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About DevilManAkira

  • Birthday December 13

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  • Biography
    I'm just your average metalhead that also partakes in some anime type stuff... hehehe i know i know i'm a big dork. Gotta love me!
  • Occupation
    professional slacker

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  1. K here it goes: (All are in training) Raikou lvl. 56 Spark Flash Thundershock Thunderwave Entei lvl 56 Flamethrower Ember Fire Spin Strength Meganium lvl 56 Razor Leaf Cut Body Slam Synthesis Tyranitar lvl 56 Crunch Earthquake Rock Slide Thrash Suicune lvl 57 Waterfall Whirlpool Surf Aurora Beam Lugia lvl 60 Fly Recover Psychic Hydro Pump It's not that bad... actually, it's very balanced. On it's way to being whoop ***
  2. I'm just saying, that Zoids' style of story line isn't really that common and it's kinda cool.
  3. Green Lantern must definatly be changed. I like how he was back in the early nintees... reddish orange hair... cool as all hell... that guy rocked. As far as Legion of Doom... I'm hoping to see at least Bizzaro, Solomon Grundy, or Brainiac.... with pants.
  4. Yes... NES was by far the best gaming system EVER!!!! It had the best games. And the plot didn't get all muddled up by how the graphics were. I mean... did you ever play Whompum? It's one of the greatest games ever. That and uninvited... the first puzzle/rpg game I ever played... save for Zelda of course. And while we're on that subject, both Zelda's friggin ruled. As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo was all that and a bag of reefer.
  5. I really suggesting seing those to movie series. And also, try seeing Legend of Lemnear.... it's really messed up but really cool. But if you're gonna see any of them, see M.D. Geist... it's awesome
  6. By far, my faves are Devil Man (gory as all hell), M.D. Geist (great story line; very intracate), and the First Heavy Metal (sex, drugs, death, rock and roll. What more could you want?) All Hail Cheif Pokemon! :ball:
  7. This is definatly a hard choice but I'd go with Zoids. It's a type of story line that not many (if any) people have tried. Although Gundam is a "true" anime, it's basically the same story over and over with slight twists... but the formula has seemed to work throughout the years. But I still say zoids.
  8. if there was one pokemon to slaughter mercilessly... Pidgeotto... now i'm not a fan of the show, movies, or CCG, but i do have the gameboy game... and I'll tell you what that bastard bird has gotta die. I'd pluck him free of feathers, slice open his throat and pull his lungs out by his esophogis.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B]ummm yea....by the way you spelled "dam" wrong.... It's supposed to be "****" foo.. ya heard? Geeez I cant beleive you spelled that wrong... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey numbnuts! "Dam!" is the punchline. Now who's tha foo? lol
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B]ummm yea....by the way you spelled "dam" wrong.... It's supposed to be "****" foo.. ya heard? Geeez I cant beleive you spelled that wrong... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey numbnuts! "Dam!" is the punchline. Now who's tha foo? lol
  11. ha! I got censored... lmao that's so **** funny.... whoops... there I go again. Why is that such a naughty word? What did the fish say when he swam into the stone wall? "Dam!"
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=4]YOU LOSER!!!!!!![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] **** proud of it!
  13. not more psychology!!! NOOO!!!!!!!! lol
  14. it's not that i don't know what fun is, but there's just nothing fun to do right now
  15. Yamucha? No... hell, he helped discover the androids! Who knows how long the deaths would continue? I'd say that Choatzu is the worst. He never does any real fighting, and the only thing he has going for him is the self destruct technique he has. Other than that, he's just pathetic.
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