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Everything posted by Artemis
wow I'm not really sure what to say. It was a bit unclear at points. (I kept having to reread sections.) You still need to edit some parts. (I caught a time where you called Wufei a "she".) Overall, the story line is pretty interesting. I usually dont' like stories where the main character suddenly wakes up and it was all a dream, but this one was pretty good. Keep up the good work. You should get on fanfiction.net It's great!
I think they're pretty good. I don't own any of their CDs, but I like a few of their songs. I have some friends who are completely obsessed with them. In my opinion, there are definitely worse groups I could be forced to listen to.
I guess my main problem w/ yaoi jokes and fics is that they are completely untrue to the personalities of the characters. Fanfics are fine w/ me when you make sure you stay true to the characters as they are in the series/movie/whatever. If you really want to write yaoi, don't use characters that are obviously (or at least very likely) heterosexual. I agree with Transtic Nerve that most yaoi fics are like porn. It's meant to be kinky...nothing else. I haven't seen very many cases where a yaoi relationship was obvious. The one that have to use is Kaworu and Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Duorocks17 keeps arguing that Kaworu just doesn't understand human emotion which is why he acts the way he does. And perhaps Shinji just goes w/ it b/c he feels a need to be close to someone after all he's been through. I still think that at least Kaworu is gay. (duorocks17 is in denial b/c she has a crush on him!!!) ;) Anyway, sorry if I offended any yaois. I didn't really mean to.
Anyone here love that movie? I just saw it for the first time last night. I thought it was pretty cute. (**sigh** Keanu!! **sigh**) I loved how the characters (the main players) had such a wide variety of personalities. The deaf guy was an incredible sweetie; the SWAT guy was INSANE ( ;) ); the Welsh soccer player was hilarious; and the sumo wrestler cracked me up! If I had any complaints, it would be the suggestive cheerleaders (except for the captain) and some of the lewd stuff the football players talk about (and do...). Other than that, I really liked the movie. (and I'm ANYTHING but a football fan!) Keanu Reeves did a good job as well as most of the other actors and actresses. Any other opinions on it?
As of when I'm writing this, we're two to one Duo to Zechs. Come on now!! anyone else?? Is Duo really THE most complex character? I guess I can kinda see your arguments. Can't help thinking that you guys are just big Duo fans, though. (Yes, I'm talking about YOU duorocks17!!!!) **giggles** ya know I love ya, girl! **giggles** ;) Anyway, I still think that Zechs, Trowa, and Heero beat him out for complexity. And what about Dorothy? She has got to be the WEIRDEST character in the series. (at least the weirdest in the poll)
I just watched episodes 1-13 tonight. (some in English, most in Japanese). I have to say, I was quite impressed. I thought it would be really confusing, but it's not. Does anyone else think a lot of the characters look like Trigun? I mean Gaddes looks a lot like Wolfwood, and Allen, when they've got him in the distance looks like (don't hurt me!) Millie Thompson. crazy, huh? I keep thinking that Folken looks like a combo of Vash and Knives. For the most part, I like Hitomi's charcter (yes, her crushes do get annoying...but that's a lot of what teen girls are like...even me at times...) I like the way she's always trying to help ppl. I think the thing b/t her and Van is really cute. (So far as I can tell, Allen's too old for her.) Van, Allen, and Folken are all awesome characters. The cat-girl gets on my nerves, but you've always gotta have a character like that, right? :) Anyway, so far: two thumbs up!!
I love StrongBad and The Cheat! There was a HUGE outburst of this at my school last spring. EVERYONE was going there. You'd randomly hear ppl in the hallways scream, "TROGDOR!!", or start goin', "The system... is down...The system... is down!" It's a site I'd definitely recommend. The humor there keeps goin' and goin'... **giggles** It's very much worth checking out. (As you can see, I'm a fan!)
I'm not really a horror movie fan. I can't stand blood and gore. (I will NEVER be a doctor!!) Anyway, I prefer psychological and supernatural horror movies. I loved The Ring (I can drive my sister crazy by doing impressions). I also liked Bless the Child if you count is as horror. It really exposes Satanism and the New Age Movement for what they really are. I love the little girl in it. She's so cute. I also liked the old Psycho: minimal gore, but it gets you on the edge of your seat. (Me at least since I don't watch many horror movies.) "Everyone goes a little mad sometimes..."
**sniff** I just want some fics! Does anybody have one? anyone? Oh well. Thanks for posting, guys! I feel bad. I never finished The Silmarilion. I got too busy w/ other stuff I guess. **sighs** Oh well.
I'm a big fan of Eomer in LOTR, but I haven't seen much fan fiction for him. Most of it's Legolas (don't get me wrong, he's awesome, too, but there's WAY to much on him thanks to "Orli".) :cross: Anyway, if anyone could help me find some Eomer fics (either here or on fanfiction.net) I'd appreciate it. (I'd write some myself, but I'm the middle of two other stories right now, and that's just my fanfiction, not my original fiction.) Also, does anyone else have particular characters they'd like to see more fiction on? It all seems to go straight to Legolas and Frodo. What kind of crap is that?!?! :rolleyes:
I have a bunch of friends who take German. They all love Rammstein. "Ich liebe Rammstein," says "ZytaZiouZ". Ann says "their music is great, but if you take the time to translate it, it's really sick. but since we speak english, who cares." I think they're a lot of fun to listen to and nice break from all the English. Rock on Rammstein!!
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
Artemis replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
On fanfiction.net, I'm Artemis20 (imagine that?) ;) So far, I've written GW fiction and another one that really should be on FictionPress, but I'm too lazy. It's about an anime obsessed high school girl who ends up actually going into various anime shows. (So far, just Trigun, and I really need to work on this on some more.) Does anyone else find school a major hindrance in being able to write as much/many fic(s) as you'd like? By the way, I found the site by emailing an author whose GW fic was on another site. She hadn't sent the rest of it to that site yet and told me to go to ff.net to see the rest. (That story, "Crimson Shards of Glass" is the most impressive GW I've ever read. I definitely recommend it!) -
Is there anyone else out there who really doesn't care at all about the Gundams themelves? My main interest in Gundam Wing is the characters, their personalities, their relationships, etc. Perhaps this is b/c I'm a girl and that kind of stuff attracts me. (The Gundams just make me think of the Power Rangers.) There are so many intricate characters in the series: I mean, look at Zechs. He has a lot of different issues he's dealing with throughout the story. As Milliardo Peacecraft, heir to the Peacecraft family, he's got to deal w/ the fact that he's not a total pacifist like his family. He says that his hands are stained with the blood of all the people he's killed and passes the responsibility on to Relena. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Zechs is a power-hungry killer, but with Relena, he's an overprotective big brother. I guess my point is that most of the characters in this story are intriguingly complex. Most of the villians really aren't 100% bad. The story, with reference to the personalities of the characters, has a great deal of versimilitude. One character I'd like to know more about is Trowa Barton (the one we normally refer to...not the original person) If anyone can give me some background information on him (or on any of the major characters) I'd much appreciate it. Feel free to dispute me if you think I made any utterly stupid points here.
Sorry to break into your convo, but I've just found this thread. Come on, now! If Treize is on there, where's Zechs?!?! I mean, Zechs actually gets out there and does a lot of the fighting. (Treize does some but not nearly as much.) Zechs also wanted to get rid of earth entirely for awhile there. He turns good by the time we get to Endless Waltz, but he was downright evil there for awhile! (all the more reason to love him!! **sigh**) Anyway, for me, it's a tie b/t him and Legato. (more of a bishie thing I guess) **grins sheepishly**
I thought the ending was a load of crap, and it sort of ruined the whole series for me. I at least wanted some questions answers with the last two episodes, but they might as well have been from a completely different series. I've taken two philosophies classes and understand it quite well, thank you very much, but those to episodes made my head hurt. I think they should have presented the ideas in a different manner. I couldn't always tell what was going on or what was reality vs. the thoughts in someone's head. (It might also be b/c I think the philosophy they're coming from is a load of crap. Absolute truth exists!! If you think and believe the grass is purple, that doesn't make it purple!!!!)
Maybe I'm goin' the wrong way with this, but my favorite would have to be the $$60,000,000,000 man. The one, the only, VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Somehow, in all of his mad capers, he comes out alive. He's a perfect straight shooter (even when he was completely trashed as the Quick Draw tournament). He also has compassion, which, in my humble opinion, is an attribute rather than a downfall. For the most part, he brings out the best in everyone--including his opponents. He managed to convert quite a few ppl. to prevent further killings. I really think he's got it all goin' on. ;)
I saw The Boondock Saints a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was pretty good. (a bit graphic occassionally, but this is to be expected, no?) ;) Regardless, Sean Patrick Flannery was HOT!! You gotta love the Irish!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B]It's was good especially for it's time, but I wouldn't consider it to be a favorite of mine. I watched it a while back, and since then I just remembered it as a movie I really liked. But recently I watched it again, and I was actually disgusted by the amount of singing in the movie. I didn't expect that much, nor did I really expect any at all. I guess I forgot more about the movie then I thought, but now I really couldn't see myself viewing the movie without wanting to blow my brains out. I've never really cared for movies with singing, but for some reason I was even more so repulsed by the singing in The Nightmare Before Christmas. Outside of all the singing it's good, and I love the style they went with for this movie. It's interesting seeing a crossover between Halloween, and Christmas. [/B][/QUOTE] That's too bad. I LOVE the singing in it!! It's one of the best parts! But, the again, I always did like musicals. **starts humming** Anyway, this really is one of my favorite movies. Maybe b/c I haven't seen it in such a long time, I'm not sure. We don't own it b/c Mom doesn't like it. (Plus, there are so many impressionable little kids around here, it's not even funny!) I'm of the opinion that the love story b/t Jack and Sally is quite cute. **hopeless romantic cowers in corner** As far as other Burton flicks, I'm not quite as sure I appreciate them. The only one ppl have been talking about that I've seen all the way through is Sleepy Hollow. I had issues w/ it b/c I know the originial story so well. I mean, really, Ichabod Crane as a "constable from New York"? Honestly! The witchcraft was also a weird twist I'm not sure I liked. I guess, overall, it was pretty good, but a little too gory for my tastes. (As much as I LOVE Johnny Depp!!) (oddly enough though, I really liked "From Hell"... the Jack the Ripper flick he was in. Very much worth seeing!) Anyway, that's enough from me!
Anime The importance of being....(insert name here)
Artemis replied to duorocks17's topic in Otaku Central
Vash happens to be my favorite. Here's what they say about him: Your first name of Vash has given you a quick, analytical mind. You are creative, versatile, and imaginative. However, independence, positivity and the urge for action and progress are such strong forces in your nature that you find it difficult to control them. You feel happy as long as headway is being made, but as soon as you are obstructed or your individuality and freedom of action are restricted, you experience an intense nervous reaction. Moods of depression can result during which you become caustic and belligerent in your attitude toward everyone, especially to those in closest association with you. Routine, monotony, and the responsibility of looking after details can have a similar effect on you, as you are a person who desires change, travel, and new experiences. In order to gain greater congeniality in your personal associations, you need to cultivate a more relaxed manner, greater generosity, understanding, and tolerance, and, above all, you need to avoid being too outspoken and self-opinionated. Not quite as close, huh? I also looked up Meryl's. It's quite a bit better: The influence of Meryl makes you positive, self-assertive, and independent. You can be creative, inventive, and ingenious in practical matters, such as handicrafts. When you have the opportunity to pursue your own goals and interests free from interference, you can feel very agreeable and express a buoyant optimism. On the other hand, you can be impulsive and forceful when opposed, and act without due forethought and discretion. Hence you have many bitter experiences and generally rather unsettled conditions in your life, with little progress and financial accumulation. You cannot tolerate any domination by others, or circumstances that restrict your freedom and independence. You are inclined to make changes abruptly in your life as an escape from such conditions. When annoyed or offended, you can be very candid and sarcastic in your speech. Many disruptions in friendship and association have thus resulted. Verbal expression is difficult for you, and you can be forthright in situations requiring delicacy, even though it is not your intention to be. I looked up Artemis, but it's not at all what the Greek goddess is. What kind of crap is this?!?! (I love you Duorocks17!!) lol ^_^ -
The movies are some of my favorites of all time! It took an awful lot of talent to put them together as well as they did. Peter Jackson is awesome (he likes carrots, too, from his little cameo in FOTR). Anyway, The Return of the King was my favorite book of the three (although Two Towers is a very close second.) From what I've seen and heard, the third movie will be just as awesome as the others (if not more so...) ^_^ I do, however, have a few complaints: They push the power of the ring so much that it screws up some of the characters. Examples: Faramir and Galadriel Galadriel is supposed to a completely awesome, comforting Mother-figure (essentially, Mary--Tolkien was a CATHOLIC. Go Tolkien!!) Instead, they made her obsessed with passing the test to the point that she was downright cold until after she passed it. She was supposed to be good all the way through. As for Faramir, what was with him taking Frodo and Sam to Osgiliath and nearly taking the ring from them completely? It made him look as power-hungry as Boromir!! At least they got it right by the end and let them go. There are a few things, as well, that I think the movies improved. Like Arwen's active participation. In the books it was like, "And she sat there was beautiful...And she was beautiful to look upon...And everyone was stunned by her beauty..." and so on and so forth... Duorocks17 is telling me to shut up. ^_^ But I have another point to make!! **hand shoots out and grabs the keyboard away** PM ME!! **giggles**