapon. [b]Description:[/b] Tall and slender, with dark silver hair to her shoulders, and golden eyes. Small white tiger ears, as well as a long striped tail, both of which she hides with her magic. Wears a long gray shirt, black vest and capris, black sandals and fingerless gloves. [b]Bio:[/b] Ki was raised by her maternal grandmother, who was the former DeckMaster. She was also the head priestess of a temple devoted to the Goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, in a secluded mountain region of India. This woman taught Ki everything about the cards, as well as some magic that she could use. She died when Ki was thirteen, leaving her the Deck of Sight, and instructions for what to do. Ki found out that her grandmother didn't die of old age, but from a spell cast by the sorcerer who killed the old deck guardians. She is now using the Deck of Sight to find the new guardians. She has all of the decks with her, but is forbidden to use any except her own. She's a true protector, who will do anything to guard her friends, family, and mostly anyone. She won't just lay down and die though, because she feels that she's no help to anyone if she's dead. Truly, she's scared of dying, and scared of what happens to dead people. She's quite friendly, but won't divulge her true secrets to even the best of her friends. She is also a skilled liar, but it is a skill she prefers not to use. Please sign up people! This should be fun! [/color]
  18. [color=indigo] Once Sasha had finished with the dishes, she had sat down in the living room to wait for Selenay. Unfortunately, that was the wrong thing to do after a long and eventful day. Soon she was asleep, and that meant that the dreams would come. Sasha tossed and turned, mumbling in her sleep, but since no one was around, no one noticed. In her sleep, she froze the air, not realizing that it would affect her real surroundings. Not realizing that she was asleep, that it was all only a dream. The living room windows frosted over, the metal and stone felt like ice cubes. The cold spread, leaking out of the house, to Rem and Kitty. Seeping further into the house, where Selenay and Ares finally noticed it. "Ares, is it just me, or is it really cold in here?" Selenay asked in a worried tone. "Maybe you should turn the AC down." Selenay checked, then answered, "But it's not even on!" They went out into the living room, where they found Sasha jerking, twisting, trying to get away from an invisible pursuer. "No... not again! No, get away! Stop, please... just leave me alone!" Sasha cried in her sleep, unaware that she was actually safe. Selenay reached out to grab her, then pulled back. The cold around Sasha was almost unbearable. She tried again, and managed to grab her arm, which felt like a block of ice. "Sasha, wake up! You're just dreaming!" Selenay yelled. "No, no... NO!" Sasha screamed, jolting herself out of her dream and collapsing on the floor. The room began to return to it's normal temperature, as Sasha trembled in fear. "He came back. I told him to stay away, but he wouldn't listen." Sasha burst into tears, as Selenay hugged her. "It was just a dream, you're okay now." Selenay reassured her, as Sasha cried on her shoulder. [/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Merisa hopped off the crosstown bus. "Thanks!" she yelled to the driver, who waved, then pulled away. Merisa streched her arms and yawned. What a perfect plan- take the bus, but have it stop in the middle of the park. It was a plan she had used many times, whe she needed air, but was to tired or weighted down to walk from her East Side high school. But today she was neither tired nor weighed down, just in a hurry. She ran up the stairs, the secret stairs that lead to the castle in the park. It was Merisa's favorite place, besides the garden next to it and the lake. It was her special place, where her mom had taken her for art classes ever since she was four. And since she had a few minutes before she had to meet her friends, it was the place she stood, overlooking the turtle pond and the gardens. The air refreshed her, her energy returning after her trek up to the top floor. She could see some people she knew starting to gather in their special spot, a small grove next to the great lawn. She sighed, because as much as she wanted to see them, she was always more comofortable at the castle. But it was time, so she took one last deep breath, and made her way down to earth. [/color]
  20. [color=indigo] I rather enjoyed Kikaider when I saw it on Adult Swim. It dealt with some very interesting questions, such as what it means to be human and such. The battle scenes were pretty cool, but it wasn't like "Oh, let's go blow everyone up!" And the relationships were angsty- my favorite kind. I absolutely loved Kiakaider and give it a 9/10. As for 01, I hated it so much! There were no good morals (and if there were, someone please point them out to me), the battles were boring, and there was basically no romance, much less angst. There was no visible transition, and the fact that... what Eternal Otaku said... that was stupid. And while both endings were horrible, the ending for 01 was much worse. So 01 got a 4/10, and that's being kind. Has anyone heard about the other one? There's another Kikaider anime. I read about it in Newtype, but it's only in Japan right now. Any news? [/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Nyx strolled through the halls. "Wow, I can't believe I'm back already. Summer's gotten way too short." She brushed some dust off her school uniform, a new rule for this year, then looked around. The halls were nearly empty, a treat for any student. "Oh the glory of always being late," she said, checking her watch. "Don't wanna be too late, though." She ran down a corridor, keeping an eye out for teachers, until she found the main office. "Oh, so here you are Ms. Nidorai. Late as usual I see." Nyx turned to find herself facing the receptionist, who was handing her a schedule. "And why should that change? Thanks Ms. Frisco. So, what'm I late for today?" Nyx looked at the paper, but it was too early in the day for her to be able to make sense of it. "Chemistry. And you'd better hurry, there's some wild kids in your clsss, and the teacher won't take kindly to a latecomer." Nyx stuffed the schedule in her pocket and thanked the receptionist, then tore down the hall. "215, 215... there!" She opened the door, and tried to sit down before the teacher would notice her. Luckily, he was busy yelling at some kids in the back, so she made it safely, pulling out a notebook. "What a great way to begin the year," she said to herself, sighing. [/color]
  22. [color=indigo] "Alright, so where'd they go to this time?" A young red-haired girl ran up the side of a hill, slightly out of breath. "Drat. It seems that they got away. Oh well, I'll find them yet." She yawned, then looked at the sun, which was sinking behind the mountain that used to be her home. "Dinner, then bed. I'll find those scoundrels tomorrow." She pushed up one of the sleeves of her crimson dress to reveal a thick silver bracelet with a small ruby orb in the middle. She brushed her hand against it gently. "Come on out, Hoku!" A light glimmered slightly, but nothing happened. "Hoku, come out now, please!" the girl said in a strained voice. Still, nothing happened. "Hesperos Kahgegwagebow, come out now or I'll drench you with water!" There was a tremendous blaze of light, and a large winged figure stood beside the girl. "Don't like it when I use your real name, eh Hoku? Think it'll scare off all the girl dragons? I doubt it, but it's up to you." In her mind, the dragon called Hoku scolded the girl, whom hel called Neci, for bringing him out. She reminded him that it was starting to get cold, and besides she needed protection. That settled, she built a fire, ate dinner, and went to sleep curled up against the watchful eye of the dragon. [/color]
  23. [color=indigo] OOC: Why thanks, Knight! You post quite nicely too. Himani watched the others choose the paths; each time the energy in the tunnels seemed to be stronger, as well as more confusing. It was hard work just to decipher the remains of energy trails. Once Aarde had lead them through the fourth set of tunnels, the pull was extremely strong, as was the heat. While Himani wasn't bothered at all by cold temparatures, heat was another matter altogether, and she was starting to feel slightly ill. Looking around, she could see that the others were starting to feel uneasy due to the heat. Only Feuer seemed unaffected. She pulled her charm out again. [i]I really hate doing this needlessly, but I seem to have no choice. Oh well.[/i] She closed her eyes and hummed again, although quieter, so no one could hear her. They could sense magic being worked though, and turned to her in alarm. The cold in her charm ran through her hands, and the feeling work its way into her mind. Carefully, she managed to cool a small section of air around them, so that it was comfortable. Opening her eyes, Himani found that Mizu, Malheleco, and Aarde were looking at her with thanks. She quickly turned her head, and asked "So does anyone know what's supposed to happen when we get out of these tunnels?" "No, we don't. And thank you, Himani." a voice, probably Mizu's, answered. Himanistarted walking again, hoping to distance herself from her compnions so that she could sort through her thoughts. [i]Why? Why is it that these people bring my memories of him back to me? Why, when I only wish to forget him? When all he wanted was to forget me? Oh Suraj, please, either help me, or... or just leave me alone![/i] Wow, it's my 100th post! Umm, that is a good thing, right? Well, go me! [/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Name: Sakari Falda Age: 18 Race: Eikro- A race that mainly deals ground-born elements, and can manipulate them as well as channel energy through them. Their defining feature is their wings, which are large and metallic, but collapisble. Sakari folds hers so that no one notices them. Weapons: A flat piece of stone what she holds like a gun, which is used to channel energy. Ship: Phoenix Side: X-force Rank: Pilot Description: Short black hair with dark green bangs and tips, hazel eyes. Wears a short sleeved beige shirt, short brown pants, tall dark brown boots, and pilots goggles despite their antiquity. Bio: Sakari left her planet at the age of 9 by stowing away on a trader ship. She has always been longing for adventure. She loves to fly, both with her wings and in a ship of any kind, so she became a pilot- and one of the best there is too. She's extremely talkative, and will talk to the air if no one's around. (sorry the bio's short) [/color]
  25. [color=indigo] I must agree thet the first one is pretty boring (the manga, anyway), but it gets sooo much better as you get into it. I tried reading it once, but couldn't get past the first page. Luckily, my friend lent me a bunch and made me read it, which I am very grateful for because now I am thoroughly enjoying it. The first one is probably so boring because there are nothing but side-stories in it, with no actual plot whatsoever. It basically just sets the stage for the storyling that starts in the second book. So give it a go. Oh, and what's a pc...? [/color]
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