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Stick Fairy

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Everything posted by Stick Fairy

  1. [color=indigo] I'm techincally a secret anime fan, but there is an anime club in my school. Not a great one, but it's more than lots of people have. My only problem: ho do I go without people discovering my secret? My two new otaku friends at school suggest I wear a paper bag ovr my head, but I doubt it'll happen. I suppose I'll find an excuse to go IF they're gonna show anything I haven't seen that I want to. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I've read 1-4. It says 5 is supposed to be out now, but I can't find it anywhere! *weep* But I really like it. It's another story of two people doing so much good for eachother. Kare KAno is one of my favorite romance mangas, along with Kodocha. They're just so sweet, and quite real too. While I usually prefer series with magic, this one I like just for the reality and relationships. [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] Name- Katriel Yamini Race- Mage (is that a race?) Age- 17 Appearance- Short, spiky pale blonde hair, teal eyes. Wears pale lime shirt, white vest, black capris and sandals, indigo cloak. Gender- Female Weapons- Glaive, Crossbow. Bio- Katriel lived with her parents and her older sister in a cabin in the woods. One day, her parents just... disappeared. No note, no trace, nothing. Her sister raised her from then on, and taught her magic. She doesn't miss her parents because she didn't know them well, and her sister was very kind to her, and she befriended several animals including an abandoned panther cub, so she was never lonely. But she has always felt that something was missing. She is excellent with her bow, less so but still good with her glaive. But she's best with magic. [/color]
  4. [color=indigo] My friend just lent me the first .hack soundtrack, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to give it back. It's just so awesome. The songs all flow into one another, yet each is its own entity, separate from the others. It really makes me want to go and find all the others. It's one of those CDs you can just listen to for hours. [/color]
  5. [color=indigo] Sasha gazed out the window of her stuffy classroom. It was a beautiful day ouside. "And I'm stuck in here. How boring." she said. "Well, if you could stop fighting for a while, you might get to enjoy a nice afternoon outside." Her teacher, Ms. Mantam, had come up behind her. "Hey, it wasn't my fault. These two guys did something terrible. How could I not pay 'em back?" Sasha sighed, holding an ice pack to her cheek. "Well, what I don't understand is why you continue fighting. You never win, always get hurt. Besides, you're such a sweet girl. You have so many friends!" the teacher said. "Ms. Mantam, it's not if I win or not. I just gotta show them what's what! I'll try not to fight in class anymore, but this was important!" Sasha's voice raised till she was almost shouting. "Sasha, calm down. I'll let you go, but promise to at least try and make up with them." "Oh, if I have to." she replied grumpily. She got permission to leave, and ran to return the ice pack to the school nurse. On the way, she passed by another window, and saw Selenay and Dango talking outside. "Oh yeah, there's a meeting today. I suppose I'd better hurry." she mumbled, quickening her pace. [/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Taka woke up again, during the night. "Jeez, why can't I just sleep till morning?" she grumbled, trying to warm up by rubbing her hands. Then, she saw that someone had set a bottle of water, a cheese sandwich, and a box of bandages on the grass next to her. Taka broke into a grin, in spite of her aches and worries. "Whoever did this, thank you so much" she said through mouthfuls of food. She bandaged some of her more painful cuts and scrapes, and felt much better. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of her neck went stiff. Someone was watching her. She whirled around to see Shay above her. "You're not sleeping." he growled. "I-I'm not sleepy." Taka answered, trying to hide the food. "Well, try harder" Shay said, and went back inside, as Taka let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank gods! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, and curled up to try and get some sleep. [/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Name: Arista Kerreth Age:16 Height/Weight: 6'0/160lbs. Appearance: Short Lavender hair (shoulder length), bright emerald eyes. Wears black shorts, a black short sleeved zip shirt with hood over a green short sheeved shirt, hiking boots. Bio: Arista was the daughter of the last earth master, who was always disappointed that she wasn't a boy, and sent her elsewhere for training instead of doing it herself. She learned quickly, and tried to please her father, but her mother had just died, and he was distraught with grief. He ended up sending her to live with her aunt, because he couldn't stand to look at her. She tries to act like a boy, in hopes that her father will come back for her. When she learned of the master's death, it was almost like losing another parent, and she will personally kill anyone involved. She tries not to become too attached to anyone for fear of losing anyone else. Element: Earth Weapon: Oaken Staff with metal guards on the tips. Secondary weapon: Trowel. Kinda like a small shove. Defensive: Mountain Shell: Hides user in the core of a mountain. Special abilities: Earthquake (kinda obvious) Avalanche- Causes earth to swallow the enemy. Earth's Life: Healing spell Vine Twist- Causes any plants nearby to grow and grab anything they touch. All done! Sorry it took so long! And thank you! [/color]
  8. [color=indigo] The three of them, Yoshimi, Mia, and Evean, walked towards. Mia's house. Yoshimi held Mia's hand tightly with her good hand, and kept her bad one in her pocket. She shuddered. [i]I just can't shake this bad feeling. But what's wrong? It's not like I have magic or anything.[/i] They finally reached Mia's house, and before anyone could knock, the door flew open, and Tomoyo hugged he daughter tightly. They explained about the Clow Card, and Tomoyo thanked Yoshimi and Evean over and over, until they insisted that they had to go home. Tomoyo walked Mia inside, to take care of some small scratches. Yoshimi turned to Evean. "Thanks for coming with us. It's so late, and I was nervous, I guess." she said. "Hey, no problem. Say, you want me to walk you home too?" Evean asked. "No, I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure that nothing else happened to Mia. So..." Yoshimi hesitated, then gave Evean a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." she said fast, and ran down the street towards her house, blushing. [/color]
  9. [color=indigo] Name- Sasha Mistral Age- 15 Gender- Female Sign- Scorpio-Water-Pluto Weapon- Bow and arrows Abilities- Water spells, some ice spell too seeing as Pluto is so cold, and one or two air spells. Features- Short light blue hair, blue eyes. Wears jeans and blue sleeveless tunic over white shirt, black boots. Persona- Very stubborn, and also tenacious. Doesn't know when to shut up. Loves to make friends, but is also very good at making enemies. Knows how to hold a grudge. Bio- She was born on the cusp of Libra/Scorpio, making her a Scorpio- but just barely. She lives with her mother and older brother. Her father died before she was born. She has always wanted to meet him. She is quite weak physically, but will not let that stop her in a fight, and she's quite good at evasion. Her dream is to see her family reunited. Awww, I wanted Capricorn. vicky, can we switch or something? Pleez? [/color]
  10. [color=indigo] Name: Celia Kinnow Age: 17 Height/Weight: 5'7/150lbs Attitude: Celia's pretty much a loner. She's always had a couple of really best friends, but she usually prefers to be left alone. She seems to live in a dream. But she will fight fiercely if one of her few friends are in danger. Bio: Celia lived with her parents until they got transfered to another city far away when she was ten. They left her with her grandparents so that she wouldn't have to move, but Celia thought it was because she did something wrong and they didn't like her anymore. Since then, she hasn't really gotten close to anyone, but she does have friends from when she was little. When the monsters came, she tried to protect what little family she had, and when she got a message saying to meet at the center, she felt it was her one chance to do just that. Nickname: none HTUFTW: umbrella Description: Long strawberry blond hair to her knees, wears it in a long braid often wound around her head (like a crown). Pale blue eyes, pale skin. Wears a long pale gray dress with long sleeves and a long white sleeveless shirt over that. Brown hiking boots. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo] Please buy Slayers! You'll do yourself an incredible disservice if you don't! I've seen all, three series on tv, and LOVE them all! Oh, and please buy sub- the dubbed version is not nearly as funny. But it's simple and easy to understand, funny, silly, yet dramatic, romantic, tragic- just buy it already, okay? I mean, it's an otaku's dream! (AND YES, THIS IS BY FAR ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SERIES!) [/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Yoshimi hugged Mia hard. "I was sooo scared you'd get hurt!" she said. "And your mother's worried, you never came home, and you were quiet all day, and- Ouch!" she yelped. Her wrist was starting to swell. Mia tried to look at it, but Yoshimi put her hands behind her. "I... I hurt you, didn't I?" Mia asked quietly. "It's nothing, really. But we should get you home, your mother is waiting for you." Yoshimi quickly tried to change the subject. "Nisha, can you come with me?" she started to ask, but she saw the Nisha was talking to Harru. She sighed, then silently winced. Her wrist was really hurting. "Well, can anyone come with us? It's too late for us to walk home alone." Yoshimi asked. [i]And even though Mia's okay now, something still doesn't feel right.[/i] [/color]
  13. [color=indigo] "My name's Taka." Taka shivered. Even though it was still early, the night was falling fast, bringing a chill with it. She stared at the girl, who had very cool black hair streaked with gold. She brushed at her own green hair, picking some leaves out of it. "Are you sure that your dog guard won't get mad? I mean, some have terrible tempers. Mine- well, anyway, you won't be punished?" Taka asked. "Oh no, he sent me to the butcher's for a steak." the girl called Torlea replied. "Well you should hurry. There's a long line tonight." Taka smiled dryly. "It seems that every dog guard in the city wants meat tonight." She tried to stand, but a sharp ache in her back made her gasp in pain. "Are you alright?" Torlea asked, concerned. "Yeah, I just was late tonight, and... well he got angry. I've had worse." Taka glanced at the window. "He's been terrible to my sister lately, and when I try to stop him, he takes his anger out on me. I suppose I'm getting used to it." Taka pushed herself against the tree, and Torlea gave her a hand up. When they touched, a jolt ran up each of their arms. "Yeow! Some static, eh?" asked Torlea. "Yeah, really. But you'd best go, before your dog guard comes searching. They were exchanging emails when Taka saw Shay at the window. He started for the door. "Oh no- please, go now!" Taka cried, pushing Torlea down the street. "Is he angry with you?" she asked. "Please- just go now." Taka was almost shouted in desperation. Torlea set off down the street, just as Shay came into the yard. "Were you talking to someone?" Shay yelled. "No, sir." Taka replied. "You're lying! You're not permitted to speak with anyone without permission. He grabbed her by the arm and tossed her against the tree. "Must I break you so that you won't break rules?" Shay screamed, ramming her further into the tree. Taka felt something crunch, but couldn't tell where. Everything hurt to much. Shay finally got bored and set her down, walking inside and muttering to himself, while Taka clutched her whole body, shaking. "Make it stop, please make it stop." she mumbled. [/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Shay was standing on their front steps when Taka got home. "YOU'RE LATE!" he shouted, slapping her head. "I'm so sorry sir, but there was a long line-" Taka tried to explain, but Shay interrupted. "DO YOU THINK I CARE?" he roared, hitting Taka again. This time, she fell and rolled in her lawn. Shay grabbed the grocery bag, and shoved her into a bush. "You're sleeping out here tonight, and if you're even one second late from school tomorrow, you'll be out here for a month." Taka nodded, trying to get him to just go away, to stop shoving her. He withdrew, and dragged the groceries inside, leaing Taka crumpled in the grass. Her hands raked the fallen leaves, when suddenly one hit something. She looked and found herself clutching a small greenish pointy stone. She slipped it into her pocket, and fell asleep. All night she dreamed of running in the open, through the grass. [/color]
  15. [color=indigo] Evean was about to grab Mia, but Yoshimi pushed him out of the way. "Stop, don't hurt her!" she yelled. She turned to Mia, who was about to land another punch. "Mia, stop it! You don't know what you're doing!" Yoshimi ducked, then turned around. "Mia, please listen!" Yoshimi pleaded. She ducked another punch, but this time Mia tripped her, making Yoshimi fall on her wrist. She yelped in pain. Evean came over. "It's not Mia right now, it's the Fight Card." he tried explaining to her. "...Alright." Yoshimi said. "But please, don't hurt her!" Evean got up, and Yoshimi pulled out her phone with her good hand and dialed 1. The phone rang, but no one answered. "Oh Nisha, where are you?" she whispered. [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] One thing that I found sort of odd was when [spoiler]Chihiri was crying while eating those rice-meals, and her tears were [b]huge[/b].[/size][/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Yeah, I didn't really get that either. I kinda thought it was part of the spell though. I LOVE the Radish Spirit! My friend and I actually made him the patron spirit of our walking team! Very strange, yes. I'm currently saving up to but the box set of the Nausicca (sp?)manga. I heard that the anime was great, but the manga is supposed to be even better, so I can't wait. I saw Totoro this summer, and found it very cute, but kinda plotless. I mean, [spoiler]two girls think their mom's going to die, so they start seeing Totoros?[/spoiler] I didn't really get the point, but it was still sweet and cute. Spitited Away's better though. And while I heard he retired, I also heard that he's coming back to do an adaptation of a novel called Howl's Moving Castle, by Gail Carson Levine (one of my fav authors). [/color]
  17. [color=indigo] I've seen it, and I found it quite boring, and hard to follow. Are Lucifer Hawk aliens? And something about a living sword? I'm soooo confused. But it was still boring. On the bright side, the theme song (Forbidden Panze) was quite good. I just wish that the series was as good as its song. Oh well. [/color]
  18. [color=indigo] Taka was about to head home, with plenty of time to spare, when she remembered. "Oh no- Mom asked for sausage tonight!" She ran to the butcher, but found five people in front of her. "Great. Mom'll kill me if I don't get all the food, and Shay'll kill me if I'm late." She frowned, then shook her head. "No, I'll just have to run all the way home." she said to herself. Then, she noticed that the girl next to her was looking at her strangely. She had black hair and blue eyes, whick looked quite striking on her. "Is something wrong?" Taka asked. The girl blushed, and looked away. "No, nothing." "Are you sure? You're not late or something, are you? I know my dog guard goes nuts when I am." They started talking, and Taka learned that the girl was called Serena. They were so busy chatting that Taka even forgot about Shay for a while. She got her sausages, and they left together. "Say, do you have email?" Serena asked. "Well, I don't, but I'm sure my sister would let me use hers if I asked." They bid eachother goodbye, and Taka ran home. [/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Taka ran home from school, to make sure her Dog Guard, Shay, wouldn't scold her. Instead, she found her little sister arguing with Shay, who was starting to get [b]very[/b] annoyed. Quickly, Taka intervened. "This pipsqueak you call family is really starting to bug me." he said to Taka. "If she keeps it up, I'm not gonna settle for just punishing her, if you know what I mean." "I understand." Taka replied, grabbing her sister and dragging her upstairs. Once they were safely in the bedroom they shared, Taka whirled around. "What were you thinking, talking to Shay like that? You know he could do whatever he wanted to you. He could starve you, hit you, keep you inside for a year. Why do you always have to give him a reason?" Taka wasn't yelling, but pleading with Daiva, her sister. "It's not my fault!" Daiva answered. "He just never lets me do anything! I wish they'd all just go away!" She started to cry, and Taka hugged her. "Oh, me too. But they're here, and we have to deal with it. Now, you wanna come with me to get groceries for mom?" Daiva shook her head. "I'd like to, but I've got homework. Just... could you get me a cupcake?" Taka smiled, told her yes, and went downstairs. "May I please go to the store for groceries?" she asked Shay, who grumbled. "If you're not back in one hour, I'll set the squad on you." he growled. Taka thanked him, and went outside, into the sunshine. She quickly bought everything on her shopping list, and noticing that she had some time left, she ran to the park. She sat under her favorite tree, a huge maple, and wished that one day, she could be anywhere she wanted whenever she wished. "Yeah, like that'll ever happen." she mumbled. [/color]
  20. [color=indigo] Yoshimi left Nisha's house and practically flew down the street. [i]It's all okay now. We're all firends again. All together.[/i] Then she stopped. [i]I'd better stop by Mia's house. I know she wasn't feeling well today. And with that she changed course, skipping until she reached her friend's door, where she knocked, and found a very worried looking Tomoyo. [/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Elyssa was out gathering apples from tree near her house, when the horse that had visited caught her eye. He was standing near the edge of the clearing the house was in. Elyssa ran to him and hugged him. "Where were you?" she asked. The horse started to walk away. "Wait, don't leave!" she cried. The horse turned back, looking impatient. "Oh... you want me to go with you? Wait one moment." She ran into the house and left her aunt and uncle a note. Then, gathering her long, spiraled staff, she started to follow her new friend. ******************* Wow! Is anyone gonna post in this? Or has it been completely abandoned? Pleez post! [/color]
  22. [color=indigo] Squeee! I love Kodocha! But I didn't know that the ninth one had come out! MUST BUY KODOCHA 9! I think I like it because it's a pretty accurate portrayal of pre-teen romance. All the angst, the tears, the "oh-she-hates-me-what-will-I-do?" speeches, etc. And it's insanely cute. And at times, just plain insane. All in all, me likey! *dashes off to find Kodocha #9* [/color]
  23. [color=indigo] Trixie screamed. "Who the hell are you?" she yelled. "And what are you doing in this car?" She swerved, nearly driving through a window, and making no less than a dozen people run for cover. A police car started following them, but Trixie hit the gas and zoomed away from them. It looked like there was going to be a chase. "Crap, all I wanted to do was go to the post office." Trixie muttered, momentarily forgetting about the mysterious person behind her. ***************** I know this is short, but no one's posted in days. Yoohoo, anyone gonna post? [/color]
  24. Stick Fairy

    Dark Moon

    [color=indigo] May I be Ireth? Name- Ireth Age- 73 Gender- Female Race- Elf Weapon(s)- Glaive, Crossbow, Daggers Features- Short pale green hair, purple eyes, very tall and slender. Wears short, somewhat ragged blue dress, carries a tan bag. Bio- Ireth is an elf who used to coexist with the humans in a village near her forest birthplace. She would help out with spells and such, until one day they all turned against her and chased her out. She lived in the forest for a while, but they soon found her there and tried to kill her. Luckily, she was rescued by one of the Winged Ones. She is determined to save her people. She's very loud and opinionated, as well as stubborn, but still very caring. She has no temper at all, she'll just ignore anyone trying to make her mad. She's also a skilled spellcaster, but only for small spells such as healing bruises or levitating candles. She aspires to be a much better spellcaster one day. [/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Can I be Lynx? Name: Taka Shiromi Age: 16 Gender: Female Stone: Lynx_Earth Description: Dark green hair to her elbows, wears it in pigtails. Brown eyes, very tan skin. Wears long brown dress under a white shirt. Animal form description: Normal Lynx, except with patches of dark green around her ankles, and two tails (yes, two tails) personality: extremely friendly, something of a mediator, ver peaceful. Believes that saving the world is her destiny. Somewhat blunt, and a terrible secret-keeper. Very naive. extra: so does this work? [/color]
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