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Stick Fairy

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Everything posted by Stick Fairy

  1. [COLOR=indigo] "You're WHAT! "Thalia screamed. "You PROPOSED! But what about Mom? Dad, how could you just forget her? Besides, that Elsie lady's a b****, and her daughter's such a snob. And not to mention that-" "Young lady, that's quite enough out of you. Now you listen here- we are all going for a little weekend outing. We're going over to Idaho. There's a restaurant there that's first class, and they supposedly have one of the best gourmet cooks in the country. And it's right next door to the jewelry store where her ring is. Only the best for my ladies." her father added as a side note. "So go get packing, because we're leaving tomorrow morning." Thalia grumbled all the way up to her room, when what her dad said gave her an idea. "A jewelry store, eh? Only the best? Hmmm, sorry Dad, but I just got plans for tomorrow. And they don't include dinner..." -------------------------------- The next night, her shadowy figure ran across the restaurant roof. "Too perfect!" she whispered. "And Dad just think's I went to bathroom!" She jumped down the fire escape of the jewelry store, and crept to the back exit. "A little wire in the keyhole, and... Presto!" The door silently opened, and Thalia ran to the case, and retrieved the objective. "Now, just to leave these goons a little farewell present. She placed her explosives, ran out the door and around the back, and pressed the detonator. KABOOM! "Oh, I just love it when it all goes to plan!" Thalia giggled as she raced back over the roof to the restaurant, when she was distracted by another person running right towards her. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=indigo] Elyssa was finishing tidying the small house when she caught sight of a dark stormcloud forming in the east. For some reason, it gave her the chills. She sent a blast of wind to finish sweeping the porch and went inside. ''There's a storm brewing in the east.'' Elyssa told her guardians. ''Uncle Som, is dinner ready yet?'' ''Well, you'd have to ask that one to your Aunt Maea. Now, if there's a storm, I should check on the horses. Say, where's that tough old horse that's been hanging around?'' ''I don't know. It's been days since I've seen him, and I'm worried.'' 'Well, I'm sure he'll turn up. Now, go help your auntie with dinner.'' ''Alright!'' she replied, but she was really worried about the horse. He had just shown up suddenly about one moon ago. ''He didn't get along with the other horses,'' she thought, ''but he was very sweet to me. And I had just thought of a name for him too.'' Elyssa shivered, sensing a forboding energy in the wind. ''I hope I'm wrong,'' she thought, ''but when it comes to the wind, I rarely am.'' [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=indigo] Name: Yoshimi Kinomoto Age:15 Role: Cousin, BFF and helper (sort of) Weapon: Wooden Kendo sword. She has no known magic, but she helps Nisha find and capture the cards anyway. Description: Purplish black hair just past her shoulders, clear blue eyes, very tall for her age. Most often wears long skirts or dresses Bio: The daughter of Touya Kinomoto, Yoshimi is Sakura´s niece and Nisha´s cousin. She´s also Nisha´s friend, and they´re very close. She has no known magic, but she still tries to help Nisha re-capture the cards. She´s very friendly and popular, but prefers her close friends to large groups. She´s too nice to push anyone away, but that can lead to people taking advantage of her. She´s very feminine and prefers skirts to pants. That is, except when she´s practicing kendo, which she´s very skilled at. She´s very fond of Nisha and will do just about anything to help her. She also worries a great deal when a close friend of hers is in trouble, which tends to cloud her normally excellent judgement. She is also very close to her Aunt Sakura. (Thank you Ohkami, for helping me with this!)[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=indigo] I really like Crest of the Stars. The animation is quite good, especially the pictures aboard the Gosroth (such as the aforementioned sunflower picture),the love story is actually bearable (not full of cheese, but I watch the cheesy ones too ^_^), and the culture is really fascinating. Supposedly there are at least two other series after the one they showed on TechTV, but what they are or how to get them I´ve no idea about. TechTV does cut out ending themes, but if the end of Crest of the Stars is anything like the opener, I don´t really care. The opening theme is really boring, but the show itself is definitely worth watching. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=indigo] I´m really not into mech animes, so I didn´t watch it at first. But I caught the first episode on TechTV a while bak, and I was hooked. I´m not really sure what differentiates it from other stuff, like Gundam (which I hate), but it´s quite funny, and it also sorta reminds me of Tenchi Muyo. One guy, with about ten girls who wanna go out with him. Kazuki (sp?) and Tenchi even kinda look the same too. Maybe that´s why Dual was more tolerable (for me), and even fun, than a Gundam series. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=indigo] Tokyo Mew Mew is sooooo cute! My favorite characeter would have to be Lettuce, because she´s such a good friend and very understanding. Ichigo kinda annoys me though. I mean, it´s great to have a crush and all, but this girl´s just OBSESSED! I rather like the drawing, and the costumes are adorable. The attack style is indeed reminicent of Sailor Moon, but I like TMM better because it focuses on less characters, so you get a more in depth view of them. I really, really want to see the anime! Does anyone know where to find it? Preferrably on VHS, I don´t have DVD yet (sob!) All in all, extremely cute and sweet, but not overly so. A good read. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=indigo] Name: Thalia Ventas (goes by "Trixie") Age: 17 Gender: Female Reputation: Walking Explosion Specialties: Explosives, lockpicking Weapon: Explosives, of course! Bio: Born in Spain, she moved to America with her father when her mother left them (she was seven). Ever since then, her father has been totally strict, restricting her activities to school. To rebel against her dad, who happens to be a cop, she took up theivery. She´s also a complete pyromaniac, and she´s very perceptive, and notices little details (this she learned from her mother, a neat freak). This allows her to sneak in, take what she wants, and not be notices until the "KABOOM!" announcing her, by which time she´s usually gone. Description: On the short side, she has very tan skin and dark, reddish brown hair to her shoulders. At home, she´s always in her school uniform, but on a job, she wears a black mini-skort and a tank top, and tall black boots. Quote: "Of course I can use a lockpick, but it´s so much more fun with a big KABOOM!" (If I did any of this wrong, please accept my advance apologies and tell me what I can do to fix it. I´m still fairly new at this, but I´ll try not to slow anyone down!!) [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=indigo] Name: Elyssa Juval Age: 17 Gender: Female Bio: She was orphaned early on, raised by her aunt and uncle in the forest. She is an excellent tracker, and while she is stong, she is unskilled in the art of fighting (though she carries a spiraled staff that she uses to whack anything in her way). Her guardians instilled a strong sense of justice in her, so while she is a very gentle soul, she stands up for what she believes in. She is eager to please, and a moderator in the fights her guardians have. Description: Tall, with very long black hair that´s always tied back, often dressed in long flowy dresses that belonged to her mother. She always wears her long white scarf. Oh yeah, and she´s wind (that´s what´s left, right?) (I´m fairly new at this, so if any of this is wrong or should be altered, please let me know! And if I´m doing this wrong, please accept my advance apologies!) [/COLOR]
  9. I think just about EVERYONE saw Sailor Moon first, myself included. But I was at my friend´s house, and she had some uncut, subbed SM, and that was my first exposure. I really liked it, but when I saw some on Cartoon Network, I could hardly believe it was the same series! In fact, were it not for Tenchi Muyo, I don´t think I´d be where I am today (broke, with bags full of anime and manga, typing away to people I´ve never met!). Actually, back then I was obsessed with Sailor Moon for a short time, and I went on a rampage buying everything from picture books to dolls to... whatever I could find. Simply put, Sailor Moon grabbed my attention, Tenchi Muyo got me interested, and Outlaw Star hooked me for good (I think).
  10. I just wanted to say that a great part of "favorites" threads is that it shares opinions and can lead to new anime discoveries for all. While I agree that just stating a favorite with no reasoning behind it is stupid, favorites threads can be very interesting and informative. Now, what was my question? Oh yes: Would an acceptable question be "How long have you been an otaku, and what anime got you started?" Technically, it´s not a "favorites" question, but it´s very similar, so I thought I should ask.
  11. I may be joining the conversation too late, but I´ve read the 13 manga´s that´re out, and while I thouroughly enjoyed it (give me a sappy romance and I´m in heaven), I´m ready for it to end. While it is funny and sweet and all that, there are only so many times you can see Keitaro fly halfway across the country without getting bored. But I do think that Naru and Keitaro deserve eachother. After all, they both like eachother, and are simply too nervous to say anything. And I gotta say, while we feel bad for Keitaro when he accidentally stumbles into the girl´s bath (or something of the like), you gotta admit, to one of the girls in said bath, he does it a bit too often to be coincidental. So I can see why they overreact, but really! Enough can really be enough. So basically, I like it, but I am ready for it to end. Also, is the anime worth pursuing? I know they´re different, but which is better?
  12. My favorite fighter...there are so many! Hiei´s cool, but I like Kurama better because he actually stops and thinks through his plans (a look before you leap kinda guy), and his rose whip´s really cool. I also like Miroku from Inuyasha, Zelgadis from Slayers, and Youzen from Soul Hunter (even though you don´t get to see him fight much).
  13. Ah, Outlaw Star. While it was on Toonami/old Adult Swim, I must´ve seen it about ten times. The songs are really good, and I also rather like the animation. True, the dubbing could´ve been better, but it really wasn´t THAT terrible. It is definitely rewatchable, so I´d say go ahead, buy it. As for the "forbidden" episode (#23), I haven´t seen it, so I wouldn´t know. I heard it was rather suggestive though.
  14. I agree that FLCL and .hack should get movies. I´ve never seen Trigun, but after all this I really should. Also, whoever said Gravitation should get a movie, I really agree. Although I should find the last couple of episodes too. I also think that Slayers should get a movie (yeah, it already has one...but it´s really not that good).
  15. I´d really like a copy of the Claire Bible (Slayers) if a complete one even exists, as well as the exploding cell phones from Gate Keepers 21, and wildcat genes like Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. What? Turning into a cat is cool!
  16. I´ve read the first foru manga, and would like to read more, but I really can´t feel too sorry for her. I can´t stand people who just want to look good, so I´m glad that she met Arima and finally loostened up a bit. While both of them kinda get on my nerves, I can´t help thinking that meeting eachother was the best thing that ever happened to both of them, and that´s cool. Sometimes I´m just a sucker for a sappy romance, but I do want to see what happens next.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue] It is just something that appeals to me and it also allows me to open my mind more. Like many animes have various themes behind them and you have to open your mind to understand the majority of them. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Anime causes people to stop and think- to open their minds to new possibilities and also new cultures. Anime is an art form that reflects reality far more than, say, TV, moviies (I´m talking general live action stuff meant to make money), kiddy cartoons, or anything like that. It expresses not just ideas, but the emotions in people. That´s what makes it so intense, and true to life. Even if you´ve got monsters and magic girls and stuff running around, the emotions are the same, and everyone can relate. I think anime changes anyone who seriously watches it- whether directly or not so much depends on the person. As for me, I´ve definitely been changed in several ways. 1. I´m more secretive, and able to hide things better because I keep the fact that I like anime a secret (whether this is good or not remains to be seen). 2. I´m able to express my self more clearly. I´m not too sure why this is, but I think it definitely stems from anime. 3. I always have a lot less pocket money for some reason... But mostly, it has caused some inner revelations that have allowed me to see who I am more clearly. I´m not really sure if I´m taking this too seriously, but this is what I think.
  18. My mom doesn´t know I like anime- I never told her for fear she´d ban me. As a result, NO ONE knows I like anime (except my best friend, and he just found out recently). Not that I´m advocating lying to parents, but I just found it safer to cram my stuff in junk piles (weep!) and live my otaku-ness in secret. If you want to prove to a parent that all anime is not childish, try Cowboy Bebop. If you want to prove it´s not all occult, try a romance like Marmalade Boy or Kodocha. If you want to prove it´s not all hentai, try something kinda kiddy like Cardcaptor Sakura or even Hamtaro. Then again, what do I know- I´m still telling my mom it´s "cartoons" (yikes!)
  19. Marketing doesn´t screw up anime, it screws up people´s perception of anime. It causes people to group anime with cartoons. And if they group Ranma with Powerpuff girls because of a Gundam toothbrush, that´s just wrong.
  20. The longest I´ll be without anime in a long while would be right now, because I´m actually on a semi-deserted island in Spain on practically the only computer there, and I´ll still be here for a couple of weeks. But I´m taping the shows I´m missing at home, and I brought a bunch of manga with me ^_^ So I´m not really sure this counts. I am truly obsessed, after all.
  21. I must agree with the general concensus (did I spell that right?) that Tank is a truly awesome song. Also, Duvet(Lain), ride on shooting star (FLCL), and The Real Folk Blues (Bebop) are really good. Some slightly more obscure songs that are really good are Peony Pink from Clamp Campus Detectives (cute and catchy), WILL from Soul Hunter, and Fukai Mori (Inuyasha). I also love just about any Slayers theme song. Then again, maybe it´s just me...
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