With me only watching 1 episode of the Japanese, reading shonene jump 11/12 and only playing 2 of the games I won't give my opinions on these.
Best Character:Kaiba
Best Yami:Yami Bakura
Best Millenium Item:Rod
Best Rare Hunter:Seeker(Exodia Dude)
Best Big Five Member:Crump (nightmare penquin)
Sexiest Character (Male):///
Sexiest Character (Female): Mai (obviosly)
Best Monster: Dark Necrofear
Best Duel: Yami vs Bakura
Best Dressed:Joey
Best Scene: Mai landing on Joey and nearly knocking him unconcios
Best Duel Move: Mai taking ra from Marik
English Card Game
Best Card Set: (from LON to DCR)
Best Holo-foil Card: Breaker
Best Monster: Archfiend Soldier
Best Magic/Spell Card:
Best Trap Card: Ring of Destruction
Best Fusion Monster: Dark paladin
Best Card Picture: D.D. Warrior lady (I really Prefered Different Dimension Girl)
Sexiest Monster (Male):///
Sexiest Monster (Female): D.D. Warrior lady
Best Deck Type:warrior
Best Monster Type:Fiend
Funniest Card:Aitsu