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Everything posted by NeoBakura

  1. Jecht's theme is the best boos music for any game I've ever played. With One Winged Angel as a close second.
  2. I'd like to see an FF7 or FF9 as an anime. But I would love to see a Tekkan movie. Preferably computer animated. The intro to Tekkan Tag Tournament looks like a trailer for a movie.
  3. The Offences of Ogres is a story I've been posting on myOtaku. Please read them! I've Only recieved good reviews! (so far) for the first chapters go to my previous entries. Enjoy:) (wow, I sound Desperate!)
  4. With me only watching 1 episode of the Japanese, reading shonene jump 11/12 and only playing 2 of the games I won't give my opinions on these. Anime Best Character:Kaiba Best Yami:Yami Bakura Best Millenium Item:Rod Best Rare Hunter:Seeker(Exodia Dude) Best Big Five Member:Crump (nightmare penquin) Sexiest Character (Male):/// Sexiest Character (Female): Mai (obviosly) Best Monster: Dark Necrofear Best Duel: Yami vs Bakura Best Dressed:Joey Best Scene: Mai landing on Joey and nearly knocking him unconcios Best Duel Move: Mai taking ra from Marik English Card Game Best Card Set: (from LON to DCR) Best Holo-foil Card: Breaker Best Monster: Archfiend Soldier Best Magic/Spell Card: Best Trap Card: Ring of Destruction Best Fusion Monster: Dark paladin Best Card Picture: D.D. Warrior lady (I really Prefered Different Dimension Girl) Sexiest Monster (Male):/// Sexiest Monster (Female): D.D. Warrior lady Best Deck Type:warrior Best Monster Type:Fiend Funniest Card:Aitsu
  5. I've use anime/manga when I've have to draw people, no matter what the lesson. I'm going to use anime/manga for my art homework, which is about war.
  6. I love that movie! I might watch it this week if i can be bothered.
  7. the Royal rumble has always had a spot in my heart.
  8. I've got 4 1/144 scale: Wing 01 Sandrock Death Sythe Hell Shenlong
  9. I don't know about writer but Joe Madureira is my favourite artist. His art blew me away plus he drew the first x-men comic I ever got.
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