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Everything posted by Sai

  1. Sai


    I am pretty sure Harold is Tsukasa's father. Like in the one episode when they met Harold in .hack//SIGN he said a whole bunch of things that led to the conclusion that Harold is Tsukasa's father and also in the last episode Tsukasa said, "Im not afraid of you nor my gather." and Morganna then said, "Uhhhh...." it sounded like to me that Morganna recognized that. One more thing that can prove this, is Maha. She was made by Harold like Morganna and Tsukasa does call Maha Mother so it is likely that Harold is Tsukasa's father.
  2. I don't use Natsume as often as I used to. My new party is Sanjuro, Kite and Gardenia. I actually beat SKeith with Kite, Sanjuro and Black rose.
  3. Sai


    In MMORPG's I have learned never PK when there is not a reason to. In a very famous Free MMORPG I PKed someone 10 times in less then 3 minutes. The admin heard of it and I was thrown into virtual jail and yet I am still in jail. Hey if you wanna PK someone then PK on my MMORPG its visual and cool its based on the world so its automatically awesome anyone wanna play just PM me.
  4. Sorry can't help ya. This may sound stupid but this one guy from Gamestop told my Mom that the DVD has some Sexual themes so my Mom took it away.
  5. Sai


    What Morganna is just a program? If so then she could have possibly got infected easily. Stupid question but Harold is Tsukasa's Father right? and if thats the case think, maybe Harold made Morganna to make like a copy or a data form of his wife. Everyone I would like to give you all some advise. When thinking of solutions to questions don't be affraid to go into fiction a little to get another view of the conclusion. You could find the answer and get more creativity in your life.
  6. This thing is a garrenty. It will make it for sure. People have already begin to make groups on the official site heck I even made one myself. this won't be any old regular TCG. Thats for sure.
  7. Paco it looks like IkkiMechaPilot answered your question.
  8. There is a new Zoids game for GBA in japan its called Zoids Cyberdrive. Its really cool. I may get it in a couple weeks and I will tell you guys how it is, So far I know you get a game and a laser sensor for your GBA then you have to buy a special model kit of the Cyberdrive Zoids. Then you assemble it and you get ready to battle your friend with another Game and Zoid (With all other stuff you get). Then you start your GBA and your friend starts his/her GBA and you start battling with your Zoids Model kits. It sounds fun to me and this is all true (From 3 out of 3 sites) so I can give almost a 100% garenty that this is what it does. But to me it seems a little wierd so Im not betting it but I guess Ill see in a couple weeks.
  9. Ok Mistral is a Rare Item hunter. She doesn't care about the item or effect, she just likes rare items. Apeiron said after he gave you the item, "Watch out for a hacker named Helba." I haven't played Mutation nor Outbreak yet but that sounds like a warning to me and I don't now how Helba and Apeiron's relationship togther is but that sounds like these two aren't very fond of each other. So my conclusion is maybe Apeiron made a new character named Lios to throw off Helba.
  10. Otaku Sennen actually the appearances of weapons do change and Sora is a japanese word for..... Ok maybe you were right about that, Sora = Sky/Heaven.
  11. Sai walked along the fence looking at the ground he turned his head upward and saw a spirit. He quickly jumped over the fence and ran behind a grave stone and grabbed his offering slab from his trnch coat.
  12. Just so you know. I don't have the DVD so I can't exactly look so I guess your probably right.
  13. Yeah it would be fun to have Kite, Sora and Moonstone on the same team and I think I started people to get excited over Quarintine allot and I hoe so too SOra is in it. The pictures I put up do look a little fake but I think their real. If you get a chance to look at them tell me if you think they're real or fake (Allso check their shadows and the background cause that looks to good to be fake.) and also Edward Tivrushy its spelled Quarintine ^_^.
  14. (Hey Digimon is fun.) but yeah I hope this game makes it. It looks really cool and I am excited about joining tournaments.
  15. Helba the queen of darkness. Apeiron the king of light. (Oops.... I forgot the rest of the Epitah of Twilight.-_^)
  16. Sai


    [url]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/[/url] thats the site and oh yeah I found out about something about the Epitah of Twilight.
  17. Yeah I have the link. Here check it out it has lots of other stuff to view from Quarintine. [url]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/[/url]
  18. I figured that but now we just need to figure out what Morganna is doing.
  19. Go to the official site and you will see his/her name is spelt Tsukasa and the voice freaked me out too. I got a shock when I heard it.
  20. FVIII rocks! I don't care what others say but its the best FF gameI've played in my opinion. So the junction system is a little bad that doesn't mean its the worst.
  21. Sai


    Sai warps to Mac Anu server and walks towards the weapons shop with his blades in his hands looking around hoping to find someone to lure out into the field to P.K. He quickly runs towards the Save point and saves and then yells, "Money for bounty!" Then he waits to see who will come.
  22. You may wanna shake their hand but I wanna punch then in the face! That little scene their confused me and disturbed me and the cellphone what is with that? Black Pheonix you know everything about .hack please tell me what happened their and whats with the cellphone.
  23. Ok cool. At first I thought these were fake to but when I looked into it more I began to believe more. It looks like a Gamecube version to me (^_^) Subaru looks shaded wrong and the same with Tsukasa and Sora. The thing though that makes them seem to be real is the names and the surroundings, look at their shadows and the ground and also try checking the surroundings and their names.
  24. Sai


    I have found another thing on .hack//part 4 Quarintine. SPOILER*** SPOILER*** Well in Quarintine apparently Maha is in it but the bad thing is that she will be fighting against you not with you, thats right Maha is Phase 6 and she looks mean. If you don't believe me then here check out the picture for your self. [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Maha-01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Maha-02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-002.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-004.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-007.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-008.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-016.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-018.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-022.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-025.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-047.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/images/Epilogue-048.jpg[/IMG] So for the conclusion Mia, Maha and Macha are all one in the same just different forms.
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