Stick Fairy
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Everything posted by Stick Fairy
[color=indigo] OOC: Well, I hate to say it, but if you report someone, you may draw attention to yourself. And while you don't control other's characters, your posts aren't exactly top quality. Perhaps you should read Harlequin's sticky for this forum before rushing off to point fingers. Ooops, or did I just do that? Whatever, just a suggestion. IC: A lonely figure appeared by the new dungeon. "This just opened today, right? It's brand new?" she heard someone ask a guard. "Yes, it's so new that you're some of the first people to try it." [i]Hmmm, this could be interesting. [/i]"Sir, are the monsters particularly hard here? Should a mid-60s be able to survive?" she asked. "Only if you keep on your toes. Maybe you should try to form a party. It'd be safer for you." "I see. Thank you very much." the girl said, then went off to the side to think. A party would be safer, but her people skills were somewhat... lacking. She saw a small group of people going inside- a girl and two boys. Before she could think, she ran off before they could go inside, and cut them off. "Hello, I'm Amaya." she said nervously. "May I join your party?" [/color]
[color=indigo] The other shaman watched as Diana raced off into the village. One of the ninjas looked at her and said "I don't believe I caught your name." "Well, I don't believe I dropped it," replied the shaman, who then blushed. "Please excuse me, one of my elders was forever saying that, and it's become a reflex." She looked down, brushing her foot in the dusty road. When she looked up, all four of her newfound companions were staring at her. "Oh right, the name. I had one, but I forgot it, so the shamans named me Ramia. It means fortune-teller, which is what I am. Or well, I'm a shaman, but I specialize in fortune-telling. Or rather foresight. Actually... oh, never mind." She stared at the ground again, when one of the cat-girls said "You talk alot for someone so shy!" Smiling, the shaman answered "My teacher said the very same thing." They had all started laughing when the messenger shaman returned from the village. [/color]
[color=indigo] Sasha frowned. "So what, we all came over to get confused? Fun. I for one will not stand for it. I mean, this is not what we came for." She turned to her audience, but found that most of them had started to leave. Metta touched her arm lightly. "Maybe we should just leve Selenay alone right now," she said before filing out the door with the others. "Perhaps. But if she's a water sign, and she is, she really oughta talk with someone." She silently mind-called, but Selenay seemed busy. "Oh. Of course, she could be talking with someone else. No matter, I can wait." She looked around for something to do, and started to clean up the glasses that the group had used during what was supposed to be a meeting, but had turned into a fiasco. Members were attacked, both physically and mentally it seemed, and secrets among friends were coming into the open. Sasha shivered, then brought the cups into the kitchen to wash. Submerging her hands in the frigid water, she called one more time to Selenay. [i]Whenever you need me, I'll be here. Friends between signs, right?[/i] She hummed a cheery tune while washing, one that only masked her true thoughts. [/color]
[color=indigo] Himani sighed, putting a hand to her head delicately. [i]So now I have to be the leader. Lovely. [/i] She shook her head, then decided that there was no use dwelling in self-pity. She once again pulled out the small silver charm. She didn't need it, but made her job a great deal easier. She held it tightly and started to humm softly. A single note began to resonate through the small cave, touching each person. The sound travelled down each branch of the passages, rumbling slightly, engulfing the company in a silvery white mist that wasn't visible to the physical senses, but could only be observed through the mind's eye. Himani's world was blanketed in her aura, and once the process was complete, she could start to sort out the energies at work. It was possible to skip this time-consuming step, but Himani felt no reason to rush, and lose precious energy. Whoever was calling them would want them to take the time to do this right. Of course, that was no reason to procrastinate. Himani flew through the feelings of the tunnel in her head, until she reached her conclusion. She slowly lowered her note, until the cavern fell quiet. Himani silently pointed to a passageway, uncomfortable from the four pairs of eyes staring at her. "It's that way, alright? Now let's just go." She started to walk briskly, trying to avoid the gaze of her companions. It wasn't as if she had done anything great, just what was necessary, after all. [/color]
[color=indigo] EDITED!!! Name: Ramia Sekari Age: 17 Gender: Female Bio: Lives with the chief shaman of her village, who happens to be her teacher. Has very little personal history, as she washed up on the western shore of the Shamans continent five years ago, with no personal memories. She couldn't even read or write. She wants to find her family someday, but has no idea where to begin. She is a good healer, but a superb fortune-teller/future-seer, and has predicted events many times. Her foresight has helped save the village before, and she hopes it will help again.(Not very original this time, please forgive me...) Personality: Wishy washy. She has a hard time standing up for what she feels is right, but will do so to save her friends. She may emulate power, but inside she's really a crybaby. Class: Shaman Attacks: She uses astral projection to attack her enemies from the spirit plane. She can also use energy attacks on the physical plane (like an energy blast), and is able to use telekinesis. [/color]
[color=indigo] Not too late to join I hope! Name- Amaya age- 18 gender- female type- wavemaster level- 67 bio- A high school senior who's bummed about going to college, and drowns herself in fantasy to run away from the reality of her ever-changing life. Enjoys making friends, but has never been skilled in that area. apperence- tall, long loose black hair with streaks of gold and purple. Wears a long purple dress and a long sleeveless black robe over that, black boots. Haunting silver eyes. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hawke3000 [/i] [B]My favourite character is Gourry for his sheer stupitidy!!! My favourite scene is,well,all of the episode where they go to get the Dragon Cuisine in NEXT!!!See it.It is THE funiest episode!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Oh, that is one of the best! I like that one, and also the one with that insane tennis-like tournament. All of my favorite episodes are in NEXT. Oh wait, except for the one where Gourry, Amelia, and Lina do that play on the way to Sairaag. That one's my favorite! As for the quality, I find this show to be one of my supreme favorites, as well as one of my most hated. Why? Because I LOVE the sub (I too watched it on IC), but I can't stand the dub. Not just Lisa Ortiz, everyone in the dub drives me nuts! Particularly Zelgadis- he just sounds weird! But really, how could anyone possibly replace Megumi-sama in the role of Lina? Even listening to just one of the theme songs (I'd suggest Jama wa Sasenai) should tell you that. [/color]
[color=indigo] Himani trudged through the snow. She always enjoyed seeing the Arctic; she had been many times before. But this time, the journey had been hard, and she had no patience for the blizzard-level snow around her. She sighed, then pulled a small silver charm out from under her dress. It was cold, and she used that to anchor herself as she started to sing. It was a slow, sad tune, and not one she enjoyed at all. But slowly the ice around her decreased, and the visibility improved. Rubbing her bare arms that bothered her, not from the cold, but a feeling she couldn't shake, she spotted the rendezvous site. She stopped singing and the snow abruptly stopped in midair, the whirled around her to fill the void. This time, it let her through without any further effort, and she continued her walk, with the barest trace of a smile on her lips, as she raced to meet her companions. [/color]
[color=indigo] All right- an RPG in my backyard! Name: Merisa Danu Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon: A crossbow, and a tall silver pole. She also always carries her umbrella, but she rarely uses it. And yes, it is a weapon. Element: Wind (and only wind. Sorry about the mistake) Appearance: Mid-back long brown hair, which is messily streaked with purple and red. Brown eyes. Wears a short light purple dress over jeans, and a long black trenchcoat over that. She is never seen without her hat, a dark blue knitted thing with pins and trinkets thrust in several places, or her matching scarf, both of which are self-knitted. She always carries her unbrella, as well as a tan backpack. Background: Merisa grew up in NYC a mere block away from Central Park, and ever since she could she would slip away from her parents and spend hours under her favorite trees. She met Kari there on one such occasion, when she was hurt and Marisa helped her, and they were friends ever since. Marisa is a very mothering firend, who tries to make sure nothing bad will ever happen to the people she cares about. She lives with her mother and her cat, Nyao, who often sneaks into her bag. She is a born dancer, and almost as often as she goes to the park, she'll sneak away on a bus to Lincoln Center or to the Joyce Theater to see dance performances. She takes lessons, but cannot take professional ones, because her family cannot afford them. She loves dancing to Kari's music. [/color]:cross:
[color=indigo] Chelte was flopped over on her bed, reading, when a loud beep from the corner startled her and she fell with a loud crash. "Owww. What the...?" She rubbed her head as she fumbled for her vid-watch. [i]Oh great, it's Roph. Ever since he got to go on missions before me he's been so full of himself. But let's at least see what he wants.[/i] She pressed a few buttons, and suddenly Roph's face appeared holographically over the watch. "Well, hello there. Feel like going for a mock mission? Or did you just come to taunt me?" "Oh, so funny. No, actually I'd like to talk with you, that is if I can without you biting my head off." Roph replied. "Oh, is that it? Well, I'm afraid my vid-watch is low on batteries, so if you'll excuse me." Chelte was about to turn it off, when he answered. "No, you're not excused. Actually, I only called to warn you that I'd be paying you a visit. A real one. So clean your room, I'll be there in a few minutes." Chelte shrieked, but the picture disappeared. [i]Disconneted before I could reject. Must be something serious.[/i] Chelte grabbed some clothes and hurriedly stuffed them into her closet, then dusted off her hair. "Yikes, what a mess!" she exclaimed. She traded her novel for a textbook, then tried to smooth out the wrinkles in her dress. [i]If it's serious, I'm gonna make him take me seriously if it's the last thing I do.[/i] Finally, she checked her vid-watch. She pressed a few keys, and the machine clearly stated "Inquiries?" "Yes. Firstly, any messages?" Messages. Searching... Negative messages. Inquiries?" The vid-watch performed it's check in a matter of seconds. "Yes. Missed alerts, reminders, or other programmed times?" [i]Oh, I hope not. Sir will have a fit if I missed two things today. The machine searched. "Missed alerts. Searching... Negative. Inquiries?" "No, thank you. Finish." Chelte answered, letting out a sigh of relief as there was a loud knock on her door. OOC: It seems everyone has writer's block. Oh, and I almost never write in multiple paragraphs. I just smush them all into one big long one. If this is a problem , please tell me. [/color]
[color=indigo] Yoshimi was flopped on her bed reading when her phone rang. She reached into her pocket, wincing slightly. While her wrist was feeling better, it was still badly swollen and kept in bandages. "Hi, Yoshimi?" came a voice from the other end. "Oh, Nisha, how are you? I was just-" Yoshimi was cut off. "There's a clow card at the aquatic zoo. I'll be there soon to get you." Nisha sounded a bit worried. Yoshimi smiled. "Yeah, I'll be ready. But are you sure I can't at least let Mia know? She'll feel really left out." "I know, but yesterday was really stressful for her. We should let her rest." Nisha explained. Yoshimi reluctantly agreed, and gathered her phone, umbrella, and skates and crammed them into a backpack, which she flung over her shoulders. She ran downstairs, and found her father in the kitchen. "Dad, I'm going out with Nisha, okay?" Her father smiled and waved her off, and Yoshimi rushed out the door to meet Nisha. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Himani Language of name: Hindu Appearance: Waist length pale blue hair with silver streaks, worn in two braids, blue eyes, very pale skin. Wears a long, white sleeveless shirt open over a dark blue dress. Personallity: Very isolated from society, she finds it very hard to make friends and would rather just stay by herself. She is moved to help other people not by friendship, but by an extreme sense of purpose within her. Were it not for that, she would probably never leave the house. She's very intelligent, having spent a great deal of her tome with books, but knows little about dealing with people. She will do anything that she feels she has to do. Source: Ice/Snow Abilities from source: Basic freezing abilities, and lowering a person's temparature. Can withstand extreme cold. Basically the opposite of a fire person's abilities. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name:Chelte Age: 16 Gender: Female Apperance: [img]http://jokopoko.250free.com/masia-1.jpg[/img] Personality: She has a friendly vibe, and while some may ignore her it's almost impossible for anyone to dislike her. She has a tendency to stick her nose where she doesn't belong, but people often overlook that. She expresses her emotions very clearly, so no one around her can NOT know what she's feeling. But she's very skilled at hiding what she's scheming. Despite her carefree demeanor, she is extremely serious when it comes to her beliefs, and will fight to the death to protect them. Chief Skill: Mostly MechaMagic Weapons: Staff which she uses as a weapon and for spells. Alligence: TechnoMagi Biography: She was forcibly taken from her home by the council of TechnoMagi, who sensed great power in her, when she was six. She adopted the council and her friends as family, and will do anything to protect them. She has no desire to find her real family, because she believes that they betrayed her by letting the council take her from them, and is content with her "adoptive" family. She trains hard in her study of MechaMagic so that she will be able to stand up to anyone in her way. She has been known to sneak away during lessons, yet though she's something of a slacker, she still gets her training done with ease. At the age of 14, she was put to study advanced MechaMagic with the council, and has not yet finished. She longs for when she'll be sent off on a real mission, but as she is somewhat lacking in her skill with machines, she knows that day may not come soon. [/color]
[color=indigo] During the commotion outside, Sasha was in the kitchen with Selenay's mother, helping fix snacks. "I'll take out the food, but are you sure you'll be able to handle the drinks, dear?" [i]Selenay's mom is so sweet![/i] Sasha smiled. "Yeah. But I'm sure the crowd out there's getting hungry. I'll be along in a sec." Once the kitchen was empty, Sasha flexed her hands. "Time for one of my super special tricks." she said, lightly touching each glass as she concentrated. One by one, the glasses started to frost on the outside. "Many thanks again to Pluto." she whispered, placing the drinks on a tray and carrying them into the living room. There, she encountered trouble. Rem's clothes had burned [b]again[/b], Kitty looked severely shaken, and Dango was talking to Selenay in a hushed voice. "Is everyone all right?" Sasha asked worriedly, setting the drinks down on a coffee table. "Some guy tried to kidnap me." said Rem. "Kitty too." "WHAT! Where'd they go? Why didn't you get me? I would've shown them what's what, taught 'em a lesson they'll never forget." Everyone was giving her [b]looks[/b] again, so she quieted. Only the utmost restraint kept her from chasing the offender out of the town, but nothing could keep her from staring at the window as order finally started to spread through the room. [/color]
[color=indigo] Name: Neci Pyrrha Age: Almost 17 Appearance: Bright red hair cut just below her ears, bright purple eyes. Wears a short red dress (long-sleeved) over blue jeans, with a wide orange belt, tan hiking boots. Bio: Neci lived on a mountain since she could fend for herself. She has no memory of anyone ever taking care of her. But one day, she decided to wander. Why not, right? So she starts to wander, and she ends up once at a small inn in the middle of nowhere'sville. She likes it, and decides to stay and help with the inn, seing as the owner (a nice older lady)has taken a liking to her. Then, this evil dude comes and blows up the place. No one was hurt, but the inn was irreparable. Well, this girl has a raging temper you wouldn't believe! She starts after them, without even knowing who they are, and she's been on their tail ever since. Weapon: Crossbow and knife. Dragon: Fire, named Hoku Dragon Attacks: Not sure about this one... [/color]
[color=indigo] Cool! Name: Nyx Nidorai Age: 16 Description: Long, messy brown hair to her elbows, which she usually wears in a ponytail, brown eyes. Jeans, sneakers, various t-shirts and sweaters. Nothing fancy. She enjoys dressing in fun clothes, but only outside of school. Year: 11 (only two to go!) Bio: Lives with her mother and dog in a small apartment. Usually very nervous, and shy. Also mysterious, she puts forth very little info about herself and keeps many secrets. Doesn't like being noticed by people she doesn't trust. Very outgoing among her few friends though. Loves the arts, especially writing, theater, and dance. Hopes to be some kind of artist one day. She's a very quiet, reserved person. But if you make her mad, watch out! [/color]
[color=indigo] Niari checked her gun one more time, then gave her group the signal. She could only afford to take three of her best in the gang with her, as MASS was cracking down on them. Some of her crew had already been taken. She couldn't afford to let that happen again. On the signal, Niari and her best burst through a window of a bank, the backup holding people while Niari marched straight to the safe. "Hmmm, complex locks they've got these days." She shot it with her laser gun at full power, blasting a hole in the door. She searched until she found what they had come for, then as an afterthought picked up a large bag of money. [i]For the crew[/i] she thought, racing out of the bank, with her people right on her heels. The police had started to pull up, but Niari grabbed the hands of her crew, and started to float right over their heads. She soared over a building, and set them down on a fire escape. "Go and bring the money to the hideout. I have some business to attend to first." Niari watched them run off, then started walking in the opposite direction, brushing a loose strand of blue hair out of her face. [/color]
[color=indigo] "Garm, you jerk!" Sasha yelled, dashing into Selenay's house and whacking him with her notebook. "You just took off! I'm lucky I even found this place, you know?" Selenay and Metta each grabbed one of Sasha's arms until she calmed down. She accepted a glass of water from Selenay's mom and gulped it down. "Really, you could've at least taken the right way, instead of running halfway round the neighborhood. You're just so mean sometimes." Sasha was just about to get up and resume her rant when [b]looks[/b] from everyone in the room shut her up. She sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Anyway, what took you all so long? I was getting pretty worried." Everyone looked at eachother nervously. "Well, Dango was... hit. By a car." Selenay said softly. "WHAT! Oh gosh, is he okay. Did..." Sasha stopped when she saw Dango enter the room. "But wait a sec- he looks fine. Are you sure?" "Yes, we're sure. Um... Garm fixed him up." Metta answered. "Oh." Sasha said in a small voice. "Well then... so where's everyone else?" She recovered quickly on the oustide, but inside she was still shaken. [i]That jerk [b]helped[/b] someone? And here I was yelling about getting me lost. Dango could've... speaking of which, who runs over a kid in this old town? Something's not right here...[/i] She yawned, then turned her attention back to the group. [/color]
[color=indigo] The drawing made it actually harder to understand for me. I read the first one, and was all excited, but by the end, I was thinking "Is that all there is?" So I didn't but it. I just go to Barnes and Nobles or Borders, and read manga for hours. And it's free! [/color]
[color=indigo] I'm not sure if this was a job, but in 10th grade for community service I worked at a dance school for about a year. I was assistant to the dance teacher who taught the 3-5 year olds on Saturday mornings. I had to get up earlier than for school, but it was weirdly fun, and I actually want to see if I can do it again this year. No, I didn't get paid. But it was just so fun, and the little kids were so cute! [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi [/i] [B] Another thing, you say you believe in "God," and by that I assume you are referring to the Christian God. However, your ideas show that you couldn't possibly believe in the Christian God because if you did believe in an all powerful being who created the universe, you would realize it's foolish to worship the creation and not the creator. Call it what you want, but this "God" you speak of is not the one I know. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I almost hate to say it, but saying the "Christian God" implies that there are more than one, and that you believe that there are more than one. Sorry. I am kind of a cross between a monotheist and a polytheist. I believe that the many gods polytheists worship are many aspects of a divine power. I certainly don't believe in ANYONE sitting above the clouds and ruling us all. I don't believe anyone has that kind of power. I suppose one question this thread has ben skirting is What is God? I don't mean to turn this into a theology discussion, but I think it already has. I have no specific religion. I celebrate major holidays, the Russian Orthodox Easter, and birthdays. I also practice "the Craft" as you put it. The way I see it, you all are trying to explain something that was created to explain the unexplainable. Most people's definition of magic is something impossible, or a physically improbable result with the help of something. They use it to explain phenomena. They don't get the fact that these phenomena are unexplainable. You must believe to see. Only one who acts upon magic can even hope to try and understand it. [/color]
[color=indigo] Xiao wandered through the remains of the village, pondering what she had heard that day. [i]How many villages are there? The flying one says that he comes from one far away. Does that mean there are more between them? And just how far is far?[/i] She sighed. [i]Humans can be so complicated. I do wish that the magic person had not made me travel with the young one. But I suppose there is no other way if I wish to regain my shape.[/i] She spotted a bright blue pebble in the road, and kicked it. Then again. Then, she was running with the pebble, kicking it and chasing it, then kicking it again. Soon she had ran right out of the village. [/color]
[color=indigo] I usually prefer manga, mostly because I don't have access to good anime. But I also find that anime series go on with pointless episodes, whereas manga is basically the core story, without the zillions of side trips. Granted, the side trips can be fun, but I find manga more meaningful. And, you can take it anywhere! [/color]
[color=indigo] Sasha set off down the road slowly. She hadn't been able to catch Selenay or Dango, and so had no idea where the meeting was. "I guess it's probably at Selenay's house." she said to no one in particular. "But there's no reason to hurry." She started skipping, just because she felt like it. "I missed the rain because or detention. How ironic that my punishment turned out to be a blessing." "You know, people are going to think you're crazy if you keep talking to yourself." Sasha sighed. "And my day was going so well too. Hello Garm, how are you?" she said without turning to face him. "Has the rain managed to dampen your fire yet?" she added, smirking. "Oh no, I suppose not. What a pity." "Thank you for a dose of your mediocre wit," Garm replied, "but I really must be going to that meeting." "Oh, wait- does that mean you know where it is?" Sasha asked. "But of course. However, why would I tell you?" Garm turned to leave, but Sasha stopped him. "Because if you don't, Selenay's going to be angry with you." Garm grumbled, then said "If you slow me down, I'm leaving you right there." Sasha gave a smile of triumph, and raced Garm down the street. [/color]
[color=indigo] "Why did you come out of the sky?" asked Xiao. "Last time I saw a human fall from the sky, he could not get up for a whole moon." She sniffed the newcomer curiously. "You don't smell like all human. More... gray. More light." Toan hurriedly dragged Xiao away from Osmond. "Why did you do that? I want to know where he is from." Xiao's cat ears flickered. "You don't sound like a human either. You're too soft for that." Toan pulled Xiao aside. "Listen Xiao, it's not nice to start sniffing people." he tried explaining. "But why? I do it all the time." Xiao answered. "Just... try not to do it anymore." Toan sighed, then faced the newcomer. "So who exactly are you anyway?" he asked. [/color]